Soolie Burke presents the pride of the LSA The LSA Charity supports and encourages local artists. It is with great pride that we showcase three of our most successful members, giving a background to their journey 26 21
Jenny Chan
Jenny is an innovative ceramicist who has been a member of the LSA for the last two years. She personally is charming, self-effacing and shy but her work is bold, honest, undeniably touched by her Chinese origins and most of all it makes you want to touch it! It is attractive to the eye with an earthy quality that definitely has the “Wow” factor. She is constantly formulating ideas to interest her audience, some of which are purely visual, but some of which incorporate sound and other senses. A lot of her work hangs on the wall, sometimes in groups, sometimes individual pieces which have an additional group of, say, butterflies to enhance that particular piece. However, the butterflies are not just stationery, one dimensional lumps of clay, they might be designed to touch each other, which creates a most pleasing, tinkling sound when they are moved. She has several artworks in her
repertoire which have parts designed to touch each other and tinkle. A most charming idea! She has recently been accepted in the Open at The Pumps Rooms in Leamington Spa. A great honour indeed and her ‘Diva’ heads were prominently displayed on an upright board with a dark ground, which accentuated the intriguingly detailed features of each piece. She modestly says that her success is due entirely to her seeing an LSA flyer on a local supermarket noticeboard, which jolted her into taking the first step towards joining an art group. She also says she would not have been bold enough to progress as she has without the support of the LSA. She is also a very respected and valued Volunteer who rarely misses her shift on a Friday afternoon, her commitment to which only adds to her overall success.
Elliot Minor
Elliot walked into East Lodge Gallery one day, saying he was interested in joining an art group but without any particular plan in mind. This was almost two years ago. Since then, this very pleasant, quietly confident young man has become a successful part of the professional London Art scene, He