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got to pray

one sole purpose


amber weigand-buckley


THE YEARS, I’ve shared a great affinity for platform shoes. You, know, the higher the wedge, the closer to God.

Yes, I’ve even donned the extra 8 inches of sole at the office as proof that “Yes, I can walk in them and incorporate them into my business casual.”

But goodness knows they weren’t made for traversing steep rocky slopes, and for me, that specifically pertains to my mid-forties.

The bottom line: walking around in my platforms may get me the attention of the people I tower a foot above, but walking on them is simply not sustainable for the long haul.

This flimsy footwear is like the foundation many build when doing “the business” of ministry. This is especially true when you add in having to “get your name out there” as a writer or speaker.

Do you know why doing life on the platform is tiring? It forces you to maintain a level of notoriety. This maintenance requires the stress and striving to get “to the next level” — in the world’s eyes.

Have you become platform-focused instead of purpose-focused? Here are checkpoints to see if you might be tripping up:

• Do you view brothers or sisters in ministry more as competitors than coworkers for the Kingdom?

• Do you feel that if anyone has an idea or message similar to yours that somehow what you are doing is less important?

• Do you fail to acknowledge those who help you

excel in ministry? Are you tempted to take credit for great ideas or hoard the glory for yourself (even if you recognize God as the secret to success)?

• Do you find yourself making alignments with people for the opportunity of becoming friends with people who might better your career?

• Do you get jealous of others walking beside you in ministry when they find success apart from you?

• Do you make friends based on “what they can do for you” versus building relationships just for the sake of genuine friendship?

This list could go on. There is a tricky balance between purpose and platforms. The highest “kingdom value” is being obedient to the message God has divinely created you to pass on for HIs glory.

Isaiah 64:6 compares our righteous “platform building” acts to filthy rags.

Paycheck or not; notoriety or not; ten Facebook followers or 10,000 Facebook followers — living for an audience of ONE is front and center.

When your purpose is to be true to His message, nothing will change your need to communicate that, even if someone else is saying the same thing. In fact, that is the beauty of the Bible — there is an element of repetitive lessons that keep knocking on your soul.

I hope this issue of Leading Hearts helps you kick off your heels and sink into sole-soothing purpose — not looking to the right or left. All eyes are on You, Lord, in this journey together to the finish..



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