3 minute read
Bring on the Seasons

Fall is the wonderful season when the leaves turn red, gold, yellow and rust creating gasp-worthy scenes across the country
I love bringing out the pumpkin, Indian corn, and sunflower decorations from my storage bin so I can fill my house with the colors of nature. I usually begin decorating in September in anticipation of Thanksgiving day—my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving is family time without the pressure to buy all the gifts of Christmas. Thanksgiving is the perfect end to the fall season.
Sometimes when I coach an aspiring speaker or writer, I notice that they are in a season of life that might hinder their desires to become a professional communicator. They may need to wait until this season is over.
A young mom who has small children at home is in a season that passes all too quickly, and she may need to concentrate on the kids for a few years instead of pursuing a life on the road as a speaker. Sometimes it’s hard for these passionate young moms to understand how fast those child-athome years will fly. There will still be plenty of time to develop your speaking or writing ministry.
Another kind of season is when we experience a tragedy or painful circumstances such as an illness, a deception, loss of a job, a natural disaster, or the loss of a loved one. We may need to live out this season of grief, pain, or disappointment before we can use the experience to help others. We need time for the Lord to help us overcome the pain.
Seasons are Always Temporary.
Winter will come after Fall, and Spring will emerge from the coldest winter. It is the same with your life. The time you spend giving all you have to your children will pass much faster than you ever imagined. Use the time to instill in those children the love of Jesus.
Use the season to grow spiritually with prayer and Bible study.
I’ve often quoted a phrase from the Bible to help me remember that season’s end. That phrase is, “This too shall pass.”
God Always Has a Reason for a Season.
God plans only good for you and each season of your life is for your good. The season may feel lonely, but no matter whether you feel depressed or anxious and no matter if the season feels dark or shameful, God can and will bring good from the situation. As I look back on the loss of my executive position in a large company, I see how this painful experience was the beginning of a new and exciting and wonderful season of personal growth and creativity. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and Philippians 4:11.)
“I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” (Isaiah 46:4 NLT).
Let’s Talk-
1) Name a season in your past.
2) How did that season affect you at the time and then how did it affect you after you transitioned out of it?
3) How did that season shape your spiritual walk with God?
4) Which season are you in at this very moment?