Where I’m From Name: Leah C. Schmidt Subject/Title/Class: English II
Date: Grade Level: 10th grade
Writing 1A 2B (b, c, d)
Gather and Prepare: a) I will need 1. examples b) Students will need 1. “Where I’m From” packets 2. Paper 3. Pencil/pen 4. Highlighter (optional) Objectives: Frame the Lesson: Class will begin with a freewrite to the following topic: “Where are you from & what does it mean to who you are today?” *Anticipatory Set: Read George Ella Lyon’s poem aloud to students Instructional Input/Procedure: a) Have a runner from each group pick up the “Where I’m From” packet. 1. Instruct students to focus on the first page and not worry about the poem part of the activity for the moment b) Students will spend the 5 minutes jotting down words or phrases that come to them as they read the brainstorming sheet. 1. When the timer rings, students will stand and share with their groupmates (1) Ask students to think about the things their group-mates say and jot down anything that is relevant to them. 2. Share the teacher-created list with the class c) Students will take another 5 minutes to finish up their list – using any ideas that their classmates sparked to create a fuller list d) Students will have 1-2 minutes to underline/circle/highlight any items that they feel are especially important to include – highlight important ideas on the teacher-created list as the students work on theirs.
Students will begin working on their own “Where I’m From” poem taking time to look back to George Ella Lyon’s poem for direction if they need it. 1. Share teacher-created “I Come From Mermaids” poem with class (1) Point out that there are more/different things in the poem than there were on the list. (a) This isn’t necessarily wrong/bad since it just means that your memories are leading you to other memories.
Modeling: a) Share the teacher-created list with the class b) Share teacher-created “I Come From Mermaids” poem with class 1. Point out that there are more/different things in the poem than there were on the list. (1) This isn’t necessarily wrong/bad since it just means that your memories are leading you to other memories. Guided Practice: a) Students will have 1-2 minutes to underline/circle/highlight any items that they feel are especially important to include – highlight important ideas on the teacher-created list as the students work on theirs. Comprehension Check: a) I will rove through the room as students share their ideas with one another, checking to see if they are coming up with ideas and understand the process. Independent Practice: a) Students will create their own lists on the brainstorming sheet b) Students will form their own “Where I’m From” poems Assessment and Extend: a) Students will return their “Where I’m From” packets to me at the end of the period. I will respond to their brainstorming and their poem, helping them expand their thinking and ideas if the poems are limited in scope. b) Students will continue working on their “Where I’m From” poems until they are satisfied with them. *Closure: a) Students will return their “Where I’m From” as their exit pass.
Items found around your home (present or past): Items found in your yard (present or past): Names of relatives, especially ones that link you to the past: Sayings from your childhood: Names of foods and dishes that recall family gatherings: Names of places where you keep your childhood memories:
Where I’m From I am from clothespins, from Clorox and carbontetrachloride. I am from the dirt under the back porch. (Black, glistening, it tasted like beets.) I am from the forsythia bush the Dutch elm whose long-gone limbs I remember as if they were my own. I'm from fudge and eyeglasses, from Imogene and Alafair. I'm from the know-it-alls and the pass-it-ons, from Perk up! and Pipe down! I'm from He restoreth my soul with a cottonball lamb and ten verses I can say myself. I'm from Artemus and Billie's Branch, fried corn and strong coffee. From the finger my grandfather lost to the auger, the eye my father shut to keep his sight. Under my bed was a dress box spilling old pictures, a sift of lost faces to drift beneath my dreams. I am from those moments-snapped before I budded -leaf-fall from the family tree. -George Ella Lyon
Items found around your home (present or past): Costume jewelry, my great-grandmother’s sewing table, accordion, fairy tale compilations, mermaids, fantasy books, books I read as a child, feathers, my parents’ couch, mermaids Items found in your yard (present or past): Bleach, grill, power-washer, mums, green and orange ribbons, mint, basil Names of relatives, especially ones that link you to the past: Nelwyn Robison, Lige Robison, Della Gray Sayings from your childhood: “Put your lip back in or Buster’s gonna get it,” “Life’s not fair” Names of foods and dishes that recall family gatherings: Gumbo, cornbread dressing, tacos Names of places where you keep your childhood memories: The hope chest my grandfather made for me, the cigar box that held the beautiful bass bridge, my parent’s attic, jewelry box
I am from my great-grandmother’s sewing-machine table, From costume jewelry And flea-market hats (Vintage, quirky, and whimsical) I am from the books I read as a child I remember requesting Grandma Clownaround’s chicken soup And wondering why it didn’t look like the picture At the back of the book I am from Della Gray and Nelwyn Robison (Strong and striking) My Mawmaw’s attic A magpie’s nest From Po-boys and Pawpaw (Honest, open, and kind) I am from the cigar box that held the beautiful bass bridge The hope chest my grandfather made That holds Tae (my Cabbage-Patch Doll) And a mermaid who’s trip to the bath Made her beautiful voice Sound like elephants I am from gumbo and cornbread dressing Thanksgiving around the table my father made To match the ten-foot pew And Fast Scrabble I am from feathers, fairytales, And fantasy I am from Ariel I come from mermaids Shocking, stunning, and Strange