VNLA News - Winter 2020

Page 6


A Year of Change and Adaptation

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Bennett’s Creek Nursery...................9

Bremo Trees...................................13

Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc.....17

Fairview Evergreen Nurseries............7

Leading Edge Communications.........9


has been a great honor to serve as your President in 2020. Thank you for your ongoing support of the VNLA and its mission. This year has been one that we will not soon forget! Despite all the chaos in our world today, I hope everyone has had a prosperous year and is optimistic for a thriving 2021! While 2020 has been a year of constant change and adaptation, I assure you that we have been working harder than ever to better serve you. Just like the pandemic has forced us all to think differently about our day-to-day businesses, it has had the same effect on the VNLA. As you all know, we had to press pause on our VCH program due to COVID-19. While this is just one of the many unfortunate speed bumps this year, it has allowed us to reevaluate the program from top to bottom. Neal Beasley, our certification chair, and his entire committee have done a great job this year. They identified several key strategic changes that will allow everyone to have greater accessibility to the exam and study materials. As we work through the details to implement these changes, please be on the lookout for more information. By now, I am sure everyone has heard that MANTS 2021 will be a virtual event. Every year we hold our annual membership meeting on Thursday morning before MANTS opens for business. In this meeting, the board takes the time to update membership on the current state of the VNLA. We cover everything from current financial statements, industry updates and electing the next year’s board of directors and officers. In January 2021, we will have our membership meeting just like we do while at MANTS, but in a virtual format. Please keep an eye on social media and your email inbox for more details. Currently, we plan to have a similar structure to the traditional meeting with pre-recorded updates. A positive element is that we will not be constrained with time which will allow us to go into greater detail and have new guests provide industry updates. While it is unfortunate that we will not be able to meet in person, I feel like this is a great opportunity for the entire membership to participate. The ability for us to hold our meeting virtually brings me to another great accomplishment from 2020. We are currently in the process of overhauling our software programs. This will give members greater access to the information that we all need as well as streamline many antiquated processes. From something as simple as online registrations and membership dues to allowing CEUs for a VCH credential to be reported through an online profile. These simple improvements will allow us to devote more time to connect with you all, our membership, in ways that we have never before. In closing, I want to take this last opportunity to thank you all and the board for giving me the honor of serving as your President. As we all look forward on the new year ahead of us, I have great confidence that our newly elected President, Seana Ankers, and the board will continue to enhance, promote and advocate for us all; not only in 2021 but for many more years to come! Sincerely, Christopher J. Brown, Jr.

6 • VNLA News • Winter 2020

masLABOR............Inside Front Cover

Pender Nursery, Inc........................19

Phillips & Turman Tree Farms.........7

Richey Nursery Company, LLC........7

Smith Seed Services...........................7

Spring Hill Nursery.........................15

The Turfgrass Group........................5

Tidewater Tree Transplanters.........17

Virginia Turfgrass Council................3

Wellmaster Carts..............Back Cover The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, VNLA News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright © 2020 by the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. VNLA News is published quarterly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. Third-class postage is paid at Jefferson City, MO. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: VNLA News allows re-printing of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information.

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