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Hampton Roads AREC 12th Annual Turfgrass Field Day
The Hampton Roads AREC, an industry treasure for the entire Mid-Atlantic region, held the 12th Annual Turfgrass Field Day on June 23. Attendees heard from researchers about cutting-edge findings on controlling difficult to manage weeds; ability of promising turfgrasses to tolerate drought; seasonal outlook and control measures for Annual Bluegrass Weevil; protecting pollinators, and emerging pests of ornamentals. After a great BBQ lunch, about 80% of the nearly 100 attendees stayed for the afternoon to complete pesticide applicator recertification training.
Many thanks to the companies and organizations that support turf and ornamental research at the AREC: BASF, The IR-4 Project, the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, NuFarm, Syngenta, Tidewater Turfgrass Association, Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance, the Virginia Turfgrass Council, and the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation.