Applied Theory in Design

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SDES 704 -­‐ SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea

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SDES 704 -­‐ SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea

Preface This is a story about Nancy and her ultimate party experience with her friends. Nancy is not a super girl, but how can she be alble to fully enjoy her fun and socializing moment with her friends while always in the urge of preparing and organising things in her house party? To Nancy and her friends, is moving food from one place to another an obstacle for obtaining a full party experience? How does food mobility mean to them: is it about “food being move from one place to another?” or is it about something else? ... With the aEempt to answers the above questions and beyond, we hope you will find out some interesting solutions to apply for your own house party and more. May we present... Nancy

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



Something about NANCY

About her family background and her house Nancy’s father is conservative. That is one reason she prefers holding a party at home. When he calls even late at night, she is at home and having fun at the same time. The other reason is it’s cheaper than having a party outside. Yet, she’s very smart. Her family is upper-­‐‑ middle class. She is living alone and off-­‐‑campus near her school. Her place is in community on her own. She loves to collect souvenirs from places she traveled and to decorate her house, such as covering walls with instant camera photos which show parties with her friends. She is willing to organize her house well, so she bought her furniture from IKEA and bought her napkins from Urban OutfiUer for 89c.

About Nancy Nancy is a 21 years-­‐‑old American girl who is a sophomore majoring in International Business at the University of Texas at Austin. She works hard on weekdays and plays hard in the weekend. Especially, she usually holds a house party on Saturday, which is between the last weekday with a class and Sunday. She is single so she spends most of time with her friends. She is very active, communicative, sociable and out-­‐‑going. These aspects of her personality influence on her decision to study International Business. She is also very organized and detailed. She’s non-­‐‑smoker. While having a party, she doesn’t mind what alcoholic beverage she drinks, but her favorite is SMIRNOFF.

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



NANCY & the party experience Her usual experience On Saturday nights, she often parties with her friends, in which she is normally the host because it’s affordable and more intimate among friends. She often goes shopping with her friends to prepare for the party together; her friends contribute some food and drinks to the party as well. All the food and drinks they ordered are just-­‐‑to-­‐‑fill-­‐‑the-­‐‑stomach.

Last Saturday party Last week, after midterm, they were so tired that they spent time sleeping the whole Friday. On Saturday at 8pm, she invited five friends close friends and ten of her friends’ friends over to her house for a refreshing party. She prepared 30 small colorful paper plates for pizza and her friends’ canapés and desserts of strawberry chocolate dipping, blueberry muffins, and 60 plastic cups for the their soda drinks and SMIRNOFF beers She served the food on the kitchen bar, between the living room and dining room, where guests came to grab the food and drinks (see the mobility in the photo). There was not enough space to put the drinks so her friend Mark had to put his drink and dishes on the carpet floor, which caused the spills. The other friend, Alex, tried to finish his drink and food quickly so he could go to other activities, e.g., games, restroom. Some others didn'ʹt want to hold their plates and boUles because they started to get tired. People separated into three groups at first, in the living room – dinning room – the yard. After a while, when the beer pong game started, all gathered in the living room.

In the mean time, Nancy had to move a lot to socialize, organize, and guide everyone for his or her convenience, so she had to eat quickly. Nancy needed to spare one hand to communicate with her guests. And Vanessa (her closest friend) also helped her with guiding the guests to the kitchen, balcony, restroom, or dinnerware and trashcan. She hadn’t have much time to eat because she had to take care of the food, and make sure her friends had fun. (And she reordered the pizza again.) After a while, some of her friends wanted to go outside to the yard to smoke; they brought the food with them too. Nancy didn'ʹt put the food at the yards, so they had to get back to the kitchen bar to get the food. Some wanted to make an excuse to get more food so they could get out from the crowd. Finally, some people left at midnight, and a few brought the left-­‐‑over back to their house. Some of her close friends slept over on the couch. Some food and drinks were spilt on the carpet floor, which made Nancy’s cleaning more tiring. SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Problems in house party vs. What Nancy wants •  1. Party ware are always mixed up, and being confused. 2. Busy host guiding the guests 3. Cleaning is very tiring for the host at the end 4. No hands to socialise 5. No hands to do extra activities

Summary of Research findings

Enhance the Nancy & friend’s fun and socializing experience by a) reducing unnecessary activities during the party.

b) saving her space c) something to assist her from preparation BEFORE party to cleaning AFTER party d) extra “hands” for Nancy and her friends

Opportunity statement

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Then, what is Food Mobility for Nancy? *Food Mobility is not only about her cooking and serving, but also about the whole process from preparing food to cleaning up. buying food

Buying Food

Get Home

preparing food for party

Food Storage

Taking Food Out

Preparing for Cooking


after party

Preparing Party

Eating & Drinking

Cleaning up

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea

Leftover Storage


For Nancy, Food Mobility is more than moving food *Food mobility is not only about her moving food from one place to another but also about Fun and Socializing experiences.

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Mobility in Nancy’s house party 3


Empty Stomach

Fun & Socializing

Food Mobility


2 Boring

Eat a lot but not active & socialized

1) When people and food stay in one place, the party becomes very boring. 2) When the food being moved conveniently, but people do not move, aUendees get passive and no socializing activities occur. 3) When people actively involve in socializing activities, but food is not conveniently served, party aUendees tend to complaint about being hungry. 4) This is the area where our project will focus on to help Nancy: convenience of both people and food mobility, then additional fun/ socializing mood is activated.

People Mobility

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



What’s already there for her? Existing Items and Drawbacks Besides the common paper plates and plastic cups, we have found extraordinary items which also serve for party purpose with the average price range from $1 to $15 . However, they only bring more convenience and reduce one or two problems of the house party. Still, not yet a product which can fully support the host or the guests in the whole food mobility process.

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



What’s already there for her? (cont.)

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



What’s more we can do for Nancy? Value Proposition For party aUendees like Nancy and her friends who need to fully enjoy their fun and socializing experience while moving with food in a house party. Through the analysis of existing items on the market, primary survey and observation of hosts and guests’ behaviors in particular house party situations, our design team identifies major problems permanently accompanied with food mobility. Consequently, the multi-­‐‑purpose partyware is introduced and pilot tested to specific user group prior to launching to wider segments. Unlike existing partyware products, our product offer users with more freedom to do extra activities by reducing the unnecessary activities during the party as well as saving space in the house. For the first time, the party hosts will be assisted from preparation BEFORE party to the cleaning AFTER party, which allows the host more time to enjoy.

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



The Big Idea

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



NANCY & the extra hands

NO MORE Confusion of which dinnerware is mine.

Still an ordinary Nancy but with more freedom and enjoyment of her party. For now, she has been assisted by our new products and so as her friends.

NO MORE Carrying many stuff because there is no space left on the table

*CRITERIA of the Extra Hands

ABLE to Open the door and do extra activities NO MORE Busy host guiding the guests

NO MORE Busy host serving the food

All products we design will meet the following criteria so that Nancy will find it easier to purchase: a) Enhance her party environment b) Enhance Fun & Socializing c) Safety d) Good price e) Ease of manufacturing

EASE for cleaning after the party

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 Extra hand to hold the extra

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 Extra hand to hold the extra

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 Extra hand to hold the extra REFINEMENT

More capability: cup size is small for drinking Storage: pile up dishes and cups Size of the connection part varies for different human factors.

reform / resize the connection part between cups & plates

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 Extra hand to hold the extra

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 Extra hand to hold the extra – Engineer Drawing

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 “Peel It” -­‐‑ Inspiration Upon our research and brainstorming, we found the post-­‐‑it notes and the multilayer paint palaUe very suitable for applying into our concepts for these reasons: •  Disposable layers allow the user to change their food more often without searching for new plates and the food flavor is not mixed. •  Additionally, this concept will save the storage / serving space since there is no more needs for the extra plates •  Cost effective to mass production with the existing technology

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 “Peel It”

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 “Peel It”

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 Marketing tactics

Mass Production Customization Fun Peeling: Creative graphic for surprise made in Mass Production Since the last layer is printed separately form the whole set of layer dishes, our design team think of having this customized by the users themselves with minimal additional fee.

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



Too many components leads to complicated for manufacturing And Problem of aUachment and detachment Trash and Folk mixed Small size of dish

Simplified shape of the dish into 01 piece Separate utensils & trash into different cabins Increase the length of the dish

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 “Peel It” -­‐‑ Engineer Drawing

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



The Real Things

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 -­‐‑ Mockup

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 -­‐‑ Vacuum Forming Mold

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 -­‐‑ Prototype

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 01 – User Scene

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 – Mockup & Mold

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 – Prototype

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


CONCEPT 02 – Final Product

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea








2314 TAKE


SDES 704 11-05-29

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Research Interview & Survey

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Survey Questions & details:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Survey Questions & details:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Survey Questions & details:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Interview  Questions:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Interview  Questions:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Interview  Questions:

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea



SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Affinity Diagramming : Everything related to Food Mobility

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Affinity Diagramming : Everything related to Food Mobility

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Affinity Diagramming : Possible Directions

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


2x2 Diagramming : Food Mobility for House Party

House party Food Mobility

Disabled/ illed people

People Mobility

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


PMI Model : Eliminating ELDERLY directions and focus on Food Mobility for House Party

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Mind mapping : Food Mobility for House Party

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Mind mapping : Food Mobility for House Party

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Draft  Sketching

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Design  Brief

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Project BEAT as a Wicked Problem

SDES 704 - SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea


Table of Content:

Chapter 01: Something about Nancy 1

Persona – Summary of Research Findings – Opportunity Statement Chapter 02: Nancy & the party experience 2-­‐‑6

Observation of House Party – Summary of Research Findings – Opportunity Statement The turn: What is Food Mobility and beyond Chapter 03: What’s already there for her? 7-­‐‑8

Existing Items

Chapter 04: What more we can do for Nancy 9-­‐‑10

Value Proposition

Chapter 05: The Big Idea – Nancy & the Extra Hands 11-­‐‑23

Sketches -­‐‑ Refinements

Chapter 06: The Real Things 24-­‐‑31

Mockup – Molds – User Scene

Chapter 07: Behind the Scene 32-­‐‑62

Story Board – Research Survey & Interview -­‐‑ Design Brief – Brainstorming Project BEAT as a Wicked Problem


SDES 704 -­‐ SCAD Spring 2011 | Prof. Robert Fee | Bruce Lin, Elly Kim, Ammie Xuan, Truc Lea

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