Protocols for Accounts Student Accounts-(SRI, Read 180, System 44) Student accounts will continue with the previous protocol of using the 6 digit District ID as the SAM student ID, the username and the password. Example: Student’s name is Suzy Sample and her 6 digit District ID is 385298. District ID in SAM: 215875 Username: 215875 Password: 215875 Do NOT change student IDs, usernames, or passwords and do not create student accounts using any other protocol (no school ID numbers and no combinations of first name, last name, initials, etc.). District Level Administrators– These individuals provide system-wide management and support. Account logins were sent to individuals. School Level Administrator Accounts in SAM (sites with grades 6 and up) Two initial School Administrator accounts will be created in SAM per school site. These may be used by the principal or his/her designee and the SRI Coordinator. District ID: ShortenedSitenameAdmin1 and ShortenedSitenameAdmin2 (Example: BuncheAdmin1) Username: Admin#.Sitename (Example: Admin1.Bunche) Password: 0akland (Zero is the first character in the password Administrators should reset their password after logging in the first time. Click on My Profile to change your password to something that is secure but easy to remember. Do not change the username or ID. These administrators may then create additional school administrator accounts in SAM as needed for specific individuals (Assistant Principals, Site-level coaches/specialists, ELA or R180 lead teachers). Additional School Level Administrator Accounts- Please Follow This Protocol District ID: Employee ID (with leading zeroes to make 6 digits) Username: Firstname.Lastname Password: 0akland (Reset password after logging in the first time.)
Read 180 Teachers District ID: Employee ID (with leading zeroes to make 6 digits) Username: Firstname.Lastname Password: 0akland (Reset password after logging in the first time.) Click on My Profile to change your password. Do NOT change your username or ID. Read 180 teachers will have one Read 180 class name created for them. (There will be zero students in the class. Please see the additional instructions for selecting students from the mass import to add to your class roster.) Teachers may also create additional classes as needed. Only sites that submitted the SRI/Read 180 School Site Information forms and listed Read 180 teachers will have Teacher Accounts created in the SAM Servers. If you are teaching Read 180 and do not have a Teacher Account, please ask your School Administrator to create one for you or contact Karen Muska at