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HEALTH with PASSION and PURPOSE We would like to introduce you to this intriguing concept that would appeal to those people who would like to have improved health and discover a passion and purpose in what they do. We show people a way to:• HELP THEMSELVES by finding out how to enjoy better health. • help others WHO CAN HELP THEMSELVES to enjoy better health. • become a Champion for malnourished children WHO CAN’T HELP THEMSELVES and achieve donation of life saving nutrition through a concept known as social entrepreneurism.


CONFLUENCE – A coming together of ideas! HEALTH / PASSION / PURPOSE

Sometimes events work out which result in a situation that has the potential to offer so much hope to so many people in so many ways: • A breakthrough in nutritional science which started in the 1980s has matured into an incredible opportunity to improve the health of those who learn about it and understand the implications. • A new business model called social entrepreneurism which shows potential to effectively tackle some of the world’s biggest problems is developing. • A proven way of helping people overcome problems associated with home based business and help to create income sources that are stabilised has been getting good results for 15 years. • All of these concepts are coming together to provide the potential to solve problems of modern day health challenges for ordinary people, life-saving nutrition for malnourished children and additional income for ordinary people to act as a supplement to their budget. • There is nothing worse than unfulfilled potential. There are a number of dedicated individuals who are determined to a make this work. • We are looking to increase our numbers and form a movement which will succeed – M5M.


The Company Who is Mannatech?

Mannatech is the leading innovator and provider of nutritional supplements based on Real Food TechnologySMsolutions.

As a Social Entrepreneurship company, Mannatech has created a nutritional supplement powder, PhytoBlend™, specifically designed to help in the fight against global malnutrition.

Mannatech has already donated more than 12 million servings of its PhytoBlend™ powder in 15 different countries through its original Give for Real® program.

Mannatech was founded on the discovery of functional carbohydrates, glyconutrients, • vital for health and well-being.

Mission 5 Million movement, M5M is a move to reach 5 million malnourished children in need with daily servings of the PhytoBlend™ nutritional supplement powder.



Mannatech was founded in 1994. The founders established the company based on a scientific breakthrough in nutrition which was regarded by many as the most important discovery in nutrition science in the last century. The discovery was that of biologically active carbohydrates also known as functional carbohydrates, glyconutrients. Mannatech, is the leading innovator and provider of nutritional supplements based on glyconutrients and Real Food Technology solutions. Its business is based on a Social Entrepreneurship model, which supports its Mission 5 Million movement. Mission 5 Million, or M5M, represents Mannatech’s mission to link five million consumers of its glyconutrient, food-based nutritional supplements with five million children in need. As a Social Entrepreneurship company, Mannatech has created a nutritional supplement powder, PhytoBlend™, specifically designed to help in the fight against global malnutrition. Anytime a consumer purchases a Mannatech product, a donation of nutritional supplementation is provided for a child in need. The Mission 5 Million movement, M5M is a move to reach 5 million malnourished children in need with daily servings of the nutritional supplement powder. M5M needs 5 million consumers to achieve this goal. According to the World Health Organization, about one third of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition. Mannatech is the first Social Entrepreneurship company offering a leverage-based incentive program for those who enlist to champion its cause.


How Do Cells Communicate? The discovery of functional carbohydrates, glyconutrients is regarded by many as the most important discovery in nutrition science in the last century.

“Almost without exception, whenever two or more living cells interact in a specific way, cell surface carbohydrates will be involved.” –BioTechnology John Hodgson, 1990 Glycoproteins



The discovery of glyconutrients and the science of glycobiology gave an insight into how cells communicate through interaction of cell surface glycoproteins. This was recognised in the publication BioTechnology in 1990 in an article by John Hodgson

The field of glycobiology expanded rapidly in the 1990s and Mannatech is the leader in supplying nutritional glyconutrient based products.

Mannatech established the name glyconutrients for the special biologically active carbohydrates that are vital for a wide range of structure and functions of glycoforms.

Glyconutrients as glycoforms are involved in almost every cell structure and process in the body including cellular communication which helps the body work as designed.


Necessary Carbohydrates “About 200 monosaccharides (carbohydrates) are found in nature, however only eight (glyconutrients) are found in… the chains of glycoproteins.” –Harper’s Biochemistry Murray, et.al. 1996 Cht 46


Necessary Carbohydrates •

The disruptive technology received the usual negative response from the establishment and went through the usual sequence of being rejected, opposed and finally accepted as obvious in the following years. Glyconutrients are now accepted as scientific fact.

The National Academy of Sciences – USA, along with the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council issued a joint report in 2012 entitled “Transforming Glycoscience – A Roadmap for the Future” indicating the importance of glycoscience and glycans (carbohydrates/sugars/glyconutrients) which quote….“play central roles in many biological processes and have properties useful in an array of applications”.

Mannatech provides nutritional products which are formulations of naturally occurring glycans (glyconutrients) and which are patent protected.


Ambrotose® Technology • The Ambrotose Complex and Advanced Ambrotose powders are dietary supplements that are validated in scientific study. • Evidence-based dietary supplement

• Backed by published human clinical studies http://www.mannatechscience.org

• Platform for Integrative Health approach


Proven Benefits Ambrotose速 Complex

Validated in Scientific Study Cellular Communication*


Cognitive Function*


Improve Memory*


Improve Concentration*


Improve Attentiveness*


Improve Mood*


Decrease Irritability*


Immune System*


Support Digestive System Function*


NSF Certification


Patents Issued /Number of Countries


Number of Patents




Real Food Technology


Encompass five critical areas of your health


“Mannatech – The Story” Released to coincide with the launch of Mission 5 Million in Australia. It’s divided into 3 exciting parts:

1. Mannatech – covers the company history, vision, Mission and introduces our M5M business model of Social Entrepreneurship. It also traces the history of glyconutrients and the discovery of Ambrotose®. 2. Real Solutions – Discusses the problems with our wellbeing today (lack of nutrients, stress and toxicity in the environment) and positions Mannatech’s Real Food Technology as the true solution. It also covers glyconutrients and their benefits to the body. Go to http://www.mannability.com to request your copy

3. Real Products – Describes all the products available for sale within Mannatech Australasia.


Why Integrative Health Care? Consumers, physicians and insurers are looking at integrative health care because it can be very cost-effective. The products represent great value at a moderate price since they support basic functions of the body. Products are expensive if they don’t work no matter what the price.


Glyconutrition Education is now Mainstream

Proevity (now LongevityED) CME courses for healthcare professionals and anyone interested in nutrition and glyconutrients. Universities in USA offer courses in glycoscience

• The National Academy of Sciences - “Transforming Glycosciences” report 2012 proposes integrating glycoscience into the USA education system at all levels and developing curricula and standardized testing for science competency to increase public as well as professional awareness.


Our Goal Linking 5 million consumers with 5 million children in need. Our mission is to fight global malnutrition by nourishing the world with Real Food TechnologySM supplementation while empowering and rewarding the lives of those who champion our cause. Our vision is to impact the global epidemic of childhood malnutrition by linking 5 million consumers of Real Food TechnologySM supplementation with 5 million children in need.


The Educational Team System • The Educational Team System (ETS) has been used successfully for over 15 years in a home based income business setting. • The ETS is a system which gives the philosophy, methods and structuring techniques to help establish a stable income stream and is freely available to anyone who wants to use it. • This Team System is ideally suited to support the new Social Entrepreneur movement of M5M which is tackling global malnutrition. • Everyone wins!


Your own order will help nourish one child A Team Donation from you and six other people helps nourish seven children…

A Regional Team Donation helps nourish fifteen children…

A National Team Donation helps nourish sixty children…

An Executive Team Donation helps nourish two hundred children…

A Presidential Team Donation helps nourish six hundred children!!!


HELP YOURSELF Most of the population are unaware of the health hazards associated with accepting marketing and advertising statements related to the modern diet. People are being influenced by misinformation about nutrition. They don’t know what they don’t know. The worsening epidemic of obesity which leads to health problems is a clue to the problem. Poor food choices with nutritional deficiencies and non-food additives are underlying causes. Thousands of people are helping themselves by finding out about this amazing glyconutrition and getting the wellness benefits. Why not you? Check it out. Become informed. It could be a very smart move.

People have a better chance to maintain their health and avoid the health problems that affects a large proportion of the population by becoming properly informed. Why wait until you have a condition that may cost a lot more to treat with allopathic remedies when you have an opportunity to invest in a healthier outcome?


Your own order will help nourish one child

A Team Donation from you and six other people helps nourish seven children…

A Regional Team Donation helps nourish fifteen children…

A National Team Donation helps nourish sixty children…

An Executive Team Donation helps nourish two hundred children…

A Presidential Team Donation helps nourish six hundred children!!!


HELP OTHERS WHO CAN HELP THEMSELVES The benefits of glyconutrition need to be explained. Since this cannot be done in a retail outlet Mannatech decided that retailing was not the way to go in promoting the benefits. They decided to use the direct selling / network marketing model. Informed Associates have the time to sit down with people and explain the information or how to find the information and answer questions that people might have. Associates who promote the benefits of glyconutrients to other people are able to be rewarded through a compensation plan. Depending on how effective they are, they can cover the cost of their products or make a small to a significant income.


Your own order will help nourish one child

A Team Donation form you and six other people helps nourish seven children…

A Regional Team Donation helps nourish fifteen children…

A National Team Donation helps nourish sixty children…..and is rewarded by a bonus payment of $400 An Executive Team Donation helps nourish two hundred children….. and is rewarded by a bonus payment of $875 A Presidential Team Donation helps nourish six hundred children….. and is rewarded by a bonus payment of $2000


HELP THOSE WHO CANNOT HELP THEMSELVES Those who purchase their own personal products each month for their own health needs will generate a donation of a daily serve of the Phytoblend powder, also for a month, for some child somewhere in the world. The people responsible for building these groups of people who purchase product and donate one for one funding of nutrition to the children are rewarded for their achievement. How efficient is that? It’s automatic, low cost, very effective and rewards the organisers who can now go on to organise the introduction of more product users and more donations to more children.

It is simply brilliant…..a win…win…win…for all concerned. The organising leaders also receive other payments according to the compensation plan.


The three things to focus on: 1. Our goal is to give nutrition to 5 million children. Every year 5 million children are affected by malnutrition which is a major cause of death. Mannatech has declared its aim to counter malnutrition and try to prevent these related deaths. The aim is to achieve the donation of daily servings of the Mannatech Phytoblend powder for as many children as possible with the aim being to reach this goal of 5 million. 2. At the same time as donating nutrition to a child you will be improving your own health by consuming the glyconutrient products that you purchase from Mannatech. Your participation will be part of the social entrepreneur “Mission 5 Million� program.

3. By helping individuals understand the health benefits of using glyconutrients an informed community of healthier people could result which increases the donations of nutrition to the malnourished children. The individuals, family, friends and others who help to introduce people to the program will be rewarded financially which could give them an income. We need to get 5 million people involved, about the population of Sydney and this would eliminate the problem. It is a win win win situation all round and Mission 5 Million would be accomplished.


You may start at any one of three points depending on your needs or focus Your own health or family health needs

NEED or FOCUS Make an income for yourself……help friends make an income…. help local needy children pay for product needs……… or make an income to support themselves

M5M Nutrition for underprivileged children in third world countries


IN CONCLUSION 1. You may be interested in becoming informed about vital aspects of nutrition so that you can benefit from good to vibrant health. You may be interested to get an understanding of the health problems that modern practices in food production and processing are generating including an epidemic of obesity with consequent health challenges. You may be interested in trying the products and experience the difference. OR 2. You may be interested in making some extra income while you introduce other people to this information and spread the word about a great nutrition. You could help others spread the word and they could end up making an income also.

OR 3. You may want to impact the malnutrition epidemic. Just being involved yourself will help one child who cannot help themself. Getting a few people involved could help a few more. It could grow to many, even hundreds. Whichever way you get involved the donation of nutrition triggers automatically and the malnourished child benefits. Isn’t that a simply brilliant idea?

The choice is yours whatever your starting point. You could find the passion and purpose that has been found by many people in the Mannatech community. We love it. We are passionate about it and we find a purpose in it. Our purpose is M5M.


For more information and to find out how to get started with M5M, get back to the associate who sent you to this presentation


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