2 minute read
Finding Freedom

finding freedomfrom great expectations
by kathy collard miller — WWW.KATHYCOLLARDMILLER.COM

I knew God didn’t want me to participate because of my care-giving responsibilities. Still I worried, “What will they think if they don’t see my name on the list?” I felt the conflict of wanting to obey God but risking being misunderstood if I didn’t sign up.
It’s a tendency of mine, to put myself under pressure to do what other people might think I should do. But is that what should guide my decisions? Of course not!
The world, especially the American culture, screams its messages: be productive, look good, keep it together. Yet God’s way is different, beckoning me to rest in Him and find my contentment and value in Him.
One area in which we Christian women often strive to “look good” is hospitality. Sadly, we drive ourselves crazy — which doesn’t glorify God — when we think our show of being all together with the gourmet meal or perfect centerpiece exalts God. But in reality, who are we really glorifying?
I’m learning to ask myself questions like:
•Am I joining this committee because I’ve seen how disorganized the leader is and they need me to straighten it out?
•Do I feel compelled to “like” this post on Facebook or pass along the next online chain letter because otherwise my friend won’t think I’m supporting her?
•Am I working hard on the church event so everyone will see how creative I am, rather than looking to God for his approval and applause?
In each decision, I ask the Holy Spirit to evaluate my heart. He exposes my muddy motives so I am able to discern when it is truly God that is leading. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, whether I sign up for the meal or not, if He has not impressed on me to do a thing, I can know I’m obeying Him.
I ask the Holy Spirit to evaluate my heart. He exposes my muddy motives so I am able to discern when it is truly God that is leading.
That’s the freedom God offers us all. His eyes of love see us in Christ. We wear His righteousness and no longer need to worry about performance (Philippians 3:9).
In Christ we have worth and value which is never based on how we look to others. As we are set free, we will see Paul’s challenge fulfilled in our lives: “filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:11, ESV).