2 minute read
A Year of Constant Change
It feels like just yesterday we were all learning of the pandemic and scrambling to find ways to adjust our businesses to new regulations and changing demands in the markets we all serve. When I look back on this year, I cannot help but think of my home economics class when we were taught how to cook spaghetti. My teacher gave us an estimated cook time and then, to make things entertaining, told us to throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. We have all heard the expression ‘see if it sticks!’ That could not be truer about the year we have all had.
By, now, I am sure most of you have heard that MANTS 2021 will be virtual. The trade show is very important to the VNLA for a multitude of reasons. However, today I want to talk about one of the many changes that we have to address. With all of us not being able to get together in Baltimore this winter, we will have to yet again change the structure of how we do things. Our annual membership meeting will have to take on a new virtual format. As I’m sure all of you are aware, this poses a lot of challenges. I ask that you please bear with us as we are working diligently to provide you all the best membership experience that we can. Zoom and GoTo Meetings have become the new normal for many of us in lieu of traveling, but we are open to any ideas that will benefit our membership.
With the uncertainty this year has brought forth, I am grateful for all that the VNLA offers its members and am proud to be a part of this association. The board is working tirelessly to show that no matter what challenges are presented, we can adapt and overcome without losing sight of our mission to enhance, promote and advocate for Virginia’s nursery and landscape professionals. Stay tuned for updates on the new, exciting ventures that we have started this year to guide us for years to come.
I hope that everyone has a safe and prosperous fall season; and as always If you ever have any questions or concerns please reach out to me and I will gladly help you with whatever issue you may have.
Christopher J. Brown, Jr.