6 minute read
Member Spotlight on Incoming VNLA President Christopher Brown, Jr. of Lancaster Farms
Q: What is your title/who do you work for?
A: Western Farms Manager / Lancaster Farms
Q: How many years have you been in this position?
A: 4 years in my current role, 12 years with Lancaster Farms
Q: How did you decide to pursue a career in the green industry?
A: I started working in the industry as a young teenager in North Carolina for what was then Wight’s Nurseries with my father as a summer job. After working several summers on the farm I went away to school but still found myself coming back each summer to work. I always loved sharing my passion for the industry with my father and decided to pursue it as a career soon thereafter.
Q: What path led you to your current position?
A: Since my start in the green industry I have been fortunate to work in and manage many of the departments in the nursery. I would say that being able to experience all aspects of production and shipping has led me to where I am today. That along with my father and countless other mentors and peers constantly challenging me to think differently.
Q: What is the best part of your job?
A: The best part of my job is simple, the people! Everyday in our line of work is different, however the one constant is the people. They are by far our industry’s greatest asset, besides the plants we produce of course. It does not matter what part of the industry you are in, the relationships we have with our colleagues go much farther than just business and we all strive to make each other the best we can be!
Q: What are some unique challenges of your job?
A: We tell everyone that we are in the plant business, but I like to think that we are in the people business. My father has always told me “it does not matter how smart you are, you can not run a nursery alone.” That saying has stuck with me over the years and I try to remind myself of it everyday. The profession we have chosen is demanding, physically and mentally! Constantly striving to produce plants at a higher quality and more efficiently takes its toll on everyone and managing not only yourself through the ups and downs of a season but others as well is a daily challenge.
Q: What is one lesson you’ve learned the hard way in your career?
A: Only one lesson I have learned the hard way? I do not think that one lesson I have learned came easy. Obviously listening to the advice of others has helped me and made some things easier, but it has also hurt me. The best and worst part about growing plants is everyone does it differently. What works for me most of the time will not work for you. That is by far the thing that took some getting used to and it is still hard for me today. When I see other nurseries doing something differently I have to pause and look at it from all angles before I try it.
Q: Do you have a mentor in the industry?
A: There are so many people who have influenced me along the way directly or indirectly. Whether it has been someone taking me under their wing or just motivating me to be the best I can be; to pick one just does not seem fair. My constant mentor however is my father! He is the reason I am where I am today. He has always tried to guide me in the right direction, but also given me the space I need to grow both as a professional and a man. I can only hope and pray that one day I will be able support my children the way he has supported me and my family.

Christopher with Nikki, Finn and Lilly
Q: How did you come to serve on the VNLA Board?
A: I was always interested in serving on the VNLA board, but I honestly did not know where to start. The best I can remember Matthew Sawyer and I were talking at IPPS about the VNLA and his role in the organization in 2012. He asked if I would be interested and I jumped on the opportunity and the rest is history.
Q: What are your goals as incoming president for VNLA?
A: That is a tough question given that you only have one year as president of the VNLA. I would say my goals are simple, well at least simple to write down on paper. As many of you know, several years ago we hired a new executive director, Shellie Archer. For those of you who have not met her already I strongly urge you to reach out and do so! She comes to work everyday with one goal in mind and that goal is to help our members succeed. I want to be able to do the same by giving her the best tools we can for her to assist our membership and by being available to personally engage our members questions and concerns as often as possible.
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: I like to keep my free time simple and laid back by spending time with my loving wife, Nikki, and our two dogs. If you asked her she would probably say that I never want to do anything, but I love just relaxing with my family whether it’s on the couch or on the beach. She would also tell you that I golf too much! I love to golf, I have found that as I get older it is the one sport I can play and not need to go to the doctor the day after. It is just as much of a mental challenge as a physical one and it also helps me get a lot of my competitiveness out in a constructive way.
Q: Tell us about your family.
A: I married the love of my life a little over a year ago. Everyday is always different, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. She is such a strong and supportive force in my life that I would not be where I am today with out her. I only hope that I am able to support and inspire her as much as she does for me. She would also be very upset if I did not mention our two dogs, Finn and Lilly. They bring so much joy to our lives each and everyday.
Q: What would your advice be for people entering the nursery and landscape industry now?
A: If I had to give one piece of advice to anyone entering the green industry I would say it would be to network! Our industry is great because we are so open with our ideas and processes. Not a day goes by that I do not lean on someone for advice or guidance and the only reason that is possible is because my mentors pushed me to get out and network! I know that we all can not go to every event that comes around but do find one that you love and try to attend it every year. My event is IPPS. I attend it every year and not a year goes by that I do not meet someone new or learn something that I can bring back with me. Go out and find yours!

Aerial view of Lancaster Farms Murphy’s Mill