Dear Chey, This book is for you, little guy. We wrote it so that you’d know what an incredible superhero your mom is, and so that you’d know how deeply the Advancement Project family loves her—and you! Your mom taught us so many things. About being lawyers who fight for racial justice. About doing community-accountable work. About being creative thinkers, strong writers, and appreciators of a good border around a word document. (It really does add something, don’t you think?) In our office and in the field, your mom was a leader, thought partner, and friend. She brought energy and love to the work of making our world a more just and beautiful place. You should be so proud to be her son. Your mom—and your whole family!—are leaving behind big shoes to fill and lots of cherished memories in our hearts. This book is meant to be a celebration of your mom and a thank you. She has inspired, challenged, and nurtured each of us, and we are so grateful to have had the privilege of learning from her. Take care of your mom in Colorado, Chey! soon. With so much love, Leah, Alana, Jason, & Caitlin July 2013
And come back to visit us
My mother grew up hearing stories of those who fought so we might be free. And she knew that she was meant to help make that dream a reality.
My mother believed all children, no matter what their races, deserved safe homes and good schools, fun lessons and full bookcases.
But my mother also knew very well that there were battles yet to be won. That patterns of inequality ran deep. That more was left to be done. Â
So my mother, the superhero, put on her flowing cape, earrings, and boots and packed her community lawyering tools to help communities attack and uproot‌
‌racial injustice and unfairness, and all their bitter fruits.
For many years, my mother worked with communities and youth. She spent late nights researching and writing to help them speak their truth.
Other times, she stood alongside them in strength and solidarity as they took a stand and raised their voices demanding change! rights! equality!
And when students wanted to write about being punished unfairly at school she helped them turn their stories into comics —powerful and cool!
Then, my mom had me. Her Cheyson. And she knew it in her heart: it was time for a new chapter, for a new kind of superhero-ing to start. Â Â
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So, we’re headed, my mom and dad and I, out toward the West where my mother will teach and inspire lawyering at its best.
Advancement Project will miss her dearly. Judy and Penda may never recover.
And, as for these four lawyer-superheroes-in-training… we hope she knows we love her!