1 minute read

Simple Rule # 1 Honest

Be honest in your relationships and interactions.

Honest means genuine, truthful, and not deceptive. When you choose to be honest in relationships and interactions, you let others get to know the real you—your authentic and sincere self. When you’re honest in relationships, you communicate a true desire to know another person and a willingness to let them know you. At the same time, being honest doesn’t mean telling everything about yourself. Sometimes we keep things to ourselves to preserve boundaries or to avoid causing hurt or embarrassment to another person.


0What words or phrases come to mind as you think about honest relationships and interactions?

Ms. Marneshia and Ms. Gina sit side by side in honest conversation. Their willingness to be genuine and transparent with each other sets the tone for a positive program climate. What do you notice that conveys to you that Ms. Marneshia and Ms. Gina are having an honest interaction?

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