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News from VTC
Over 900 Persons Recertified in Five States and the District of Columbia
We were honored when W.S. Connelly & Co. invited the Virginia Turfgrass Council to be a part of their highly successful spring pesticide recertification webinars. The over 900 persons who chose to attend either the March 13 or March 14 webinar received pesticide credit from one or more of the following: Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

These City of Norfolk employees are two of the 900 persons attending the pesticide recertification webinar via Zoom.

As usual, the webinars included the highly relevant and educational W.S. Connelly Scholarship Competition. Nine graduate students did a fantastic job of presenting their research in the fifteen minutes allowed for each one.
Here are the winners
Elisabeth Kitchin
Pixels to Pathogens: Utilizing Machine Learning for Disease Detection and Quantification
Ava Veith
Spring Dead Spot and Winter Injury Impacts on Athletic Field Playability and Safety
Caleb Henderson
The Full Monty: A Case Study of Precision Spring Dead Spot Management across an Entire Golf Course
Elisabeth Kitchin
Pixels to Pathogens: Utilizing Machine Learning for Disease Detection and Quantification
Make plans to attend this event next spring. In addition to adding states giving credit for attendees, we intend to offer CEUs from the GCSAA, SFMA, and others.