2 minute read
Impactful Planning by Karen Whiting

by karen whiting WWW.KARENWHITING.COM
THE FOUNDERS OF AMERICA WROTE DOCUMENTS they hoped would establish the course of our country for centuries to come. They looked beyond their lifetimes to build a lasting future. A dream that stretches beyond one person’s life creates a legacy. Your work becomes part of a bigger picture.
This coming year, look toward the legacy you will leave and your role in God’s eternal plan.
Ask God for a verse or word to guide you this year. Let that set your direction. Dream big. Consider what you want to achieve. State the dream as a goal. What can you do to work toward that goal? How does it fit within a larger ministry or movement? How does it fit with God’s larger plan for all people? Those questions connect your plans to a legacy.
Also look toward what you are called to do this year in the limited weeks and months ahead.
Check your priorities and consider what needs to be completed. List any deadlines and leads or requests to follow up on. That will start filling your calendar.
Add your dreams. What is the next talk or book you want to pursue? What are the first steps to making your dream a reality? Schedule dream time to work on it.
Consider your weaknesses to decide where to invest training or marketing money into your work or ministry. Consider when to hire outside help that will strengthen your platform.
Choose a time for self-care by scheduling some down time, vacation, retreats, family time and other breaks that will revive you monthly.
Be accountable. Find an accountability partner or team who will help you stay focused and encourage you to persist. You will also keep that person on track, so you can both move forward. There’s synergy with encouraging one another.
Do a reality check of what’s possible with funds, time, abilities and your reach. Make changes to enlarge the possibilities with added income, increasing your network or connecting with people who can help you reach your goals.
Be aware of your impact. Alfred Nobel changed his life when he read his obituary written by mistake when his brother died. He invented dynamite and read how his work brought wealth at the expense of the deaths of other people. He chose to look to a brighter future and left his fortune to establish and fund the Nobel Prize. Consider what you are doing that is meaningful both now and in the future.
Be a mentor to people who share the same desires and dreams. Encourage their ideas and engage them in your work and ministry.
Commit to your plan and post it. Read it weekly. Modify it as needed. LH