2 minute read
Why the VTC Environmental Institute?
The answer is simple. Caring for the environment is an important task our industry gladly accomplishes every work day. We restore and maintain shorelines. We fix failed erosion control features. We provide safe, playable surfaces for sports and other outdoor activities. We do all this while creating beautiful outdoor environments that provide habitats for pollinators. Again, the question is asked: “Given all our great deeds, why did we form the environmental institute?”
Sadly, some influential persons and lobbyists are opposed to the turfgrass and landscape industries because they believe a lie. They do not understand the great environmental work we do. Instead of hearing the truth, they are persuaded our industry is to blame for every ill known to man, including noise pollution and global warming.
The Environmental Institute allows us to take action and to proactively let politicians, environmental groups, and others know the truth. We must – and will – be in front of the message about our industry.
Photos of fields of flowering pollinator plants established by the seeds we provide will be widely dispersed. Kudos we receive about service projects, such as planting 6,000 beach grass plants, will be widely distributed to leaders across the region.
Recently several of us met with Virginia Beach’s Mayor to promote the VTC Environmental Institute. A Master Beekeeper who has trained beekeepers across the state set the meeting’s tone by telling the mayor the turfgrass and landscape industries are often falsely blamed for killing pollinators. The mayor was pleased to hear about the regulations industry persons obey and the economic reality of companies never applying more pesticide more than essential. The meeting ended with the mayor saying to me, “What can I do for you? I am behind you 100%.”
The VTC Environmental Institute is a great tool allowing us to spread the message to key leaders, such as the Mayor of Virginia Beach. Please get involved. And don’t forget to donate so we can continue promoting you, the industry professional.
( 1 ) Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer recently confirmed he will launch the Flowering Pollinator Garden at the Hampton Roads AREC! The great work of Jeff Derr, Alejandro Del-Pozo, Adam Nichols and many others will be recognized by the city!
( 2 ) Flowering Pollinator seed packets were enthusiastically received by groups that maintain green spaces in Richmond and Norfolk
( 3 ) Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden will use the Flowering Pollinator seed packs in their programs.
Tom Tracy, Ph.D.
VTC Executive Director