Hello, VNLA Members:
Bennett’s Creek Nursery...................5
The timing of this issue of VNLA News comes at a very busy time and also a very special time. It falls right between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. With that being said, we hope this terrific spring season has treated you all well and we hope all of the Moms and Dads had the opportunity to spend quality time with family in-person rather than from a distance! Speaking of distance, we believe everyone is relieved to experience fewer COVID-related restrictions and broader vaccine coverage. While these are steps toward a return to ‘normal’, the timing did not align sufficiently with required timing for decisions about a 2021 VNLA Field Day. Due to the long runway needed for planning and coordinating Field Day and the unknowns related to COVID, the VNLA decided to postpone hosting Field Day until next year. This decision was not taken lightly and came with thoughtful and thorough discussion among the Board of Directors. Pivoting to another scope of work that has received a great deal of thought, time and solution-focus, we are close to launching a new VNLA website. As you can imagine, it is a significant project that includes not only a new website, but a membership database with updated membership tools and functionality. While the following does not cover all of the exciting changes, please note these two valuable items: • Annual VNLA membership dues will transition to anniversary-based rather than calendar year-based. • For anyone who holds a Virginia Certified Horticulturist (VCH) credential, they will have the ability to submit online, into their profile, their Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The VNLA is fortunate to work with Leading Edge Communications – their technology expertise and thought partner approach has helped us create user-friendly and more efficient processes. While there is still a little more work to be done, please be on the lookout for an upcoming communication with a link to the VNLA’s new website and further details about changes and enhancements. With any new system or process implementation, we all have to anticipate a glitch or two or perhaps data that did not transition correctly. If this should happen, please know it can be resolved and we are incredibly appreciative of everyone’s understanding and patience. We are proud to continue serving you,
2021 VNLA Leadership
Bremo Trees...................................18 www.bremotrees.com
Better Bilt Products...................22, 23 bbponline.com
Cam Too Camellia Nursery, Inc.....17 www.camtoocamellia.com
Fairview Evergreen Nurseries............5 www.fairviewevergreen.com
Leading Edge Communications... 17, 19 www.LeadingEdgeCommunications.com
masLABOR............Inside Front Cover www.maslabor.com
Pender Nursery, Inc........................11 www.pendernursery.com
Phillips & Turman Tree Farms.......17 landscapingtrees.org
Smith Seed Services...........................6 www.smithseed.com
The Turfgrass Group......................13 www.theturfgrassgroup.com
Twinleaf Native Plants....................11 twinleafnativenursery.com
Virginia Turfgrass Council................3 www.vaturf.org
Wellmaster Carts..............Back Cover www.wellmaster.ca The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, VNLA News, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this quarterly publication. Copyright © 2021 by the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. VNLA News is published quarterly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. Third-class postage is paid at Jefferson City, MO. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: VNLA News allows re- printing of material. Permission requests should be directed to the Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information.
6 • VNLA News • Summer 2021