Engaged and Willing to Adapt
Bennett’s Creek Nursery.................16
ow what a spring we have all had! I think it is fair to say that the past several months have been challenging to say the least. However, today I do not want to harp on the challenges we are all facing; I want to bring everyone up to speed on what the VNLA is doing for you and all our members. We have adjusted our year to make sure we keep everyone safe and continue to keep our members questions and concerns addressed. Our primary concern is safety! For the first time ever we had our quarterly board meeting via GoToMeeting and it seems that we will continue to operate that way at least until our 3rd quarter meeting. While operating this way has its own set of challenges, I am very glad to say that the entire board has been engaged and willing to adapt in order to keep your membership experience as normal as we can. That being said there are several things that we regrettably cannot move forward with at the time. Testing for our VCH program has been put on pause, and we have decided to cancel our annual field day this summer as well. We will resume testing as soon as we can, and we will celebrate at Field Day 2021! I urge anyone who has any questions or concerns with testing being delayed to please reach out to me or anyone on the board. We are also coming up with a plan for CEUs since so many events are being cancelled this summer, please keep an eye out for emails and on our website for updates as they come in. I want to personally thank Shellie for all of her hard work during these unprecedented times! From day one she has been in constant contact with local, state, and national organizations to stay ahead of any issues that could affect our businesses. Her leadership and commitment to our members has been unwavering. As always, please feel free to reach out to me or anyone on the board with any questions or concerns that you have. Sincerely, Christopher Brown, Jr.
Have your renewed your VNLA membership for 2020? If not, a secure link is on the VNLA’s homepage at:
6 • VNLA News • Summer 2020
Bremo Trees...................................11
Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc.....11
Fairview Evergreen Nurseries............3
Leading Edge Communications.........3
masLABOR............Inside Front Cover
Meadows Farms Nursery................17
Smith Seed Services.........................11
Spring Hill Nursery...........................7
The Turfgrass Group........Back Cover
Virginia Turfgrass Council.................. Inside Back Cover
Wellmaster Carts..............................5
To discuss advertising opportunities, contact Leading Edge Communications:
615-790-3718 888-707-7141 (TOLL FREE)
The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, VNLA News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright © 2020 by the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. VNLA News is published quarterly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. Third-class postage is paid at Jefferson City, MO. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: VNLA News allows re- printing of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information.