2 minute read
Using This Directory
Your Source for Quality Nursery Stock
Thank You for using the Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association Buyers’ Guide. If you’re looking for quality nursery stock or the services and supplies to grow your business, you’ll find them here.
Plant Selection
Contained within these pages are thousands of plant listings under more than 1,400 names. All plants listed in the guide are grown by a Tennessee certified nursery to ensure the highest level of professionalism at every stage of the growth, maintenance, marketing and management of ornamental plant material.
Plants in this guide are listed alphabetically by botanical name. Many are listed to the cultivar level. To find the plant you are seeking, look under the plant headings for the names and phone numbers of those certified nursery operators who grow the plants you want.
This page contains an explanation of the symbols that are keyed to the listings. This tells you what type of stock a nursery grows (container, liner, B&B, etc.).
To find plant listings quickly, refer to the index in the back of the book which contains common and botanical plant names by page number.
Supplies & Services Section
This Buyers’ Guide also features listings from suppliers and service-oriented companies that serve the horticultural industry. This guide includes everything from landscape services to companies that supply the landscape, retail and wholesale trades. Listings are similar to the plant sections.
Explanation of Symbols
Plant Section
L Liner
BR BareRoot
S Seedling
BB Balled & Burlapped
C Container
*Listings are by botanical name in alphabetical order.
Services & Supplies Section
LD Landscape
RT Retail
WH Wholesale