2 minute read
“We Have A Great Team”
“Thank you, but we have a great team. I did nothing special,” said Jon Dickerson, Research Specialist at Virginia Tech. Jon’s immediate response to my praise for his efforts at the Field Day clearly demonstrates a foundation of collaboration. He acknowledged his own contribution but quickly shifted focus to the team and to the multiple inputs that enabled the event to succeed. I am convinced Jon’s response was not unique. I am sure the same would be said by Whitnee Askew and Kevin Hensler, two other members of the Turf Team that do so much work behind the scenes. Any member of the team would have given the same answer.
The Virginia Tech Turf Team consists of individuals from several areas of expertise who choose to work together. Do they all like each other? I don’t know. But I do know they join forces to accomplish great goals, and they did this long before the formation of the new School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. I also know I have never heard them speak disparagingly about other members of the team. Over the years, I have interacted with many companies and institutions. The Virginia Tech Turf Team’s collaboration is unique and serves as a model for us to follow.
Collaboration is essential in these times of anti-green industry bias. Once again, our industry is under attack. Several bills were introduced at the 2019 General Assembly session that, if passed, would have adversely affected your ability to conduct business. For instance, House Bill 2023 sought to give each and every city and county in Virginia the authority to “limit the amount and number of applications of fertilizer.” What is the possibility of a similar piece of legislation being introduced next year? A person in the know told me, “The possibility is about 100%.”
Several of us worked behind the scenes over the past few months to prepare for the expected legislative onslaught. We reformed the legislative committee and met with delegates and key decision makers. Now we are preparing for fall visits and for a January Legislative Day. Our chances for success increase dramatically as long as our attitude is the same as Jon Dickerson’s. As Benjamin Franklin said, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
Tom Tracy, Ph.D.
VTC Executive Director

Tom Tracy, Ph.D., VTC Executive Director