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Upcoming Event
Virginia Tech Blacksburg Turfgrass Research Field Day
A fun fundraising event to generate a little additional revenue for the VT Turfgrass Research Center takes place the afternoon of August 26. Goatley Rules Golf tees off at 3 p.m. on Monday, August 26 at the Virginia Tech Golf Course. What’s GRG all about? Well, it’s golf, but the intent is for the event to be focused on FUN and not your team score. Sure, our contestants are playing for prizes, but mostly they are playing to see if they can execute the shot requirements of a particular hole. Challenges such as “The Happy Gilmore Drive”, the Crap Shot (tee shot off of a toilet), Dr. Askew’s “Mobile Tee Shot” where you have to hit a moving ball... that’s three of our standard entries that always get the most notoriety/frustration from our players. Each hole is staffed by a VT Turfgrass Team member, so you have a chance to meet the Team as well.

Following the GRG at 6:30 p.m., we will have the Annual Happy Hour and Dinner at the Holtzman Alumni Center on the campus of VT. This is a social event to welcome everyone to town, meet and greet with the VT Turf Team and our students, and present the Goatley Rules Golf awards.

Our Research Field Day kicks off on August 27 at the Turfgrass Research Center at 615 Southgate Drive. Registration/check-in, breakfast, and vendor engagement begins at 7 a.m. and the Field Day Tours begin at 9:00. We offer three concurrent tracks (Lawn, Golf and Sports Turf/Sod Production) where you will tour the Turf Center and hear from all the faculty, staff, and students about the latest research being conducted at Virginia Tech. Our research tours will highlight our applied research with the latest in product and variety evaluations, as well as our basic research where we will discuss the work that we think is really going to impact the future through technology. Our concurrent tours run until 1 pm, when we will complete our day with lunch, introductions, and final Q/A.
Our Field Day registration can be found at