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Arizona California Las Vegas Texas New Mexico Florida New York

VOL. 2, NO. 15 - March/April 2008

Latin Spring Break Tour

Linkin Park “Remix2Win� Contest

Llamado nacional para reclutar a miles de mentores Hispanos

Entertainment Clubs Dining Comunidad Musica, Film, News & Reviews

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March/April 2008 - Page 2

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March/April 2008 - Page 3

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March/April 2008 - Page 4


Our Comunidad


Que Pasa Around the States


De Noche






Musica, Film, News and Reviews

Spanglish Times, LLC. Publisher/ CEO Lisa Padilla Art Art Director: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Production Production Director & Layout Editor: Lisa Padilla Production Artist: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Web Developer: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Editorial Director/Managing Editor: Lisa Padilla Youth Editor: Jeshua Padilla Contributing Writers: Hispanic Pr Wire, Amy Ford, Erica Ramos- Guavara, Staci Marquez Nichols, Aniushka Lopez Garcia, Angel Hernandez, Roxy Merino Astrologist: Amy Ford Advertising Sales & Marketing Director: Lisa Padilla Public Relations: Mechelle Jackson 1st Class Consultant Static Management Photography Alonso Murillo

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March/April 2008 - Page 5

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March/April 2008 - Page 6

Our Comunidad President George W. Bush Calls on Congressional Support of U.S.Colombia Free Trade Agreement During Address to U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Presidente George W. Bush pide apoyo al Congreso para aprobación de Acuerdo de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos y Colombia en su discurso ante la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de los Estados Unidos

President thanks Hispanic entrepreneurial spirit and role in creating jobs

Mandatario estadounidense agradece el espíritu empresarial hispano y su papel en la creación de empleos

President George W. Bush, White House Cabinet members and Colombia Ambassador Carolina Barco joined the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) for a special White House Issues Briefing for Hispanic business leaders. The event was held during the USHCC’s Legislative Conference in Washington, DC which gathered several hundred business owners for key visits with legislators.

El presidente George W. Bush, conjuntamente con miembros del Gabinete de la Casa Blanca y de Carolina Barco, Embajadora de Colombia en los Estados Unidos, participaron con la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de los Estados Unidos (USHCC) en una Reunión Especial Informativa de la Casa Blanca para los líderes de negocios hispanos. El evento se llevó a cabo en el marco de la Conferencia Legislativa de USHCC en Washington, D.C., en la que se congregaron varios cientos de dueños de negocios para realizar encuentros claves con los legisladores. Durante sus comentarios acerca del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos y Colombia, el Presidente le expresó su agradecimiento a USHCC por su apoyo en temas legislativos de suma importancia como la Ley “Ningún niño a la zaga” (No Child Left Behind Act), la reforma de inmigración, y el Acuerdo de Libre Comercio entre los Estados Unidos y Perú. “Como líderes de negocios, ustedes comprenden que la eliminación de los obstáculos al comercio y la inversión crea oportunidades para nuestros trabajadores, para los trabajadores estadounidenses, y para los empleadores y consumidores”, afirmó el mandatario estadounidense. El presidente Bush destacó el papel que ha desempeñado su administración en priorizar al máximo el comercio internacional, y en la expansión de los acuerdos suscritos por la nación, de tres a catorce países. Además, enfatizó en que espera la aprobación de dichos acuerdos. “Como los principales defensores de los más de dos millones y medio de negocios de propiedad hispana, nos sentimos

During his comments on the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, the President thanked USHCC for its support on key legislative issues including the No Child Left Behind Act, immigration reform, and the U.S.-Peru Trade Agreement. He added, “As business leaders, you understand that breaking down barriers to trade and investment creates opportunities for our workers, for American workers, and employees, and employers and consumers.” President Bush highlighted his administration’s role in making international trade a high priority and expanding the nation’s agreements from three countries to fourteen. He noted that he is looking forward to approval of these agreements. “As the leading advocate for our nation’s more than 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses, we are greatly honored that President Bush has ad-

dressed our assembly of Hispanic business leaders from across the country for the third time,” said USHCC Board Chairman David C. Lizárraga. “As in past years, we look forward to working with the White House to shape policy for the nation’s Hispanic business community and to serve as a platform for key policy issues concerning small- and medium-sized businesses that are vital contributors.” Other White House Cabinet members participating in the event included Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, and Susan Schwab of the USTR, Office of the Trade Representative. The Annual Legislative Conference brings together the nation’s top business owners, opinion leaders and key governmental and administration officials for a three-day gathering to address the most pressing legislative concerns of the nation’s largest and fastest growing business segment—Hispanic entrepreneurs. Expansion of hemispheric relations and trade, health care, energy efficiency, and small business programs are among the many issues receiving top billing at this year’s Legislative Conference. (HPRW)

grandemente honrados de que el presidente Bush haya pronunciado por tercera vez un discurso ante nuestra asamblea de líderes de negocios hispanos de todo el país”, afirmó David Lizárraga, presidente de la Junta Directiva de USHCC. “Como en años anteriores, esperamos trabajar con la Casa Blanca a fin de conformar la política para la comunidad de negocios hispana, y servir de plataforma para tratar temas de máxima importancia en beneficio de las empresas pequeñas y medianas, que contribuyen de forma vital a la economía de nuestra nación”. Entre otros funcionarios del Gabinete de la Casa Blanca que participaron en el evento estuvieron Bob Gates, Secretario de Defensa; Hank Paulson, Secretario del Tesoro; Ed Schafer, Secretario de Agricultura; Carlos Gutiérrez, Secretario de Comercio; Elaine Chao, Secretaria de Trabajo, y Susan Schwab, de la Oficina del Representante de Comercio de los Estados Unidos (USTR). La Conferencia Legislativa unifica a los principales dueños de negocios, representantes de cámaras de comercio, líderes de opinión y funcionarios de la administración de la nación en tres días de reuniones, para intercambiar puntos de vista acerca de las preocupaciones legislativas más urgentes de la nación y de los empresarios hispanos, el segmento de negocios mayor y de más rápido crecimiento del país. Entre los principales temas que acaparan la atención en la Conferencia Legislativa de este año figuran las relaciones y el comercio hemisférico, los cuidados de salud, la eficiencia energética y los programas para pequeñas empresas.(HPRW)

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of America launches national call to action to recruit thousands of hispanic mentors Yet with thousands of Hispanic “Littles” waiting to be matched with a caring Big Sister or Brother, the organization is in serious need of Hispanic volunteers to serve as “Bigs.” “When Juan came to the United States as a youngster from El Salvador he felt totally alone. Memory of that sense of isolation was a driving factor in wanting to give back to a child facing a similar experience. After a year of being matched with Big Brother Juan, Little Brother Alberto of Harrisonburg Virginia blossomed out of shyness. In Phoenix, Little Brother Jose is grateful to Big Brother Pablo for his support during the death of both of his parents. In Lorain Ohio Little Sister Ariana turned bad grades around dramatically within only a few weeks of being matched with Big Sister Crystal,” said Delgado Searl. “These are a few of the countless examples of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ impact on children. Just imagine the impact of matching thousands more Hispanic chilSandra Delgado Searl, a mar- dren with mentors.” keter with experience that spans the Key to the growth in the numglobe, has been chosen to lead the call ber of Hispanic matches is the diversity to action for Big Brothers Big Sisters of of initiatives under the umbrella of the America, the oldest, largest and most Hispanic Mentoring Program. For exeffective youth mentoring organization ample, Big Brothers Big Sisters adapted in the country. Delgado Searl relocated its selection and matching process to the from Shanghai, China before joining Big Hispanic culture and tested the new HisBrothers Big Sisters. In previous posi- panic mentoring model at a number of tions with J.D. Power Asia Pacific, SAB- local agencies across the country. In adMiller and ACNielsen, Delgado Searl dition, the organization formed a Hispanhas managed Hispanic marketing, and ic advisory council, established strategic the development and execution of brand alliances with other Hispanic-focused strategy. organizations, increased bilingual and “Sandra’s tremendous leader- bicultural staffing, placed Hispanics in ship and understanding of the Hispanic prominent roles in our national programcommunity make her the perfect choice ming, and developed marketing materito lead our highly focused Hispanic men- als targeted to Latinos. toring effort, which is currently one of The Hispanic Mentoring proour most effective strategies in growing gram has now grown to 30 participatmatches – regardless of ethnicity, “said ing Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies Judy Vredenburgh, President and CEO, in locations reflective of the Hispanic Big Brothers Big Sisters. community’s diversity including Chicago, Independent research shows Illinois, Macon, Georgia, Portland, Orthat young people who have Big Brothers egon, Miami, Florida, Denver, Colorado and Big Sisters are more likely to stay in and Fort Wayne, Indiana to name a few. school and less likely to be involved in Support for the program is violence. Given the Hispanic popula- provided by The Goizueta Foundation; tion’s tremendous growth combined with Jack in the Box Foundation; Cargill, Inc.; disproportionate poverty and drop-out and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinrates, a Big Brother or Big Sister can quency Prevention, a component of the make a critical difference to the future Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Departof Hispanic children across the country. ment of Justice. (HPRW) An ambitious pilot program has reaped a 29 percent increase in the number of Hispanics served by Big Brothers Big Sisters over the course of a year. The increase in Hispanic matches – occurring in 15 participating Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies in the U.S. where the program was piloted – is significant considering the average growth in matches among Big Brothers Big Sisters ‘ 400+ agencies was eight percent during the same time period. Excited by the potential to impact even more Hispanic children, Big Brothers Big Sisters announced the hire of a director of Hispanic mentoring to lead the organization’s ambitious commitment to add another 10,000 Hispanic matches for a total of 50,000 across the country.

March/April 2008 - Page 7

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America anuncia llamado nacional para reclutar a miles de mentores hispanos Un ambicioso programa experimental ha generado un aumento de 29 por ciento en el numero de hispanos que han sido ayudados por Big Brothers Big Sisters (Hermanos Mayores Hermanas Mayores) durante el curso de un año. El aumento en el servicio de mentores hispanos – el cual se esta tomando acabo en 15 agencias participantes de Big Brothers Big Sisters por todo el país en donde el programa fue experimentado – es significante considerando que el aumento promedio fue ocho por ciento durante ese mismo periodo. Entusiasmados por la posibilidad de impactar a más niños hispanos, Big Brothers Big Sisters anuncio que contrato a una directora de mentores hispanos para liderar el compromiso ambicioso de la organización y aumentar el número de pares creados por un mentor y un joven hasta 10,000 para un total de 50,000 pares por todo el país. Sandra Delgado Searl, una profesional en mercadeo con experiencia internacional, ha sido seleccionada para encabezar el llamado de acción para Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, la organización de mentores para la juventud más establecida, grande y eficaz del país. Oriunda de Puerto Rico, Delgado Searl recientemente se mudó de Shanghai, China antes de ingresar a Big Brothers Big Sisters en Philadelphia, PA. Durante sus empleos anteriores con J.D. Power Asia Pacific, SABMiller y ACNielsen, Delgado Searl ha dirigido programas de mercadeo hispano y el desarrollo e implementación de estrategia de marca. “Las habilidades de liderazgo y el gran conocimiento de la comunidad hispana hacen a Sandra en la candidata perfecta para encabezar nuestro esfuerzo sumamente enfocado de mentores hispanos. El cual, actualmente, es una de las estrategias más efectivas en aumentar pares de mentores y jóvenes -- sin importar etnicidad”, dijo Judy Vredenburgh, Presidenta y CEO de Big Brothers Big Sisters. Estudios independientes demuestran que jóvenes que tienen un mentor Big Brother o Big Sister tienen más probabilidad de continuar con sus estudios y son menos propensos de involucrarse en violencia. Dado al aumento en población de la comunidad hispana combinado con un nivel desproporcionado de pobreza e índices de abandono escolar, un mentor Big Brother o Big Sister puede hacer una diferencia crítica en el futuro de los niños

hispanos a través del país. Sin embargo, con tantos jóvenes, conocidos como “littles” (pequeños), esperando ser emparejados con un mentor Big Sister o Brother, la organización necesita voluntarios hispanos que sirvan como consejeros o mentores, también conocidos como “Bigs”. “Cuando Juan vino a los Estados Unidos, siendo un joven de El Salvador, se sintió completamente solo. La memoria de ese sentimiento de aislamiento fue un factor importante en su deseo de ayudar a un niño pasando por una experiencia similar. Después de un año de tener a Juan como su Big Brother (Hermano Mayor), Little Brother (Hermanito) Alberto de Harrisonburg, Virginia dejo su timidez atrás. En Phoenix, Little Brother Jose está agradecido hacia su Big Brother Pablo por el apoyo que le dio durante la muerte de sus padres. En Lorain, Ohio Little Sister (Hermanita) Ariana mejoro sus malas calificaciones dramáticamente dentro de semanas de haber conocido a su Big Sister Crystal”, dijo Delgado Searl. “Estos son algunos de los ejemplos del impacto que tiene Big Brothers Big Sisters en los niños. Ahora solo imagínese el impacto de parear a miles de niños hispanos con mentores”. La clave en el aumento en pares hispanos en el programa es la variedad de iniciativas en dentro del programa de mentores hispanos. Por ejemplo, Big Brothers Big Sisters adapto su proceso de selección y crear pares a la cultura hispana y pusieron a prueba el nuevo modelo de mentores hispanos en un número de agencias locales por todo el país. Además, la organización creo un consejo de asesoría, estableció alianzas estratégicas con otras organizaciones hispanas, aumento los empleados bilingües y biculturales, ha colocado a hispanos en trabajos importantes en el programa nacional y ha desarrollado materiales de mercadeo dirigido a hispanos. El programa de mentores hispanos ha crecido a incluir 30 agencias de Big Brothers Big Sisters en localidades que reflejan la diversidad de la comunidad hispana incluyendo Chicago, Illinois, Macon, Georgia, Portland, Oregon, Miami, Florida, Denver, Colorado, y Fort Wayne, Indiana para nombrar unos cuantos. Apoyo para el programa es proveído por The Goizueta Foundation, Jack in the Box Foundation, Cargill, Inc., y la Oficinia de Justicia Juvenil y Prevención de Delincuencia, una división de la Oficina de Programas de Justicia del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos. (HPRW)

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March/April 2008 - Page 8

Que Pasa Around the States Performances y Conciertos


Jackson Browne April 14 Mesa Arts Center Mesa

Bob Schneider March 25 The Rhythm Room

Sweeney Todd April 15-20 ASU Gammage Tempe

Angie Stone & Lalah Hathaway March 27 Celebrity Theatre Phoenix

Juanes April 27 Ava Amphitheatre Tucson

Rick Springfield March 31 Casino Arizona at McKellips, Scottsdale

Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo April 10 - 13 Us Airways Center Phoenix

RBD March 28 Anselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheatre, Tucson

Ramon Ayala March 28 Celebrity Theatre Phoenix

Keiko Matsui/ Hiroshima April 3 Celebrity Theatre - Phoenix

Best Damn Comedy Jam April 4 Celebrity Theatre - Phoenix

Ray Romano & Brad Garrett April 5 Dodge Theatre - Phoenix

The Wiggles April 2 Tucson Arena - Tucson

Bill Cosby April 6 Chandler Center for the Arts Chandler Taste of Chaos April 9 Arena (formerly known as the Glendale Arena) lendale Bon Jovi April 11 Arena (formerly known as the Glendale Arena) - Glendale Candy Dulfer April 12 Celebrity Theatre - Phoenix

Las Vegas Fergie March 22 Mandalay Bay - Events Center Collective Soul March 28 Mandalay Bay - Events Center Van Halen April 19 Mandalay Bay - Events Center Bon Jovi April 12 MGM Grand Garden Arena

Matchbox Twenty March 18 Theater At Palms Casino Resort

Sylvia Browne April 13 -19 Excalibur Hotel & Casino

Margaret Cho March 29 Theater At Palms Casino Resort

Sin Bad March 15 & 16 The Orleans Showroom

Monster Jam World Finals March 29 Sam Boyd Stadium

Temptations March 27 - 30 The Orleans Showroom

Kanye West April 25 Red Rock Casino

Gladys Knight April 11- 13 The Orleans Showroom

Taste Of Chaos April 8 Theater At Palms Casino Resort

Julio Iglesias March 29 Star Of The Desert Arena

MARY J. BLIGE & JAY-Z HEART OF THE CITY TOUR US AIRWAYS CENTER - APRIL 15, 2008 At long last, with over 70 million combined albums sold worldwide and 12 Grammy wins together, Mary J. Blige and JAY-Z will embark on a historic 25-date North American co-headlining tour, with a stop in Phoenix to perform at US Airways Center on Tuesday, April 15. The “Mary J. Blige & JAY-Z: Heart of the City” tour marks the first time in more than 15 years that an African American male/female bill of this stature have co-headlined a national concert tour. The Live Nation and Haymon Events produced tour kicks off on March 22nd at Miami’s American Airlines Arena and will hit major markets along the eastern seaboard as well as New Orleans, Houston, Las Vegas and Oakland. The “Mary J. Blige & JAY–Z: Heart of the City” tour is the pinnacle of Mary and Jay’s long-time collaboration which began in 1996 with the classic “Can’t Knock The Hustle.” The multi-Grammy award winning powerhouses are two of the most successful artists of our time whose influence stretch far beyond any musical borders. This will be JAY-Z’s first arena tour since his successful JAY-Z and Friends Tour in 2004 and the first to feature material from his 2006 Kingdom Come album and 2007’s critically acclaimed American Gangster album. A multiple Grammy, American Music Award and VMA award winner, JAY-Z has continued to set the bar for all artists and entrepreneurs. Co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records, he currently is the president of Rocawear, part owner of the New Jersey Nets and co-owner of the successful 40/40 chain. Most recently, Shawn “JAY-Z” Carter held the title of President of Def Jam Records where he helped guide the careers of superstar artists and multiple Grammy nominees such as Rihanna, Ne-Yo, NAS, Kanye West and Young Jeezy. A six-time Grammy Award winner, Mary has won more than 25 awards in all, including NAACP Awards, American Music Awards, Billboard Awards, BET Awards, MTV’s Video Music Awards, Soul Train Awards and more. Over the span of her 15-year career, Mary has blessed us with 8 platinum and multi-platinum studio albums (she released a live album in 1998 and a greatest hits album in 2005 both to critical acclaim and incredible sales) selling more than 40 million copies worldwide. With every album she has proven that hers is a voice of healing; a voice of reckoning. TICKETS ON-SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 8 AT 10 A.M. Reserved tickets priced at $125.75, $99.75, $79.75 and $49.75 will go on-sale at 10am on Saturday, March 8 at, US Airways Center Box Office, and all Ticketmaster outlets. To charge by phone, call 480.784.4444 (Phoenix Metro Area) or 520.321.1000 (Outside Phoenix Area). All dates, acts, and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable taxes, and service and handling charges. For more show information visit California Alejandra Guzman April 17 Pala Casino - Events Center Pala April 18 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City Amanda Miguel March 29 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City Emmanuel April 4 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City Chris Rock April 23 - 26 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Bruce Springsteen April 4 Arco Arena Sacramento April 5 Hp Pavilion San Jose April 7- 8 Honda Center (formerly Arrowhead Pond) Anaheim Kanye West April 19 Hp Pavilion San Jose April 20-22 Nokia Theatre Live - La Los Angeles Iron Maiden March 31 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater-ca Irvine

Jay-Z & Mary J. Blige April 18 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater-ca Irvine

George Strait March 29 Honda Center (formerly Arrowhead Pond) Anaheim Bon Jovi April 2 Hp Pavilion San Jose April 8 Hp Pavilion San Jose April 4 - 5 Honda Center (formerly Arrowhead Pond) Anaheim

Conjunto Primavera April 18 Soboba Casino San Jacinto Juanes April 30 Save Mart Center Fresno Julio Iglesias April 8 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City Los Tigres Del Norte March 28 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City March 22 Convention Center San Jose Lupillo Rivera April 12 Nokia Theatre Live - La Los Angeles Moenia April 11 The Wiltern Los Angeles Paquita La Del Barrio March 22 Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk Universal City

Bill Maher March 22 Wells Fargo Center for the Arts - Carston Cabaret RBD Santa Rosa March 27 Save Mart Center Fresno Jackson Browne March 29 April 16 Arco Arena Wells Fargo Center for the Arts - Ruth Finley Person Theater Sacramento April 3 Santa Rosa Rabobank Arena Bakersfield Elton John April 4 April 18 Hp Pavilion Rabobank Arena San Jose Bakersfield April 5 Hyundai Pavilion At Glen Helen 3 Doors Down San Bernardino April 19 April 6 Rabobank Arena Coors Amphitheatre - Ca Bakersfield San Diego

March/April 2008 - Page 9 Def Leppard, Styx & REO Speedwagon April 26 Coors Amphitheatre - Ca San Diego The Wiggles April 1 Cox Arena San Diego Avril Lavigne April 30 Cox Arena San Diego

New York Ashford & Simpson and Melba Moore April 21 Presented by JPMorganChase at The Apollo Theatre Santana April 8 Madison Square Garden New York

Soulja Boy April 14 Nokia Theatre - Times Square New York T-Pain & Family Playlist Tour April 23 Nokia Theatre - Times Square New York Aretha Franklin March 21-22 Radio City Music Hall New York

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Katt Williams April 10-12 Radio City Music Hall New York

Gladys Knight April 28 Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas

Aventurera El Musical April 13 Wamu Theater (formerly Theater At Madison Square Garden) New York

Chris Rock March 26 Municipal Auditorium San Antonio

Chris Rock April 30 Wamu Theater (formerly Theater At Madison Square Garden) New York April Fools Comedy Show April 1 Wamu Theater (formerly Theater At Madison Square Garden) New York Joe Jackson April 15 Apollo Theater - New York New York


Taste Of Chaos: Avenged Sevenfold April 1 Nokia Live At Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Ray Romano & Brad Garrett April 10 Nokia Live At Grand Prairie Grand Prairie April 9 Verizon Wireless Theater Houston Megadeth April 15 Nokia Live At Grand Prairie Grand Prairie April 17 Verizon Wireless Theater Houston

RBD March 30 Don Haskins Center El Paso Cirque du Soleil - Saltimbanco March 21-22 American Bank Center Corpus Christi April 18-19 Laredo Entertainment Center Laredo

Aretha Franklin April 16 Nokia Live At Grand Prairie Grand Prairie

Tommy Lee March 21 Meridian Houston Latin Kings Of Comedy April 19 American Bank Center Corpus Christi April 26 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Selma Aventura March 28 Nokia Live At Grand Prairie Grand Prairie March 29 El Paso Convention Center Hall El Paso March 30 Laredo Entertainment Center Laredo Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music April 4-6 Dodge Arena Hidalgo Sesame Street Live: When Elmo Grows Up April 12 Ford Park Beaumont

Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo April 14 Ector County Coliseum Odessa

Avril Lavigne April 24 Dodge Arena Hidalgo April 26 Center (formerly Smirnoff Centre) Dallas April 27 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre-tx Selma

Disney on Ice: High School Musical April 4-6 Ft. Worth Convention Center Arena Fort Worth

Rush April 23 Frank Erwin Center Austin

The Wiggles April 4 Don Haskins Center El Paso

Pointer Sisters April 18-20 Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas

Blue October

March/April 2008 - Page 10 Rush Center (formerly Smirnoff Centre) Dallas, TX Friday 4/25/2008 7:30 PM view tickets Kanye West April 30 Frank Erwin Center Austin

Juanes April 5 AT&T Center San Antonio April 6 Laredo Entertainment Center Laredo April 17 Toyota Center Houston April 18 American Airlines Center Dallas April 20-21 Dodge Arena Hildalgo April 23 El Coliseo El Paso Sesame Street Live: When Elmo Grows April 8-9 Up Selena Auditorium Corpus Christi Dionne Warwick April 10 Stafford Centre Stafford

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Jay-z & Mary J. Blige April 12 Center (formerly Smirnoff Centre) Dallas April 10 Toyota Center Houston

Bruce Springsteen April 13 American Airlines Center Dallas

Jay-z & Mary J. Blige March 22 American Airlines Arena Miami

Latin Kings Of Comedy April 20 Florida Theatre Jacksonville Jacksonville

Bon Jovi April 14 American Airlines Center Dallas

Disney On Ice: Princess Wishes March 26-30 American Airlines Arena Miami

BB King April 30 Florida Theatre Jacksonville Jacksonville

The Temptations April 24 Verizon Wireless Theater Houston Julio Iglesias April 14 Plaza Theatre Performing Arts Center El Paso April 17 Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas Disney on Ice: High School Musical April 19-23 Alamodome San Antonio American Airlines Center April 26-30 Dallas

March/April 2008 - Page 11

WWE April 1 American Airlines Arena Miami

Van Halen April 24 American Airlines Center Dallas

Florida Juanes April 10 Amway Arena Orlando April 12 American Airlines Arena Miami

Jackson Browne March 26 Ferguson Hall - Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Tampa March 22 Florida Theatre Jacksonville Jacksonville John Edward April 2 Florida Theatre Jacksonville Jacksonville Tony Bennett March 28 Hard Rock Live - Orlando Orlando

New Mexico Los Lonely Boys March 21 Inn Of The Mountain Gods Resort & Casino Mescalero Megadeth April 13 Journal Pavilion Albuquerque Kanye West April 26 Journal Pavilion Albuquerque Rush April 29 Journal Pavilion Albuquerque

Taste Of Chaos: Avenged Sevenfold March 28 Ucf Arena Orlando Raven Symone April 26 Ucf Arena Orlando BB King Billy Bobs Fort Worth, TX Saturday 4/5/2008 10:30 PM view tickets 10 Mile Crossing April 11 Billy Bobs Fort Worth

Santana April 29 Ucf Arena Orlando

The Wiggles April 6 Kiva Auditorium Albuquerque Bill Cosby April 12 Times Union Ctr Perf Arts Moran Theater Jacksonville

Foreigner April 20 Kiva Auditorium Albuquerque

Al Jarreau April 10 Hard Rock Live - Orlando Orlando

Disney On Ice: Finding Nemo March 28-30 Santa Ana Star Center Rio Rancho Festivals y Eventos New Mexico Los Ojos Spring Harvest Festival April 26 - Los Ojos White Sands International Film Festival March 16 Alamogordo Global Green Indigenous Film Festival March 21 Albuquerque 11th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium March 28-30 Aztec NM State Science & Engineering Fair April 4-5 Socorro

Las Vegas Miss Las Vegas/Miss Teen Las Vegas March 18 Ilfeld Auditorium Civil War Weekend March 24-25 Pecos National Historical Park Kids, Kows & More April 10-11 Santa Fe Trail Event Center Fiesta de la Hispanidad Part 2 April 13 Ilfeld Auditorium

Texas Easter Fest on the Guadalupe/ Chili & BBQ Classic Friday evening’s events include cook’s party and street dance. Saturday is the chili and BBQ cook-off, Easter egg hunt, children’s games. March 21-22 Kerriville Walker County Fair & Rodeo Pro Rodeo events, Barbeque cook-off, Livestock exhibits, Carnival. March 28- April 6 Huntsville

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Party In The Patch Featuring sanctioned barbecue cookoff, art show, horseshoe pitching, rod run, music, motorcycle show, kid’s area, Friday Night Street Dance. April 4-5 Kilgore

Nacogdoches Americana Music Festival. A full day of live musical performances including country, jazz, bluegrass, gospel and rock. April 12 Nacogdoches

4th Annual Rio Guadalupe Music Fest. Great music, good food and more on the banks of the Guadalupe River. Susan Gibson, Sarah Jarosz, Zack Walther, Shelley King Band and more. April 5

Bluebonnet Festival of Texas. The Official Bluebonnet Festival of Texas is listed as Texas Highways Magazine’s 7th Most Popular Festival. 250+ vendor booths, food, live music, fun in the heart of bluebonnet country. April 12-13 Chappell Hill

Canyon Lake Jackson Street Market Days. An old fashioned, open-air street fair, with antiques, crafts, sidewalk sales, produce cart, and food vendors. April 5 Harlington Fiesta En La Calle Free, family fun. Festival includes free street dances, Kid Zone (Giant Inflatable Activities), Jalapeno Eating contest, BBQ cook-off, softball tournament, continuous live musical performances, Folklorico dance performances, arts/crafts/food booths and much more. April 5 Yorktown Scarborough Faire®, the Renaissance Festival One of the largest and most popular Renaissance Festivals in the nation, complete with entertainment, crafts, food, drink, games, and fun! April 5 – May 6 Wxahachie ArtWalk Bring the entire family to historic downtown where restaurants, shops, museums, galleries and live entertainment await you. Historic Downtown Abilene. April 10 Abilene

Annual Beach ‘N’ Biker Fest Come on down to this rally, fajita cookoff, Mexico ride and so much more. April 10-13 South Padre Island 22nd Annual Georgetown Quilt & Stitchery Show. An annual display of quilts and stitchery owned or made by residents of Williamson County. April 11-12 Georgetown Market Days Over 170 booths of arts, crafts, food, antiques, collectibles, metalwork, woodwork, jewelry, pottery, soaps, potpourri, clothes, plants and much more to be found in 3 adjacent locations. April 12 Goliad

California Kids Easter Hunt Children 12 and under can hunt for Easter eggs on the beach and visit with the Easter Bunny. Time: 11 a.m. Capitola Beach Easter Egg Hunt 4,000 eggs to find, plus inflatable slide, face painting, a juggler, caricature artist, many prizes and Easter Bunny. Pismo Beach Easter Bonnet Parade & Hat Contest The 13th Annual Easter Bonnet Parade & Hat Contest begins with a creative Hat-Making Workshop from nationally renowned Millinery Instructor and Hat Designer, Diana Cavagnaro. San Diego Padres Park - San Diego Mangia! North Beach Food Tour The only walking tour that gives participants the full San Francisco North Beach experience including Italian history, food knowledge, delicious tastes along the way, fun anecdotes and a 3-course lunch with wine. San Francisco Easter Egg Express Easter egg hunt, a picnic lunch and a train that chugs along the banks of the Sacramento River disembarking at Elkhorn Park. Woodland Spring Celebration & Easter Parade San Francisco’s 17th Annual Spring Celebration & Easter Parade. The event is not your average Street Fair or formal Parade. It can best be described as wonderful, wacky, elegant and fabulous, with everything from roller-blading cows and creative self-propelled minifloats to garden areas, sophisticated fashions and beautiful classic and art cars. It’s a special event for the entire family. Location: Union Street. San Francisco

March/April 2008 - Page 12 Florida Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival (March 19 - June 1, 2008) - Walt Disney World Resort hosts the annual Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival that promises some 30 million blooms! The roses, wildflowers, topiaries and herb gardens will flourish for a seven-week run that is absolutely breathtaking. Orlando Florida Film Festival (March 28 to April 6, 2008) - Held in the spring at the Enzian Theater in Orlando each year, and showcasing the best American Independent and Foreign Films, it is fast becoming the best respected regional film event in the southeast. Orland Palm Beach International Film Festival (April 10-17, 2008) - This celebrity attended event showcases over 50 international films from over 20 countries. Palm Beach Springing the Blues Festival (April 4-6, 2008) - Thousands converge on Jacksonville each April for this free outdoor blues festival featuring performances from renowned blues artists. Jacksonville

New York Havana Film Festival New York 2008 (9th Edition) April 11- 17 Quad Cinema and venues in Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx | 212-946-1839 The annual Havana Film Festival New York (HFFNY) is an internationally renowned event introducing its audience to award-winning film classics and premieres from and about Latin America and the U.S. Latino community. Events include panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and after parties with international festival guests. Festival passes available. Manhattan EASTER is EGGcellent March 22, 2008 @ Seaport. 12pm-4pm 210 Front Street | 212-602-0800 Hop down to the South Street Seaport for an EGGcellent Easter Celebration! Scramble for eggs outside- join eager hunters in the Easter Garden in search for hidden goodies. Sceduled throughout the afternoon. Eggciting Events Inside- Craetive crafts, live music, magic shows, face painting, givaways and more! Activities and treats for all ages. Manhattan Arizona Fountain Hills Fine Art and Wine Affaire Arts, crafts, entertainment, wine March 21 - 23 Friday Night Bull Riding Rawhide, Wild Horse Pass. March 7, 21, 28 Heard Museum Guild Native American Student Arts and Crafts Show March 29 - April 2 Jazz in the Garden Friday evenings starting at 7 p.m. Enjoy listening to a variety of jazz styles under starry skies on the Garden’s beautiful Ullman Terrace. March 21, March 28 Safeway International LPGA Tour Event Top LPGA golfers compete at Superstition Mountain Golf and Country Club in Mesa. March 24 - 30

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Tempe Music Festival Over 30 national, regional, and local acts on multiple stages. Tempe Beach Park. March 28 - 29 Tempe Spring Festival of the Arts The annual arts and crafts festival is held in downtown Tempe on Mill Avenue. More than 600 artists exhibit wonderful works of wood, pottery, jewelry, oil paintings and more. Live entertainment also fills the street. March 28 – 30 Arizona Bike Week Bands, rallies, exhibits, competitions, charity rides, auctions, raffles--everything for the motorcycle enthusiast. March 28 - April 6 Arizona Tattoo Expo Tattoos, piercings, contests, vendors. April 4 - 6 Avondale’s Entertainment Series Free concerts and shows will be held at Avondale Civic Center Amphitheater. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. April 11

Chandler Jazz Festival The Chandler Jazz Festival attracts some of the best local Jazz performers to the Historic Downtown. The festival will be held in shops, restaurants, and on the streets throughout downtown Chandler. April 4 - 6 Crossroads of the West Gun Show At the Arizona State Fairgrounds. The shows offer hundreds of tables of interest to both the once a year hunter and the avid collector. April 19 - 20 Downtown Chandler Art Walk Visit more than 70 artisans set up along the streets in front of the unique shops and cafes of Historic Downtown Chandler. Free. First Wednesday of the month El Dia de los Ninos Over 40 booths with interactive games, entertainment and 5000 participants from across the valley and state, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Margaret T. Hance Park, Free. April 29 El Tour de Phoenix 100-, 70- & 25-mile bicycle rides around the perimeter of the McDowell Mountains, also 4-mile & 1/4-mile kids fun rides. Prizes. April 5 First Friday Visit more than 40 downtown Phoenix art galleries, studios and art spaces. Free. First Friday of the month Gilbert Spring Fair & Expo Slides, inflatables, climbing wall, carnival game corral, a trackless train and two stage areas of live performances. April 5 Litchfield Park Arts in the Park Free outdoor concerts at the Wigwam Resort Front Lawn. Free. April 20 Litchfield Park Fine Art & Culinary Festival Features over 200 fine artists and craftsmen exhibiting fine arts and crafts. Free for arts and crafts, there’s a charge for Wine Garden & Culinary Tent. April 5 - 6

March/April 2008 - Page 13 Maricopa County Fair Join in fun carnival games, exhibits and activities at the Veterans’ Memorial Coliseum in Central Phoenix. April 9 - 13 NASCAR Racing events at Phoenix International Raceway. April 11-12 Peoria Spring Festival Arts and crafts by Arizona artisans. April 4 - 6 Phoenix Bridal Show At the Renaissance Hotel in Glendale. Vendors for products and services for all your wedding needs. April 27 Rotary River Rally Features the Great Cardboard Boat Regatta at Tempe Town Lake. April 18 - 19 Scottsdale ArtWalk Every Thursday evening the Scottsdale Art District invites you to spend a casual evening walking downtown and enjoying fine art. Free. Every Thursday evening Scottsdale Culinary Festival Food, drink, and music. Nationally renowned chefs. April 8 - 13 Short Film and Video Festival At the ASU Art Museum. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. April 12 Southwest Festival of Beers Part of The Great Arizona Picnic. Beer garden with food, music and souvenir mug. Scottsdale Civic Center Mall. April 12 - 13 Tempe Salsa Challenge Fundraiser for Hemophilia Assn. Salsas and margaritas to be judged, sampling contest, music. Tempe Beach Park. April 26 Women’s Expo Features business and career advice, fashion shows, health and beauty workshops and celebrity speakers. University of Phoenix Stadium. April 19 - 20

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

March/April 2008 - Page 14

De Noche Latino Nightlife



Club Revention

PHOENIX Club Dwntwn 702 N. Central Ave. (602) 258-8343 Latin, Hip-Hop

Club Vibe

3031 E. Indian School Rd. (602) 224-9977 Pop en Espanol, Reggaeton,Hip-Hop, Top 40

Coach & Willie’s 412 S. 3rd St. , (602) 254-5272 Reggaeton, Cumbia, Hip-Hop

Garcia’s 3301 W. Peoria Ave. (602) 866-1850

5400 N. 59th Ave.

La Perla Café 5912 W. Glendale Ave. (623) 939-7561

SCOTTSDALE Club Tropicana 7043 E. McDowell Rd. (480) 874-1112 Reggaeton, Latin pop, Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia

Mythos 2525 N. Scottsdale Rd. , (480) 947-6896 Merengue, Salsa, Bachata

Salsa,Cumbia,Hip-Hop, R&B

Top 40, Latin, Raggeaton, Bachata, World

Hard Rock Cafe


3 S. 2nd St.

7363 E. Scottsdale Mall (480) 990-9026

(602) 261-7625


Karamba Nightclub 1724 E. McDowell Rd. - (602) 254-0231 Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Rock en español, Latin Pop, High Energy Latin House

Rain 1420 N. Scottsdale Latin, Hip-Hop

Majerle’s 9 - Lounge:


24 N. 2nd St. - (602) 253-0118

Baja Tilly’s 1123 W. Broadway Rd. ,(480) 968-6224


Catch One

Downtown LA | 107 West 4th Street. | 213.625.7382 | Nightly | House, Latin music.

Los Angeles | 4067 West Pico Boulevard | 323/734 8849 |

Victoria’s Nightclub Jefferson and Main 2939 S. Catalina St.

Circus Disco

East Los Angeles

Hollywood | 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. | 323/4621291| Tuesdays & Fridays | House & Latin music. | FLAVA Friday Nights open til 4am.

Chico Bar

Old School, R&B, Cumbia, Reggaeton

Montebello | 2915 W. Beverly Blvd. | 323.721.3403 | Nightly bar |

Reggaeton, Hip-Hop, Old School



Sky Lounge

Fuego Bar & Grill


Matador 125 E. Adams St. (602) 254-7563

123 E. Washington St. , (602) 229-1110 Hip- Hop, Salsa, Merengue, Rock en Español, Reggaeton, Latin Pop


9118 W. Van Buren St. (623) 478-7300 Latin Pop, 80’s, Disco,Hip-Hop


Henry Jack’s 613 E. Western Ave, (623) 932-0190 Cumbia, Old school, Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Cumbia, Tejano

CHANDLER Draft House Sports café 393 W. Warner Rd. - (480) 963-5520 Hip -Hop, R&B, Top 40, Reggaeton

Jilly’s 825 N. 54th St. - (480) 763-6909 Hip- Hop,Top 40, Reggaeton, Salsa, Mash-ups

Los Angeles Club El Tumbao Huntington Park | 6901 Pacific Blvd. | Cumbia, salsa, merengue,punta, rock en espanol,hip-hop ,dance,quebradita,nortena | QV night is Sundays from 3pm to 3am | (310) 597-5388 | 18 and over.

Does Your Mama Know Downtown LA | at Club Vertigo | 801 W. Temple St. (Corner of Temple and Figueroa) | 213-977-0888 | After hours: Open at 3:00am til 9:00am every Friday night/Saturday morning | (QV) Mix crowd playing house. | 18 and over.

Hollywood | 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. | 323/4621291| Saturdays | Latin & house; drag show.

Plaza Hollywood | 739 N. La Brea Ave. | 323/939-0703 | Nightly | Latin music.

Salsa de Noche West Hollywood (at Deville’s) | 696 Robertson Blvd. | 626/576-0720 | 3rd Saturday of the month | Salsa, merengue.

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Tempo

Coco Bongo

Hollywood | 5520 Santa Monica Blvd. | 323/4661094 | Friday, Saturday & Sunday | www.

Reseda | 19655 Sherman Way Blvd.| 818-9988464 | Thursdays, 18+| Latin & house music

Inland Empire Alibi East Pomona | 225 San Antonio Ave. | 909/623-9422 | Fridays | Latin & house

Oasis Upland | 1386 E. Foothill Blvd. | Sundays www.

Robbie’s Pomona | 390 College Plaza | 909/620-4371 | Sundays | House, Latin; drag show.

Club Vibe San Bernardino | 345 West 7th Street | Thursday”Latin Vibe” - Rock/Pop En Espanol, Hip Hop, Top 40, Techno/HiNRG

Long Beach

Olé Olé North Hollywood (at Rawhide) | 10937 Burbank Blvd. | 818.816.1121 | Saturdays | Latin music.

Silverlake Chupa Rosa @ Woody’s 2810 Hyperion Avenue | Every first Thursday | 323-468-1097 |

Le Bar 2375 Glendale Blvd. | 323-660-7595 | Latino Bar

Le Barcito 3909 Sunset Blvd. | 213/953-0471 | Nightly | House & Latin music; local bar

Salsa Odyssey

Arrasando @ Fire Island

At Rudolfo’s | 2500 Riverside Drive | 626.282.0330 | Every 3rd Saturday of the month |

Long Beach | 3325 E. Anaheim St. | 562/597-0014 | Thursdays | Latin & house; drag show | www.

Silverlake Lounge

Club Olé Long Beach (Ripples) | 5101 E Ocean Blvd.| 562/986-1555 | Latin nights every 2nd Saturday of the month |

Executive Suite Long Beach | 3428 East P.C.H. | 562/597-3884 | Thursdays | Latin house music.

Suave Nightclub Carson | 313 E Carson Street | 310-518-0177 | Wed-Sun | Orange County

Bravo Night Club Anaheim | 1490 S. Anaheim Blvd. CA. | 714.533.2291 | Fridays & Saturdays | House, HipHop, Latin Spanish Music & Rock En Español

El Calor Anaheim | 2916 W. Lincoln Ave.| 714/527-8873 | Wednesdays | Spanish house & disco

2906 Sunset Blvd. | 323.663.9636 | Nightly Bar

Woody’s 2810 Hyperion Avenue | 323-665-0808 | Saturdays & Sundays |

Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties Level 3 Wednesday Nights @ Q’s Sushi a Go-Go 409 State Street | 3 Levels-House-Hip-Hop-Latin House | 805-966-9177

Rumors Ventura | 281 W. Main Street | (805) 643-9378 | Fridays-Sundays |

West Hollywood Fuego

Frat House

West Hollywood| Rage: 8911 Santa Monica Blvd. | 310-652-7055 | Wednesdays |

Garden Grove | 8112 Garden Grove Blvd. | 714/897-3431 | Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays | Latin music

Northern California

Lion’s Den

San Francisco, East Bay, San Jose, Sacramento

Mountain View


King of Clubs


Mountain View | 893 Leong Drive | (650) 968-6366 | Friday and Saturday nights is Papi Palace featuring the best Latin house, house, salsa and cumbias.

Central California

Bench And Bar

The Casablanca Club

Oakland | 120 11th St. | 510/444-2266 | Fridays: Latin Explosion | Mondays: Latino Lunes www.

Sacramento Faces Sacramento | 2000 “K” Street | 916/448-7798 | Tuesday Latin Night | San Francisco

El Rio San Francisco (Mission District) | 3158-A Mission Street | 415/282-3325 | Bar |

Esta Noche

North Hollywood (at Lodge) | 4923 Lankershim Blvd.| 818/769-7722 | Friday & Saturday | House music.

Eureka | 535 5th Street (Corner of 5th & G) | Info line: 707.444.CLUB | Sunday “Club Triangle” | 18+ |

3068 N. Maroa Ave| (559) 244-4844 |Fri-Sun | 18+ | Tuesday Latin Dance Nite | www.geocities. com/bambamscafe2000/

The Cave

4538 E Belmont Ave. | (559)251-5972 | Mon-Sun 7pm-2am Multicultral

The Circle

2777 N Maroa | (559)229-4188 | Thus/Fri/Sat 10pm-2AM | Multicultral

Deja Vu Night Club

San Francisco | 174 King St. | 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month | 415/665-6715 | House, Rock en Español |

Kwality San Francisco | 298 11th Street @ Folsom | www.

Milkshake Mondays San Francisco | Sno Drift | 1830 3rd Street @ 16th | 9pm

Pendulum San Francisco | 4148 18th Street | 415-863-4441 | Tuesday: “Castro Latin Night”

Rumba San Francisco | 3140 Mission St. | 650.654.8917 | Live sala orquestas and salsa lessons for only $5! Dj after spining Latin pop + more. Come every 2nd @ 4th Thursday of the month! |

San Jose Club Papi!


Club West

Bam Bams


Norma Jeans

Club “L”


Club 708



1825 N Street | 661.324.0661

San Francisco (Mission District) | 3079 16th Street | 415/861-5757 | Bar

San Jose | 408-793-0113 | Special Events | www.

San Fernando Valley

Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto


Castroville Castroville | 10639 Merritt Street, Castroville, CA 95012 | (831) 633-2090 | Fridays –Sundays

Sunnyvale | The Forum: 146 S. Murphy Ave. | 408793-0333 | Wednesday |


Costa Mesa | 719 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa | 714-645-3830

Buena Park | 6231 Manchester Blvd. | 714/5221542 | Saturdays, Tuesdays

March/April 2008 - Page 15

San Jose | 30 S. 1st Street (Downtown) | Mon & Weds | 408.298.9317 |Salsa, Cumbia, L atin pop.

Sensations San Jose | Friday nights at La Perla Lounge | 31 Santa Clara St. between 1st & 2nd St. Down Town | Latin & Dance music. 408-287-8091

708 N. Blackstone Ave | Mon/Thurs-Sat

708 N. Blackstone Ave. | Latino Night Every Thursday (Cumbia, Merengue, Salsa & Latin Mixes) with DJ Carlos | Karina’s Trasvesti Show every Thurs.

Red Lantern

4618 E. Belmont Ave. | 559-251-5898 | Multi-racial

Modesto The Brave Bull

1523 So. 9th St | Latin Dance music, house, salsa, Spanish Remixes. Friday - Sunday.

Club Mustang

413 7th Street | Latin Music Remixes Every Wed and Sat Night With DJ Carlitos.

San Diego Imperial Beach Lidias Cafe

Imperial Beach | 1628 Palm Avenue| 619/4293603 | Wednesdays

San Diego Bacchus House 3054 University Ave. | 619.299.2032 | Wednesdays “Musica y Pasion latina” with Franceska. 8:30-9 PM Joteria. 9-10 Salsa Lessons by Robert 10-11 Franceska’s latino drag show Dj Ruben Casas


4612 Park Blvd. | 619-291-4043 | Tuesday Latin Night |

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Brass Rail

3796 Fifth Ave. | 619/298-2233 | Thursdays & Saturdays | Latin & House Music

Club Montage

2028 Hancock St. (at Washington Ave.) | 619/2949590 | Friday-Saturday | Multi-racial | www.

Hamburger Mary’s/Kickers

Henrietta Hudson’s West Village | 438 Hudson Street | 212.243.9079 | Latin Thursdays

Monster West Village | 80 Grove St. | 212.924.3558 | Sabor Latino Mondays |

SBNY (Splash Bar New York)

308 University Avenue | (619) 491-0400 | Mondays - Noches Calientes from 8pm to 2am

Chelsea | 50 W 17th Street, New York NY | 212.691.0073 | Movado Wednesdays | http://www.

Noche Latina @ Shooterz

Stonewall Bar

3815 30th St. | 619/574-0744 | Mondays | Salsa, Cumbia, House & Merengue


1051 University Ave. | 619/497-4588 | ThursdaySunday | Multi-racial |

Las Vegas Backdoor Lounge

Las Vegas | 1415 E. Charleston | 702-385-2018


Las Vegas | 4605 Paradise Rd. | 702-731-1919 or 702-796-8793

New Mexico Albuquerque Pulse

4100 Central SE | 505.255.3334 |Club, hip hop, dance music. Saturday Nights

New York Bronx

West Village | 55 Christopher Street | 212.714.8149 | Uncut Latin Wednesdays

Vinyl SoHo | 6 Hubert Street | 212.343.1379 or 212.330.9169

Harlem Clubhouse Harlem | 2234 3rd Avenue | (212) 330-8101 | HIPHOP, RNB, HOUSE AND REGGAE BY DJ Tony Cortez & Frankie Paradise |Hosted by E-MAN | This party has been going on for 8 years and is legendary for its cute Latin and Black crowd | www.

Midtown Earth (At Exit) 610 W. 56th Street | 212.582.8282 | Saturdays featuring DJ Junior Vasquez |


Zodiac’s Tavern

El Paso

Woodside | 69-16 Roosevelt Ave. | 718.899.4724 | Tuesday-Sunday

The Briar Patch Bar & Patio

Watertown Clueless


San Antonio Mining Company


El Paso | 800 E. San Antonio Street | (915) 5339516 | Daily 3pm - 2am

Boyz Cellar Austin | 213 W. 4th St. | 512-479.8284 | www.

Austin | 1301 LaVaca St. | (512) 474-6481 | Nightly. Dance music with some Spanish.

3117 Bainbridge Ave. | 718.231.1010 | Latin Sundays & Tuesdays

Austin | 211 W. 4th, 512-320.8823 | www.

Rainbow Cattle Company


The Forum

7731 Park Place| 832-754-4115 | Open: ThursdaySunday 8pm-4am

Austin | 408 Congress Ave., 512-476.2900 | www.

802 S. Staples | 361-8825002

Chelsea | 12 W. 21st Street Btw 5th and 6th | Sundays

“Chasing Papi” 12am Amatuer Strip Contest - Sundays

Inergy 5750 Chimney Rock (At Glemon) | (713) 666-7310 | House & Latin music. Male & female dancers on Friday and Saturday. Monday nites regular talent and QV Games. Wed

JR’S Bar & Grill Dallas

804 Pacific St. | (713) 521-2519 | 12PM-2AM | Wednesday Night Papi Underwear Contest


6102 Maple Ave. | 214-358-2515 | Wed-Sunday |

710 Pacific St. 713-523-0213 | Mon-Sat: 3pm-3am, Sun: 1pm-3am |Music: House and 80’s and 90’s mixes | Crowd: Mixed Race |

Chueca Bar & Restaurant

Crews Inn

Friend’s Tavern




1306 Unionpoint Road | 718.822.9585 | Latin Tuesdays

Chelsea/West Village

Grand Pairie | 2515 W Jefferson (At corner of Great Southwest Pkwy) | Salsa, Merengue, Pop En Espanol, Rock Pop, Disco, Top 40’s | Fri-Sun 9:00pm - 3:00am |

Jackson Heights | 76-19 Roosevelt Avenue | 718.457.3939 | Thursdays-Sundays

Up & Down Bar

141 E. 140th St. (Between Grand Concourse & Walton) | 718.992.5974 | Saturdays

Grand Prairie

Austin | 305 W. 5th St., 512-472.5288 | www.

The Hidden Door

Queens | 69-04 Woodside Ave. | 718.424.1171 | Dance Bar and Restaurant | Latino nights Tu - Sun


El Paso | 701 East Paisano St. (At Ochoa) | (915) 533-0215

Azukita Oilcan Harry’s

Papicock (At Club Shelter)

Atlantis 2010 Nite Club Rainbow Nights

The Whatever Lounge


Corpus Christi


The New Old Plantation El Paso | 301 S. Ochoa St | (915) 533-0655 | Open Thursdays - Sundays | Dance music | www.

Blackthorne “Shades of QV” 3117 Bainbridge Ave. | 718.231.1010 | Latin Tuesdays

El Paso | 548 N. Stanton St | (915) 577-9555 | Daily 12noon - 2am

Watertown (Upstate) | 545 Arsenal St., | 315.782.9006

301 W. 39th St | 212.631-0588 | House, Salsa, Merenque, Hip-hop, and R&B | Thursdays-Sundays |

20 W. 39th Street (between 5th and 6th) | 212-802PAPI | Every Friday

March/April 2008 - Page 16

Jackson Heights | 78-11 Roosevelt Ave. | 718.397.7256 | Latin Thursday

Krash Astoria | 34-48 Steinway St. | 718.937.2400 | Fridays: House, Salsa, Merenque, and Hip-hop | Milk Mondays |

Lucho’s Woodside | 38-19 69th St. | 718.899-9320 | Wednesdays: Salsa, Merenque, Bachata, House


Music Box Bar

Chelsea | 579 Sixth Avenue | 212-243-6100 | Casa Latino Thursdays |

Jackson Heights | 40-08 74th Street | 718.429.9356 | Nightly

3215 N. Fitzhugh | 214-526-9510 | Tuesdays: 9pm-2:30am | Mixed race crowd | Music: Mostly House Music

JR’s Bar and Grill

Rich’s 2401 San Jacinto Street | (713) 759-9606 | 9pm to 2 am (til 4am on Fri & Sat.) | Thursdays: 18+ young crowd, mucho Latinos | www.richs-houston. com

3923 Cedar Springs Road | 214-559-0650 | BAR- Sundays 12PM-2AM (Mostly Black & Latino) |

Scudiero’s Martini Bar

Kaliente (El Azteca)

South Beach

4350 Maple Ave @ Hondo Ave. | 469-556-1395 | Top-40/Spanish | Thursday-Sunday, 8:00pm - 2:00am |

810 Pacific Ave. | (713) 529-SOBE (7623) | Wednesdays “Cafe Con Leche” Noche Latina |

Village Station

Toyz Disco

3911 Cedar Springs Rd. | (214) 559-0650 | Mixed race clientelle | Caliente Sundays | www.caven. com/village.htm

817 West Dallas | (713) 490-0235 | Wednesday QV Night

5322 Glenmont (At Chimney Rock) | (713) 6684892 | Latin house, hip-hop, salsa, merengue | Thursdays: Hot Papi Chulo contest | WWW. TOYZDISCO.COM

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Viviana’s Nite Club



5219 Washington Ave. | 713-862-0203 |Sundays: “Hombres Caliente”; Strip Show

1376 N. Nova Rd (Between 7th & 8th St.) | 386.252.3776 |

Miami Beach | 727 Lincoln Rd |305-535-1111 | Nightly; Tuesday Latin night/house music



2612 S. Richey | (713) 944-7663 | Monday & Friday Nights

322 Seabreeze Blvd. | 386.257.6464


Ft. Lauderdale



Laredo | 2019 Farragut | 956-722-9032

PRP’s Laredo | 1209 Hidalgo (Historical District) | 956795-1333 | All types of music

McAllen Mystique

Fort Lauderdale | 1721 N.Andrews Avenue | 954-463-6969

Club 21 @ The Coliseum Fort Lauderdale | 2520 South Miami Rd, Ft. Lauderdale | Thursdays | 1-877-476-6834, 1-877GROOVE-4 | Hip Hop, House, Reggae


Nolana St. | Best time to see Latinos is on Friday.

Fort Lauderdale | 2800 South Federal Hwy. | (954) 463-1507 | QV Bar & Dance Club


Cubby Hole

1234 N. Hackberry Ave. | Tues-Sun | Country, dance, techno

Fort Lauderdale | 823 North Federal Hwy. | (954) 728-9001 | Small QV Bar & Internet Cafe

Odessa Club Fictxions 409 N. Hancock St. | 915-580.5449 | www.

San Antonio Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham | (210) 271-3811|

Heat 1500 N. Main Ave. | 210-227-2600 | Sunday,Wednesday-Saturday | Music: House and Top 40 Hits | Crowd: Mostly Latinos but mixed crowd

The Pegasus 1402 N. Main | 210-299-4222 | Crowd: Mixed crowd but lots of papis

The Saint 1430 N. Main | (210) 225-7330 |

Silver Dollar 1418 N. Main | 210-227-2623 | Fridays - Mostly Latino | Music: Top 40

Florida Daytona Beach

Miami Cactus, The Miami | 2041 Biscayne Blvd. | 305.438.0662 | Nightly; “Ay Papi” Saturday nites | www.thecactus. com

Crobar Miami Beach | 1445 Washington Ave | 305 531-5027 | Sunday QV night | house music |

Laundry Bar Miami Beach | 721 Lincoln Lane | 305 531-7700 | Thursdays | House music

Level Miami Beach | 1235 Washington Ave. | 305532-1525 | Friday QV night./house music | www.

Loading Zone Miami | 1426A Alton Rd. | (Alley Entry) | 305-531LOAD

Ozone Miami | 6620 SW 57th Avenue (Red Road) | (305) 667-2888

Purple Haze @ Thunder Alley Miami | 3025 NE 188 St., Miami | Saturdays | 877GROOVE-4 | QV dance club mixed Laitno & Black | Hip Hop, House, Reggae

Other Place


642 S. Atlantic Ave. | 386.677.1006 |

Miami Beach | 1771 West Ave | 305.496.6020

Twist South Beach (Miami) | 1047 Washington Ave | (305) 53-TWIST | Nightly 1pm-5am |

Orlando The Club 578 N. Orange Ave. | (407) 426.0005

Southern Nights 375 S. Bumby Ave. | (407) 898.0424 | Mondays Latin House Night |

Tampa Valentine’s 7522 N. Armenia Avenue | (813)936-1999| Saturday night with Drag Latina night

March/April 2008 - Page 17

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

Party Spy Arizona

March/April 2008 - Page 18

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

March/April 2008 - Page 19

Restaurants con Sabor Latin - Mexican - Spanish - Cuban - Tex Mex

Sabor of New Mexico Cafe Plazuela & Cantina Mexican 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque

Rio Grande Cantina Bar and Grill Latin 910 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque

Ned’s On the Rio Grande Mexican 1100 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque

Ranchers Club of New Mexico Mexican 1901 University Blvd NE Albuquerque

Little Anita’s Mexican Foods Mexican 2000 Menaul Blvd NE Albuquerque

Casa Grande Restaurant Mexican 2424 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque

El Patio de Albuquerque Mexican 142 Harvard Dr SE, Albuquerque

Kathy’s Carry-Out Mexican 725 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque

Las Mananitas Restaurant Mexican 1800 Rio Grande Blvd NW Albuquerque

Padilla’s Mexican Kitchen Mexican 1510 Girard Blvd NE Albuquerque

Cameron’s Mexican 2201 Silver SE, Albuquerque

Ron’s Camino Real Mexican 416 Yale Blvd SE, Albuquerque,

Familia Mexicana Taqueria Mexican 1720 Bridge Blvd SW Albuquerque

Sandwich Co Mexican 2300 Buena Vista Dr SE # 120, Albuquerque

La Parrilla Restaurant Mexican 401 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque

Taco Bell Mexican 2901 Monte Vista Blvd NE Albuquerque

Frontier Restaurant 2400 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque

Casa Chaco Restaurant 1901 University Blvd NE Albuquerque

El Charritos Mexican Rstrnt 505-836-2464 • 4703 Central Ave NW Albuquerque

Sabor of California Alertos Mexican Food Mexican 17225 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley

Cancun Fresh Mexican Grill Mexican 18010 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley

El Cholo Mexican 1121 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles

La Serenata de Garibaldi Mexican 1842 E. First St. Los Angeles

Malo Mexican 4326 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles

Alfonsos Mexican Food Mexican 650 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana

Eddies Mexican Food Mexican 2710 West Edinger Avenue Suite D, Santa Ana

El Coyote Mexican 236 S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills

Lares Mexican 2909 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica

Señor Fred Mexican 13730 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks

Arsenios Mexican Food Mexican 751 South Harbor Boulevard, Santa Ana

El Conejo Mexican 2429 N Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana

Frida Mexican Cuisine Mexican 236 S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills

Loteria Grill Mexican 6333 W. Third St., Ste. 322 Los Angeles

Tlapazola Grill Mexican Barrington Gateway Center 11676 Gateway Blvd. - est Los Angeles

Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville (Flamingo Las Vegas) Mexican $-$$

Mexican Village* (Sahara Hotel) Mexican $

Taqueria Canonita (Venetian Hotel) Mexican $$

La Salsa Cantina Fast Food $

Pink Taco (Hard Rock Hotel) Mexican $$

Tequila Bar (Bally’s) Mexican $

Quila’s Homemade Mexican Food & Cantina Mexican $

Viva Mercado’s Mexican 6182 W. Flamingo Rd. $$

Senor Miguel’s (Suncoast) Mexican $ Sombrero Room (Binion’s Horseshoe) Mexican $

# Willy & Jose’s* (Sam’s Town) Mexican $-$$

Sabor of Las Vegas Agave Mexican 10820 W Charleston Blvd $-$$ Blue Agave (Palms) Oysters and Chili bar $$-$$$ Blue Iguana (Circus Circus) Mexican $-$$ Border Grill (Mandalay Bay) Mexican $$ Coyote Cafe* (MGM Grand) Spanish $$-$$$ Coyote’s Cantina* Mexican 4350 E Sunset Rd, Henderson

Crazy Armadillo (Stratosphere) Mexican $-$$ Don Miguel’s (Orleans) Mexican $ Garduno’s Mexican Restaurant (Palms) Mexican $ Guadalajara Bar & Grille* (Palace Station & Boulder Station) Mexican $-$$ Isla Mexican Kitchen & Tequila Bar (TI aka Treasure Island) Mexican $-$$

Laredo Cantina & Cafe (Texas Hotel) Mexican Entrees $$ MargaritaGrille (Las Vegas Hilton) Mexican $-$$ - 732-5755 Mesa Grill (Caesar’s Palace) Mexican $$-$$$

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

March/April 2008 - Page 20

Sabor of Arizona Adrian’s Mexican $$ 4310 E. McDowell Rd. Phoenix Arriba Mexican Grill Mexican $$ 1812 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix 15236 N. Pima Rd. Scottsdale Asi Es La Vida Cuban, Mexican, Spanish $$$ 3602 N. 24th St. - Phoenix Aunt Chilada’s Restaurant & Hideaway Mexican $$$ 7330 N. Dreamy Draw Dr. Phoenix Bahia de Kino Seafood Mexican $$ 24 E. Broadway Rd. Phoenix Carolina’s Mexican Food Mexican $$$ 1202 E. Mohave St. El Bravo Mexican $ 8338 N. 7th St. El Conquistador Mexican $$ 16428 N. 32nd St. Phoenix El Norteño Mexican $ 1002 N. 7th Ave. Phoenix Fajitas Mexican, Southwestern $$ 9841 N. Black Canyon Phoenix Garcia’s Las Avenidas

Mexican, Southwestern $$ 2212 North 35th Avenue Phoenix La Olmeca Mexican $$ 6066 South Central Ave. Phoenix La Salsita Mexican $ 2526 W. Van Buren St. Phoenix La Barquita Restaurant Mexican $ 2334 E. McDowell Rd. Phoenix La Cabaña Breakfast, Mexican $$ 3100 W. McDowell Rd. Phoenix La Grande Orange Pizzeria Pizza, Spanish $$$ 4410 N. 40th St. Phoenix Blue Adobe Grille Mexican, Southwestern $$ 10885 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. Scottsdale 7318 E. Shea Blvd., #101 Scottsdale Blue Sage Mexican $$$ 5350 E. Marriott Dr. Scottsdale Cafe Caramba! Latin American $$$$ 7303 E. Indian School Rd. Scottsdale Carlsbad Tavern and Restaurant Mexican, Southwestern $$ 3313 N. Hayden Rd. Scottsdale

WEST VALLEY Arriba Mexican Grill Mexican $$ 17211 N. 79th Ave. Glendale Bitz-ee Mama’s Restaurant Mexican, Italian $$ 7023 N. 58th Ave. Glendale

Don Marco Mexican $ 10222 N. 43rd Ave. Glendale El Charrito Authentic Mexican Cuisine Mexican $$ 5410 W. Glendale Ave. - Glendale La Cabana Cantina Mexican $$ 5130 N. 43rd Ave. Glendale

Sabor of Texas La Casita Mexican 3355 Yarbrough, $$ Playas Resturant Mexican 1840 N. Lee Treviño Suite 101B, $-$$

Andale Mexican 9201 Gateway West, $-$$$,

East Side Cafe Mexican 11251 Rojas, $$

Ay Cocula Mexican 1435 N. Lee Treviño, $$,

El Chaparral de Valles Mexican 6128 Montana Suite H. $$

Big Al’s Wings & Suds Mexican 1201 Airway, $-$$ Bonny’s Cafe Mexican 11660 Montwood, $

El Mesón Fine Mexican & Marisco Restaurant Mexican 1906-C N. Lee Treviño, $$ El Parque 1319 George Dieter, $$

Chico’s Tacos Mexican 1235 McRae, $

Franky’s Mexican 9828 Montana, $$

Mike and Ana’s Mexican Cuisine Mexican 1850 Trawood, $$

Dominguez Mexican Food Mexican 1201 Airway Suite C5; $$

Las Fuentes Mexican 3130 Lee Treviño, $$

Navajo Cafe Mexican 3120 Trawood. $$

Los Tres Gallegos Mexican 3143 Lee Treviño, $-$$ Mariscos Edgar Mexican 9627 McRae at Sims, $$-$$$,

Ole Mexico Mexican 1515 N. Lee Treviño Suite A, $$ Pampas ASAP Mexican 1201 Airway, $-$$ Pirco’s Mexican 10740 Pebble Hills, $, Santini’s Restaurant Mexican 1204 Airway (inside Sugar Daddy’s), $-$$, Vivar’s Villa del Mar Mexican 9788 Gateway East, off the Yarbrough exit. $-$$

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

Sabor of Florida

La Marina Restaurant A Remarkable Point Of View 1881 Southeast 17th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL P: 954.527.6756 F: 954.527.6701 Luce Authentic Brick Oven Pizza 1906 Harrison Street Hollywood, FL P: 954.920.2500 Abbey Road Grill & Raw Bar Food, Fun, and Families 10800 N Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, FL P: 561.775.7556 F: 561.478.6301 Adobe Gilas 9101 International Dr # 2200 Orlando, FL P: 407.903.1477 Azteca Mexican Restaurant Featured Broward Mexican 8800 State Rd. 84 Davie, FL P: 954.474.5226 F: 954.472.9575

March/April 2008 - Page 21

Campeche Bay Cantina Classic Italian Cuisine & Full Bar Campeche Bay Cantina 8120 Atlantic Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32211 P: 904.727.5050 127 First Avenue Jacksonville Beach, FL P: 904.249.3322 Casa Juancho 2436 SW 8th Street Miami, FL P: 305.642.2452 Chico’s Cantina 5320 Federal Highway Key West, FL P: 305.296.4714 Eduardo de San Angel Mexican Infused International Cuisine 2822 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL P: 954.772.4731 Gatsby’s Share The Experience 5970 SW 18th Street Boca Raton, FL P: 561.393.3900

Cafe Del Rio 1821 SE 10th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL P: 954.463.5490

Bolero Bar & Grill 661 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL P: 305.673.6516

Cafe Epicure 1298 Palm Avenue Sarasota, FL P: 941.366.5648

Mediterraneo 1970 Main Street Sarasota, FL P: 941.365.4122

Cafe Epicure 1298 Palm Avenue Sarasota, FL P: 941.366.5648

Bongo’s Cuban Cafe 601 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL P: 786.777.2100

Gordos Cuban Cuisine 1907 W Pensacola St Tallahassee,FL P: 850.576.5767

Roessler’s 2033 Vamo Way, Sarasota, FL P: 941.966.5688

Sabor of New York Beso 210 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY (718) 783-4902

Victor’s Cafe 236 W 52nd St New York, NY (212) 586-7714

Azucar 495 Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ (201) 222-0090

Alma 187 Columbia St Brooklyn, NY (718) 643-5400

Cafe Habana 17 Prince St New York, NY (212) 625-2001

Cabana 1022 3rd Ave New York, NY (212) 980-5678

Guantanamera 939 8th Ave New York, NY (212) 262-5354

Sur 232 Smith St Brooklyn, NY (718) 875-1716

Cabana Restaurant 89 South St Peck Slip, NY (212) 406-1155

Havana - Alma De Cuba 94 Christopher St New York, NY (212) 242-3800

Bogota Latin Bistro 141 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY (718) 230-3805

Plataforma Churrascaria 316 W 49th St New York, NY (212) 245-0505

Asia De Cuba - New York 237 Madison Ave New York, NY (212) 726-7755

Margon Restaurant 136 W 46th St New York, NY (212) 354-5013

El Viejo Yayo Restaurant 36 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY (718) 622-8922

$ - Inexpensive $$ - Moderate $$$ - Costly

Pregunta las Estrellas! Hola mis estrellitas! Soy tu Chica de las Estrellas. The stars and planets have answers to your questions about love, work, health y su dirección en la vida. Por favor mandame your questions y tu birthday including the Month, Day and Year, your time of birth and the location including the town, state and country. By unlocking the information in your astrological chart, puedo ver the answer! Preguntame! Juan, un Aquarius de Brownsview, Texas me pregunta: Will I continue in the military and increase my rank? El general, Capricorn, guards your Ascendent. He guarantees your stability in this type of service to your country. To increase your value and rank, the stars suggest you explore a new realm. Turn your knack for communication, code and languages into an exciting new career. Explore both spoken and electronically generated varieties. Say yes to the upcoming offers for studies in this field and watch your career open up. Blas, un Pisces de Cienfuegos, Cuba me pregunta: Adonde puedo encuentrar mi gran amor? You have very strong Venus lines which affect Florida, South Mexico and Central America. It is possible that the one you are destined to be with was born in one of these places. In recent years you have been experiencing a down cycle. This has brought you many challenges. To find your one true love you must first focus on stabilizing your life. Allow yourself several years. Once your finances are in order. The right mate will come. Ray, un Escorpion de Havre, Montana me pregunta: Will I get a new job this year? Due to several years of abusive behavior, the structure of your body is challenged. Though your early dreams were aimed at physically challenging careers, you are now unable to pursue them. Your current focus must be the state of your health. If not, your body will rebel. Your focus for the next two years must be redefining your lifestyle. Rethink the way you have been treating and feeding your body. Once your health is better, you will be lead to the perfect career.

Send your questions y su información del nacimiento to Chica de las Estrellas at: or on Myspace at: I am available for personal consultations. Please call 772.233.8229 to make your appointment ahorita!

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

March/April 2008 - Page 22

Suerte from the


HOROSCOPE Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21

Dreams are strong, containing messages from the goddess Psyche. Pay close attention to her mystical commands and be sure to follow her lead. A super charge of extraneous imagination jumpstarts your desire for connection. Emotions bubble and steam. Take care to watch your levels and be prepared to clean up after explosions.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22

Tauro April 20/21 to May 21/22

The new moon in Pisces on March 7 inspires freaky disagreeable behavior which elevates problems rather then bringing solutions. Place trust into your prophetic visions. The instinctive force of Uranus drives you to make unusual choices. Suddenly you feel drawn to a much different group. Go with it. Learning happens when you step outside the box.

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23

Enough talk! The driving force of Mars struts into the nourishing sign of Cancer March 4 demanding you to put your nurture where your mouth is.

On March 13, the goddess Venus sachets into dreamy Pisces and joins the Sun. Mercury follows and turns our vision to loftier issues. Be careful how you react to the enticing signals flashing in your face. Breathe through challenges and curb your appetite. Recite your manifesto and exercise your promises. Ethical practices protect your emotional investments. Regular strengthening of your commitments ensures positive benefits. The longevity of human kind depends on our relationship to mother earth. Whether you have children or not you must place concern on the methods of raising and educating all of those in existence. It is time to wake up and recognize we are part of a great village. We must take responsibility for what is going on here. The themes of health and well-being continue to be important for all. Curb your desire to abuse your body and the planet. Stay motivated and strive to complete your obligations. Emotional outbursts happen in the days leading up to the full moon on March 21. Staying mindful of your health is a guaranteed way to avoid conflict. Explore your dark side. Write your daemons and paint your fears. The creative purging will cleanse your soul and support healthy choices in the weeks to come. Drive boldly forward using the information listed under your Sun Sign as a road for the month of March.

Channel brilliance into your plans by allowing your soft side to float to the surface. No need to be on the offensive. Quit running your head into the wall. Drop your guard and choose balance. Pay attention to details and thoroughly analyze all levels of each situation. Your pay off comes when you move smoothly through chaos allowing abundance to rain down on you.

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22

Gnawing sensitivity eats into you, begging for resolution. Patience is the only choice. Trust your intuition when the demand for an answer screams in your face. This leads your career in the right direction. Your disdain for conflict works against the goal of your desires. Face confrontation and break free of fear. Daring to go into realms you previously shied away from, proves that they were an illusion.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24

Keep your lips curled up into a smile. Stagnant energy holds you down. Happiness happens, when you believe. Work on issues close to you and give yourself time off from the outside world.

El cauce tiene su propio resplandor en tus planes, lo que permite que tu lado compasivo salga a flote. No necesitas ser ofensivo. Deja de golpear tu cabeza contra la pared. Baja la guardia y elige estar en equilibrio. Presta atención a los detalles y minuciosamente analiza todos los niveles de cada situación. Tu recompensa vendrá cuando poco a poco vayas atravesando el caos y esto permita que la abundancia caiga sobre ti.

Geminis May 21/22 to June 21/22

Tu intuición para presentir los malos momentos te carcome, lo que te conduce a rogar por una resolución. La paciencia es la única alternativa. Confía en tu intuición cuando la necesidad de una respuesta te grite en la cara. Esto guiará tu carrera en la dirección correcta. Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23 Tu desdén por el conflicto actúa en contra de la meta que deseas. Enfréntate y libérate del miedo. Atreverse a aproximarse al reino del que previamente ya habías escapado, prueba que todo fue una ilusión.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24

Mantén la sonrisa en tu boca. La energía estancada te domina. La felicidad ocurre, cuando crees en ella. Trabaja en las situaciones a las que estás próximo y date tiempo libre del mundo exterior.

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24

Suddenly, that which you dearly desire comes easily. Be sure to stay in the planning stage long enough to get exactly what you really want. Hind sight will only annoy you.

Put up your guard and proceed with caution. Higher voices are contacting you with guidance. Tune in and head their messages. Now you must trust rather then thinking you have all the answers.

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23

Sweeten your voice to soothe your passage on potentially rocky roads. Smother dangerous sparks before they begin to smoulder. No need to put out fires if they never happen.

De repente, lo que tanto habías deseado llega con facilidad. Asegúrate de permanecer en la etapa de planeación el tiempo suficiente para obtener lo que realmente deseas. Levanta la guardia y procede con cautela. Voces de más arriba te guiarán. Sintonízate con ellas y sigue sus mensajes. Ahora debes confiar en lugar de pensar que tienes todas las respuestas.

Escorpio Oct. 23/24 to Nov. 22/23

Endulza tu voz para facilitar tu tránsito en caminos potencialmente inseguros. Apaga las chispas peligrosas antes de que empiecen a arder. No hay necesidad de apagar fuegos que nunca existieron.

Sagittarius Nov. 22/23 to Dec. 21/22

Sagitario Nov. 22/23 to Dec. 21/22

Capricorn Dec. 21/22 to Jan. 20/21

Capricornio Dec. 21/22 to Jan. 20/21

Aquarius Jan. 20/21 to Feb. 18/19

Acuario Jan. 20/21 to Feb. 18/19

Get out of your head and into the heart of the matter. Call on your courage to lift you above daily stresses. Spend less time fussing and more being joyfully active. Center your focus on the point of your desire. Charge forward and resolve to only turn back for guidance. Reminiscence is unhealthy when you feel mired rather then uplifted. Wobbly footing trips you up. Make use of the opportunity to retrace your steps. See this as a blessing. Be grateful to clean up past mistakes and discover important missing pieces of the puzzle.

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20

Finally it is easier to get what you want. Sudden inspiration magically lights your way. Reach for it and let go the poisoned darkness from you past.

Sal de tu propia cabeza y colócate en el meollo del asunto. Has uso de tu valentía para sobrellevar el estrés diario. Gasta menos tiempo en escándalos y empléalo en disfrutar de actividades. Concéntrate en el objetivo que deseas. Ataca y llega a una solución, mira hacia atrás sólo para obtener una guía. Los recuerdos son poco saludables cuando te sientes estancado en lugar de sentirte con ánimo. Pasos inseguros te hacen tropezar. Utiliza la oportunidad para volver en ellos. Considera esto como una bendición. Agradece el poder enmendar errores pasados y descubre piezas importantes que faltaban en el rompecabezas.

Piscis February 18/19 to March 19/20

Finalmente es más fácil obtener lo que deseas. De forma mágica una inspiración repentina alumbra tu camino. Alcánzala y aleja la venenosa oscuridad de tu pasado.

Chica de las Estrellas has been working with Astrology since 1974. She has been featured as a relationship expert on the Learning Channel and has consulted for companies including IBM and the J.W. Marriott. Ella tiene a degree from NorthStar College of Astrological Studies and is available for consultations including relationship, career, health and finding la calle por tu vida. Printed Astrological reports available in English y Español. To contact her please write to: y por favor visit her on MySpace at: http://myspace. com/chicadelasestrellas

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

March/April 2008 - Page 23

Musica,Film,News and Reviews Musica

Malverde Selected as MTV Tr3es Descubre & Download Artist Exclusive Free Download of New Release “Este Camino”

salvation was his education, a B.A. in Political Science, and his poetry. “I am deeply honored to have been selected as the MTV Tr3s Descubre & Download artist,” said Malverde. “The MTV brand is synonymous with popular culture and has always played a hand in shaping it. With the recent launch of MTV Tr3s, the impact and reach of the channel has been profound, and it’s just the beginning. I set out to make music that both entertains and inspires, true Hip-Hop. Being recognized at this level for doing so is a humbling experience and testament que con Amor, Fe y Ganas, Si Se Puede!!” Music fans eager to discover Malverde can download his new single “Este Camino” for free on’s new “Descubre & Download” section. Users may also browse through an exclusive photo gallery, download a custom wallpaper and watch Malverde’s Descubre & Download vignette and “Este Camino” music video on . (HPRW)

Malverde es seleccionado como artista de Descubre & Download de MTV Tr3es Exclusiva descarga gratuita de la nueva presentación “Este Camino”

MTV Tr3s ( has tapped Malverde, the West Coast Mexican Hip Hop artist signed to Machete Music/ Universal Music Group, as it’s latest “Descubre & Download” artist. Malverde’s unique brand of poetic hip-hop that pays tribute to the Mexican folk hero he’s named after will get aggressive on-air exposure, interactive online elements, wireless content distribution and other off-air promotional and marketing elements designed to reach today’s multitasking music fan for a six-week period starting today. Since launching in 2007, MTV Tr3s “Descubre & Download” has been instrumental in furthering the budding careers of artists like The D.E.Y., Monte Negro, Jesse & Joy, Kat de Luna, Gustavo Laureano and Down AKA Kilo. “Malverde has built tremendous buzz with his underground classic ‘Mi Palabra’ and we know that our young bilingual audience will love discovering his rich lyrics and culturally loaded sound,” said Michael Galbe, Vice President, Music and Talent for MTV Tr3s. Jesus Malverde, the artist, was born in Coachella, California. Growing up in a town mostly consisting of Mexican farm laborers, opportunities weren’t the best. His

MTV Tr3s (http://www.mtvtr3s. com/) ha incorporado a Malverde, el artista mexicano de hip hop de la Costa Oeste con contrato en Machete Music / Universal Music Group, como su último artista de “Descubre & Download”. La exclusiva marca de hip-hop poético de Malverde, que ofrece tributo al héroe popular mexicano cuyo nombre toma, obtendrá una agresiva exposición al aire, elementos interactivos en línea, distribución de contenidos por celular y otros elementos promocionales y de marketing fuera del aire, diseñados para alcanzar al aficionado a la música multifacético de hoy durante un periodo de seis semanas, que comienza hoy. Desde su lanzamiento en 2007, “Descubre & Download” de MTV Tr3s ha sido fundamental para impulsar las carreras en crecimiento de artistas como The D.E.Y., Monte Negro, Jesse & Joy, Kat de Luna, Gustavo Laureano y Down AKA Kilo.

jadores agrícolas mexicanos, las oportunidades no eran las mejores. Su salvación fue su educación, un B.A. en Ciencias Políticas, y su poesía. “Estoy profundamente honrado de haber sido seleccionado como artista Descubre & Download de MTV Tr3s,” declaró Malverde. “La marca MTV es sinónimo de cultura popular, y siempre ha tenido participación en darle forma. Con el reciente lanzamiento de MTV Tr3s, el impacto y alcance del canal ha sido profundo, y es sólo el comienzo. Me lancé a hacer música que a la vez entretenga e inspire, verdadero hip-hop. Ser reconocido en este nivel por hacerlo es una experiencia de humildad, y un testimonio de que con Amor, Fe y Ganas, Si Se Puede!!” Los aficionados ansiosos por descubrir a Malverde pueden descargar sin cargo su nuevo single “Este Camino” en la nueva sección “Descubre & Download” de Los usuarios pueden también desplazarse por una exclusiva galería de fotos, descargar un fondo de pantalla personalizado y mirar la viñeta de Descubre & Download de Malverde y el video musical de “Este Camino” en (HPRW)

“Malverde ha provocado un tremendo entusiasmo con su clásico clandestino ‘Mi Palabra,’ y sabemos que a nuestra audiencia bilingüe le encantará descubrir sus complejas letras y su sonido culturalmente cargado,” comentó Michael Galbe, Vicepresidente de Música y Talento de MTV Tr3s.

Verizon Wireless Challenges Fans to Remix Their Favorite Linkin Park Songs

Jesús Malverde, el artista, nació en Coachella, California. Al crecer en un pueblo compuesto en su mayoría por traba-

Remix Contest Winner Gets College Campus Linkin Park Concert

Verizon Wireless and mega-platinum GRAMMY(R)-winning band Linkin Park are challenging fans to remix the band’s smash hits into their own creations as part of the Remix2Win with Linkin Park contest. Verizon Wireless customers can remix one of Linkin Park’s legendary songs such as “Bleed It Out,” “What I’ve Done,” “In the End,” “Crawling,” and more. Colleges have a chance to compete for a free Linkin Park concert -- right on campus. The 20 colleges with the most submissions will become finalists vying for the private Linkin Park concert in the fall, and the individual with the most popular submission will be awarded a cash prize. Fans can enter the contest by going to and following the contest rules outlined on the “Remix2Win” link. The resulting remix can be accessed through a link that can be shared with friends by e-mail or posted to the creator’s Facebook(R) profile through the Remix2Win application. The creator can add to his or her Facebook profile using the Facebook Platform and invite others to participate. The Continued on page 24 creator’s remix is awarded a “prop” when a friend clicks on the link on Facebook or in an e-mail, which will help determine the final round submissions for colleges as well as the individual winner of the contest. From all of the entries, the 20 colleges with the most remix submissions will become finalists for the campus concert from Linkin Park; from the school’s selections, the one remix with the most props will represent each school and will be judged by Linkin Park in the final round. There are no limits to the number of remixes participants can submit, and colleges may opt out of the contest at any time. In addition, the top 20 individuals with the remixes that receive the most props will be selected as finalists for the cash prize. The band will select the individual with the best remix, who will be awarded $4,000. “We are thrilled to work with Verizon Wireless and we challenge our fans to make the best remix,” said Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park. “Verizon Wireless is pleased and excited to offer Linkin Park’s fans an opportunity to win a campus concert,” said Ed Ruth, director of digital music for Verizon. “Linkin Park is a band that enjoys interacting with their fans and sharing their passion for music. This contest lets fans channel their creativity, share the fun and create a lasting piece of music themselves.” Fresh off their headlining North American tour, sponsored by Verizon Wireless, Linkin Park will continue to tour in support of double-platinum-selling new album “MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT.” Linkin Park is Chester Bennington (vocals), Rob Bourdon (drums), Brad Delson (guitar), Joe Hahn (DJ), Dave “Phoenix” Farrell (bass), and Mike Shinoda (vocals). The band has sold over 40 million albums worldwide and has earned two GRAMMY Awards, the first for Best Hard Rock Performance in 2002 with their hit single “Crawling” and the second for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration with Jay-Z in 2006 for the innovative “Numb/Encore.” In addition, they established Music For Relief in January 2005 to help aid victims of world catastrophes and combat global warming. For more information on Linkin Park and Music For Relief, please log on to www.linkinpark. com or The Remix2Win with Linkin Park contest runs through Aug. 31, 2008, and the campus concert will take place in the fall. Visit for complete contest rules. For more information on mobile music from Verizon Wireless, visit www.verizonwireless. com/music.( HPRW)

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Verizon Wireless Desafía a los Fanáticos a Remixar sus Canciones de Linkin Park Favoritas El ganador del concurso de remix se adjudica el concierto de Linkin Park en el campus universitario Verizon Wireless y Linkin Park, la banda ganadora de Premios GRAMMY(R) mega platino, están desafiando a los fanáticos a remixar los grandes éxitos de la banda para crear sus propias versiones, como parte del concurso Remix2Win with Linkin Park (Remixa para ganar con Linkin Park). Los clientes de Verizon Wireless pueden remixar una de las canciones legendarias de Linkin Park, como “Bleed It Out,” “What I’ve Done,” “In the End,” “Crawling” y otras más. Las universidades tienen la oportunidad de competir por un concierto de Linkin Park gratuito -- en su mismo campus. Las 20 universidades que hayan hecho más presentaciones serán finalistas para competir por el concierto privado de Linkin Park en el otoño, y la persona que haga la presentación más popular obtendrá un premio en efectivo. Los fanáticos pueden ingresar en el concurso visitando y siguiendo las reglas del concurso delineadas en el enlace “Remix2Win”. Se puede acceder al remix resultante a través de un enlace que puede ser compartido con amigos mediante correo electrónico o colgado en el perfil Facebook(R) del creador o de la creadora a través de la aplicación Remix2Win. El creador o la creadora pueden agregar información a su perfil Facebook usando la Facebook Platform (Plataforma Facebook) e invitar a que otras personas participen. El remix del creador o de la creadora obtiene un “prop” cuando un amigo pulsa sobre el enlace en Facebook o en un correo electrónico, lo que ayudará a determinar las presentaciones de la ronda final para las universidades, así como la persona ganadora del concurso. De todas las canciones ingresadas, las 20 universidades que presenten más canciones remixadas se convertirán en finalistas para el concierto de Linkin Park en el campus; de las selecciones de la escuela, el remix con más props representará a cada escuela y será juzgado por Linkin Park en la ronda final. No hay límites a la cantidad de remixes que los participantes pueden presentar, y las universidades pueden elegir dejar de participar del concurso en cualquier momento. Además, las primeras 20 personas con los remixes que reciban más props

serán elegidas finalistas para el premio en efectivo. La banda elegirá a la persona con el mejor remix, quien recibirá un premio de US$4,000. “Estamos encantados de trabajar con Verizon Wireless y desafiamos a nuestros fanáticos a hacer el mejor remix”, dijo Mike Shinoda de Linkin Park. “Verizon Wireless está complacida y entusiasmada por ofrecer a los fanáticos de Linkin Park la oportunidad de ganar un concierto en el campus”, dijo Ed Ruth, director de música digital de Verizon. “Linkin Park es una banda que disfruta de interaccionar con sus fanáticos y de compartir su pasión por la música. Este concurso permite a los fanáticos canalizar su creatividad, compartir la diversión y crear, ellos mismos, una pieza de música duradera”. De regreso de su gira como artista principal por América del Norte, auspiciada por Verizon Wireless, Linkin Park continuará haciendo giras en respaldo al nuevo álbum doble platino “MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT”. Linkin Park está compuesta por Chester Bennington (vocalista), Rob Bourdon (batería), Brad Delson (guitarra), Joe Hahn (DJ), Dave “Phoenix” Farrell (bajo) y Mike Shinoda (vocalista). La banda ha vendido más de 40 millones de álbumes en todo el mundo y ha ganado dos Premios GRAMMY: el primero por la Mejor Actuación de Hard Rock (Best Hard Rock Performance) en 2002 con su sencillo “Crawling” y el segundo, por la Mejor Colaboración de Rap (Best Rap/Sung Collaboration) con Jay-Z en 2006, por la innovadora “Numb/Encore”. Además, establecieron Music For Relief en enero de 2005 para ayudar a las víctimas de catástrofes mundiales y combatir el calentamiento global. Para más información sobre Linkin Park y Music For Relief, ingrese en o www.musicforrelief. org. El concurso Remix2Win with Linkin Park estará en vigencia hasta el 31 de agosto de 2008, y el concierto en el campus se realizará en el otoño. Visite para obtener el reglamento completo del concurso. Para más información sobre música móvil de Verizon Wireless, visite (HPRW)

March/April 2008 - Page 24

Television y Film Univision Special ‘TV Digital: ¿Cuánto Sabes?’ to Inform Viewers about Upcoming Switch to Digital Television Network’s Second Public Service Program is Part of Innovative, Multi-Platform Campaign to Explain Transition The Univision Television Network announced its second digital television special, “TV Digital: ¿Cuánto Sabes?” (Digital TV: How Much Do You Know?), informing viewers of the various aspects of the transition to digital television in 2009 in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The half-hour special will air on Saturday, March 22, at 4:30 pm ET/PT (3:30 pm Central). Hosted by network personalities Fernando Arau, host of Univision’s number one morning talk, news and entertainment program and Carmen Dominicci, awardwinning reporter of the network’s weekly primetime magazine show “Aquí y Ahora”, the special will review in simple and easy to understand terminology the difference between the current analog and upcoming digital systems. The show will also feature Univision personalities including Carlos Calderon, host of Galavisión Television Network’s hit interactive-music show “Acceso Máximo” (All Access), Tony Dandrades, entertainment reporter for Univision’s top-rated news magazine “Primer Impacto (First Impact) and Marta “Martica” Rodriguez, popular personality on Univision’s entertainment news and gossip fest “El Gordo y La Flaca” (The Scoop and The Skinny), who will explain the benefits of digital broadcasting, the importance of applying for a digital-to-analog converter box coupon and demonstrate, step-by-step, how to properly install a converter box. Also appearing in the special are Spanish-language television icon and host of Univision’s hit talk show “Cristina”, Cristina Saralegui, who will be interviewing Alex Nogales, president of the National Hispanic Media Coalition; their discussion will focus on the importance of the digital conversion and who will be affected by this change. In October 2007 Univision launched a massive multi-platform campaign to educate the country’s Hispanic population on the upcoming congressionally mandated transition from analog to digital television broadcasting (DTV). According to a study released by Nielsen in February, nearly 17 percent of Hispanic households could be left without full power television service if the transition happened today.

Continued on page 25 “Univision, as the first broadcaster to implement a comprehensive, multi-platform DTV education campaign, has taken a leadership role in the DTV education efforts to ensure that all Hispanics in the U.S. and Puerto Rico are appropriately informed about this complex and important issue,” said Cesar Conde, executive vice president and chief strategy officer, Univision Communications Inc. “These efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to inform and empower the Hispanic community.” (HPRW)

Especial de Univision ‘TV Digital: ¿Cuánto Sabes?’ informará a los televidentes sobre el cambio próximo a televisión digital El segundo programa de servicio público de la cadena sobre el tema es parte de una campaña innovadora en plataformas múltiples para explicar la transición La cadena de televisión Univision anunció su segundo especial sobre la televisión digital, “TV Digital: ¿Cuánto Sabes?” para informar a los televidentes de los diferentes aspectos de la transición a televisión digital en el 2009 en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. El especial de media hora se transmitirá el sábado 22 de marzo a las 4:30 pm hora del este/hora del Pacífico (3:30 pm hora central). El especial, presentado por Fernando Arau, presentador del programa matutino número uno de entrevistas, noticias y entretenimiento de Univision, y Carmen Dominicci, galardonada periodista/presentadora de la revista semanal de hora pico “Aquí y Ahora” de la cadena, examinará, de forma simple y fácil de comprender, la terminología y la diferencia entre el sistema analógico actual y el próximo sistema digital. También participarán en el programa las celebridades Carlos Calderón, presentador del exitoso programa interactivo de música “Acceso Máximo” de Galavisión Television Network, Tony Dandrades, periodista de entretenimiento de la renombrada revista noticiosa “Primer Impacto” de Univision, y Marta “Martica” Rodríguez, popular personalidad en el programa de noticias y chismes de farándula “El Gordo y La Flaca” en Univision, quienes explicarán los beneficios de la trasmisión digital y la importancia de solicitar un cupón para el convertidor de señal digital a analógica. Además demostrarán paso a paso cómo instalar debidamente el convertidor. También se presentará en el especial Cristina Saralegui, ícono de la televisión en español y presentadora del popular programa “Cristina” de Univision, quien entrevistará a Alex Nogales, presidente de la National Hispanic Media Coalition. El tema principal de su conversación será la importancia de la conversión a señal digital y quiénes se verán afectados por este cambio.

En octubre del 2007, Univision

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 inició una campaña masiva en plataformas múltiples para educar a la población hispana del país sobre la próxima transición en la transmisión de televisión de señal analógica a digital (DTV), la cual ha sido dispuesta por el Congreso. Según un estudio realizado por Nielsen en febrero, si la transición tuviese lugar ahora, casi 17 por ciento de los hogares hispanos se quedarían sin servicio de televisión de alta potencia. “Univision, la primera cadena en implementar una campaña integral de educación en plataformas múltiples sobre la televisión digital, ha asumido un papel de liderazgo en los esfuerzos de educación sobre DTV para asegurarse de que todos los hispanos en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico estén debidamente informados sobre este complejo e importante asunto”, dijo César Conde, vicepresidente ejecutivo y funcionario principal de estrategia de Univision Communications Inc. (HPRW)

News LATINA Style Business Series Kicks Off the 10 Year Anniversary Tour in Anaheim, CA LATINA Style Magazine, the premier magazine addressing the needs of established Latina & Women entrepreneurs in the U.S., will kick off the 2008 LATINA Style Business Series(LSBS) 10 Year Anniversary Tour in Anaheim on Friday, April 11, 2008, from 8:00am - 4:00pm at the Doubletree Guest Suites, Anaheim Resort/Convention Center located in 2085 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA. The LATINA Style Business Series is the most successful ongoing business development program for Latina business owners in the nation. Over 17,000 Latina entrepreneurs and professionals have ben-

efited from participating in this exciting and informative one-day business program since it first launched in 1998. The focus of the 2008 Series will be to provide a platform for women business owners who are looking to position their enterprises to succeed at the next level. The 2008 LSBS title sponsor is Macy’s Inc. Past and present sponsors include AT&T, Bank of America, Exxon-Mobil, Citibank, Colgate-Palmolive, General Motors, IBM, Mesirow Financial, McDonald’s, Office Depot, Sam’s Club, State Farm Insurance, U.S. Bank, UnitedHealthcare, Wachovia & Wal-Mart. Event Co-Chairs include Maria de Lourdes “Lulu” Sobrino, Founder & CEO, Lulu’s Desserts; Theresa Ynzunza, National President, National Latina Business Women’s Association; and Martha Montoya, President, Los Kitos Entertainment, LLC. In addition, LATINA Style has partnered with: Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting, Hispanas Organized for Political Equality, Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), League of United Latin American Citizens, National Association of Hispanic Publishers, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, National Hispanic Business Women Association, National Latina Business Women Association, Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Small Business Administration and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. The event includes exhibits and expert presenters who will speak on the topics of “Securing Capital to Build Capacity,” “Protecting You and Your Investments,” “Positioning Your Company for Success in the Supply Chain,” “Successful Marketing Strategies to Sell You and Your Business,” and “Latina Entrepreneur Spotlight: Lessons Learned.” We will feature local business leaders and hear first hand how they were able to find true business success! These women will share the obstacles they’ve overcome, their secret to work life balance and how they stay motivated in their business. The audience will have the opportunity to interact with all of our panelists during the

March/April 2008 - Page 25 luncheon. Registration fee includes dynamic panels, high power networking opportunities in the exhibit area, breakfast, lunch, commemorative gift bag and a two-year subscription to LATINA Style Magazine, for a tremendous value of only $30! Over 70 cities have been visited since the inception of the Business Series in 1998. Since then, it has received an overwhelming positive response by the Latina, Hispanic and small-business community. The Series has been featured on NBC News, ABC News, FOX network, Univision, Telemundo, the San Diego Tribune, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Dallas Morning News, and SBTV. LATINA Style Magazine, a lifestyle magazine for the professional Hispanic woman, hosts the LATINA Style Business Series bringing resources to entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in the local area. For more information or to register for the Anaheim Business Series visit or call 1-800-6518083.(HPRW)

Las Series de Negocios de LATINA Style lanzan la gira por su 10o. cumpleaños en Anaheim, California LATINA Style Magazine, la principal revista orientada a las necesidades de las empresarias latinas de los EE. UU., lanzará la gira por el 10o. cumpleaños de las Series de Negocios de LATINA Style (LATINA Style Business Series) (LSBS, según sus siglas en inglés) 2008, en Anaheim, el viernes 11 de abril de 2008, desde las 8.00am hasta las 4.00pm en el Doubletree Guest Suites, Anaheim Resort/Convention Center ubicado en 2085 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, California. Las Series de Negocios de LATINA Style constituyen el programa actual de desarrollo de negocios para dueñas de negocios latinas más exitoso del país. Más de 17,000 empresarias y profesionales latinas se han beneficiado al participar de este programa de negocios de un día, que es apasionante e informativo, desde su lanzamiento en 1998. El foco de las Series 2008 será brindar una plataforma para las dueñas de negocios que buscan posicionar sus empresas para que triunfen en el siguiente nivel. El auspiciante principal de las LSBS 2008 es Macy’s Inc. Entre los auspiciantes del pasado y del presente se encuentran: AT&T, Bank of America, Exxon-Mobil, Citibank, Colgate-Palmolive, General Motors, IBM, Mesirow Financial, McDonald’s, Office Depot, Sam’s Club, State Farm Insurance, U.S. Bank, UnitedHealthcare, Wachovia y Wal-Mart. Las Copresidentas del evento son María de Lourdes “Lulu” Sobrino, Fundadora y CEO de Lulu’s Desserts; Theresa Ynzunza, Presidenta Nacional de la National Latina Business Women’s Association, y Continued on page 26

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 Martha Montoya, Presidenta de Los Kitos Entertainment, LLC. Además, LATINA Style se ha asociado con la Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (Asociación de Profesionales Latinos en Finanzas y Contabilidad), Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (Hispanas Organizadas para la Equidad Política), Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), League of United Latin American Citizens (Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos), National Association of Hispanic Publishers (Asociación Nacional de Editores Hispanos), National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, National Hispanic Business Women Association, National Latina Business Women Association, Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Sacramento), U.S. Small Business Administration (Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa) y el Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (Consejo Nacional de Empresas Comerciales de Mujeres). El evento incluye muestras y presentadoras expertas, quienes hablarán sobre los temas de “Asegurar capital para construir capacidad”, “Protegiéndose usted y sus inversiones”, “Posicionando su compañía para que triunfe en la cadena de suministro”, “Estrategias de mercadeo exitosas para venderse usted y su negocio” y “El foco de la empresaria latina: las lecciones aprendidas”. Presentaremos a líderes comerciales locales y escucharemos de primera mano ¡cómo pudieron encontrar el éxito comercial verdadero! Estas mujeres compartirán los obstáculos que tuvieron que sortear, su secreto para equilibrar el trabajo y la vida, y cómo se mantienen motivadas en su negocio. La audiencia tendrá la oportunidad de interaccionar con todas nuestras panelistas durante el almuerzo. El honorario para registrarse incluye paneles dinámicos, oportunidades de crear redes de alta potencia en el área de muestras, desayuno, almuerzo, bolso de regalo de recuerdo y una subscripción por dos años a la LATINA Style Magazine, por el estupendo valor de ¡sólo US$30! Más de 70 ciudades han sido visitadas desde el lanzamiento de las Series de Negocios en 1998. Desde entonces, ha recibido una respuesta positiva arrolladora por parte de las comunidades latina, hispana y de la pequeña empresa. Las Series han sido mencionadas en NBC News, ABC News, FOX network, Univision, Telemundo, San Diego Tribune, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Dallas Morning News y SBTV. LATINA Style Magazine, una revista de estilo de vida para profesionales hispanas, organiza las Series de Negocio de LATINA Style, y así lleva recursos a las empresarias y aspirantes a empresarias en

el área local. Para más información o para registrarse en las Series de Negocios de Anaheim, visite o llame al 1-800-651-8083. (HPRW)

Hallmark Movie Channel HD Launches April 2 with ‘Son Of The Dragon,’ Starring Emmy Nominee David Carradine and John Reardon

New Network Will Provide 24 Hour Quality Family Programming Cherished & Respected by the Latino Community In a historic move for the network, Hallmark Channel will celebrate the launch of Hallmark Movie Channel HD with a two-night movie event starring Emmy(R) nominee and martial arts legend David Carradine, who will kick the new network into high (def) gear. The U.S. Television Premiere of “Son of the Dragon” HD will feature Night One, Wednesday, April 2 (8/7 c) and Night Two, Thursday, April 3 (8/7 c). John Reardon (“Merlin’s Apprentice”) and Rupert Graves (“V for Vendetta”) costar in “Son of the Dragon,” a two night, four hour Hallmark Movie Channel Original Movie Event that will immerse viewers in such startling HD clarity, they may need to start dodging punches! A stunning re-imagining of the classic Thief of Baghdad, the film, which was shot entirely in China, revolves around a charismatic young thief known as Devil Boy, or DB (Reardon), who was abandoned at birth and rescued from the docks of Shanghai by Bird (Carradine), a wise former warrior. Now, DB and Bird have their eyes on the ultimate prize ... swindling the royal court of its jewels. The best way for them to execute the perfect heist is by winning the hand of the Governor’s daughter, Princess Li Wei (Desiree Siahaan, “Marco Polo”), whose father is welcoming potential suitors to court. Posing as the Prince of the Seven Seas and his loyal lieutenant, DB and Bird enter a world unlike anything they imagined. Although DB has genuine feelings for the princess, there is formidable competition from the Prince of the North (Graves) and it is soon apparent that he is playing by a far more dangerous and sinister set of rules. Caught in a dangerous game, DB and Bird must rely on their cunning,

street-smarts and a little magic to survive an untimely demise. The scent of lotus blossoms will waft off of the screen, slashing swords will tear into living rooms everywhere, and the beauty, adventure, and romance of Ancient China will come alive as never before. It’s the “Son of the Dragon” premiere -- the first program to air on the all-new Hallmark Movie Channel HD -- Wednesday, April 2 (8/7 c) Night One and Thursday, April 3 (8/7 c) Night Two. Hallmark Movie Channel HD will be a spectacle the likes of which has yet to be seen in any definition! Programming events such as “Son of the Dragon” will be a regular occurrence on Hallmark Movie Channel, with a major event title premiering every quarter on the 24-hour network. In addition to its starstudded launch, Hallmark Movie Channel will become the premiere destination for the very best family movies of all time, and home to the critically-acclaimed Hallmark Hall of Fame library! In more than 50 years, the Hall of Fame films have featured 131 Academy Award(R) nominees and 55 winners, have won 81 Emmy Awards and 13 Golden Globes, and consistently rank among the top five films on broadcast television year after year. Accompanying the Hall of Fame library on the network will be an array of current and classic titles from major Hollywood studios and networks, including Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures and Disney. “The launch of Hallmark Movie Channel HD is a watershed moment,” says David Kenin, EVP of Programming for Hallmark Channel. “The new network will provide wholesome and inspiring family programming which resonates with the strong values that our viewers hold fast to, and will do so 24 hours a day in breathtaking HD quality.” (HPRW)

El lanzamiento de Hallmark Movie Channel HD será el 2 de abril con ‘Son Of The Dragon’, actuaciones estelares de David Carradine, nominado al Emmy, y John Reardon La nueva cadena de alta definición transmitirá 24 horas de la programación familiar de calidad más querida y respetada por la comunidad latina En lo que representa una decisión histórica, Hallmark Channel celebrará el lanzamiento de Hallmark Movie Channel HD con la transmisión de una película en dos partes estelarizada por David Carradine, nominado al Emmy(R) y leyenda de las artes marciales, cuya actuación lanzará a la cadena televisiva al mundo de la alta definición. El estreno de “Son of the Dragon”

March/April 2008 - Page 26 en alta definición en la televisión estadounidense se llevará a cabo en dos noches: miércoles, 2 de abril (8/7 c) y jueves, 3 de abril (8/7 c). John Reardon (“Merlin’s Apprentice”) y Rupert Graves (“V for Vendetta”) son los coprotagonistas de “Son of the Dragon”, película original de Hallmark Movie Channel con duración de cuatro horas que se transmitirá en dos noches e invitará a los televidentes a sumergirse en una claridad de alta definición tan asombrosa que quizá tengan la tentación de esquivar los golpes en la pantalla. Deslumbrante recreación del clásico Thief of Baghdad y filmada en su totalidad en China, la película trata de un joven y carismático ladrón conocido como Devil Boy o DB (Reardon), abandonado al nacer y rescatado por Bird (Carradine) en los muelles de Shanghai, un sabio ex guerrero. DB y Bird tienen el ojo puesto en su mayor proeza... robar las joyas de la corte real. La mejor manera de llevar a cabo el atraco perfecto es obtener la mano de la hija del gobernador, la Princesa Li Wei (Desiree Siahaan, “Marco Polo”), cuyo padre recibe en la corte a posibles pretendientes. Fingiendo ser el Príncipe de los Siete Mares y su leal teniente de navío, DB y Bird entran a un mundo absolutamente inimaginable. Aunque DB alberga sentimientos genuinos por la princesa, enfrenta la feroz competencia del Príncipe del Norte (Graves) y muy pronto queda en evidencia que sus reglas del juego son mucho más oscuras y siniestras. Atrapados en un juego peligroso, DB y Bird deben confiar en sus astutas mañas callejeras y un poco de magia para sobrevivir a la posibilidad de muerte prematura. El aroma de las flores de loto saldrá flotando de la pantalla, espadas afiladas invadirán los hogares y la belleza, la aventura y el romance de la China ancestral cobrarán vida como nunca antes. Se trata de la première de “Son of the Dragon” -cinta que inaugurará las transmisiones del nuevo Hallmark Movie Channel HD -- en dos partes: el miércoles, 2 de abril (8/7 c) y el jueves, 3 de abril (8/7 c). ¡Hallmark Movie Channel HD será un espectáculo jamás visto en ninguna definición! La programación de películas como “Son of the Dragon” será frecuente en Hallmark Movie Channel: la cadena con transmisión ininterrumpida estrenará una gran cinta cada trimestre. Aparte de su lanzamiento plagado de estrellas, Hallmark Movie Channel se convertirá en el principal destino de los estrenos en televisión de las mejores películas familiares de todos los tiempos y en la sede de la filmoteca del Salón de la Fama Hallmark aclamada por Continued on page 27

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894 los críticos. Durante más de 50 años, las películas del Salón de la Fama han incluido las actuaciones de 131 nominados y 55 ganadores del Oscar (R), han recibido 81 premios Emmy y 13 Globos de Oro, y año tras año figuran entre las cinco principales cintas de transmisión televisiva. Además de la filmoteca del Salón de la Fama, la cadena ofrecerá una selección de títulos clásicos y contemporáneos de los principales estudios de Hollywood y cadenas como Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures y Disney.


“El lanzamiento de Hallmark Movie Channel HD es un parteaguas”, comentó David Kenin, vicepresidente ejecutivo de programación de Hallmark Channel. “La nueva cadena ofrecerá programación familiar sana e inspiradora, reflejo de los sólidos valores de nuestros televidentes, y se transmitirá las 24 horas del día con extraordinaria calidad de alta definición”. (HPRW)

Coming Together to Make a Change

Just at the end of February, Marilyn Manson played the Dodge Theater in Phoenix. A haunting, dark, hymnal began with lonely strings and echoing piano as the blood red wisps of curtains hinted at the dozens of candles burning behind. As the drapes fell Manson charged front and center. With Twiggy back on board, the anticipation was at an all-time high. Manson, emblazoned with his red, war-paint mask, roared in to one of his few props; a butcher-knife microphone. I was startled when my friend and I realized that Manson appeared to be quite intoxicated. His vocals were a step or two behind right off. When he addressed the crowd, his slur was evident. The show was adrift. Luckily, Manson seemed to catch his stride as “Disposable Teens” began…at least vocally. Framing him was a sparse, altar-like setting almost completely devoid of the former full throttle trappings he’s displayed at shows past. There were flashing lights and showers of crepe paper but he never reached his former pinnacles.

March/April 2008 - Page 27 Manson addressed the crowd several times, and at one point, seemingly more coherent, he gushed that his fans were his family. With a sweeping gesture he turned to his band mates and called them his brothers. It was sincere, because he fawned over the crowd with many of his older songs. Sadly, only the heartiest of the die hards managed to gather the will to chant along to his command that everyone scream “I am a rock and roll N****r!” It was as if the crowd of corsets, vinyl, “guy-liner” and fake blood, were suddenly all too self conscious. It wasn’t meant to be a Don Imus moment; it’s the name of one of his songs for crying out loud! Not everyone was in on the joke. When the show was close to its finale (if it could be called that) the radio hits came pouring out with “Sweet Dreams”, “Dope Show” and “The Beautiful People” with the latter being the encore. They did pull out the infamous podium from which Manson pontificates and juts about like a marionette, but they had it off to the side of the stage as if to say it was too much trouble to bring it all the way to the spotlight. The fans would not be deterred and very few straggled out early, still, it was evident that despite the twisted genius that is Marilyn Manson, the band was road weary, burdened and half-cocked. You can’t help being in awe of Marilyn Manson, but the tiny injustices throughout the show cost him. Let’s hope their next concert stalks us with intense memories and the spectral infusion we’ve come to expect. Review by : Cori James “Cori James is the co-host of The Morning Ritual, weekdays on The Valley’s Alternative Rock, The Edge 103.9” Photos by Alonso Murillo

Photos by Alonso Murillo

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March/April 2008 - Page 28

Spanglish Spotlight


Much like his canine namesake, it’s not very safe to corner Cuban-American MC Pitbull. Since debuting in 2002 alongside Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz’s Kings of Crunk album to last year’s star turn with Trick Daddy and Rick Ross on DJ Khaled’s ode to Miami’s Dade County, “Born N Raised,” Pitbull defies labels. As charismatic as any rapper in hip-hop, Pitbull effortlessly moves between crunk and gritty rap anthems, truly earning his nickname Mr. 305. His new album, BOATLIFT, brings together Pit’s ever expansive world on one album; brimming with sexy Caribbean influences and sounds like Merengue, Bachata, and AfroCuban, yet still brooding and hard enough for the other side of Miami. BOATLIFT is the best of Pitbull’s worlds, melding the sounds of his lyrically dexterous debut, M.I.A.M.I., with the mature sounds and world influences of the critically acclaimed, El MARIEL. “The BOATLIFT means so much to me, it means bringing together two different works or trying to, because every album is a new step,” Pitbull explains. “And with the BOATLIFT and being that my family was involved in the boatlift [from Cuba to Miami] and being that it’s sort of me taking everyone on my own ride, it’s my own Boatlift. I feel like everything has to do with a Boatlift, think about how everyone came to this country. There’s so many ways you can go spin and turn it. But bottom line, it’s just my way of taking you on a ride with me in my world and trying to make you understand it.” His journey so far has been nothing short of excellent. And it continues on BOATLIFT. The steamy first single, “Secret Admirer” is an instant classic coming from the heartthrob. Paired with the Inc.’s lead crooner Lloyd, Pitbull seduces and sways with a Casanova-like whisper flow, inviting his crush to leave the club with him and make it their own special night together. In the video for “Secret Admirer,” Pitbull captures the vibe of the song visually as he employs a Scarface motif; playing the legendary character’s right-hand man, Monolo, in a tale of lust, betrayal, and love.

“Since the record is so orientated toward women, we’re giving it the street, sexy, urban edge,” Pit says. BOATLIFT is lined with plenty of street records and club bangers.

There’s the underground smash, “Sticky Icky,” featuring Jim Jones. And the rumbling “Goon,” featuring C-Ride and solo venom Pit delivers on “Don’t See ‘Em.”

And what would a Pitbull album be without an over-the-top collaboration with mentor Lil Jon? The rowdy producer and his protégé paired together to create “The Anthem,” the next in a line of proven seizure-inducing singles from the duo, including past hits “Culo” and “Toma.”

“That’s about to be one of the records you not gonna stop hearing,” Jon says enthusiastically. “It’s crazy and it’s strictly for the ladies. You will see the ladies shaking.”

With BOATLIFT, Pitbull is continues to grow and evolve from his humble beginnings as a hungry rapper into one of the next influential voices in all of music, both on the mic and behind the scenes. I got my own lane at the end of the day,” Pit remarks. “I don’t have to worry about what this person is doing and that person is doing. And I’m trying to take advantage of every opportunity.” Since music impresario Sean “Diddy” Combs tapped him to head his then fledgling Bad Boy Latino, Pit has gone on to create and develop his own animated series, “Rock, Pepe, Scissors,” which will be making its debut in 2008. He also partnered with mun2—the influential bilingual network targeting Latin youth—to star in and host “Pitbull’s La Esquina” [The Corner], an original reality series full of edgy comedy skits. “It’s always been a goal to have other business ventures and other revenue streams. So I’ve always wanted to expand and enterprise and capitalize off the music, with music being the bread and butter; the door opener and giving me all the opportunities. I’m definitely looking into other things. Right now we’re in the beginning stages. But something is sure to blossom anywhere from 3 to 5 years from now.” With Pitbull’s keen sense of business and musical appreciation reaching their heights, the Cuban MC is rising up the ranks among today’s top artists, solely by his own terms. That he’s doing it his way is something that’s as valuable to him as his heritage. Hence, Pitbull has launch his own non-profit organization called Imaginate Foundation, which provides college scholarships to first and second-generation foreign-born students for the 2008 school year. “My perspective is, I’m the one the kids are gonna see,” Pit says. “I’m not the flossing one, I’m not the flashy one, I’m not the one to flaunt or stunt, but anyone that comes down to Miami and hangs with me is going to know my life is what it is at the end of the day. In no way, shape, or form am I trying to feed something that’s negative. It’s a facade a lot of kids and the youth see, like it’s cool to be a thug and a dope boy. My thing is that a lot of these cats aren’t the one they claim to be and they’re feeding this dream that’s not really there.” “Them party records I make, that’s my life,” Pitbull continues, laughing. “And as far with the Ross’s and Trick’s and all that goes on in Miami, the reason I’m accepted by them is that they’ve all seen me grind like I’ve seen them grind. And they know, Chico is gonna be there, wherever you need him. It’s a respect thing, and ain’t too much of that in the game.”

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March/April 2008 - Page 29

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY - FELIZ CUMPLEAテ前S Gabriel Garcia (Chepo) Mariyah Moreno ( Mona) Tiffany Vega Humberto Lopez Lauro Chacon ( Jr ) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY- FELIZ ANNIVERSARIO Lauro y Lola Chacon Gabriel y Lisa Garcia

March/April 2008 - Page 30

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March/April 2008 - Page 31

March/April 2008

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