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Turf Comes Full Circle at the UT Gardens
By Kim Brown, UT Extension
The Turf Circle has had a long history at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center (WTREC). The demonstration site dates back to before the 1980s. However, the circle has had multiple locations throughout its history. It found its way to its current site in approximately 1991 after the completion of the current WTREC building.

The Turf Circle’s early days in the late 1960s
Through the years, multiple people have managed the circle and it has become a major part of the UT Gardens in Jackson.
In March of 2022, discussion of a total renovation started, and plans were developed to renovate the turf circle. The focus of this renovation was to bring in the major sod growers in West TN to showcase improved varieties and grasses that are available to homeowners in the area. This location is to give a place for homeowners to come and see varieties that they can choose from to pick the grass that they would like most in their yard.

Day 1 of renovation
April 27, 2022, the renovation of the turf circle started by removing the grasses that were previously there. Herbicides were applied to terminate the remaining grasses. The area was later tilled and any grasses that emerged were also treated to help prepare the area for new grasses. In May of 2022, Jackson Sand delivered 120 tons of a peat/sand mixture to improve the area and create an approximate 1% slope from the inside of the circle to the outside. This was done to decrease water from pooling on the circle. The new soil was tilled in to help ensure proper drainage of the soil.

Sod installation day
After preparing the area, there was still an area on the south side of the circle that continued to hold water. A drain was added to assist with drainage in June of 2022. Once the soil was prepped and ready, the circle was measured and flagged to delineate the different areas for sod to be installed. Soil samples were taken prior to the installation of the sod to help ensure success of the new grasses.
On June 20, 2022, grasses were delivered from McCurdy Sod Farms and Tri-Turf Sod Farms. With help from the West TN AgResearch and Education Center staff and interns, the new varieties were installed successfully. Because the area received a limited amount of rainfall, the circle was irrigated to help the grasses successfully be established.

Nearly complete on July 8th
The first grasses installed on June 20th were Innovation ® Zoysia, Palisades Zoysia, Meyer Zoysia, Tifway 419 Bermuda, TIFTUF Bermuda, and Latitude 36 ® Bermuda.
On June 30, 2022, Winstead Sod Farms’ grasses arrived and were installed. The grasses that were installed on this day were Zeon Zoysia and Tahoma 31 Bermuda. After installation all of the grasses were top-dressed with sand from Jackson Sand.
The grasses were ready for their first cut on July 5, 2022. Once this project was underway, there were requests to show a seeded variety that might be available to homeowners as well. On July 6, 2022, Dune Bermuda was sowed on one piece of the circle.
This fall, a Fescue variety will be planted on a section of the circle to give homeowners an idea of how that variety does in our growing conditions.