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WHEN I WAS A LITTLE GIRL, MY DADDY PLAYED SILLY GAMES WITH ME AS MANY FATHERS DO. He sang a nonsense song with a catchy tune. I was looking back to see If you were looking back to see If I was looking back to see If you were looking back to see If I…. As the song went on and on, we sang each line with greater enthusiasm. I giggled and he laughed. What fun we had. I’ve been thinking about a verse for 2020. The number almost begs us to adopt a theme using something to do with 20/20 vision and how this year can be the year we get a clear view of God’s will and purpose. Then I thought about Psalm 14:2 which is kind of like the song my daddy sang.
God is looking down to see if I’m looking up to see. The verse leads me to the biggest question for 2020. Will I seek God this year? Will I be the one who God sees when He looks at the entire human race because I will I be looking up to find Him?
The idea is really all that matters in this new year. Will I be a leader who looks to God before I strike out to lead others? Will I be a person who will point others to Christ in a winsome and loving way? How can we live out Psalm 14:2 in 2020? Look for God at Work In her study series, Groundings, Candie Blankman says we are grounded in Christ when we are “noticing God at work in ourselves and others, and opening ourselves up to being part of what God is doing in and around and through us every day.”
God is at work. Are we looking for it? Candie continues, “In Groundings, we like to say that Christ is present and powerfully at work in every square inch of the universe writing the Kingdom story. The only difference is whether we notice it and whether we offer our story to be a part of the bigger story of God’s Kingdom work in the world.” Is God at work in the person in the cubicle next to you? Is God at work in the homeless man on the street corner? Is God at work in the children in your home? Is God at work in the tense situation in your marriage?
Look for Him in the middle of everyday life and tragic situations and in little ones who are growing and wondering and in the stressed-out people in your home. Look for Him; you will find Him. If we leaders commit to seeing God in all of life’s situations this year, we will not only see His power at work, we will be compelled to join in and become part of His plan. Look at Others Kindness and attention to others go together like a hand in a glove.
Make it your goal in 2020 to notice others, especially those who are new to your group or seem timid. Meet them. Tell them your name. Ask their name. Find out what is valuable and important to them by asking questions because you genuinely want to hear the answers. You will meet the most interesting people this way. Introduce them to others in your group. Remember their name. Determine that you are going to be the best at searching the room for people you’ve never met before. Paul said
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10 ESV We would all love to have 20/20 vision in our eyes and in our day-to-day life. Most of us need glasses or contacts to see clearly, and as we consider the future, we can’t always be sure we have focused on exactly what will happen. But when we look to God and we see that He is looking right back at us, we can be sure that His vision is always perfect. Will you be the one who is looking?