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News from VDACS

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Office of Pesticide Services (OPS) administers the Virginia Pesticide Control Act and Regulations Pursuant to the Act. In other words, we regulate pesticides and the people who use them. To ensure the proper use of pesticides, we certify pesticide applicators, license pesticide businesses, register pesticide products and conduct both routine inspections and complaint investigations. And while you should call OPS with any questions, the question really is, who in the office should I call?

The key to finding the right person is to find the program area first, for example, Certification, Licensing, Registration & Training, and find the topic and OPS Staff person to call. To help answer that question and to get you to the right person the first time, contact information for OPS is provided below. Updated information is also available on our website.


At various times throughout the year, we receive a high volume of calls. While we strive to answer every call, there are times when we are assisting another caller. The best thing to do is to leave a message with the right person! We will return your call as soon as possible. Email is encouraged as it allows staff the opportunity to research information and provide a response in writing. We will respond as soon as possible whether contacted by phone or email. If you are unsure who to contact, inquiries can be emailed to opsclrt.vdacs@vdacs.virginia.gov.


• Pesticide Business Licenses Expire March 31 – Your business license is valid for 1 year and expires on March 31 every year. While we do send all businesses a renewal notice as a courtesy, it is the businesses’ responsibility to maintain their pesticide business license. If a business applies a pesticide without a current pesticide business license, they are in violation of Virginia’s laws and regulations and subject to enforcement action. When in doubt, look at your license for the expiration date.

• Check Certification Cards for Expiration Date, Category Recertification Date(s) and Correct Employer and Address – Your certificate is valid for 2 years and expires on June 30 of a given year. Renewing your certification is a TWO STEP PROCESS, requires recertification credits AND submission of a complete application and fee. While we do send all pesticide applicators a renewal notice as courtesy, it is the applicator’s responsibility to maintain your certification. If a pesticide applicator applies a pesticide without a current certification, they are in violation of Virginia’s laws and regulations and subject to enforcement action. As with a business license, when in doubt about when your certificate expires, look at your certificate.

• Recertification Opportunities – For a list of approved recertification courses visit www.vdacs.virginia.gov/pdf/recertcourses.pdf.

• The Label is the Law – Read and follow the label. Enough said!

• Unregistered Pesticides – The Virginia Pesticide Control Act requires that “…every pesticide manufactured, distributed, sold, offered for sale, used or offered for use…” be registered. Check your storage for unregistered pesticides. Pesticide registrations must be renewed annually. If you’re unsure whether a pesticide is currently registered visit: www.vdacs. virginia.gov/pesticide-product-registration.shtml NOTE: Initial pesticide business licenses and certificates may have shorter durations depending on when they were issued during the licensing or certification cycle. Please refer to the license or certificate you received to verify the expiration date.

Don’t forget, in addition to OPS Staff, there is a wealth of information on our website including a list of approved recertification courses, application forms, etc. Check us out at www.vdacs.virginia.gov/ pesticides.shtml.

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