Tennessee Turfgrass - April / May 2022

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Michael Crawford



ard to believe another spring golfing season is in full swing. As I am writing this, our team at Fox Den Country Club is closing in on a successful week of aerification, and I cannot thank them enough for their hard work and dedication. We took full advantage of (finally!) beautiful weather last week after what has become the annual big rain event in the month of February. I would also like to thank my fellow ETGSA Board Members for a successful 2021 including the creation of a tremendous 2022 events calendar. We are eager for the ETGCSA and Western North Carolina Golf Course Superintendents joint meeting in July and this year’s ETGCSA Scholarship and Research Golf Tournament which is scheduled to be held at The Virginian Golf Club on October 24. Based on how successful our fundraiser tournament was this past fall at The Black Creek Club, the Virginian will be one you will not want to miss. We are compiling a stellar list of speakers for our meetings. Please stay tuned for updates as we get closer to these events. As we continue to press forward into 2022, I’m wishing you all much success with the start of golfing season and preparing for what could be another record-breaking year for rounds played on the golf course. From the sound of it, 2022 is tracking to be just that. As I’m sure you’re all aware, the cost of goods and raw materials as well as the SOS warnings from vendors, it will be even more crucial to our success for us all to work together to provide excellent course conditions for our clients and members.

Michael Crawford ETGCSA President


Patrick Daniel



that time of year again. The Masters! The time of year where every golfer sits in front of the TV for four days and starts wondering “Why can’t my local course look like that”. Ahh the questions are endless. I assume every superintendent is flattered to be compared to one of the most heavily manicured properties on earth but know that it’s not possible. I personally could care less about greens speed. I’m just trying to get my greens healthy enough to survive the marathon of bentgrass summers in the south. Every summer seems to be hotter and longer. I hate to say it but the old days of getting your greens to Sept. 1st are long gone. As always, we are at the mercy of the ever-changing Tennessee weather. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope to see you all at our meetings throughout the year.

Patrick Daniel MTGCSA President


TENNESSEE TURFGRASS APRIL / MAY 2022 Email TTA at: info@ttaonline.org

ADVERTISER INDEX A & W Southern Sod Farms................................31 www.awssod.com BASF P&SS – GA, AL, TN....................................22 www.basf.com Buy Sod, Inc........................................................35 www.buysod.com BWI Companies, Inc............................................17 www.bwicompanies.com Carolina Green Corp............................................21 www.cgcfields.com Crossroads Sod Farm...........................................20 csfsod.com Dave’s Sale and Service......................................31 www.turfeagle.com GrassMasters Sod Farm......................................13 grassmastersindiana.com Greene County Fertilizer Co.................................33 www.greenecountyfert.com Greenville Turf & Tractor, Inc..............................29 www.greenvilleturf.com Jackson Sand......................................................17 www.jacksonsand.com Mid-Atlantic STIHL..............................................37 www.stihldealers.com Modern Turf, Inc.................................................23 www.modernturf.com NewLife Turf, Inc................................................27 www.newlifeturf.com North Georgia Turf Company, Inc........................33 ngturf.com Palmers Turf........................................................25 www.palmersturf.com Progressive Turf Equipment Inc...........................26 www.progressiveturfequip.com Regal Chemical Company......................................3 www.regalchem.com Sigma Organics, Inc............................................33 www.SigmaTurf.com Smith Turf & Irrigation..........................................5 www.smithturf.com Sod Solutions......................................................15 www.sodsolutions.com Super-Sod.............................................................7 www.supersod.com Sur-Line Turf, Inc.................................................22 www.surlineturf.com The Turf Zone.................................. 39, Back Cover www.theturfzone.com The Turfgrass Group..............................................9 www.theturfgrassgroup.com Tri-Turf Sod Farms...............................................31 www.triturfsod.com Turf Mountain Sod, Inc........................................20 www.turfmountain.com Winstead Turf............................ Inside Front Cover www.winsteadturffarms.com The Tennessee Turfgrass Association serves its members in the industry through education, promotion and representation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, Tennessee Turfgrass Magazine, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or Turfgrass Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright © 2022 by the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. Tennessee Turfgrass is published bi-monthly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. Third-class postage is paid at Jefferson City, MO. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: Tennessee Turfgrass allows reprinting of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Tennessee Turfgrass Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Suite 200, Franklin, TN 37064, (615) 790-3718, Fax (615) 794-4524.

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