3 minute read
President's Message
What have you done for the industry?
As the newly elected President of the Virginia Turfgrass Council (VTC) I was asked by someone, “What have you and your organization done for the industry?” I was excited at the opportunity to address this question. But first let me give you some of my background in the turfgrass industry.
I mentioned I was lucky enough to have been a Certified Golf Course Superintendent for nearly 20 years in Hampton Roads. My enthusiasm for sound environmental practices was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources. Incorporating my dedication to sound environmental stewardship, I was able to publish in the USGA Green Section Magazine “Steppingstones to a Certified Audubon Sanctuary”. My work on environmental stewardship was included in Mike Klemme’s book “A View from the Rough” which highlighted our work with the local High School to test the waters of golf courses and proved they act as filters for the surrounding community’s runoff. These environmental practices distinguished my organization as the first Certified Audubon Sanctuary in Wisconsin. Because of these endeavors I was asked by the World Golf Hall of Fame to contribute to an exhibition on environmental practices in the turf industry.
Then this question allowed me to boast on how the VTC continues to assist its members. They offer continued education like the Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Expo (MATE). This year’s conference allowed us to partner with the National Association of Landscape Professionals, and the Virginia Agribusiness Council, to discuss pesticide, payroll, and labor issues (H2B) related to our industry. We also had the great opportunity to participate in the Landscape Supply Innovative Research Contest that provides Virginia Tech Graduate Students the opportunity to discuss their research with our turf community. The VTC’s past president, Mike Skelton, selected Dr. Michael Goatley the recipient of the President’s award. Dr. Goatley has been a true friend and great educator to the turf industry and is a most deserving recipient for this award. As always, the VTC always provides free pesticide and fertilizer recertification to its members at no cost.
So then this gave me the time to illustrate the true meaning of “What do you do for the industry”? The Virginia Turfgrass Council Environmental Institute (VTC-EI) allows us to highlight environmental practices and community involvement. Last year VTC-EI partnered with Virginia Beach to plant dune grass plants to stabilize sand loss. VTC-EI doubled that planting this year at their service project at the Lesner Bridge in Virginia Beach. This service project allowed us to develop relations with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Lynnhaven River Now. Mayor Bobby Dyer of Virginia Beach addressed our volunteers and thanked them for their community assistance. The VTC-EI also worked with the City of Petersburg and Virginia State University to assist in a community beautification and soil erosion project in their community.
So here is where you can say, “This is What I Have Done for the Industry”. Donate to the VTC-EI to allow us to continue with legislative issues and community involvement. Donate your time to highlight the sound practices to your potential clients.
Thank you for asking “What have you done for the industry”?
Phil Bailey, CGCS
VTC President