Illness and disability

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Illness and Disability When the subject of disability comes in our conversations or thoughts, we mainly think of disabilities caused by an affliction or physical ailment. Illnesses such as heart disorders, arthritis and back illnesses are certainly the major cause of long term disability. However, mental illness has become a leading cause of disability in U.S and other nations around the globe. According to statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health, a huge percentage of U.S citizens ranging from age 15 and above suffer disabilities caused by mental illnesses. This shows that a big number of people in the U.S and other regions of the world are affected by mental illnesses such as mood disorders, depression, dementia, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders and anxiety disorders. The number of people living with disabilities as a result of mental illnesses continues to rise in the U.S as many are filling for disability benefits due to mental disorders or illnesses. Mental Illnesses Causing Disability 1. Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders Schizophrenia is a very serious psychotic disorder that is characterized by difficulty in interacting socially in a normal manner, thinking logically, control behavior and distinguishing between hallucinations and reality. Schizophrenia is a broad spectrum disorder meaning that it has a range of symptoms varying between different people especially when we compare their responses to treatment. Though some people can respond to medications and resume with their daily chores normally, many others do not.

Schizophrenia is a common psychotic disorder that has been listed by Social Security as a disability. Other types of schizophrenia or psychotic disorders that qualify the benefits of disability include: 

schizoaffective disorder

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delusional disorder schizotypal or personality disorder substance abuse or medication related psychotic disorder Psychotic disorder as a result of underlying medical condition.

Psychotic disorders and schizophrenia become a disability when an individual suffers the following:    

Hallucinations or delusions Disorganized thinking such as illogical thoughts, disorganized thinking and disorganized speech. Intense disorganized behavior also known as catatonia that causes unresponsive and rigid muscles and inappropriate actions. Emotional isolation and also withdrawal from social interaction.

Psychotic disorders may have the following limitations which qualify it them to become a disability:    

Interacting with other people Remembering or understanding information Concentrating or maintaining a task pace Managing oneself or adapting to change

2. Anxiety disorders Anxiety disorder is another chronic mental illness that can cause disability affecting people in their daily work, social routines and school work. Anxiety disorders can be grouped into three major categories: 

Social anxiety- Social anxiety of social phobia is a form of anxiety where its victims experience crippling anxiety when they face day-to-day social interactions. Its symptoms include fear interacting with people, making an eye contact with workers or strangers, and fear of being judged or embarrassed. Panic disorder- Panic disorder also known as agoraphobia is a type of anxiety that is characterized:

o Increased fear of being in certain situations or places such as being in a crowded area, being in a public place, taking a bus or being out of your home compound. o Panic attacks followed by worry or persistent concerns about consequences you bear having another attack in the future. General anxiety disorder- This is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms such as muscle tension, restlessness, irritability, sleeping disturbance, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue.

Disability and anxiety disorders Anxiety disorders may become a disability if a person experience extreme limitations in one or two of the following areas:    

Interacting with others using appropriate behaviors Persisting or concentrating at tasks. Sometimes being unable to complete tasks Managing oneself such as regulating emotions, controlling your behavior and adapting to change. Understanding or remembering information such as learning new things, understanding instructions and applying new experience or knowledge to work.

3. Mood Disorders/Depression Mood disorders are other medical conditions that have been seen to be forms of disabilities. Depression is a major type of mood disorders with others being dysthymia and persistent depressive disorder. Almost all mood disorders are characterized by symptoms such as a feeling of hopelessness, inadequacy groom and sadness. In addition to these symptoms, a person with mood disorders may suffer decreased energy levels, fatigue and a feeling of restlessness. People with depression may experience loss of interest in some things a condition called anhedonia. In such a condition someone may have limited ability to complete tasks at work. Several people suffer depression associated with painful situations such as death of loved ones and divorce but this is situational depression and is short-lived. However, people who have repeated issues triggering depression especially on daily bases that last for weeks, they suffer intense depression that affect their ability to cope with daily responsibilities. If a person cannot perform his daily tasks normally due to mood disorders then it becomes a case of disability. 4. Eating disorders Many people think that eating disorders are common for those with physical disabilities though this is false. Eating disorders can occur in anyone, affecting his or her ability to perform what

others can. We usually look at ourselves and compare our images with those in the media, and this can have a negative influence on body esteem. People with disabilities know their bodies have no physical ability to do what normal people can. They have a feeling of fear, shame and inadequacy. Eating disorder can be a disability when it punishes your body for failing to do what others do with ease. Typically, individuals who struggle with eating disorders have heard hardly positive feedback about their bodies and physical abilities. Such people often have a feeling of body disconnection as well as shame regarding their body weakness. Negative remarks about people with eating disorders leave them feeling they don’t deserve the same rights or care. 5. Dementia Dementia is another mental condition that is characterized by memory loss, problems solving life issues, communication problems as a result of memory loss. People with dementia can also suffer mood disorders and changed behaviors that affect their ability to do or complete tasks at work. Dementia is a neural degenerative and progressive condition which means its symptoms get worse with time. In some stages of dementia some people are totally disabled lacking the ability to reason, think logically, make life decisions, learn, and understand information. At some points, dementia becomes a condition that requires one to have a caregiver.

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