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TifTuf Earns Smart Approved WaterMark in U.S.
When it comes to turfgrass, TifTuf Bermudagrass is the first and only cultivar to pass the rigorous standards and receive the Smart Approved WaterMark designation. New to the U.S., the Smart Approved WaterMark has provided a trusted system of identifying water conservation products in Australia for 20 years.

The Smart Approved WaterMark is described as an “independent assessment certification process providing assurance for consumers, businesses and the water industry that the branded, certified products and services are water efficient, sustainable and fit for purpose.” Recognized for their effective promotion of water conservation products and programs since 2004, this distinction was recently expanded beyond Australia thanks to The Water Conservancy and the Alliance for Water Efficiency.
The Water Conservancy has been the key advisory hub for the adoption of improved water stewardship products in Australia. Likewise, the Alliance for Water Efficiency is dedicated to water conservation efforts across North America. Many of the products licensed in Australia have parent companies in the U.S., so this expansion is a great fit.

TifTuf has been posted on the Smart Approved WaterMark product website for years. It is described as “incredibly drought tolerant and water efficient, proven by extensive independent turf trials. TifTuf is a grass that has been bred to stand up to drought conditions and save you water.” In fact, TifTuf Bermudagrass drought resistance and increased water efficiencies makes it genetically superior to other bermudagrass cultivars. This University of Georgia bred turfgrass has over 25 years of research data, backing up its conservation qualities and 38% reduction of water use compared to the most commonly used bermudagrass.

The U.S. has the EPA WaterSense program to evaluate select water efficiency products, but it does not evaluate or promote drought tolerant plant materials. By having the Smart Approved WaterMark initiative, consumers and local leaders can choose water conservation efforts in North America that further encourage increased efficiencies.
In addition, because TifTuf is a proven drought tolerant turfgrass, it is referenced as such in the Water-Wise Landscape Guide for the Georgia Piedmont for reduced water use in landscape planning. Promoted by the Metro North Georgia Water Planning District and the University of Georgia Extension Service, this document educates consumers on water conservation when planning a landscape project, further cementing the importance of U.S. designation.
The Smart Approved WaterMark is a respected label that helps consumers choose water efficiency. Work by a seven-member Technical Expert Panel is utilized to evaluate applications from product manufacturers and service providers. The panel meets three times a year to independently assess those wanting to receive accreditation. There are currently 87 approved certifications across various categories, including turfgrass, irrigation, garden, pool and spa, car washing, plumbing, greywater, and bathrooms.
TifTuf turfgrass and 36 other outdoor water use efficiency tools and technologies, such as sprinkler systems, irrigation controllers, timers and more have earned the label. Product manufacturers that have received the Smart Approved WaterMark endorsement are allowed to use the logo and are recognized on the website.
Saving water is good stewardship. Product advancement helped lead the way, but improved plant breeding by the University of Georgia, and perhaps others, is the new horizon. TifTuf is pleased to have this Smart Approved WaterMark as a validator of water efficiency and delivering on data driven conservation innovation.
The complete list of approved products in this program is available at www.smartwatermark.org