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Continue the Fight

Hampton Roads AREC 12th Annual Turfgrass Field Day

The Hampton Roads AREC, an industry treasure for the entire Mid-Atlantic region, held the 12th Annual Turfgrass Field Day on June 23. Attendees heard from researchers about cutting-edge findings on controlling difficult to manage weeds; ability of promising turfgrasses to tolerate drought; seasonal outlook and control measures for Annual Bluegrass Weevil; protecting pollinators, and emerging pests of ornamentals. After a great BBQ lunch, about 80% of the nearly 100 attendees stayed for the afternoon to complete pesticide applicator recertification training.


Many thanks to the companies and organizations that support turf and ornamental research at the AREC: BASF, The IR-4 Project, the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, NuFarm, Syngenta, Tidewater Turfgrass Association, Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance, the Virginia Turfgrass Council, and the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation.

Dr. Jeff Derr kicks off the event.

Dr. Alejandro Del Pozo discussing fall Armyworm control.

Dr. Derr shared findings from his post-emer

Dr. Derr and Adam Nichols discuss post-emergent herbicide options for controlling Pennywort.

Adam Nichols shares post-emergent options for suppressing bermudagrass and herbicides for controlling Virginia buttonweed.

Dr. Alejandro Del Pozo shares his new pollinator garden and his research on establishing and maintaining pollinator-friendly plants andhabitats.

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