2 minute read
Praying God's Promise Of Love

Praying God's Promise Of Love
PRAYERCIRCLE by linda evans shepherd

MAKER; He’s a promise keeper. But to fully understand this truth, you have to say “yes” to one of God’s promises before you can make it your own.
There are over 5,000 promises in the Word, and one of the best promises to say “yes” to is this one from 1 John 3:1. “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are” (NLT).
In his book Peace with God, Billy Graham said, “Never question God’s great love, for it is as unchangeable a part of God as is His holiness. No matter how terrible your sins, God loves you. ”
This is what Annie discovered. It seems that she felt unlovable because of deep trauma she’d experienced as a child. To make matters worse, she’d contracted a devastating disease, making her feel that God had rejected her too.
One morning, as we gathered in prayer, Terri and her husband, Dave, and I begin to pray God’s love and healing over Annie. As we prayed, I began to feel the Holy Spirit’s presence.
That was the moment when Terri and Dave began to pray against the shame Annie felt as a child. When we finished praying, I opened my eyes and got a shock. My friend’s face actually glowed.
“Annie, you look so different!” I exclaimed.“I feel different!” she said.
“Your eyes! There’s such a peace.”Terri said, “It’s like a light is shining.”Annie explained, “I feel God’s love shining on me.”
What a remarkable healing to see. Annie finally felt the love God had for her all along. My friend will never be the same after such a loving encounter with the Lord.
It’s true that God loves Annie, and He loves you just as much. And my question to you is: How much would your life change if you could grasp God’s love for you? When you can begin to understand God actually adores you, then you can learn how to love your neighbor as yourself. This means you will be able to love your neighbor as the love of God pours through you. Trying to love your neighbor without the power of God’s love activated in you is hollow. You must learn how to receive God’s love for yourself before you can love others through God’s love.
If you would like to experience God’s love, pray the promise with a “yes” and a declaration that you are claiming the promise of God’s love for yourself.
Your Word says: “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are” (1 John 3:1, NLT).
I agree with your Word and say YES: How much you love me! You call me your child and I am!
Adapted from Praying God’s Promises: The Life-Changing Power of Praying the Scripture by Linda Evans Shepherd. LH