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Update from CBLP
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Certification Program is a voluntary, stackable credentialing system of materials and consistent instruction across the region (Virginia, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, New York) creating a community of certified professionals to be better stormwater partners and environmental stewards. By completing the certification process and attending our professional development workshops, those holding other professional credentials (such as certified horticulturalists, arborists, Urban Nutrient Managers, Stormwater and Erosion and Sediment Control Inspectors) can earn continuing education credits for their existing credentials. And the same is true for CBLPs who attend VNLA-sponsored events covering our sustainable landscaping or stormwater related learning objectives!

CBLP and VA DGIF Habitat Partners Work Shop — Bioretention Plant Design using Local Native Reference Landscapes — Instructors Devin Floyd and David Hirschman
Level 1 is a baseline credential in design, installation, and maintenance of sustainable landscapes, with emphasis on how to properly maintain stormwater best management practices (BMP s). Level 2 is an advanced credential for experienced Professionals in design or installation of conservation landscapes with an emphasis on the small-scale BMP retrofits also known as residential stewardship practices (e.g. rain gardens, permeable pavers, conservation landscapes, etc.). These are typically designed/installed through costshare, stormwater fee reduction or grant programs run by local governments, Soil and Water Conservation Districts and watershed groups. Since 2016, CBLP has trained nearly 450 professionals, and certified 360 for Level 1, and 60 for Level 2. This year we began recertifying our original cohort of CBLPs. Virginia-specific trainings will be available in Arlington County (June 24–25) and Richmond (July 9–10) and we expect to have additional trainings in Hampton Roads and other locations based on demand – those interested in getting certified can register at any location offered at cblpro. org/get-certified/. Our Level 2 credential in design and/or construction of residential-scale stormwater best management practices will be held in Virginia Beach for the first time in August 2019. We plan to return Level 2 to the DC area in November.

CBLP Level 1 training — BMP Verification exercise
In 2018, we added visual inspection and verification of BMP s, training CBLPs help localities and organizations verify that practices installed (like rain gardens and permeable pavement) are functioning as designed and still qualify for nitrogen, sediment and phosphorus reductions to meet local municipal water quality permits and the Chesapeake Bay clean up goals. Plant health and coverage is a key factor that must be assessed and we need horticulturalists who can identify native plants and specify and provide new native plant material to fill bare areas or replace unhealthy plant materials.

CBLP-Associates in Training with Howard EcoWorks
Native plant design, ID, and sourcing are hot topics with CBLPs and the subject of many continuing education workshops. Sourcing smaller native plant and pollinator-safe stock (like plugs, small trees and shrubs) green infrastructure for large landscape restoration and pollinator projects like those discussed by Larry Weaner at the Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Short Course in January 2019 and the 2018 VNLA Field Day. Large landscape restoration projects like riparian buffer plantings, stream restoration, reforestation, native plant meadows, and floodplain restoration get a lot of credit towards meeting water quality goals while also providing wildlife habitat and subduing flooding — so there is a lot of interest in funding implementing and managing these restoration projects in every state among local governments, state agencies, watershed groups and soil and water conservation districts. We can expect more landscape restoration projects in the coming years and the need for locally sourced native plant materials and expertise in Virginia is continuously growing. Coming soon to Virginia: CBLP-A (Associate) and CBLP Level 1 community college partnerships, geared toward youth and entry level workers to generate interest and provide high quality training in green infrastructure and sustainable landscaping.
Why not join our network?
Register today at cblpro.org/get-certified.

CBLP Sourcing Native Plants Workshop