Obama Campaign Interactive Tools
This list includes interactive tools I found on Obama’s website in November 2008. Some are connections to other websites. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve included the sites as tools. In this context, since they were likely carefully selected by the Obama team, I see them as tools. Analytics; reports say they focused on engagement over hits. Answer center on Obama’s site– segmented by need. Banner ads Basecamp Blogs – staff blogsites Central Desktop (staff/volunteer wiki) Click-through calls to action Conversion Rate Optimization Database driven micromarketing Del.icio.us DIGG DNC Partybuilder E-Commerce Email E-Newsletter Eventful.com Facebook Flickr Google Ad Words – presidential candidate; presidential election In-bound links from partner websites iPhone application iTunes/Podcasts of speeches LinkedIn Links prompting users to forward info to friends. Mobile phone My.barackobama.com MySpace Newsvine Online communities
Outbound links to key websites/partner websites: • AsianAve.com • Batanga.com • BlackPlanet.com • Eons.com • Faithbase.com • Glee.com Permalinks RSS SEO Stumble Text messaging Twitter Two-way communication – lots of ways for users to engage; easy to send in points of view or “Click here to send message to VP pick.” User Generated Content Video Web site completely and continually updated Wikipedia YouTube