4 minute read
President's Message
Welcome to 2022
I want to thank everyone for taking the time and making the effort to remain members of the VNLA in these especially strange times. I am honored to be President and a longstanding Virginia Certified Horticulturist (#1486) member of this association. While some membership organizations are downsizing, this association moves forward with solid footing. The VNLA continues to strongly represent our industry’s legislative interest on Capitol Hill. In this time of labor shortages and lack of training and education in our profession we need representation and energy toward workforce development. We have one of the oldest and best-known horticultural certification programs in the country. Certifications not only show our professionalism, but are a stepping stone to enhance careers. It is our goal to continue to have VCH available for study and testing throughout the state. We are making it easier to achieve this goal by teaming up with Pearson testing centers and will have this along with a revised VCH exam and plant ID available in the near future.
As most of us know, the native movement is here to stay. There are local and regional environmental groups with support and growing momentum. Their persuasions are being recognized as states around us are making bold moves and banning the cultivation and sale of plants that are still “commercially viable” in Virginia. I know that many of us recognize the impacts in different ways and our members are on both sides of the fence for a variety of reasons. The association needs to hear from you so we can best represent the broad spectrum of interests and perspectives. You can make your opinions known by becoming more involved. We need members to step up and make their voices heard and situations understood. Consider taking an active role on a committee or volunteer for a board position. This organization is run by one executive director who is supported and directed by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about our profession and industry.
I can’t thank Shellie enough for doing a great job dealing with numerous covid restraints and working with the executive committee over the last couple of years. We have managed through challenges, but it is very rewarding to work with such a professional person who has developed an understanding of this industry and all the wonderful people in it. I’d like to thank Seana Ankers for holding down the president’s podium and continuing her passionate and persistent legislative expertise along the way. Christopher Brown, Jr., who I have known for 7 years now, has helped guide this organization with creative genius beyond what I can recognize here. We will miss you and continue to lean on you so please don’t change your email or phone number yet. Chris Dowdy: thank you for keeping us straight with all the numbers and helping develop budgets to make things work so well. I am incredibly appreciative of the VNLA’s certification committee: Neal Beasley, David Seward, Laurie Fox and all those who help with the VCH program. Your effort, energy and passion toward this profession is impressive and I look forward to its continued success. Individually and collectively, each person who voluntarily serves on the VNLA Board of Directors brings so much to the table with their experience, creative ideas and expertise. Thank you all so very much!
Finally, I must thank my wife, Christy. She has tolerated my absence from various events while obtaining and maintaining my numerous certifications. She is understanding of my participation at board meetings for both the VNLA and VSLD, attending four years of CBLP steering committee meetings, attending NALP workforce groups and other seminars and events across the state. I love being able to go to MANTS and represent the VNLA and support VCH efforts in numerous fashions.
I wish for you all a successful 2022. We hope to see many members at upcoming events and / or potential networking events.
Jeff Howe
2022 VNLA President