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By Greg Sitek

et’s start with a quote from the editorial, 2011: Better, Worse Or More Of The Same?, that appears on page 3 of this magazine, “ What will happen in 2011? Economic conditions will continue to improve, but not at a rapid rate. Unemployment will decrease as technolog y opens doors for new products or enhancements of existing ones; consumption will increase and along with this the need for employees. The extension of the tax cuts is a big plus and will help just as the passage of the highway bill will. Housing will start recovering in some markets but, in order for it to rebound noticeably, employment will have to improve. Manufacturing will start to improve as we become more competitive or introduce new products. A better transportation infrastructure will help by lowering transportation costs. Everything is tied together, each facet dependant on the other.” Hodgepodge : according to the dictionary hodgepodge |ˈhäjˌpäj| (Brit. hotchpotch) noun [in sing.] is a confused mixture. Actually it is the economic conditions under which we are currently living. There is absolutely no basis on which predictions can be made. In fact, resorting to the devices of old -- the Ouija Board, bones, goat entrails, crystal balls, cards, etc. – would probably be more reliable. We face confluences of uncertainties. Our incoming congress is new, not only with the newly-elected personalities populating it but also the fact that it will be functioning under a shroud of obvious population dissatisfaction as expressed in the recent elections. The big question is, “ Will reality set in and will congress start looking at what is best for the country ?” Will we cut spending or will we start spending more wisely with an eye on getting a return on our investments. There are 300 million of us and we all know what we want for our families and ourselves. As a result there are 300 million opinions on what Congress should do and there will be 300 million watchdogs watching every move, waiting to pounce on any indication of a misstep.

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Observations and opinions

Here are a few, and only a few, things that must happen if we are going to start growing economically. On the top of the list are jobs, jobs in the private sector. Governmental jobs won’t help the economy grow because all governmental jobs are paid for by taxes and taxes come from the citizens. Government jobs don’t produce revenue-generating products. Included in this grouping would be unemployment. Unemployed citizens don’t produce revenue-generating products and people on unemployment are being paid by taxes and insurance that is paid for by companies in the private sector. Without jobs the housing market will remain flat, at best. We currently are at the 550,000 +/- units per year level. We were at the 2-million unit level when our world fell apart and to grow we need to be producing around 1 to 1.2 million units a year. Recent articles on the subject stated that this wouldn’t happen until 2013, if then. I remember sitting in an economic forecast meeting in 2006 listening to a speaker from the National Home Builders Association say that we would have problems in the housing market but would not recover until 2016. Of course everyone in the audience thought he was nuts. Well… Housing is important because it stimulates the buying of new furniture, appliances, and decorator items on top of all the materials and products that go into building a house – windows, doors, furnaces, air conditioners, sinks, toilets, plumbing and lighting supplies, etc. The list is endless. All this must be manufactured and manufacturing it requires jobs. The obvious, without the need, there are no job requirements.

No jobs means people can’t buy houses.

Auto manufacturing had been a critical ingredient in our formula for economic success over the years. Other countries around the world saw and recognized this and have replicated it. Countries that have gained global economic significance have also become major players in the auto industry – Japan, Korea, Germany are examples. The manufacture and production of cars is a very job intensive industry, until you ship most of the manufacturing production off shore and teach other countries how to build cars and build them “cheaper” and better. Then what do you do to 1) replace the lost jobs 2) improve the quality 3) reestablish market dominance?

No jobs means people can’t buy cars.

Infrastructure is critical to economic growth. Failing or deteriorating infrastructure inhibits a country’s ability to grow. When transportation bottlenecks choke production because raw goods can’t reach the production lines and finished goods can’t reach terminals or ports, there is a problem that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible. The problem will not go away or fix itself, unless you consider closing the plant, terminating production and

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laying off thousands of people an acceptable solution. This is how we’ve been addressing these problems. We let them exacerbate to the point that a bridge collapses, factories can’t function, and tons of freight sit in a terminal because it can be moved. Once again we have let the highway bill expire and not renewed it because of politics. We have known about the expiration and endless efforts were exerted to get a new bill passed, one that was well researched and written with an eye and focus on both immediate and long term solutions. Congress extended it a couple of times but would not act on putting a new bill in place. The main sticking point is/was paying for it. Interestingly enough when we, the citizens of this country were polled about increasing the gas tax the results of the polls were that you and I favored increased gas taxes if they would be spent on much needed road repairs. Of course the congressional hearing aid doesn’t seem to be tuned into the citizen’s network. Passage and implementation of a new highway bill will result in jobs. It affects not only the construction industry but also the industries that supply the materials, management and administration of these projects as well; the companies that build the equipment used on these jobs. And improves safety as well. For every $100 invested in infrastructure $350 is returned to the economy. That’s a 28.57 % return on investment. Jobs mean spending power and spending power means economic growth.

What do others think?

When the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its Infrastructure Report Card for 2009 it gave America’s infrastructure a GPA: D and estimated that we needed a five year investment of $2.2 Trillion to get us to the level we needed to attain if we were going to remain a world leader. A recent press release from ASCE read: “Gas Tax Increase Is Vital to U.S. Economy and Public Safety” Kathy J. Caldwell, P.E., president of the American Society of Civil Engineers said: “President Obama’s Deficit Commission may not have been able to move forward a gas tax increase proposal that would have addressed the Highway Trust Fund’s insolvency issues, however, that doesn’t mean that Congress shouldn’t still focus on this critical issue. “The public, and our economy, rely on the nation’s roads, bridges and transit systems everyday; despite this, for years we have consistently under-invested in their performance. The federal gas tax, which generates revenues reserved for highway and public transportation improvements, has lost one-third of its purchasing power since it was last adjusted 17 years ago. Now, as many of our roads, bridges and transit systems are sliding closer and closer to failure, it’s no longer a question of whether we can afford to increase our infrastructure investments; it’s now a question of how we can afford not to.

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“It is understandable that in our current economic climate the American people may be wary of something that they perceive will cost them more money. However, as a nation, we need to realize and accept that a 15 cent increase in the gas tax will have far less of an impact on our checkbooks than the cost of failing infrastructure. Each year, traffic congestion alone costs the average motorist $750 in wasted time and fuel. How much of that might be saved by if we, as the users of these critical systems, were making the necessary levels of investment? “That is why the American Society of Civil Engineers continues to urge Congress and the White House to take a leadership position in ensuring that the nation’s transportation infrastructure is able to meet the needs of the public and businesses by supporting an increase in the federal gas tax. Our prosperity depends on it.” What can you do? Contact your representatives in Washington remind them that they do work for you (us). Numerous TRIP Reports ( TRIP reports are also available on have highlighted the problems on a state-bystate basis focusing on the transportation needs of major cities in the states as well as offering realistic solutions. The reports point out facts like: in Pennsylvania it is costing Pennsylvania $8.2 billion per year in auto repairs as a result of road conditions and in Texas the annual cost skyrockets to $22.6 billion per year.

eral investment over the next five years. This is not to rule out an increase in the federal-aid program, but we simply do not have any indication of what that investment level would look like without passage of a new highway/transit bill, Black cautions. The model also uses the projected Highway Trust Fund outlays from the Congressional Budget Office for future federal investment. It assumes that the U.S. will return to modest economic growth between 1.8 and 1.9 percent for 2011 through 2015. Increases in material prices and project costs are expected to be in line with general inflation at about two percent. According to ARTBA, the market outlook would change if either federal, state or local governments provided significant increases in their investment levels.

American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)

ARTBA forecasts expects 4.4% drop in 2011 highway & bridge construction market witih uneven growth among the states Continuing budget challenges for state and local governments, uncertainty surrounding a new long-term federal surface transportation bill, and winding down of infrastructure investment under the stimulus law will drive a 4.4 percent contraction in the U.S. highway and bridge construction market in 2011. That is the central finding in the annual forecast from American Road & Transportation Builders Association’s (ARTBA) Vice President of Policy & Senior Economist Alison Premo Black. The real value of highway, street and bridge construction is expected to fall to $78.5 billion, compared to 2010’s estimated $82.2 billion level, according to Black. One positive note: the amount of work completed on bridges is expected to increase to $25.4 billion in 2010, Black says. The value of real work in the bridge market has nearly doubled in the last decade as state and local governments have increasingly addressed longdeteriorating conditions. Black notes that the stimulus, known as the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA), had positive impacts on the market in 2010. According to October 31 Federal Highway Administration data, the value of ARRA-related transportation projects under construction was $18 billion. Nearly $16 billion has been paid out for construction work performed, and the value of projects completed was $6 billion. State and local governments continue to struggle with the current economic situation and in the aftermath of the recession. “Although state and local investment typically accounts for 57 percent of the value of construction work, this percentage fluctuates and the state and local market share will often decline after a recession,” Black says. “States also tend to hold back on larger projects and simply maintain their programs until they know the new transportation funding levels from the federal government.” Nevertheless, individual state highway and bridge programs will show growth next year, although it will be uneven, she says. There are 23 states that increased their contract awards during federal fiscal year 2010, which ended September 30, according to an ARTBA analysis of contract award data from McGraw Hill. Although some of these states have seen program declines over the last few years, the increase in contract awards is one positive indicator of state level market activity in 2011. The model in the ARTBA forecast takes into account current economic conditions, state and local funding and federal investment. It assumes that there is no major increase in fed-

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The outlook for other modes in the ARTBA forecast: Airports: The real value of work done on airport runways is expected to fall 10 percent to $5.3 billion. Flat funding for the Airport Improvement Program and continued failure by Congress to pass a new aviation reauthorization program are key reasons for the reduction. The airport runway market also benefited from increased ARRA-related spending in 2009 and 2010. Rail & Transit: The real value of transit and rail work is forecasted to drop slightly from $15.3 billion in 2010 to $14.9 billion in 2011. The longer term outlook for this sector will depend on federal investment through the New Starts program, private rail investment and the general state of the U.S. economy, Black says.

States Face More Financial Stress

Legislatures around the country may have to make more spending cuts over the next couple of years because of dwindling help from the federal government and a slow recovery in tax revenue, according to a new report. States will spend about $43 billion in economic stimulus funds during the current fiscal year, which ends June 30. After that, they'll probably have to get by with less federal funding. The report from the National Governors Association and the National Association of State Budget Officers warned of "extremely tight fiscal conditions for states" as federal support winds down. Critics of the economic stimulus legislation note that it failed to prevent a large jump in the unemployment rate. But the report credited the money with helping states avoid cuts to Medicaid, education and other programs. Before Congress passed the stimulus, states relied on the federal government to cover a little more than a quarter of their spending. That share has increased to nearly 35 percent, said the report based on a survey of state budget officials. Spending by states declined in fiscal years 2009 and 2010, the first time in the survey's history that states reduced spending in consecutive years. That streak probably won't continue this fiscal year, which began July 1. States have enacted budgets that on average called for a 5.3 percent increase in spending, even if most now expect to spend less than they did before the economy went into recession. The vast majority of states must maintain balanced budgets. Faced with a sharp decline in tax revenue, most relied on program cuts and tax increases in recent years. The cuts frequently took place in education. Of the states that made midyear budget cuts in 2010, 35 reduced spending on elementary and secondary education, and 32 lowered spending on higher education. Transportation faced the fewest cuts, the report said. Not all state budget offices have completed their forecasts. But at least 23 states anticipate budget deficits totaling $40.5 billion in 2012. U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently released the following statement: “The performance of the nation’s transportation system is not keeping pace with the rate of growth of the demands on that system,” said Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “As our economy recovers, the nation’s transportation infrastructure must be prepared to meet the projected growth in freight and population. In fact, a 10-point improvement in the new national transportation index could generate 3% more growth in the nation's Gross Domestic Product. However, our index shows that from now through 2015 there will be a rapid decline in the performance of the system if we continue business as usual. Right now we’re on an unsustainable path.” The Huffington Post recently published the following statements: Investing in transportation infrastructure creates middle class jobs. Our analysis suggests that 61 percent of the jobs directly created by investing in infrastructure would be in the construction sector, 12 percent would be in the manufacturing sector, and 7 percent would be in retail trade, for a total of 80 percent in these three sectors. Nearly 90 percent of the jobs in the three sectors most affected by infrastructure spending would be middle class jobs, defined as those paying between the 25th and 75th percentile of the national distribution of wages. There are a variety of ways the government could quickly boost infrastructure spending, explains Ethan Pollack, a policy analyst at the Economic Policy Institute. There could be a

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one-year hike in appropriations. There could be an even bigger hike, achieved by front-loading a five-year appropriation. Or there could be some sort of infrastructure bank (either on or off the annual budget.) However you do it, Pollack tells Huff Post the rule of thumb is this: "Spending $200 billion on the current mix would create about 2.7 million jobs. If you do a mix that focuses more on transit and maintenance/repair (rather than new highways), you get another 100,000, for a total of 2.8 million jobs." And that's just the direct and indirect jobs in the construction and supplier industries; it doesn't include the jobs created when those folks spend their incomes. So the total job impact would be even higher. "In other words, a sustained $200 billion could support an additional up to 4 million jobs relative to the current baseline funding levels." That would actually put a decent dent in the 11.5 million jobs we need to get back to a pre-recession unemployment rate. ABC Construction Forecast Predicts “Slow Progress” In 2011 In its 2011 economic forecast for the U.S. commercial and industrial construction industry, Associated Builders & Contractors’ (ABC) Chief Economist Anirban Basu said, “The period of rapid improvement in spending levels did not begin in 2010, and will not happen in 2011.” “ABC’s forecast of nonresidential construction spending for next year suggests that total spending will be 0.1 percent less than 2010 levels. Privately financed construction levels are projected to decline 0.2 percent while publicly financed construction levels are projected to be virtually flat. The bottom line is the nonresidential construction recession is largely over, but 2011 will be associated with grudgingly slow progress,” Basu noted. “To the extent that there has been recovery in nonresidential construction, it has been concentrated in segments closely tied to federal funding and the stimulus package passed in February 2009 in the midst of the recession,” he continued. “For example, five nonresidential construction categories monitored by the U.S. Census Bureau have experienced rising spending levels from the same time last year, including conservation and development, water supply, sewage and waste disposal, and highway and street, and transportation. “In contrast, 11 nonresidential construction sectors have experienced year-over-year declines in spending, a reflection of the lack of available capital to finance growth and investment,” said Basu. “The deepest downturns registered in construction were related to lodging, manufacturing, office and commercial. ABC expects that the lack of access to capital will continue to deter economic progress in 2011, and is forecasting 1.7 percent GDP growth next year despite ongoing federal stimulus funding and the expectation of a more expansive monetary policy. “The roughly flat expectations for spending are reflected in ABC’s nonresidential construction employment forecast. After losing about 50,000 jobs in 2010, ABC does not see nonresidential building employment rebounding until 2012. However, ABC predicts that residential construction employment will grow substantially as the number of housing starts will expand by roughly 25 percent,” Basu added.

ABC’s 2011 Outlook

The national recession that began in December 2007 ended in June 2009. Nonresidential construction typically lags the overall performance of the U.S. economy by 12 to 24 months. Even as the broader U.S. economy entered a period of substantial decline in 2008, nonresidential construction volumes continued to expand and grew 9 percent that year. Eventually, the weakness of the overall U.S. economy, coupled with a deep financial crisis and accompanying credit crunch, wreaked havoc on all sectors of nonresidential construction. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, nonresidential construction spending declined 9 percent in 2009 and ABC projects that spending will fall 14.7 percent this year. The good news is the period of deep decline in U.S. nonresidential construction spending is over. The bad news is this appears to represent stagnation, with overall construction volumes mired at or near bottom-of-the-cycle levels. In other words, by remaining near 2010 levels, 2011 construction spending is positioned to be nearly a quarter less than 2008 totals. Viewed from another perspective, the expectations for 2011 represent a stark contrast from what occurred in 2010. As a year, 2010 was a period of widely variable performance between construction segments as sectors powered by the availability of federal stimulus funds experienced growth, and privately financed activities buckled under the weight of depleted capital availability and excess supply. Next year, the variable in performance between segments will be far diminished, at least in terms of percentage changes in spending volumes. In terms of segments poised to experience construction spending growth in 2011, ABC projects that power will lead the way, with spending rising by an anticipated 5.5 percent. Segments positioned for decline include those that are closely linked to state and local government spending. With many states and localities trimming both operating and capital budgets, the expectation is that construction volumes in the education category will slip next year. ABC expects that 2012 will be better for privately financed construction. Credit conditions will improve by that point as large, well-capitalized banks become more aggressive in their pursuit of industry market share. Finally, certain leading indicators have turned the proverbial corner, including ABC’s Construction Backlog Indicator, which has been indicating a steady improvement in the commercial and industrial construction outlook. What 2011 bring? Answers. Let’s hope some of them are the ones we want to hear. We need a transportation bill. It will make a difference but even if passed in the first quarter we won’t start benefiting from the bill until 2012. CONEXPO-CON/AGG opens the end of March in Los Vegas and traditionally gives the industry a good look at how you, the contractors, are doing. It will also give a better projection of what we can expect. It won‘t be an easy year but it will be better then the recent ones we’ve survived.

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By Ryan Fisher public relations account executive Jackson Marketing Group

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n order to maximize resources—and productivity—construction crews move fast. Yet, in their zeal to keep machines working, operators can be tempted to overlook a very important step—proper tire maintenance. Well-maintained tires can equate to increased profits, thanks to increased uptime, productivity, safety and on-time job completion. Steve White, market segment manager for Michelin Earthmover Tires, has some tire advice for site managers, maintenance staff and equipment operators. “Taking proper care of your tires should always be a best practice for any kind of operational work site,” said White. “At Michelin, we pride ourselves not only on delivering quality tires, but also on being a long-term partner who works with our customers to provide value-added solutions. That’s why we want our customers to ensure that they are maximizing tire life and extracting the full value from their tire assets.”

How can operators get the most out of their tires?

“The most important step, by far, is to properly maintain the manufacturer's recommended tire pressure for the loads being carried,” said White. “Other areas include following a recommended tire maintenance schedule, making sure your machine operators are properly trained in maximizing tire life and minimizing potential hazards around the worksite.” By properly maintaining tire pressure, the contact patch will provide better traction, avoiding wasted fuel by spinning wheels. For loaders, the proper contact patch delivers the traction needed to better pick up materials, meaning a dump truck could be filled with fewer buckets since the equipment is more efficient. A good contact patch also allows the tire to be a more efficient suspension and cushion for less wear and tear on the equipment and the equipment operator. Along with proper tire pressure, properly trained equipment operators will also help maximize tire life. Equipment operators should be trained in: • How to visually inspect tires and what to look for • Why to avoid damage-causing obstacles at the site when operating equipment • The cost of damage and downtime • Reporting obstacles to be removed from the site or repaired • Using slower speeds in corners and other driving tips White also suggests routine tire inspections to ensure that tires are looked at and any necessary corrective actions are taken. As part of a routine inspection, equipment maintenance staff or the trained equipment operators should follow some basic rules: • Check tire pressure weekly and always visually inspect the tires at the beginning of a work shift to look for visibly low pressure or damages to the tires. • Always have sealing valve caps, which have a sealing washer, in place to retain tire pressure even when the valve core is partially open due to dirt infiltration. • Ensure that tire rims are in proper, safe working condition.

What about the maintenance manager?

What can a maintenance manager do to ensure he is getting the most out of his vehicles’ tires? The answer is simple—evaluate tire wear on a routine basis through tracking tire life and always matching tire depths according to the OE equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. Doing these things will lead to better wear rates and less stress on the equipment. “There are two main areas to check when evaluating tire wear—the tread and the sidewall,” said White. “Be on the lookout for signs of cutting, chunking, stone or debris penetration and rubber tearing. Some of these damages are signs of over- or under-inflation, or poor site maintenance in a fixed site application. Determining the root cause may allow you to address the concern and mitigate or eliminate the damages.” Another important element impacting overall tire life, according to White, is keeping the worksite area clean of potential tire dangers. The worksite can have a very significant impact on tire life. Supervisors and personnel should pay special attention to road surfaces and other worksite conditions, such as the cleanliness of loading and dumping areas to eliminate potential puncture hazards. While this is usually easier with a fixed site, any site can benefit from these practices. These are fairly obvious factors to extended tire life, yet they require commitment, equipment, training and diligence from everyone at a site. But what about those operations that still don't take tire maintenance seriously? “If proper tire maintenance is not a priority, an operator is virtually guaranteeing he will reduce the tire's life, increase the likelihood of tire-related failures, like punctures or run flats, reduce the machine's productivity and unnecessarily cost the company money,” said White. “It just doesn’t make good business sense not to pay attention to such a large operational asset. By keeping tire properly maintained, the benefits to the project’s budget and timeline will come.”

Ten Tire Maintenance Tips from Michelin Earthmover Tires TIP 1 - Conduct a visual inspection of your vehicle’s tires prior to operation, looking for signs of irregular wear, deep cracks, cuts or other major problems in the tread or shoulder of the tire.

TIP 2 - If any symptoms of tire damage are discovered during inspection, do not operate the vehicle until a trained service technician can diagnose the severity of the problem and make the proper repairs. Never allow an untrained person to attempt repairs.

TIP 3 - Proper tire pressure is critical to a tire’s performance. Check tires for correct pressure regularly, and with a visual inspection daily. Check the pressure properly with an accurate gauge.

TIP 4 -

Determine precise PSI for your tires based on the manufacturer’s requirements and vehicle application. Your tire dealer or Michelin representative can help pinpoint the exact recommendation for your application and loads carried.

TIP 5 - Never operate a vehicle that has flat tires, damaged or distorted rims or wheels, missing bolts or cracked studs.

TIP 6 - Never weld or apply heat to a wheel or wheel parts. If a wheel requires repair, it should be inspected and repaired by the wheel manufacturer.

TIP 7 - When not in use, store tires in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to avoid pre-

mature aging. Prevent exposure to ozone sources such as sun, arc-welders and mercury vapor light bulbs, as well as ultraviolet rays and inclement weather. Store tires standing upright on the tread and avoid stacking.

TIP 8 - Avoid lifting tires through the center with a crane hook, which can damage the critical

bead area. Instead, lift the tire under the tread by using flat straps. Flat straps are recommended over steel slings or chains because they are less likely to cause cuts or abrasions.

TIP 9 - Deflate the inner and outer tires of a dual fitment before removing any rim fixture from the hub of the vehicle.

TIP 10 - Avoid mixing tires on your vehicle, such as normal tread depth with deep tread depth

or a bias-ply tire with a radial. Using two different types of tires could damage the vehicle’s internal components because the tires do not work together to provide the same traction and handling performance.

A Checklist for Maximizing Tire Life: • • • • • • • •

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Select the best tire for the application. Run the manufacturer's recommended air pressures. Check tire pressures regularly for correct pressure readings, with a visual inspection at the start of a work shift. Make sure that sealing valve caps are in place. Check that tire rims are in proper working condition. Ensure that the work site is free of hazards. Follow a recommended tire maintenance schedule. Make sure machine operators are properly trained.

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Are You Performing Contracts In Multiple States?


ontractors performing contracts in multiple states need to be aware of the Nexus requirements of state Departments of Revenue. Since many of the states in the country are hungry for additional revenue, looking at contractor activity could provide them with tax dollars. Below is a practical Question and Answer approach to multi-state taxation for contractors: Question #1: How do I know if I am subject to tax in another state? Answer #1: Each state has its own laws regarding the taxability of a contractor who is performing a contract in its state. The word used is Nexus. Nexus is created in most states through physical presence in the state performing services through employees, agents and/ or independent contractors. Despite laws and regulations detailing these laws, there has been tremendous litigation in most states on when an out-of-state contractor is performing enough services to create Nexus, thus taxation. Recommendation: Contact your CPA and/or attorney regarding the rules of the particular state. Be sure to contact your advisor when you are considering a proposal for work in that particular state. Your advisor can research the laws and related regulations as well as review court cases to find similar fact situations to yours. In order to bid successfully for work in another state, the tax costs related thereto should be determined so there are no surprises at the time of filing your out-of-state tax return. Question #2: Assuming my advisor informs me that I have Nexus in the particular state, what do I do next? Answer #2: You should have your advisor assist you in getting registered to do business in that state. Most states have registration requirements in order to legally do business in their state. Recommendation: Notify your advisor immediately upon receiving an accepted bid on proposal work in the particular state for the very first time. Such a notification will allow your advisor to assist you in planning to do business in the state rather than coming in after the fact and advise you what the consequences are of your actions in the state. Such an approach gives you the best opportunity to reduce your tax burden in the particular state. Question #3: How do I determine my tax liability in a particular state once I am registered to do business in that state? Answer #3: Most states have some type of apportionment approach to taxation in the particular state. The apportionment is typically some variation of property, payroll and sales. More and more states are more heavily weighting the sales factor. The above apportionment approach creates a fraction which represents a percentage of your taxable income in the state compared to total taxable income. Be sure to keep good records by job of the property, payroll and revenue related to each job by state. Recommendation: Notify your advisor as soon as you are contemplating work in a particular state. If the first few contracts you perform in a particular state are loss leaders, it may be possible to make a special election to use actual accounting in that particular state. Absent such an election, the normal apportionment rules mentioned above will apply. Whether to consider such an actual accounting election in the state may depend upon the state tax rate for the state with the loss leader contracts compared to other state rates where contracts are being performed. With an apportionment approach, even if the job in the state is at a loss, tax will still be paid by the owners of the entity if the company was profitable on an overall basis during the year. Question #4: If there are company employees performing services in a particular state on a contract in that state, what are the employer filing requirements related to that employee, if any? National Jan 2011.indd 9

By Andrew J. Toth, CPA Answer #4: Once an employee starts performing services in the particular state, most state governments want a piece of the employee’s wages. Technically, most states require the employer to withhold that particular state income tax from the employee’s wage for services performed in that state. Many states also have employer payroll taxes as well that must be paid by the employer related to the wages paid to the employee working in that state. Recommendation: Contact your advisor to assist you in determining if the employer is required to withhold state income taxes from the employee wages. From a practical standpoint, many small business employers do not have the manpower to address the employee withholding issues in all of the states in which their employees perform services. Unfortunately, the Departments of Revenue of the various states in this country are hungry for revenue, thus such an argument may very well fall on deaf ears. Working with a national payroll service may be the best route to go in trying to comply with the employer state withholding requirements and employer payroll tax requirements for the particular states. Question #5: After reading this article, what if I determine that I may have exposure for company income tax filing requirements and/or employee/employer tax filing requirements from prior years? Answer #5: You need to contact the employee in your organization that is responsible for such tax filing matters. If you are that person, attempt to re-create the property, payroll and revenue by job and by state for each job to determine the magnitude of the potential exposure for each past year. Recommendation: Contact your advisor immediately to assist you in the accumulation of information referenced above. Your advisor can assist you in determining if there is significant employer/employee tax liability in a particular state for a prior year. Often, we find that a combination of small levels of property, payroll or revenue in a particular state as a percentage of the total for the company, combined with low net income and low state income tax rates, creates minimal exposure to the employer in terms of dollars. That being said, if returns have never been filed in a particular state, then the statute of limitations for the Department of Revenue to exam your company and/or the employee tax situation in the particular state never starts, thus never stops. Somerset is aware of companies being examined by state Departments of Revenue back as far as ten years. Summary As you can see from the Question and Answer section above, asking the right questions is critical to obtaining the right answers when it comes to determining if a particular state has the authority to subject you, your company and/or your employees to taxation. As all of the recommendations above indicate, getting a professional advisor to assist you as early in the process as possible can help to alleviate or at least minimize some of this exposure. Andy Toth is a senior accountant in the Somerset CPAs Construction & A/E Team. He can be reached at or 317-472-2175. ACP-Somerset Contractor Best Practices In future ACP publications, Somerset CPAs Construction & A/E Team will continue to contribute articles in the areas of contractor management best practices as well as financial and tax updates. In addition ACP and Somerset are hosting a series of webinars—The Contractor Success Series: Financial Power Tools and Best Practices for the Construction Industry. This exclusive industry-specific series provides participants with priceless information with practical application of the subject matter focused on: financial success, operational efficiency and risk management, optimizing employee performance, developing a culture of business development and maximizing customer satisfaction. Success in these key areas will maximize return on investment (ROI). Learn more and register online at 23/12/2010 16:56:57

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t’s easy to forget that construction job sites are as different as every job. It’s easy to forget that everyone on the job has a primary objective: that every one on the job goes home under his or her own power. It’s easy to forget that every aspect of a job site has an influence on all aspects of the job. It’s easy to forget that safety has to be taught, learned and practiced. Sometimes people find a way to make working on a job site safer. The important thing to remember is that this is a lesson that can be shared and learned by everyone. Here’s what happened when unions and contractors learned from each other. “Our members use aerial work platforms – scissor lifts and boom lifts – on an almost daily basis. Much of their work is performed overhead and these machines are essential to achieving maximum productivity on the job. But productivity doesn’t mean anything unless our members are using them safely. And that’s what this program is all about,” said Dan Kline, Training Coordinator of the Toledo Area Sheet Metal Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, a cooperative effort between the Toledo, Ohio based Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union #33 and members of the Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Northwest Ohio (SMCANO). The program that Kline is referring to is a comprehensive training program offered by American Work Platform Training (AWPT), a subsidiary of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF). Kline’s organization recently became an AWPT-approved training center after a thorough search and careful review of the many aerial work platform-training programs available on the market. The AWPT program is based on the ISO-certified program developed by IPAF, the largest aerial work platform safety organization in the world with over 80,000 operators trained each year through a worldwide network of over 400 training centers. “In the Toledo area, many of the larger companies and general contractors have requested that all personnel receive certified training on the equipment they operate before they are allowed on site. Although some form of training was available from the equipment rental companies in the area, we felt that a more comprehensive program was needed and we wanted to be able to provide it to our members,” said Kline.


One of the problems Kline faced in promoting a comprehensive aerial work platform training program was a feeling among some workers that they were doing their companies a favor by eliminating safety-related procedures that they thought could save time and increase productivity. They didn’t realize that these steps often lead to accidents that end up costing the employer both time and money in the long run. Education and a proper training program were needed to overcome these misconceptions. When Kline first began his search for a training program he could offer his membership, he reviewed the various programs available locally but didn’t feel they were sufficient for his needs. He then turned to the Internet to see what else was available. It was there that he learned about the programs available from AWPT. A quick call to Tony Groat, executive vice president of AWPT, put him in touch with Gary Riley who handles North American membership development for the organization. Riley told him about AWPT and mentioned that Sheet Metal Workers' Union Local #73 in Chicago had recently become an AWPT-approved training center and that he should talk to them about the success they have had with the program. Kline then called James Burek, training coordinator at Local #73 in Chicago who spoke highly of their decision to implement the AWPT program. Not only was the training program itself extremely comprehensive, the support of AWPT and IPAF was even better. After they had implemented the program, AWPT continued to work with Burek to make sure that the program was working properly. They visited the training site to meet with instructors and monitor the training sessions. They provided updated materials where necessary to make sure that they were incorporating the latest industry rules and regulations in their course work. And they scheduled a yearly audit to follow up on the program results. They did everything they could to make the program succeed.

National Jan 2011.indd 11

Home for the program

Kline already had the proper location to establish the AWPT program. It was a 6-yearold, 24,000 square foot dedicated training facility containing four classrooms including a main classroom, HVAC classroom, welding classroom, and OSHA classroom, along with a sheet metal lab, HVAC lab, and a welding lab. He also had the right staff to implement the program. Kline’s primary instructor was Stan Lewinski who has over 40 years of trade experience and 30 years experience as an instructor. Other staff instructors had up to 20 years of training experience so the program could be fully staffed and running almost immediately after a decision was made to offer the program. The AWPT training program that Kline and Lewinski implemented was an 8-hour course that included 4 hours of classroom training and 4 hours of practical hands-on training spread over a 2-3 day period depending on class size. During that time students receive instruction in the safe use of scissor lifts, boom lifts and manually propelled push around lifts. Upon successful completion of the program, AWPT issues a PAL Card (Powered Access Licensed-Registration) to all program graduates that denote the type of aerial platform the person has been trained to operate and the date of their training. The card is valid for a 5-year period after which time the holder must be retrained. The program they offer is provided free of charge to union members and trainees attend on their own time.

Class size is important

Class sizes are limited to 20 trainees so that each individual receives sufficient personalized time with the instructors. Because of the need for properly trained individuals in the field, almost all of the trainees to date have been union journeymen who work as jobsite foremen or in some other supervisory capacity. Their AWPT training helps promote a safer work environment and makes it easier for them to recognize potential problems on the jobsite before they occur. Although the program has only been in place since mid2010, Kline anticipates that over 100 people will be trained by the end of the year, with training becoming mandatory for all persons in the apprentice program. Although the program has only been offered for a relatively short period of time, the effects have been almost immediate. The day after a recent training session, a student in the class called his instructor to report that during his daily pre-start inspection of the aerial device he was about to operate, he discovered that a speed safety switch on the machine was faulty. If it hadn’t been for the lessons learned during his training the day earlier, the student wouldn’t have performed the routine inspection and may not have found the faulty switch until it was too late. It was a lesson well learned and a program well taught. It’s amazing what can happen when unions and contractors work together to develop and implement programs that can have an immediate impact on workplace safety. Aerial work platforms – scissor lifts and boom lifts are common tools a many job sites. Every type of construction worker including mechanics uses them. They are so taken for granted that safety is often never considered and untrained personnel will climb up on them without knowing the proper safety protocol. If you have and use these pieces of equipment on your job sites make sure only properly trained and certified employees operate them. Remember, everyone home everyday.

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National Jan 2011.indd 12

23/12/2010 16:57:19

About the 2011 Show Held every three years, the next CONEXPO-CON/AGG is set for Tuesday,

March 22 through Saturday, March 26, 2011 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, USA. CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 is co-located with the 2011 IFPE exposition for fluid power/motion control/power transmission. In 2011, ICON Expo, with an emphasis on the concrete products industry, is also co-locating with CONEXPO-CON/AGG.

Innovation from the ground up



CONEXPO-CON/AGG will be the international gathering place in 2011 for the construction industries. Held every three years, the exposition showcases the latest equipment, products, ser vices and technologies. The event will feature : • Over 2,000 exhibitors • A comprehensive education program during the five-day exposition with sessions emphasizing industry issues and trends, management and applied technolog y • Product concentration areas making it easy for visitors to locate specific products, ser vices and exhibitors of interest to them including hundreds of new products and technologies

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Get entered automatically for a $250 Prepaid Mastercard® card simply by completing your registration.* Two winners will be drawn every week from July 12, 2010 through March 14, 2011. You could be one of them! And the sooner you register for CONEXPO-CON/AGG, the more chances you have to win. Also, register by February 21, 2011 to save over 35% off the onsite rates and to reser ve your hotel room! You must first register for the show to obtain a hotel reser vation through the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 official room block.

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Improve your company's productivity and improve your skills by taking advantage of CONEXPO-CON/AGG's comprehensive Educational Program, the leading source for contractors, business owners, construction materials producers and end users to obtain cutting edge information for today's challenging economy. Education sessions are an additional fee. Full schedule avaliable on line at : Please note, all individuals attending education sessions must also be registered for a 2011 Show Badge.

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Members of the Media should register as media to attend CONEXPO-CON/ AGG 2011.

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Online Registration allows the contact for a group to register groups of 25 or more (hotel room blocks & registration or registration only). You will be asked to provide some qualif ying information and for ward to a group coordinator. Please follow instructions provided online when choosing “Request a Group of 25 or More”.

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Download the registration form that is in a writable format and will allow you to key information into the form, print and send. You may also print the form to fill out manually and send. Mail or fax your complete registration form to the following address/fax number CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011
Registration HQ c/o Experient
P.O. Box 4088
Fredrick, MD 21705
Fax : +1 301-694-5124 or Toll Free (888) 772-1888


Experient is the official registration vendor for CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 & IFPE 2011. For questions regarding registration, please contact Customer Ser vice at +1 847-996-5878 or Toll Free (800) 424-5247, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST. After completing the on-line registration, you will receive an e-mail confirmation summarizing your registration from Experient. Print this bar-coded confirmation for your records. Verif y all information for accuracy. If you do not receive a confirmation via e-mail or fax (within 72 hours) or mail (within 14 days) after submitting/sending your registration, please contact Experient at the numbers indicated above.

National Jan 2011.indd 13

23/12/2010 16:57:26

List of Exhibitors


Exhibit As Name 21 Century Gear Co Ltd 3t Systems 4N Corporation A & I Products A.A.C. Forearm Forklift, Inc. A1A Software LLC AB Trasmissioni Srl ABB Inc ABL Internacional SA ABL Lights Group ABS USA Accu-Steel Cover Buildings Accu-Steel Cover Buildings ACE Group LLC Ace-Co Aceros Chile S A Aceteck Enterprise Corporation ACF Environmental Acme Speciality Mfg Co ACS Connect Actek Mfg & Eng Inc. Action Equipment Company ADB/ Hoist Rings Adeunis RF Advanced Detection Systems Aftec LLC AggFlow / BedRock Software LLC Aggregate Equipment Sales Aggregate Mining Products Aggregates Equipment, Inc. AGL Corp AGL Manufacturing Ltd. AirFlow Catalyst Systems, Inc. Air Liquide Industrial LP U.S. Air1 by Yara North America Airstar America, Inc. Air-Weigh Airworks Compressors Ajax Tool Works Inc Ajusta Buckets Lake Erie Portable Screeners AKG of America, Inc. Akron Brass Co Weldon, a division of Akron Brass Alan Ross Machinery Corp Alar Water Recycling Systems Alaska Structures Alaska Structures Albarrie USA Alemite, LLC, Inc. Alimak Hek Inc Alkota Cleaning Systems All American Co./ design solutionsFL, Inc. Allegis Corporation Allen Engineering Corp. Allied Construction Products LLC Allied Information Networks Allied Paving Equipment Magazine Allied Power Products Classic Construction Models Allied-Gator, Inc. Allied-Locke Industries, Inc. Allight ALLIGHTPRIMAX Allison Transmission Allmand Bros Inc Hein, Lehmann US, LLC Allmineral ALLU Group ALmix Alpha Shanghai HXRT Rubber Tracks / Alpine Rubber Co Alpine Equipment Corporation Alps Wire Rope Corporation Alro Steel Corporation Miller Sales and Technical Services Inc. Altec Alto Products Corporation Alturnamats Inc Alturnamats Inc AL-VAC Vacuum Lifters Americ Corporation American Augers American Concrete Pavement Association American Concrete Pumping Assoc American Cooling Systems, LLC American Crane & Tractor Parts Inc Pacific Flag and Pole, Inc. American Express Open American Foundry Society Inc Honda Power Equipment Honda Engines Honda Power Equipment American Piledriving Equipment American Road & Transportation Builders Association American Roller Bearing American Society of Professional Estimators American Technologies Inc ATSSA- American Traffic Safety Services Association American VULKAN Corporation American Welding Society American-Marsh AmerSeal Tire Sealant Ames Engineering Inc Ametek Vehicular Instrumentation Systems Ammann Group, The Ampco Metal, Inc. Amphenol Sine Systems Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants Anaconda Conveyors USA Inc. Andersen Industries Inc Anka Hoist BYG Linden Comansa America Angel Iglesias, S.A.- Ikusi ANMOPyC MTG Corp Gosan Crane Components Ansell Antraquip Corp. AP Air, Inc. Apollo Maschinenbau GmbH Applied Industrial Technologies APSCO- ScrewSucker Pumping Aqua Blast Corp AR & BE Co. , Ltd Arch Environmental Equipment Inc

National Jan 2011.indd 14

Booth # 4530 32037 4455 17601 30503 878

Exhibit Area Central 2 Hilton Central 1 South 2 Hilton Silver 3

7738 31637 12612 10953 8063 514 11908 11157 8093 18437 30015 17320 31625 10922 7533 11245 12510 6120 852 12827 4601 12301 7980 17129 863

Central 3-5 Hilton South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 South 2 Hilton South 2 Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 Silver 3 South 1 Central 2 South 1 Central 3-5 South 2 Silver 3

11344 16757 7986 11318 935

South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 Blue

4358 4358 17107 18830 18830

Central 1 Central 1 South 2 South 2 South 2

10831 4657 754 31133 11534 10547 574 31130

South 1 Central 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton

10011 645 4210

South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1

32 18536 18537 2059 4663 7987 7991 18329 632 7927 7927 218 600A 12725 30922 4331 30906 31128 12613 360 17211 2919 4222 107 10631 5133 11256 862 10710 18721

South Lobby South 2 South 2 North Central 2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Gold Lot Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Hilton Central 1 Hilton Hilton South 1 Gold Lot South 2 North Central 1 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Silver 3 South 1 South 2

3320 40 16607 16607 910 19122 3212

Grand Lobby South Lobby South 2 South 2 Blue Silver 4 Grand Lobby

3109 31619 3131 195 3013 16954 4439 10857 11708 4703

Grand Lobby Hilton Grand Lobby Gold Lot Grand Lobby South 2 Central 1 South 1 South 1 Central 2


South 1

969 639 810 4343 261 4324 3560 4123 6089 11357b 232 16842 10310 12435 864 11312 527

Blue Silver Lot 1-2 Silver 3 Central 1 Gold Lot Central 1 Grand Lobby Central 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Gold Lot South 2 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2

Exhibit As Name Arctic Snow and Ice Control Products Argonics Armal Inc. Armored Textiles, Inc. Arrow Machinery Arrowhead Rockdrill Co Inc Arrow-Magnolia International Inc Arsenault Associates ArvinMeritor ASA / Voyager Cameras ASC Lift Machinery Ascorel USA ASGCO "Complete Conveyor Solutions" Ashland Earthmovers Inc Asphalt Drum Mixers Inc. Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association Asphalt Institute Asphalt Pro Magazine Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association Asphalt Reheat Systems Asphalt Zipper Asset Nation Associated Builders and Contractors Associated Construction Publications (ACP) Associated General Contractors of America ConsensusDOCS Association of Equipment Management Professional Foundation (AEMP) Association of Equipment Management Professional Foundation AEM (Association of Equipment Manufacturers) AEM Safety Materials Astec Industries Inc Astec, Inc Astec Underground Trencor/Astec Underground A-Systems Corporation Atlas Copco CMT USA LLC Chicago Pneumatic Atlas Machine and Supply, Inc ATS Specialized Inc Autec Safety Remote Control Autodesk Inc Auto-Jet Muffler Corp ARI-Hetra Avalon Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd AxleTech International Bad Dog Tools Bad Dog Tools Badger Equipment Company Bagela USA LLC/ Pavement Recyclers LLC Bair Products Inc Baldor Electric Co Balkrishna Tyre (BKT) Bandit Industries Inc Bandit Industries Inc Bar None Auction Barney & Barney, LLC BASF Construction Chemicals Bateman Manufacturing BAUER-Pileco bauma 2013- bauma China 2012 Baxter Manufacturing Bay Shore Systems, Inc. BearCat Mfg Inc BearCat Pumps Beck Industrial BEDIA Motorentechnik GmbH & Co KG Beede Electrical Instrument Co BEI Sensors Beijing Oriental Yuhong Beka Max of America Inc. Belt-Way Scales Inc Benjamin Media Inc Benner-Nawman Inc Bent Tubes Berco Bergkamp Inc. Bergstrom Inc Berminghammer Foundation Solutions Best Hammer Industries DRM Diversafab Beta Max Hoists, Inc. BICES 2011 & IVEX 2011 BID2WIN Software Inc. Bijur Delimon International Bit9 Simulators BITZER US, Inc Bixen Hydraulics Co., Ltd. Black Cat Blades Ltd Blacklidge Emulsions, Inc. Blasters Ready Jet, Inc BLK Diesel BLS Enterprises Inc Blue Book Building & Construction Network Blue Hat Hoisting Bluebeam Software, Inc. BMG / BMG Green (Barlow Marketing Group) BMH Systems BOAB Software Pty Ltd. BOMAG Americas, Inc. Bonal Technologies, Inc. Bondioli & Pavesi Inc Bore Repair Systems, Inc. BorgWarner Bortech Corporation Bostik Inc. Bostrom Company H.O. Brannan- In the Belly of Jonah BRAVI PLATFORMS Breaker Technology, Inc. Breton Spa Bridgestone Americas Off Road Division Bridgewell Resources LLC Bridon Brigade Electronics Inc Briggs & Stratton Briggs & Stratton Corporation Broce Manufacturing Co. Broco Inc Broderson Mfg. Corp Brokk Inc Brooks Systems Corporation Brunner & Lay, Inc. Brush Wellman Inc - ToughMet速

Booth #

Exhibit Area

10852 18436 8009 12412 30710 9733 31111 17829 10744 462 529 7449 1409 670 3205 3527 8013 3207 12730 751 11356 3539 1809 31601 3145 3213

South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 Hilton South 1 Hilton South 2 South 1 Gold Lot Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 North Silver Lot 1-2 Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Central 3-5 Grand Lobby South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Grand Lobby North Hilton Grand Lobby Grand Lobby


Grand Lobby

3221 3305 5133 5133 5133 5133 31100 6657 6821 10958 2905 12410 31119 17515 19630 31134 17800 4441 115 260 825 30510 7659 12208 642 8061 759 31523 9033 572 19200 3208 12401 19114 758 758 10123 4725 18808 18533

Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Hilton Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 North South 1 Hilton South 2 Silver 4 Hilton South 2 Central 1 Gold Lot Gold Lot Silver 3 Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver 4 Grand Lobby South 1 Silver 4 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 2 South 2 South 2

11341 12515 4004 32121

South 1 South 1 Central 1 Hilton

4258 700 18407 732 910a 11414 946 3304 31211 17511 31323 4431 4525 4330 12819 11409 31919 6222 11030 11523 31711 4855 10535

Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Blue South 1 Blue Grand Lobby Hilton South 2 Hilton Central 1 Central 2 Central 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 2 South 1

5181 17536 17029 4012 17629 10809

Central 3-5 South 2 South 2 Central 1 South 2 South 1

16511 12311 428 5133 32137 2501

South 2 South 1 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Hilton North

6411 11059 17329 652 644 7649 342 112 6087 4852 1344

Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Gold Lot Gold Lot Central 3-5 Central 2 North


Exhibit As Name Brush Wellman Inc - ToughMet速 Brutus Truck Bodies / Next Hydraulics S.R.I. BSP International Foundations Ltd Bucket Bagger LLC Bucyrus Buffalo Turbine Buffalo Wire Works Co., Inc Builders Site Protection Bulldog Hydraulics & Gaskets Buma CE, Ltd Burner India Buzzi Unicem USA BWF America C & W Manufacturing & Sales C.E. Niehoff & Company CW Machine Worx CW Machine Worx Jekko/C4Cranes Cabela's Promotions Inc Construction Business Owner Magazine Cal Fab Calculated Industries Mauldin Paving Products Caldwell Group (The) Cambelt International Corporation Camoplast Solideal Inc. Can-American Stone Spreader CAN in Automation The CTD Group Cangini Benne SRL Canycom USA, Inc. Cardinal Scale Mfg Cargotec USA Inc. Carling Technologies Inc Carlisle Industrial Brake and Friction Carlson Software Carraro Drive Tech Spa Carraro Drive Tech- Spare Parts Carrier Vibrating Equipment Inc Casagrande USA Castrol Heavy Duty Lubricants Caterpillar Inc Caterpillar Industrial Power Systems Caterpillar OEM Solutions Caterpillar Inc Perkins Engines Company Limited Catsu Engineering Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Cavedrepa CCI Conveyor Pulleys a Division of Martin Sprocket & Gear Inc. CEAttachments, Inc. CEI Enterprises CEJN Industrial Corp. CEMCO Inc CEMCO Inc CemenTech CemenTech CENTA Corporation Center Rock Inc Centurion Wheel Mfg. Co. Centurion Wheel Mfg. Co. CESAR Plant Registration CGL Manufacturing Ltd CHA Industries Inc. GCI Environmental Inc Chance/ Atlas (Hubbell Power Systems) CHANG SHIN INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd Chapel Steel Company Ditch Witch Check Corporation Checkers Industrial Products Chemgrout Inc ChemStation International, Inc. Chenggong Construction Machinery Co Ltd Cherne Industries Inc Chevron Products Company China Chamber of Commerce China Chamber of Commerce Quanzhou Henglida Engineering Machinery Co.,Ltd. Zhejiang Yunzhou Technology Co., Ltd Quanzhou Fengze Far East Camshaft Factory Quanzhou Shengde Machinery Development Co., Ltd HANGZHOU ZHONGCE RUBBER CO.,LTD Dalian Landtop Parts Ningbo PHP Hydaulics Co., Ltd Maanshan tongli Slewing Ring Co., Ltd Shanghai Sanme Mining Machienry Co., Ltd Zhejiang Tiancheng controls Co., Ltd Quanzhou Jiangxin Machinery Co., Ltd Shenzhen U-Man Ind Co., Ltd HANGZHOU MAXWAY RUBBER TRACK CO.,LTD Zhenjiang Tonly Rubber Co Maanshan Fang Yuan Slewing Ring Company Limited Tianjin Lixinsheng Advanced Casting Co., Ltd. Qingdao D&D Material Technologies CO China Tunnel International Co.,Ltd Ningbo WOZOM Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd Attachment Torque MFG China Nat'l Building Material and Equipment Co. Yangzhou Tongyu Radiator Co Xuzhou Sitong Rubber Science and Technology Co Jiangxi Jinlilong Rubber Track Co Zhejiang Yuanchuang Rubber Track Co., Ltd CEP International LTD Hangzhou Truemax Machinery and Equipment Co., Ltd Zhejiang Xior Automotive Parts Manufacture Co., Ltd Zhejiang Noblelift Equipment Joint Stock Co., Ltd Beijing JaYu Xin Cheng Industrial and Trade Co., Ltd Quanzhou Jiahao Import & Export Development Co., Ltd

Booth # 4225 19622 4232 508 1801 10641 7549 12836 16743 4535 8065 11512 4341 772 4326 943 30602 426 32010 10835 19719 12931 532 30622 12534 2247 11152 32029 18521 124 843 7733 702 30913 18804 16953 16529 18707 8005 734 18117 130 16329a 16343 1913 16329b 30517 3008 7990 30401 5133 16500 31528 840 844 10033 18101 7481 4463 571 4133 31734 31833 10615 10930 12926

Exhibit Area Central 1 Silver 4 Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 North South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 Central 2 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1 Blue Hilton Gold Lot Hilton South 1 Silver 4 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 1 North South 1 Hilton South 2 Gold Lot Silver 3 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 2 South 2 South 2 South 2 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Gold Lot South 2 South 2 North South 2 Hilton Grand Lobby Central 3-5 Hilton Central 3-5 South 2 Hilton Silver 3 Silver 3 South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1 Hilton Hilton South 1 South 1 South 1


Silver Lot 1-2

2359 11456b 9737 855 12331 19706 11130 16457 200 4500 4540 4505

North South 1 South 1 Silver 3 South 1 Silver 4 South 1 South 2 Gold Lot Central 2 Central 2 Central 2



Central 1

30008 4506 4509 4500 4505 4500 12731 4505 4522 4505 4505

Hilton Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 South 1 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2

4500 4505 12101 4500 4505 4505 4500 4508 4505 4500 4505 4500

Central 2 Central 2 South 1 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2


Central 2


South 1


Central 2


South 1

23/12/2010 16:57:27

List of Exhibitors Exhibit As Name COB Bearing Inc. Nanjing High Hope Engineering Co., Ltd Jining Roadway Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Quanzhou Licheng Hongda Machinery Co., Ltd Huada Superabrasive Tool Technology Co., Ltd Shantui Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd Shandong Shantui Triumphal Construction Machinery Co., Ltd Shanghai Kingtec Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Ningbo Power-X Metal Industry Co., Ltd. Ningbo Jushen Pumps Industry Co., Ltd. Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co., Ltd Sihong Benteng Rubber Products Co., Ltd. SUZHOU CHANGSHU SINOSCAFFORM SCAFFOLDING LTD GLOBALMARKET GROUP (ASIA) LTD. Shandong Shantui Construction Machinery Import & Export Co., Ltd. Shantui Construction Parts Co., Ltd. Tings Carbide Hangzhou Tings Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd. QUANZHOU SOUEAST CONSTRUCTING ROAD MACHINE CO., LTD. Wuxi Xinsheng Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. China Construction Machinery Association China PacifiCarbide Inc Chromium Corporation Ciancaleoni s.r.l. Load Xpert/ Cie-Tech Inc CIFA SpA Cimline, Inc. CIT CITGO Petroleum Civacon Sure Seal Clean Burn Inc Clean Seal Inc Cleanfix North America Ltd. ClearSpan Fabric Structures International, Inc. Clearwater Industries Clement Communications Climax Portable Machine Ningbo Eastcasting Machinery Co., Ltd. CMiC CNC Industries Ltd New Holland / Kobelco Construction Equipment Case Construction Equipment Kobelco Construction Equipment Coal People Magazine COBO Group COBRA America LLC Coencorp COINS USA GREENPATCH by Cold Mix Manufacturing Corp Columbia Machine, Inc. Columbia Steel Casting Co., Inc. Columbus McKinnon Combi Wear Parts Inc Comdata Comet Breaker Command Alkon Commercial Vehicle Group Components Plus LLC Composting News Compulink Cable Assemblies, Inc Computer Guidance Corporation CON X EQUIPMENT INC. Concast Metal Products Co Concrete Monthly, Concrete Homes Concrete Raising of America, Inc. Concrete Slurry Solutions Inc Coneqtec, BIC, Terramite Conn-Weld Industries, Inc. Construccion Pan-Americana & Mineria Pan-Americana C & DR/ Recycling Today Construction Accessories Inc Construction Equipment Association Construction Equipment Association CEA Construction Equipment Guide Construction Equipment Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) Construction Forms Construction Imaging Systems Construction Machinery & Maintenance Magazine Construction Machinery Technology & Management ProEst Estimating Software Construction Materials Recycing Assoc. Construction Safety Council Con-Tech Manufacturing Inc Con-Tech Systems Ltd Continental Biomass Industries Continental Conveyor Continental Mixers Continental Mixers Continental Tire Contractors Equipment Directory Contractors Hot Line Controlled Automation Conveyor Application Systems LLC Conveyor Components Company Convey Weigh, LLC. Con-way Cooper B-Line Cooper Bussmann Transportation Cornell Forge Cornell Pump Company Cornerstone Industries Inc Corrosion Technologies Corp. Cosben s.r.l. Costex Tractor Parts Cote-L Industries Inc Cougar Vibration, A Division of Martin Engineering Covercraft Industries Inc Coxreels Cozad-Reliance Trailers Sales Krause Manufacturing, Inc.

National Jan 2011.indd 15

Booth # 12735 4543 4500

Exhibit Area South 1 Central 2 Central 2


Central 2

4500 200

Central 2 Gold Lot


Central 2


Central 2




South 1

3016 12535 4710 4545 4704 602 7215 30506 17501 31911 9932 12709 18717 30303 12525 12610 1241

Grand Lobby South 1 Central 2 Central 2 Central 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Hilton South 2 Hilton South 1 South 1 South 2 Hilton South 1 South 1 North

31422 4459 101 1609 101 10637 16353 7742 31334 31219 12614 538 5051 10724 4359 31823 4446 9923 11230 31437 4364 10654 31319 881 30920 10934 10635 10730 157 7940 3101 8017 10712 4146 4133 1905 3100 31300 819 31202 12

Hilton Central 1 Gold Lot North Gold Lot South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Hilton Hilton South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Hilton Central 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 1 South 1 Hilton Silver 3 Hilton South 1 South 1 South 1 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Grand Lobby Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Central 1 North Grand Lobby Hilton Silver 3 Hilton South Lobby

45 31419 3204 12409 10111 2101 610 6181 9433

South Lobby Hilton Grand Lobby South 1 South 1 North Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 South 1

30821 10918 4353

Hilton South 1 Central 1

9411 4726 31332 32001 4968 31228 4226 30912 4845 11346 4545 16543 12737 6715 11449 11524 536 7651

South 1 Central 1 Hilton Hilton Central 2 Hilton Central 1 Hilton Central 2 South 1 Central 2 South 2 South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5

Exhibit As Name CPS Security & Communications Group Crafco Inc Craig Manufacturing Ltd Cramaro Tarps Systems Inc Crane Network Cranes Today Magazine Cranesmart Systems Inc CRB Antriebstechnik GmbH Creative Information Systems Creative Lodging Solutions Creative Microsystems Crisp Industries. Inc/ AZFAB Crosby Group Inc Crossfire Safety Crusher Wear Parts CS Unitec C.U.E. Inc. Cummins Inc. Curb Fox Equipment Custom Dredge Works, Inc. Custom Equipment Custom Products of Litchfield Cut-N-Crown, Inc Cyclonaire Corporation Cygnus Business Media Inc Cygnus Business Media Inc Cygnus Business Media Inc Equipment Today Asphalt Contractor Magazine Construction Distribution Concrete Contractor Rental Product News Pavement D & A Heavy Industries Co Ltd D & H Equipment Ltd D Laporte Sohne GmbH D-A Lubricant Company, Inc. Dae Han Tungsten, Inc DAEDONG ENGINEERING Co Ltd Daehan Heavy Industry Daekeum Geowell Co., Ltd. Daemo Engineering Ltd DAFO Brand AB Daimler Trucks North America LLC Tenaris Dana Holding Corporation Davey Drill Division, Davey Kent Inc DCF/Trek Inc DCL International Inc Dieci North America Deister Machine Co Inc DEL Hydraulics Inc DeltaTech Controls Del Zotto Products of MN Derrick Corporation DESCH Canada Ltd. Design Data Design-Build Institute of America Deutsch Industrial/ LADD Industrial DEUTZ Corporation Dew-Eze Manufacturing Dexter & Chaney DHS Diecast Collectables Inc Diamond Blade Warehouse/ Diamond Chain International Diamond Blade Warehouse/ Diamond Chain International Diamond Products Diamond Z DICA DIEPA Drahtseilwerk Dietz Diesel Radiator Company Digi International DimcoGray Corporation Dings Company Magnetic Group Dingsheng Tiangong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Distribution Contractors Association Dixon Valve & Coupling Company D-Mind Technology DMK Inc DNV Ram Trucks Morooka USA-East MKB Hydraulic Breaker Dongyang Heavy Industries Co Ltd Doosan Infracore Const. Equip. America Bobcat Company Ingersoll Rand now Doosan Infracore Portable Power Doosan Infracore Portable Power Doppstadt US DOT Tiedown Double Coin / CMA LLC Double Summit Double Summit Double Summit Double Summit Double Summit Double Summit Douglas Manufacturing DPL America Dr. Shrink, Inc. Draco Spring Mfg Co Dredge & Marine Company, LLC Drill King International L.P. DrillingWorld Dromone Engineering Limited DSC Dredge, LLC Duratech Industries Duratray International Dura-Tuff Wear Products Weir Minerals - Linatex Dust Control Technology Inc Dykman Electrical Inc. Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Dynapac USA Dyno Nobel Inc E.D. Etnyre & Co. Eagle Crusher Company Inc Earth Contact Products Earthsaver Equipment, Inc. East Bay Tire Co. East Jordan Iron Works East West Machinery Exporting, Inc. Eastern Drillers Mfg. Co., Inc. Doncasters Fastener Systems ECCO ECO-CRUSHER Edge Design & Engineering Innovation

Booth # 12812 5791 1712 569 463 252 262 17815

Exhibit Area South 1 Central 3-5 North Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot South 2

31918 32104 7301 4153 11455 10956 870 11713 16615 10553 4845 334 4327 861

Hilton Hilton Central 3-5 Central 1 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 South 1 South 2 South 1 Central 2 Gold Lot Central 1 Silver 3


1429 771 19001 1429 1429 1429 1429 1429 1429 30618 600K 4725 18421 4525 30722 4533 10919 10541 32128 19028 12230 17915 724 30411 12512 257 5781 199 18207 895 6681 16300 31906 31621 17900 16929 4433 31329 3010 12234

North Silver Lot 1-2 Silver 4 North North North North North North Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 Central 2 South 2 Central 2 Hilton Central 2 South 1 South 1 Hilton Silver 4 South 1 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 1 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Gold Lot South 2 Silver 3 Central 3-5 South 2 Hilton Hilton South 2 South 2 Central 1 Hilton Grand Lobby South 1

737 6807 764 10524 4853 17336 10623 16616 6120 4605 3143 17837 4525 11514 12935 12319 222 222 30817 100 100 100 100 7857

Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 2 South 2 South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Central 2 Grand Lobby South 2 Central 2 South 1 South 1 South 1 Gold Lot Gold Lot Hilton Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot Central 3-5

12131 4440 10718 17328 6125 11445 1512 5894 31214 12713 7744 12708 6611 4335 233 6111 626

South 1 Central 1 South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 North Central 3-5 Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 3-5 Central 1 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2

30025 10627 12430 12914 942g 6633 6621 5711 7281 11901 4546 11452a 30211 31435 4547 17907 11031 30302 940

Hilton South 1 South 1 South 1 Blue Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 2 South 1 Hilton Hilton Central 2 South 2 South 1 Hilton Blue

Exhibit As Name Edge Eyewear EFCO Corp Efficiency Production EGT spa Eide Bailly LLP Elastometall Virto/Elcan Industries Electrex Inc Electroswitch Elkhart Brass Elliott Equipment Company Elliott Machine Works, Inc. ElmTree Systems Elobau Sensor Technology Emerson Power Transmission Endecotts Energy Logic ENERPAC Engcon Enginaire Engine Distributors Inc McGraw-Hill Construction The EEI Group Envirochute Systems Inc. Environmental Products Solutions, LLC Enviro-Port Inc. EPC World Equipment Data Associates Lift Controls Co. - Division of Equipment Parts Wholesale Equipment Training Solutions LLC Equipment Trader Equipos Mineros S.A. Erie Strayer Company Eriez ERMA-RTMO Spa Ernest Brown and Company ESAB Welding & Cutting Products ESCO Corporation ESCO Industries, Inc. E-T-A Circuit Breakers Evercup Metals Co., Ltd Everdigm Corp. Tyfos Inc. Evertire Inc Exaktime Exodus Machines Inc Expander Americas Inc Explorer Software Explorer Software Extreme Outback Products Mobil Delvac E-Z Drill Inc EZ Grout Corporation EZ Street Company (The) Ez-Scale (Trouble-Shooting Services Ltd) F&M Mafco Inc FABCO Automotive Fabco Power Fabick Inc. Fabpro PerformanceFibers FAE USA Inc Fairbanks Scales Inc. Falcon Performance Footwear Faresin Industries Faria Performance Instruments Fascan International Fast Fusion LLC Faster Inc FASTSIGNS Fecon Inc Fecon Inc Federal-Mogul Corporation Federal Signal Corporation Federal Signal Environmental Solutions Group Femco Machine Company Fenghua Ningdong Engineering Machinery Co.,Ltd. Fenner Drives Fenner Dunlop Americas FES (China) Limited Excel Foundry & Machine Express Blower, Inc. / FINN Corporation Fisher Industries Flambeau Inc Flexco Flexco Flexco Flexxaire Flint Hydraulics Inc Flip Screen FLSmidth Excel LLC Fluid Life FMC Technologies Fontaine Trailer Company Foothills Steel Foundry Ford Commercial Truck Ford Steel Co. Foremost Industries Foresight Products LLC Grading & Excavation Contractor Magazine Forging Industry Association Forta Corporation Foundation Software, Inc. Fraba Inc Fraccaroli e Balzan S.P.A. Frakes Industrial Western Star Trucks Freightliner Trucks Friction Marketing Co Ltd Fringe Benefit Group FRD Furukawa Rock Drill USA FW Murphy Gardner Denver Inc Gate 7 LLC Gateway Safety Inc. Gator Machinery Co Geda USA, LLC Gehl Company Mustang Gencor Industries Inc HyWay Heat Bituma Corporation General Combustion Corporation General Kinematics General Truck Parts and Equipment Gensco Equipment

Booth # 11309 614 10239 4545 31718

Exhibit Area South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 2 Hilton

11446 4018 10645 501 180 600i 31200 17630 5061 7632 12919 16807 188 17221 17937 10519 31529 10625 2901 9235 31905 3300 4046 102 12915 3533 720 11912 4545 31819 253 7115 17314 17819 12837 537 290 6215 12624 932 30926 11516 11518 17306 16229 10925 957 7746 30518 12434 17912 4167 9839 11035 921 170 32118 30521 16952 867 576 16643 31629 4250 620 16657 4471 9633 30904 2936 16846 5033 19607 6510 10935 7041 4751 6693 554 561 16620 1001 31135 7907

South 1 Central 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 Gold Lot South 2 South 2 South 1 Hilton South 1 North South 1 Hilton Grand Lobby Central 1 Gold Lot South 1 Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 2 Hilton Gold Lot Central 3-5 South 2 South 2 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot Central 3-5 South 1 Blue Hilton South 1 South 1 South 2 South 2 South 1 Blue Central 3-5 Hilton South 1 South 2 Central 1 South 1 South 1 Blue Gold Lot Hilton Hilton South 2 Silver 3 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Hilton Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Central 1 South 1 Hilton North South 2 Central 3-5 Silver 4 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 3-5 Central 2 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 North Hilton Central 3-5

7781 31733 12001 9519 6211 2938 11434 4946 3537 11530 31123 31123 31913 4548

Central 3-5 Hilton South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 North South 1 Central 2 Grand Lobby South 1 Hilton Hilton Hilton Central 2

11619 11918 12934 4139 31525 4130 16553 10941 4336 502 5707 30312 1353 1353 730 730 730 730 630 11613 509

South 1 South 1 South 1 Central 1 Hilton Central 1 South 2 South 1 Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Hilton North North Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2



23/12/2010 16:57:29

List of Exhibitors Exhibit As Name GSSI Geoprobe Systems Georg Fischer Central Plastics GeoRocFor Accessories Inc Geroquip/Magic Screed Getec Inc Getz Enterprises LTD GIANT HYDRAULIC TECH. CO.,LTD, CHINA Gilson Company Inc GivenHansco GIW Industries Inc. GKD Technik Ltd GKN Land Systems GKS Lifting and Moving Solutions, LLC Global Project Logistics Network (GPLN) Global Pump Global Track Warehouse USA Inc Globe Trailers Glove Guard LP GM Fleet and Commercial GMP Friction Products GMT Gummi-Metall-Technik GmbH Godwin Pumps Golder Associates Goldhofer AG Golight, Inc. GOMACO Corporation GOMACO Corporation Goodall Mfg. Goodman-Hewitt Conveyors & Components Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Gorman Rupp Company Graco Inc Gradall Industries Inc Vacall Grammer Inc Grayhill, Inc. GreatLakes Equipment Co. GPI-Great Plains Industries Inc Great Wall Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Grede Holdings LLC GreyStone, Inc. Griffin Dewatering Griffin Dewatering Grindex Pumps GME Groeneveld Ground/Water Treatment and Technology Inc LiuGong Guardian Engineering and Manufacturing GUIZHOU SINODRILLS EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. Gujarat Apollo Industries Ltd Gunnebo Johnson Corporation Guntert & Zimmerman Const Div Inc GVM Inc/ GVM Snow Equipment H. J. Hirtzer & Associates INc. H.E. Poly Ltd. H.E.F. - USA H.J. Hirtzer & Assoc., Inc. Haag Engineering Co. Hagglunds Drives Inc Haltec Corporation HAMMEL Hammer & Steel Inc HammerHead Trenchless Equipment Hammeroc Corp Hamsar Diversco Inc Handheld Handy Hitch Mfg Inc Hanjin D&B Co Ltd World of Concrete/ Hanley Wood Business Meda Hannay Reels Inc Hardrock Fabrication Private Ltd Harrington Hoists Inc Harrison Hydra-Gen Hatz Diesel of America Inc. Hauck Manufacturing Company Haulotte Group HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH Hazemag USA Inc HBC-radiomatic HCSS HCSS Healthy Bacs LLC Heat Design Equipment Inc Heatec Incorporated Heavy Parts Solutions (HPS) ITR/USCO/Track One Heavyquip HeistProof, LLC Helac Corporation Hella, Inc. Hemisphere GPS Hendrickson Loctite速 (Henkel Corporation) Hennessy International Inc. Hensley Industries, Inc. Hercules Machinery Corporation Hess Industries Inc Hetronic USA Hidromek A.S. Hilliard Corporation, The HiQual Engineered Structures Ltd Historical Construction Equipment Association HKX- Hydraulic Kits for Excavators HLS Hard-Line Solutions Inc Hobart Brothers Hoffmeyer Company, Inc. Holcim (US) Inc. Horton Inc HosePower HosePower Hougen Manufacturing Inc Houston Machinery (China) Co LTD Howron Metal Benders HR International Crushing and Screening, Inc. Hub City Inc Hudig GmbH & Co. KG Humboldt Mfg. Co. Humdinger Equipment

Booth # 11435 504 920

Exhibit Area South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Blue

11835 4702 1803 10233 7995 11635 4152 4133 2262 31929 28 18029 1600 558 12909 134

South 1 Central 2 North South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Central 1 North Hilton South Lobby South 2 North Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Gold Lot

4725 7669 16509 4725 4064 5111 5611 8049 6711 2047 5011

Central 2 Central 3-5 South 2 Central 2 Central 1 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 North Central 3-5

150 150 31824 12031 17736 4000 12530 32004 4553 7081 520 4221 7106 9533 11323 842 1041 12831 30914 10310 154 10133 196 234 17213 18337 234 4846 6225

Gold Lot Gold Lot Hilton South 1 South 2 Central 1 South 1 Hilton Central 2 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 North South 1 Hilton South 1 Gold Lot South 1 Gold Lot Gold Lot South 2 South 2 Gold Lot Central 2 Central 3-5

628 545 945 4349 7732 31902 942e 19099 12431 9837 30217 4041 31737 17729 6081 284 7741 6815 12013 31511 9236 32015 725 5133 18800 7748 30002 1516 11357a 30108 18100 31418 9511 11631 19300 4957 838

Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Blue Central 1 Central 3-5 Hilton Blue Silver 4 South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 1 Hilton South 2 Central 3-5 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 Hilton South 1 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 South 2 Central 3-5 Hilton North South 1 Hilton South 2 Hilton South 1 South 1 Silver 4 Central 2 Silver 3

912 214 16610 942a 3138 1701 32032 254 30501 11331 16401 11113 11113 7734 939 8059 4551

Blue Gold Lot South 2 Blue Grand Lobby North Hilton Gold Lot Hilton South 1 South 2 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 Blue Central 3-5 Central 2

4725 6509 32036

Central 2 Central 3-5 Hilton


National Jan 2011.indd 16

Exhibit As Name Hunan Sunward Intelligent Machinery Co. Ltd Hutchinson Industries Hyco Heavyparts Hydra-Tech International Hydraulic Breaker Services HydrauliCircuit Technology Inc Hydrema Hydro Engineering Inc Hydro Leduc NA Incorporated Hydro Mobile Hydrological Solutions Inc Hyundai Construction Equipment USA Inc ICM Heavy Industries Co., Ltd Fast-Way/Ideal Mfg IHC Merwede ILERI Mechanics Ltd IMO USA Corp. Impact Service Corporation Schaeffler Group Industrial Inada Massage Chairs Inan Makina A.S. Indeco North America Independent Parts & Service (IPS Worldwide) Indexator Inc. Kismet Industries Indiana Phoenix Inc Industrial Hygiene News/Rimbach Publishing Inc Industrial Seats-United Group Inc Cometto Industrie SPA Inertia Machine Corporation Infinity Tool Mfg. LLC Infologistics, Inc Inform Publishing Group Construction Superintendent Infotech Enterprises SealMaster Innoplast Inc Neptune Automed Wheel Wash System Insite Software Inc. Scrap Magazine/ISRI Insulatus Inc Intec Video Systems Inc Integrity Fusion Products Inc InterClean Equipment MobyDick Wheel Washing Systems Intercomp Interface Logic Systems Inc Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute Intermat 2012 - Paris, France International Communication by Design International Construction Equipment International Erosion Control Association International Hydraulics Inc International Powered Access Federation International Slurry Surfacing Association Intl Society of Explosives Engineers International Transmissions LTD Division of JCB Inc Interstate Batteries Interstate Crane Services Interstate Truck Bodies Interstate McBee Intersystems Intertractor America Corp Inthinc Technology Solutions Inc Northern Ireland Materials Handling Involute Tooling Corporation Iona Waste Systems Ltd Iowa Mold Tooling IPD IPM Global Pty Ltd IROCK Crushers LLC IronPlanet Irontrax LLC ISCO Industries LLC Headwaters Resources iSqFt Isringhausen Inc ISSPRO, Inc. Italian Trade Commission ITT Water & Wastewater USA Ives Training Group IXXAT USA J J Kane Auctioneers J J Keller & Associates Inc JAB Co Ltd Jack Doheny Companies Inc. Jancy Engineering Inc Jantsa Wheel Industry JB Radiator Specialties JCB Inc- Savannah JDA Global LLC Jean Lutz SA Jeffrey Rader Corp Jennmar Jeonil Machinery Co., Ltd. Jisung Heavy Industry Co Ltd JLG John Deere Power Systems John Deere Harvester Marketing Services Phoenix International John Deere Constr & Forestry/Hitachi Construction Machinery Co John Thomas Inc JOMAC Jonas Software Jonel Engineering Co. Inc. Joseph Industries, Inc. Jovid Enterprises, Inc JTI Trade Inc JTI Trade Inc K & M Manufacturing FastMeasures By KTP Enterprises Inc Kaeser Compressors, Inc. Kalyn Siebert Kaoreda Products LTD Karan Motors Pvt. Ltd. Kaydon Corporation, Bearings Division Kawasaki Wheel Loaders Keestrack Kelly Tractor Co. Kenco Corporation Kennametal Kenworth Truck Company Kevin's Wholesale


Booth # 2659 31337 30003 18632 4048 4010 530 310 17737 613 12922 617 4525 11319 19132 4423 16753

Exhibit Area North Hilton Hilton South 2 Central 1 Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 2 South 1 Silver 4 Central 1 South 2

5069 32103 729 2201 4451 244 4325

Central 3-5 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 North Central 1 Gold Lot Central 1

11322 7537 11140 7225 31335 31721 3548 3548 4002 6093 12514 826 31411 12918 31729 4427

South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 3-5 Hilton Hilton Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Central 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Silver 3 Hilton South 1 Hilton Central 1

650 650 12408 11249 26 3200 3112 608 3513

Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 South 1 South Lobby Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 Grand Lobby

19722 3209 3543 18228 32018

Blue Grand Lobby Grand Lobby South 2 Hilton

11358 17219 7633 4240

South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Central 1

11430 16857 7787 1341 18529 31722 624 4715 510 653 11535 31311 32035 8011 4545 7669 18828 16852 4042 6318 4535 874 10555 4175 18411 160 10756 7635 4058 12201 4525 4535 210 31720 16317 4220 16521 2313 12719 103 12911 11224 17916 12508 17436 876 31328 515 10333 250 10611 12930 10853 4735 421 807 192 7091 9711

South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 North South 2 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 Cent 2-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Hilton Hilton Central 3-5 Central 2 Central 3-5 South 2 South 2 Central 1 Central 3-5 Central 2 Silver 3 Hilton Central 1 South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 Central 2 South 1 Central 2 Central 2 Gold Lot Hilton South 2 Central 1 South 2 North South 1 Gold Lot South 1 South 1 South 2 South 1 South 2 Silver 3 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Gold Lot South 1 South 1 South 1 Central 2 Gold Lot Silver 3 Gold Lot Central 3-5 South 1

Exhibit As Name Key Solutions Keystone Engineering KHL Group LLP Kimble Mixer Company King Crusher International Co., LTD King Kong Tools LLC. Kinshofer Kissling Electrotec Inc. Kleemann Klein Klein Products Inc KNF Canada / KNF Heavy Ind. Kobelco Cranes North America, Inc. Kohler Engines KPI - JCI & Astec Mobile Screens Komatsu America Corp Komex Electronics Co., Ltd Komplet Italia srl Komptech USA Inc. Kondex Corporation Konig Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH KOCEMA KOCEMA Rockster Recycler Kraft Power / Transfluid K-Tec Earthmovers Inc K-Technology, Inc. KTR Corporation Kubota Engine America Corp. Kubota Tractor Corporation Kukje Hydraulic Co., Ltd Kwik Kerb Edgemaster Corp L & M Radiator Inc L & M Powertrain Parts L.M. Scofield Company Lampson International Lanair Land Improvement Contractors of America Landoll Corporation Landoll Corporation Laser Technolog y, Inc. Layher Inc LayMor LBX Company LLC Leading Edge Attachments Inc Lectura Verlag GmbH Ledwell Lee Publications Inc LEICA Geosystems Inc LEICA Geosystems Inc LEICA Geosystems Inc LeMar Industries Leons Mfg Company Inc Libra Systems Corp. Liebherr LIFLINE LLC Lift Systems, Inc. Lifting Gear Hire Corporation Lifting Technologies, Inc. LightGuard Systems, Inc. LIM SAS Weir Minerals North America Lincoln Electric Lincoln Industrial Linemaster Switch Corp Link Belt Construction Equipment Link Manufacturing Ltd Lippmann Milwaukee Liquid Waste Technolog y, LLC Liuzhou Yuxiang Wheel Co.,Ltd. LMI (Lift Management Insurance) Load Systems International Inc. Loadrite LOFA Industries, Inc. Logan Clutch Corporation LoJack Corporation Lone Star Transportation Lovejoy Rosta Lowe Manufacturing LUBE-A-BOOM Lucas-T VS Limited Luff Industries Ltd MAC Trailer Mfg Machinery Trader Mack Trucks Inc Mack Trucks Inc Maeda Seisakusho Co Ltd Maestro Technologies MAG Industrial Automation Systems Magnum Attachments Inc Magnum Products MAHLE Clevite MAI INTERNATIONAL S.R .L. Maintainer Corporation of Iowa, Inc. Maintainer Corporation of Iowa, Inc. MAIT s p a Major Wire Industries Ltd MALA GeoScience USA Inc Manac Trailers USA ManagerPlus Software Manitex Liftking ULC Manitex Intl. C.V.S. Ferrari Manitex, Inc. Load King Manitoba Trade and Investment "Manitoba-Canada" Manitou Manitowoc Mankiewicz Coatings LLC MANN+HUMMEL Marcotte Systems Ltd Marsh Buggies Inc Martin Engineering MASABA Mining Equipment Matec s.r.l. Maverick Hammers Max USA Corp Maxima Technologies & Systems LLC Crane Hot Line/Lift and Access Maximum Capacity Media Maxwell Systems Inc Maxwell Technologies Mazzella Blasting MAT M-B Companies Inc


Booth # 10720 880 573 10840 31534 882 256 31436 5733 11440 4311 182 320 16307 5133 1009 4535 533 7932 30202

Exhibit Area South 1 Silver 3 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Hilton Silver 3 Gold Lot Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Gold Lot Gold Lot South 2 Central 3-5 North Central 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Hilton

4535 4532 931 17600 2601

Central 2 Central 2 Blue South 2 North

16653 16843 2001 4535 7006 16606 17614 31900 194 32006 3201 541 531 11522 12635 30702 120 4350 33 4467 8037 3139 557 3133

South 2 South 2 North Central 2 Central 3-5 South 2 South 2 Hilton Gold Lot Hilton Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 South 1 Hilton Gold Lot Central 1 South Lobby Central 1 Central 3-5 Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 Grand Lobby

12734 4755 370 31835 907 17513 235 11447 32002 6881 9911 1437 17811 230 9200 7067 12523 4020 4542 258 7437 11252

South 1 Central 2 Gold Lot Hilton Blue South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 North South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 Central 2 Gold Lot Central 3-5 South 1

4062 2925 12809 2307 500 12509 12519 823 4057 9011 805 440 31429 11519 4011 4023 10652 1508 525

Central 1 North South 1 North Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 Central 1 South 1 Silver 3 Gold Lot Hilton South 1 Central 1 Central 3-5 South 1 North Silver Lot 1-2



521 Silver Lot 1-2 19100 Silver 4 7433 Central 3-5 10736 South 1 565 Silver Lot 1-2 31505 Hilton 260 Gold Lot 260 Gold Lot 260 Gold Lot 260 Gold Lot 260 Gold Lot 942c Blue 1353 North 430 Gold Lot 12109 South 1 10511 South 1 10901 South 1 1901 North 7315 Central 3-5 19000 Silver 4 4545 Central 2 4711 Central 1 10931 South 1 30522 Hilton 185 Gold Lot Crane Rodeo Gold Lot 31203 Hilton 12513 South 1 30916 Hilton 30022 Hilton

23/12/2010 16:57:30

List of Exhibitors Exhibit As Name MB Spa MB Spa MBK Machinenbau GmbH/ ORU Mixing and Batching MBW Inc MC2 McAllister Industries McCloskey International McElroy Mfg , Inc. McKee Communications McLanahan Corporation McLaughlin Body Co McLaughlin McLellan Equipment McLellan Industries McNeilus Truck/Oshkosh McNeilus Truck/Oshkosh Con-E-Co McQuaid Engineering Ltd MCR Safety MCR Technologies Group Inc MEC Aerial Work Platforms Meeker Equipment Co Mega Corp MEPLAN GmbH MEPLAN GmbH Messinger Bearings Corp Metal Forms CARMIX Metso Mettler-Toledo, Inc. Meva Formwork Systems Inc MIBA Frictec GmbH JMG Research Michelin North America Inc. Michelin North America Inc. Middle East Strategic Advertising Midwest Equipment Sales Midwestern Industries Millars Products Srl Miller Electric Manufacturing Miller Electric Mfg Co.'s EnPak Miller Lifting Products MillerBaird Milsco Manufacturing Milspec Industries Milspec Industries Mincon Inc MINDS Inc MSHA Educational Field Ser vices Miner Elastomer Products Corp Minimizer Mining Technologies International Inc Miniveyor Products Ltd Access Construction Equipment Minnich Mfg Co. Inc. MinnPar Minyu Machiner y Corp., Ltd Miskin Scraper Works Inc Mitsubishi Engine N.A. Moba Corporation Mobile Climate Control Mobile Track Solutions Modern Contractor Solutions Mody Pumps Inc. Monitor Technologies Morbark Inc. Mould Mate Co, Ltd MWI Corp MPAQ Automation Inc MS Motor Ser vice International MSB Corporation MTU Mueller Canada FuelForce Multiforce Systems Multiquip Inc Multiquip Inc Multi-Wing America Muv - All Lowbed Trailers - Palomino MFG My Little Salesman Myers Seth Pump Inc National Asphalt Pavement Association National Association of County Engineers National Assoc Women in Cnstrn National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators National Construction Rentals National Diamond NESCO National Equipment Register National Fleet Products RAM Mounting Systems National Purchasing Partners National Ready Mixed Concrete Assoc. National Robotics Engineering Center National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association National Trench Safety, LLC Nationwide Crane Training , Inc International Truck NBB Controls Nelson Manufacturing Company Nelson Williams Linings, Inc Nett Technologies Next Generation Power Engineering Inc Next Hydraulics S.R .L. Niece Equipment Niftylift Inc Ningbo Huizheng Special Steel Co., Ltd Engine Supply Inc. (Ningbo Prosper International Co., Ltd) NINGBO ROCK MACHINERY MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD Ningbo Zhedong Precision Casting Co. Ltd. Nitoma Nitto Kohki USA Inc NOMIS Seismographs NorAm Construction Equipment


National Jan 2011.indd 17

Booth # 3520 3520 4701 450 10957 7325 12908 11354 713 750 461 6421 4718 5045 238 30112 812 9111 812 4332

Exhibit Area Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Central 2 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot Central 3-5 Central 2 Central 3-5 Gold Lot Hilton Silver 3 South 1 Silver 3 Central 1

12912 19130 600b 2264 420 4725 4708 10027 11056 7457 11353a 908 16856 16622 2258 19444 3545 32012 7033 17618 254 10514 407 30318 17821 7637 11411 12609 32007 3516 12823 9539 32110 4233 578 11109 1247 10856 2912 16407 821 18111 1201 10801 7581 10633 552 4736 10437 10122 10746 30718 17607 32011 11348 4641 890 4031 4501 4745 31235 3322

South 1 Silver 4 Silver Lot 1-2 North Gold Lot Central 2 Central 2 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Blue South 2 South 2 North Silver 4 Grand Lobby Hilton Central 3-5 South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Gold Lot Hilton South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Hilton Grand Lobby South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 North South 1 North South 2 Silver 3 South 2 North South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 2 South 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton South 2 Hilton South 1 Central 2 Silver 3 Central 1 Central 2 Central 2 Hilton Grand Lobby

3535 3523 3000

Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Grand Lobby

3001 4434

Grand Lobby Central 1

8001 12413 10647 17906 31635 9133

Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 South 2 Hilton South 1

8033 11013 465 9319 5795 19605 11153 12833 17233 19622 967 19236 4510

Central 3-5 South 1 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 Silver 4 South 1 South 1 South 2 Silver 4 Blue Silver 4 Central 2


Central 2



30509 31735

Hilton Hilton

6209 4319

Central 3-5 Central 1

Exhibit As Name Nordic Lights / Herrmans Honeywell Safety Products Northern Factor y Sales, Inc. Northrock Ind. Inc. Northwest Instrument Inc. Novatek, Inc NPK Construction Equipment Inc Nucor Steel Nuform Building Technologies, Inc. Numa NuStar Asphalt Refining LLC Nylacast LLC O.S.T.S. Inc (Occupational Safety Training Systems) Enviroguard Chute Wash System Odisa Concrete Equipment Off-Highway Research Limited OFM TOP LINE S.R .L. Underground Construction Okada America Oldenburg Group Incorporated Olofsfors OMI Industries Omsi Transmissions On Center Software Operating Engineers Training Institute Ontario Optima Batteries/ Johnson Controls Orica Orion Software Orlaco Products BV Orscheln Products, LLC Orttech Inc Occupational Safety and Health Admin (OSHA) OTR Wheel Engineering Otto Outset SRL Oz Lifting Products Oztec Industries, Inc. P&H MinePro Ser vices Continental Conveyor Products P&H MinePro Ser vices GoodmanHewitt Products Braden Carco Gearmatic-PACCAR Winch Division Pacific Alloy Castings Company Inc Jewell div. of Paladin Paladin Construction Group Genesis div. of Paladin Palfinger North America Group Palfinger North America Group PANA-PACIFIC PANOLIN AG Paradigm Software, LLC Paratherm Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Partsmaster Pathway Polymers Pavia Systems, Inc. PC Scale, Inc./ PC Scale Tower Software Pearson Heating Systems Inc Pemberton Pengo Utility Products Penny Pockets Concrete Products, Rock Products, Cement Americas, Coal Age, Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ ) Concrete Products, Rock Products, Cement Americas, Coal Age, Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ ) Rental Equipment Register Performa Inc Performance Pipe Peterbilt Motors Co. Petersen Products Co Peterson Manufacturing Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc Petrocon Corporation Pfreundt North America Phenix Measurement Philippi-Hagenbuch, Inc. Philconstruct/HVAC/R Phillips & Johnston, Inc. Phillips & Temro Industries Phoenix Industries Phoenix Process Equipment Co Pierce Distribution Pierce Pacific Mfg Piher International Corp Pile Driving Contractors Association Pile Protection Tops Pilot Seating Pinnacle Drilling Products, Inc. Pioneer Pump ADEUNIS NA PIRTEK Piusi USA, Inc Plaisance Equipments Platt & Associates Inc Plug-It Products PM North America LLC PMP Industries Inc. PMXpert Software Pneumec Co Ltd Polar Leasing Polaris Industries Polaris Laboratories Polydeck Screen Corporation Portadam, Inc. Peak Innovations/ Port-A-Pour Portland Cement Association Poseidon Barge Corporation Power Curbers & Power Pavers, Inc. POQUTEC Co., Ltd- Power Quality & Technolog y Co Powermoon Enterprises Ltd Power-Packer, Inc. Powersource Transportation Inc PPG Industries PRAN Systems Inc Praxair Inc Precision Pulley and Idler Precismeca Ltd. PreView Radar by Preco Electronics Predictive Compliance Premier Mfg Co. Price Rubber

Booth # 10924 10800 16842 10433 17013 31633 243 18311 12821 6310 6219 403 11618 9336 845 4234 30011 11609 2146 30018 10615 8041 32119 31223 30706 18307 7791 31801 30502 17620 12923 19730 30012 18317 4545 6107 9132 6181

Exhibit Area South 1 South 1 South 2 South 1 South 2 Hilton Gold Lot South 2 South 1 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Gold Lot South 1 South 1 Silver 3 Central 1 Hilton South 1 North Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 Hilton Hilton Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 Hilton Hilton South 2 South 1 Silver 4 Hilton South 2 Central 2 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 3-5


Central 3-5

300 8067 1340 1849 1947 540

Gold Lot Central 3-5 North North North Silver Lot 1-2

10823 18417 31113 12622 804 6314 31901 4544 11052 834 30212 1346 47

South 1 South 2 Hilton South 1 Silver 3 Central 3-5 Hilton Central 2 South 1 Silver 3 Hilton North South Lobby


South 1


South 1

4227 31400 854 11125 11431 12925 30207 3558 2924 30305 1800 30 31234 10653 560 603 4053 2909 30023 3511 19442 12113 4203 10709 12510 17312

Central 1 Hilton Silver 3 South 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton Grand Lobby North Hilton North South Lobby Hilton South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1 North Hilton Grand Lobby Silver 4 South 1 Central 1 South 1 South 1 South 2

904 4465 11253 215 16453 12825 19134 30606 11452b 17019 6311 12932 559 12501 176 9333 453517 9941 6907 851 11509 18818 10223 7307 7939 11735 31836 11513 1005

Blue Central 1 South 1 Gold Lot South 2 South 1 Silver 4 Hilton South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Gold Lot South 1 Central 2 South 1 Central 3-5 Silver 3 South 1 South 2 South 1 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 Hilton South 1 North

Exhibit As Name Booth # Primax Shoring Inc 892 PRINOTH 171 Pro Mac Manufacturing Ltd 4428 Process Engineers & Equipment Corporation/Hychem,Inc./Classification & Flotations Systems, Inc. 4504 (CFS) Process Heating Co. 8007 PRO-DIG LLC 7822 Tier 4 Integration & Engineering 17330 Profitool, Inc. 31624 Propex Concrete Solutions 11257 Pro-Tec Equipment Inc. 11233 Protex Fasteners Ltd 17015 Pro-Vision Video Systems 4453 PTC-USA 19500 PTH USA 882 Pulltarps Mfg. 4032 Puresafety 31620 Putzmeister America, Inc. 899 Esser Pipe Technolog y 899 Allentown Shotcrete Technolog y 899 PVE Cranes & Ser vices 19700 World Wide Equipment 503 QPR Engineered Solutions for 7981 Infrastructure Quadco Equipment Inc 4400 Quality Mat Company 4854 Quanzhou HuaSheng Machinery 4520 Equipment Co.,Ltd(KMF) Pit & Quarry Magazine and Portable 7826 Plants & Equipment Magazine Quick Cable Corporation 17316 R .L. Painting & Manufacturing 30301 RAAL 18517 Raco Manufacturing & Engineer31433 ing Co Radicon Company Limited 17920 Ram Jack 31725 Ramco Construction Tools, Inc 2301 Ramsey Company Inc 30814 Ramsey Industries 4645 Dragon/Ranco 690 Randall-Reilly Construction Media 1265 Aggregates Manager 1265 Better Roads 1265 Equipment World 1265 Randolph Rose Collection 31532 Rapid International Ltd 830 Raybestos Powertrain LLC 31229 Rayco Manufacturing Inc 937 Rayco-Wylie Systems 338 Raydan Manufacturing Inc 10039 Rayner Equipment Systems 7921 RCP Inc 17021 RDH Mining Equipment Loup Electronics Inc 11525 Rear view Systems LLC 32033 Redi Rock International 11156 REED Concrete Pumps 800 Reed Construction Data 31813 Reelcraft Industries 11340 Reel-O-Matic 401 Reid Tool Supply Reimer Alliance International Inc 10830 RELS Japan K.K. 31834 Rema Tip Top North America 9933 REMCO 6893 Remlinger Manufacturing Telogis 4226 REMU USA, Inc 400 Res Manufacturing Company 30202 Resale Weekly 3552 Result Group RexCon LLC 550 Rexnord Industries, LLC 16729 RGC Reimann & Georger 10126 Rhino Linings Corporation 11308 Rice Lake Weighing Systems 604 Richway Industries 11231 Richwood 6214 Rite in the Rain 16859 RM Michaelides Software & Elec- 4760 tronic, Corp. Road Widener LLC 900 Roadranger-Eaton/Dana Corps 16443 Construction Equipment / Roads & 3100 Bridges ROADTEC, an Astec Industries 5133 Company Kesho Publications Inc 4223 Robert W Baird & Co Inc 31301 Robit Rocktools Ltd 8069 Rock & Dirt 2932 Rock Hog Drilling Products, Inc. 12531 Rock Saw Technologies, LLC 905 Rockland Manufacturing 2402 Rockmore International 7994 Rock-Tech International 8045 Rocky Mountain Energ y Manage11247 ment, Inc. Rocore 18832 Rogers Brothers Corp. 641 Rohr Corporation 6721 Roll Form Group 10740 Roll Forming Corporation 11520 Romac Industrial Parts, Inc. 4700 RoMix, Inc. 11218 Ron Turley Assoc Inc 31206 RopeBlock N.A. 317 Rotex Global, LLC. 8097 Rotobec Inc 753 Rotochopper Inc 546 Route One Publishing Ltd 3100 Royal Truck & Equipment, Inc. 11620 Rebel Crusher-Crush-All-R .R . 542 Equipment Company RR USA Inc 18007 R S Used Oil Ser vices 18826 R SC Bio Solutions 12808 RUBBLE MASTER HMH 739 RUD Chain Inc 4445 Carhartt Workwear at Rugged 1514 Outfitters Rulmeca Corporation 7938 Rumber Materials Inc. 10908 RussTiger Enterprise Co. Inc 17005 RWF BRON 304 S & V Manufacturing Ltd. 942k S B Manufacturing 7726 Spydercrane Sales 156


Exhibit Area Silver 3 Gold Lot Central 1 Central 2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 2 Hilton South 1 South 1 South 2 Central 1 Silver 4 Silver 3 Central 1 Hilton Silver 3 Silver 3 Silver 3 Silver 4 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Central 1 Central 2 Central 2 Central 3-5 South 2 Hilton South 1 Hilton South 2 Hilton North Hilton Central 2 Silver Lot 1-2 North North North North Hilton Silver 3 Hilton Blue Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 South 2 South 1 Hilton South 1 Silver 3 Hilton South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 Central 1 Gold Lot Hilton Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 South 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 3-5 South 2 Central 2 Blue South 2 Grand Lobby Central 3-5 Central 1 Hilton Central 3-5 North South 1 Blue North Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Central 2 South 1 Hilton Gold Lot Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Grand Lobby South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 South 2 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 1 North Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 Gold Lot Blue Central 3-5 Gold Lot

23/12/2010 16:57:31


List of Exhibitors

National Jan 2011.indd 18

Exhibit As Name AQUAPHALT Sustainable Cold Patch Asphalt Sacme Ser vice s.r.l. Safe-T-Shore Safety Alliance LLC Safety Vision SAF-Holland Inc Sage Oil Vac Sage Sage Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials Sakai America, Inc Salmon River Innovations Salsco Inc SAMEP Tools Saminco Inc. American Traction Systems Samwon Tech USA Inc Sandvik Mining and Construction Sandvik Mining and Construction Sandvik Mining and Construction Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd SAS Global Corporation Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership SBH Tiefbautechnik GmbH SBIC America Inc Scaffold Industry Assoc Scale-Tron Inc. Scania Scan-Link Technologies INC Scan-Pac Manufacturing Scanreco North America Schaeffer Specialized Lubricants Scheduling Consultants, Ltd. Scheuerle Fahrzeugfabrik GmbH Nicolas Industrie S.A.S. KAMAG Transporttechnik Gmbh Schrader International Schurco Slurry Pumps Schwarze Industries Schwing America Inc. Scientific Dust Collectors Scotchman Industries Screen Machine Industries Inc Screen USA Inc Scrommel Ready Mix Reclaimers Sea Bright Insurance Company SealBoss Corp Sealeze, A Unit of Jason, Incorporated SeaMar Gloves Sears Seating Seats Incorporated Trackline America Sellick Equipment Limited Sellstrom Manufacturing Company Selwood Pumps Semperit Industrial Products Senarc Systems LLC SensoCrete Inc. Sensors & Software Inc. SEPPI M. S.p.A. Ser vice Trucks International SETCO Solid Tire Shandong Changlin Group Qingdao Imp. and Exp. Co.,Ltd. Shareate Carbide Ltd. Shaw Almex Industries Shaw Development, LLC Shell Lubricants Sherbrooke O.E.M. Ltd Shin Heung Autox Shinn Systems Inc Shumaker Industries Shur-Co Tarps Sicoma North America Inc Sidewalk Grading Systems Inc Sidump'r Trailer Co Inc Sigalarm Signature Fencing & Flooring Systems SIMEM America Corporation SIMEX s.r.l. SIMEX s.r.l. Sioux Corporation Site Prep Skako Lift, Inc. (formally ReachMaster) SKF USA Inc. SkyBitz Skyjack Skyline Vertical Solutions Inc Smico/ Symons Screens SMIE Smith Manufacturing SmithCo Side-Dump Trailers Snap-on Business Solutions Snap-tite Inc Sneller Machine Snorkel International SOBRATEMA Society for Marketing Professional Ser vices (SMPS) Soilmec North America, Inc / Watson Incorporated Soilmec North America Inc Solar Technolog y, Inc. Solesbee's Equipment Attachments Solida-Werk Solideal USA Soosan Heavy Industries Co Ltd Soucy International Ol' Tennessee Southern Pride Southwest Products Corp Southwest Research Institute SPAL USA SPANCO, Inc. Rigid Lifelines (Fall Protection Division of SPANCO, Inc.) Spancrete Machinery Corporation Sparta Innovations/Allain Equipment Spaulding Equipment Co. SpecCast Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association Speciallaster Tech, Inc. Truck Market News SPECO Wind Power SA DE CV Spectware Speed Shore Corporation Speedcrafts Limited Sperian Protection Spill King Spinner II Products Spiradrill

Booth # 126 4545 9338 3514 10732 10657 10531 11001 31210 4502 19216 32013 760 4550 30204 30204 18814 6333 951 911 600 11510 909 420 11131 3136 11147 17115 32124 30908 563 11456a 31724 814 814 814

Exhibit Area Gold Lot Central 2 South 1 Grand Lobby South 1 South 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton Central 2 Silver 4 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 Central 2 Hilton Hilton South 2 Central 3-5 Blue Blue Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Blue Gold Lot South 1 Grand Lobby South 1 South 2 Hilton Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Hilton Silver 3 Silver 3 Silver 3

12936 150 817 12929 10819 7233 648 648 10337

South 1 Gold Lot Silver 3 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1

17606 7641 9401 17308 17517 128 9833 4239 30921 4960 11241 11324 11408 809 2971 248 12630

South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 South 2 South 2 Gold Lot South 1 Central 1 Hilton Central 2 South 1 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 North Gold Lot South 1

873 3110 31129 4525 32020 11712 9938 10909 859 661 234 872 11215 125 4545 11209 10619 965 10211 31105 240 31822 6021 464 11425 152 31431 1253 1835 220 3006 3556 818 818 11931 30911 31736 2147 958 7913 528 32019 7401 32024 17529 4067 4067 32028 32141 6609 10734 512 942b 12309

Silver 3 Grand Lobby Hilton Central 2 Hilton South 1 South 1 South 1 Silver 3 Silver Lot 1-2 Gold Lot Silver 3 South 1 Gold Lot Central 2 South 1 South 1 Blue South 1 Hilton Gold Lot Hilton Central 3-5 Gold Lot South 1 Gold Lot Hilton North North Gold Lot Grand Lobby Grand Lobby Silver 3 Silver 3 South 1 Hilton Hilton North Blue Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton Central 3-5 Hilton South 2 Central 1 Central 1 Hilton Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Blue South 1

3004 664 31829 12218 31912 8055 660

Grand Lobby Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton South 1 Hilton Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2

23/12/2010 16:57:32

List of Exhibitors Exhibit As Name Booth # Spydercrane Sales 156 Spydercrane Sales 19718 SRJ Inc 4411 SSAB Americas 10808 Stabilus 11347 Stanadyne Corporation 17807 Standard Filter Corp. 11145 Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1819 Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1827 Stansteel-Hotmix Parts 4557 Stanton Wash Systems 836 Stark Manufacturing LLC 6317 StarTrak 4554 Stedman 6321 SUI Manufacturing , Inc. 5095 Stellar Industries 226 American Eagle Accessories 9332 Group Stephens Mfg 707 Sterling Lumber Co. 31832 Stihl Inc 5091 Stone Construction Equipment Inc 4705 Stone Hydraulics & Power Team, 10913 SPX Brands Power Team / Stone Hydraulics 10913 Flip Pad International 31732 Strata Products Worldwide, LLC 32134 Strong Hold Products 11831 STROS-Sedlcanske Strojirny, a.s. 241 Sturtevant Inc. 10952 Subaru Robin America, Inc 18211 SubSurface Instruments Inc. 12715 Sullair Corporation 832 Summer Lake Int'l Inc. 10954 Summit Steel & Manufacturing Summit Truck Bodies 2259 Granite Drawer Systems 11812 Sunfeel Pacific Ltd 12608 Sungbo Industrial Co., Ltd 11131 Sungbo P&T Co., Ltd 11131 Suns International, LLC 30902 Superior Industries 640 Superior Signals Inc 11608 Superior Tire & Rubber Corp 4450 Supreme Manufacturing 12313 Surface Systems & Instruments 31805 Surface Systems & Instruments 860 Sutter's Mill Specialties 17507 SWECO Swedish Lorry Parts AB 12813 Dayton Superior Syntheon Inc. 32100 Sysdyne 11731 Systems Equipment Corporation 11353b T.H.G. Group 30122 T.Rad 18636 T.Rad North America 18636 TABE 4552 Tachyon Network, Inc. 31914 Tadano America Corporation 411 Tadano Faun GmbH 411 Tadano Mantis Corporation 411 Tadano Ltd 411 Taeshin Heavy Industries Co Ltd 4525 Taian Hysoon Machiner y Co., Ltd 11453 Taian Luneng Machinery Co., Ltd. 31233 Takeuchi Manufacturing (U.S.) Ltd 4159 Talbert Manufacturing Inc 340 Tally Systems Inc 31618 Tandem Products/ Rhino Hyde 4419 Division Tanguay Machiner y 827 Taylor Machine Works Inc 4363 Taylor Power Systems 4366 Taylor Made Glass Systems 11053 T-Bird Group 18628 TCI Tire Centers 31932 Gorilla Hammers div. of Tech 4171 Hydraulics Inc Techflex, Inc. 17533 Techking Tires Limited 4059 Technical Translation Ser vices 4449 Technicon Acoustics 30021 TECO-Westinghouse Motor 6011 Company tecsis Corporation dba Delta 4166 Metrics Tectron Engineering 9936 Tecweigh / Tecnetics Industries Inc 30804 Tega Industries Ltd 17636 Tehag engineering AG 31928 TEI Rock Drills 2101 Tele Radio 12618 Telestack 4238 Teleswivel from Williams Innova- 31828 tions Telsmith Inc 5133 TEMA Isenmann Inc 5890 TEMP-AIR Inc 17207 Temtco Steel LLC./Namasco 11254 Tensar International 4435 Tenstar Simulation AB 10723 Terex Corporation 140 Terminal Supply Co 17318 Terra Power Systems Terra-Select Inc. 12619 Haas Recycling Systems 12619 Terratec Tes Car srl 19300 Tesab 7686 Tesmec USA Inc 954 Teupen USA, Inc 19708 Texada Software 32132 Textura 31126 The "Am I Making Any Money" 31103 System The Concrete Depot The Construction Link, Incor31719 porated The Equipment Lock Company 11612 The Frog , Switch & Manufactur8089 ing Company The Hartford Construction 31101 Group ADSC 3014 Miners News ( The) 6115


National Jan 2011.indd 19

Exhibit Area Gold Lot Silver 4 Central 1 South 1 South 1 South 2 South 1 North North Central 2 Silver 3 Central 2-5 Central 2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Gold Lot South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton Central 3-5 Central 2 South 1 South 1 Hilton Hilton South 1 Gold Lot South 1 South 2 South 1 Silver 3 South 1 North South 1 South 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Central 1 South 1 Hilton Silver 3 South 2 South 1 Hilton South 1 South 1 Hilton South 2 South 2 Central 2 Hilton Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot Central 2 South 1 Hilton Central 1 Gold Lot Hilton Central 1 Silver 3 Central 1 Central 1 South 1 South 2 Hilton Central 1 South 2 Central 1 Central 1 Hilton Central 3-5


Central 1 South 1 Hilton South 2 Hilton North South 1 Central 1 Hilton Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 2 South 1 Central 1 South 1 Gold Lot South 2 South 1 South 1 Silver 4 Central 3-5 Blue Silver 4 Hilton Hilton Hilton Hilton South 1 Central 3-5 Hilton Grand Lobby Central 3-5

23/12/2010 16:57:34

List of Exhibitors

t e s r e m o


National Jan 2011.indd 20

Exhibit As Name Parts Book ( The) Pearce Pump Supply & Foundries The Robbins Company Grinder Wear Parts ( formerly The Trading Company ) Valvoline Vulcan Company, Inc The Western Group The Whitmore Manufacturing Company Thermadyne Industries Thermal Engineering of Arizona ThermaSys Corporation Thermo Scientific Thermoil Battery Demister Thern Incorporated Thompson Pump Thor Global Enterprises Ltd Thor Global Enterprises Ltd Three B Brush Thurman Scale Circle R Side Dump Tifco Industries TIMCO Inc Time Insurance Agency Timoney Technolog y Titan Tire and Wheel Corporations TMW Systems Inc Tokez Oil Seals Co. Toku America, Inc. Tons Per Hour Inc Top Drill International Co., Ltd Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc. LB Steel LLC/Topeka Metal Specialities/Concord Steel Concord Steel Topeka Metal Specialties TorcUP, Inc. Torpedo TNA Co LTD Torspec International (USA) Inc Toshiba International Corporation Tracked Lifts Inc Tractel Inc. Griphoist Division Trade Link Media PTE Ltd Traf Fix Devices Inc Trail King Industries FiveCubits/ Trakit GPS Tramac Corporation Montabert S.A.S. Transport Topics Publishing Group TransTech Systems Inc Trazione Gears Tregaskiss Welding Products Trelleborg Wheel Systems Americas Inc Trench Grader Triaso TriMark Corporation Trimble Trimble Trimble Construction Tools Trimble Trimble - Construction Supply Trim-Lok Inc Trio Engineered Products, Inc. CAL-FAB Systems Inc TRIP Triple Crown Products Triple Crown Products Triple Crown Products Truckers Choice Inc Truck-Lite Company Inc Tsurumi America Inc. TT Technologies, Inc. Turbonetics Tushogg Trimall T WG ( Tulsa Winch Group) T WG ( Tulsa Winch Group) Unified Screening & Crushing Twin Disc, Incorporated Twinkle Co Ty Cushion Tire LLC T YMCO U.S. Rubber Corporation U.S. Axle, Inc. U.S. Nameplate Company US Tsubaki Inc UB Equipment Corp Ueda Industries Co., Ltd UltraTech International Inc Uncommon USA Inc. Underground Solutions Uniflex of America Uni-Grip Inc Unique Business Systems Unique Paving Materials Corporation Carpenters International Training Fund United Equipment Accessories United Rentals United Rotary Brush United Steel and Fasteners Inc Universal Canvas Inc Universal Engineering Corp Universal Flow Monitors Inc US Radar Inc USF OTI Education Center Vacuworx International Valew Quality Truck Bodies Valk Manufacturing Valley Blades Limited ValleyCrest Landscape Development Access Publishing Inc Valuepart Inc Van der Graaf Van Gorp Corporation DisposaCone, a div of Vanguard ADA Systems VAUTID GmbH Vector Fleet Management VEI GROUP SRL Bindicator/Kistler-Morse

Booth # 3519 7443 11208 2959 16155 10613 30917 16957 19136 11244 17901 7722 32000 6107 4945 6210 904 7752 886 517 17509 10912 31818 906 1861 31318

Exhibit Area Grand Lobby Central 3-5 South 1 North South 2 South 1 Hilton South 2 Silver 4 South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Hilton Central 3-5 Central 2 Central 3-5 Blue Central 3-5 Silver 3 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 South 1 Hilton Blue North Hilton

9611 944 4535 1959 869

South 1 Blue Central 2 North Silver 3


184 184 12830 4525 4555 18107 19436 11451 12415 5079 242 12631 7745

Gold Lot


Gold Lot Gold Lot South 1 Central 2 Central 2 South 2 Silver 4 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Grand Lobby

18237 254 955 11313 547 30812 2159 330 16255 31611 9232 16517 7700 8003 3144 11141 1007 4442 11219

South 2 Gold Lot Blue South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton North Gold Lot South 2 Hilton South 1 South 2 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Grand Lobby South 1 North Central 1 South 1

6615 534 11335 31728 31728 174 10719 7681 18000 6322 4964 11009 11246 12634 12834 11012 313 30009 9239 17813 770 18820 32114

Central 3-5 Silver Lot 1-2 South 1 Hilton Hilton Gold Lot South 1 Central 3-5 South 2 Central 3-5 Central 2 South 1 South 1 South 1 South 1 South 1 Gold Lot Hilton South 1 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Hilton

30612 31519 2102 18217 7636 31336 17612 7543 10621 2401 43

Hilton Hilton North South 2 Central 3-5 Hilton South 2 Central 3-5 South 1 North South Lobby

646 32023 4047

Silver Lot 1-2 Hilton Central 1

3015 4270 31403 7795 12315 11709

Grand Lobby Central 1 Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 South 1

5607 10757

Central 3-5 South 1

7745 2206





23/12/2010 16:57:36

List of Exhibitors Exhibit As Name Booth # Kistler-Morse 10757 Verizon 3323 Ver-Mac Inc 31933 Vermeer Corporation 6367 Verti-crete 10731 Vertigraph Takeof & Estimating 10722 Software Veyance Technologies Inc./ Good- 7487 year Engineered Products VIBCO Vibrators 11615 Vibra Ram Inc 572 Drumcutters LLC 572 GeoSonics/Vibra-Tech 5907 Viewpoint Construction Software 31423 Vince Hagan Co ( The) 722 Virgis Filter S.p.A/ Engineered 16853 Components Inc. Vishay Transducers/ SI Onboard 30019 Weighing Systems Vishay Precision Group Vision X Lighting Visionaire Inc 4431 Vivid Learning Systems 12335 VMAC- Vehicle Mounted Air 752 Compressors Volvo Construction Equipment 1641 Volvo Penta 16557 Voss Automotive Inc 11225 VOSTA LMG 4359 VPPPA, Inc 3515 VSS Macropaver 7267 LeeBoy 6381 Blaw-Knox Commercial Paving 6581 Vulcan On-Board Scales 11223 Vytek 11008 WABCO Reman Solutions 18711 Wacker Neuson Corporation 680 Walker Forge Inc 7750 Wanco Inc 10903 Warn Industries Inc 4712 Watry Industries LLC 17608 Watson & Chalin Mfg 11531 Watson & Hillhouse Ltd 4237 Watson Incorporated 818 WD-40 Company 17017 Webasto Product North America, Inc. 12009 Webco Industries 31234 Weber MT 555 Webster Industries Inc 16507 Weg Electric Corp. 11808 WEILER 1841 Welding Alloys Group 6015 Weller Reman 11034 Wellman Products Group 11040 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc. 1948 WEM Automation Inc. 4730 Wema Americas LLC 18321 Werk-Brau Company Inc 127 Wescon Products 17229 West Plains Electric Controls and 6025 Automation Westcon Manufacturing Inc. 893 Western Dredging Association 3531 West-Mark 166 Wheelwash 19628 Whelen 10813 Whirlygig Inc 4365 White Industrial Seismolog y Inc 12411 Wilco Marsh Buggies 10518 Wiley 31811 Williams Controls, Inc. 17908 Williams Form Engineering 10825 Winch House India Pvt Ltd 18824 WinEstimator Inc 31001 Little Giant Ladder Systems 11243 WingFan 16747 Wink Trailer Corporation Winning Technologies, Inc. 31434 WireCo WorldGroup 7901 Wirerope Works, Inc. 30505 Wirtgen Group 5733 WJB Bearings Inc. 11413 Wohwa Distribution N.A. Inc. 7634 Woodman Tools LLC 10752 Woods Equipment Company 4230 Construction Division Wooster Hydrostatics Inc 17215 WORD International Inc. 2961 Work Area Protection Corporation World Coal Magazine 48 World Diamond Source 10753 World Union Engineering Limited 19134 Worldwide Drilling Resource 3142 Worldwide Machiner y 2602 Wozniak Industries Inc 18511 WPT Power Corporation 17429 W.S. Tyler 901 Wuhan Far Sea International 11412 Trade Co., Ltd Wyco Tool 9311 Wynne Systems Inc. 31501 XACTRAC 31928 Xcentric Ripper International S.L. 30208 XL Specialized Trailers Inc 162 Instantel 8085 Xtreme Manufacturing 350 XCMG (Xuzhou Construction 410 Machinery Group Co., Ltd. ) Yanmar Construction Equipment 190 YANMAR America Corporation 17307 Yellow Jacket Inc 11134 Yokohama Tire Corporation 1257 Yongzhou Yixiang Machiner y & 11240 Equipment LTD York Portable Machine Tools 7645 Young Corporation 405 Young Poong CND 4531 Young Windows, Inc. 2702 Zamray 32101 Zanetis Power Attachments Inc 31921 ZF Friedrichshafen AG 17315 Zimmerman Ind Inc 12231 ZIPLevel/Technidea Corporation 17628


National Jan 2011.indd 21

Exhibit Area South 1 Grand Lobby Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 Hilton Central 1 South 1 Silver Lot 1-2 North South 2 South 1 Central 1 Grand Lobby Central 3-5 Central 3-5 Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 South 2 Silver Lot 1-2 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 2 South 2 South 1 Central 1 Silver 3 South 2 South 1 Hilton Silver Lot 1-2 South 2 South 1 North Central 3-5 South 1 South 1 North Central 2 South 2 Gold Lot South 2 Central 3-5 Silver 3 Grand Lobby Gold Lot Silver 4 South 1 Central 1 South 1 South 1 Hilton South 2 South 1 South 2 Hilton South 1 South 2 Hilton Central 3-5 Hilton Central 3-5 South 1 Central 3-5 South 1 Central 1 South 2 North South Lobby South 1 Silver 4 Grand Lobby North South 2 South 2 Blue South 1 South 1 Hilton Hilton Hilton Gold Lot Central 3-5 Gold Lot Gold Lot Gold Lot South 2 South 1 North South 1 Central 3-5 Gold Lot Central 2 North Hilton Hilton South 2 South 1 South 2

s a l at o c p o c

23/12/2010 16:57:38

PRIMAX SHORING, INC. NEWMAN, CA BOOTH SILVER LOT 3 Telescopic Slide Rail Shoring and Specialty Shoring Devices.

GUNTERT & ZIMMERMAN RIPON, CA BOOTH 10133, SOUTH HALL S600 Multi-Purpose Slipform Paver

Primax Shoring Inc. is a leading manufacturer and distributor of specialty shoring products including the most advanced slide rail shoring systems and devices. The newest slide rail shoring system, the TSRS, represents a Telescopic Slide Rail Shoring system. The TSRS comprises telescopic corner and linear posts sliding vertically relative to each other increasing the performances and facilitating installation and removal of the system; it extends the application of slide rail shoring in areas having overhead obstacles and inside buildings; it also increases the depth of application of slide rail shoring by multi stepping or telescoping two, three or more corner and linear posts. Additional specialty shoring devices are recently developed improving shoring techniques while reducing costs and time of installation and removal. Multi modules sliding spreader shoring system for inner city applications, trench shields having slideable spreader system, modular manhole shields and other shoring devices are successfully introduced in construction industry.

DPL AMERICA BOOTH 31214, HILTON HALL Titan Equipment Monitoring System

The TITAN Equipment Monitoring System is the complete tool for equipment owners to increase asset profitability and productivity while decreasing the costs and risk of theft. The award winning technology now includes a CAN Bus interface, which allows managers to remotely monitor and access critical information on their machines such as: fuel consumption, RPM, engine torque and operating speed, coolant and fuel temperature, engine oil pressure, accelerator pedal position, intake manifold pressure and temperature as well as diagnostic fault codes. The TITAN also empowers the equipment owner to remotely shut down their machines, wirelessly locate them any time via GPS, collect hour meter readings and track hour based service intervals. Utilization and productivity are tracked via performance metrics including run time, idle time, roll time and load counting. The TITAN operates globally across 140 countries and operates seamlessly on all mobile assets, both on and off-road, for mapping and management of all company trucks and equipment from a single software.


Con-Tech Systems, supplies Geo-Support Systems such as strand anchors and bar-anchors, the superior CTS/TITAN hollow bar system for micro piles and soil nails, as well as the necessary handling, testing and monitoring systems. Newly available are the CTS/TITAN Geothermal Piles and Drill Drains. For splicing drilled shaft reinforcing cages we supply Twin Shell Couplers. We sell and rent Obermann grouting and related quality control equipment for all grouting applications which compliment ConTech’s geotechnical product lines and serve the Jet Grouting and Soil Mixing industry. Purchase Financing is available. Con-Tech offers foundation systems for renewable energy sources and transmission lines. We provide reliable, cost effective service and job-site assistance for all your project needs. Con-Tech Systems has locations in, British Columbia; Ontario; North Carolina; California, and Washington. Please feel free to contact any of the technical representatives at these locations to help with your project needs.

The G&Z S600 Slipform Paver is designed around a multipurpose tractor frame that makes it ideal for city street, secondary roads, highway and airport paving as well as a wide range of other applications such as barrier walls, off-set paving and zero or minimum clearance paving. The S600’s design has redefined what mobility means for a small paver without sacrificing the same performance advantages contractors have come to expect from G&Z’s large and mid-size paver. Utilizing G&Z’s time tested and rugged paving kit design, the S600 is capable of achieving excellent ride numbers on the toughest IRI and zero blanking band projects.


Hilton Indoors - CMiC Open Enterprise v10 CMiC is the leader in creating the most complete, integrated and advanced enterprise-wide software solutions for the construction industry. For over 35 years, CMiC has worked closely with some of the largest and most technologically progressive architectural, engineering and construction firms in North America, granting CMiC insight into the unique business needs of the industry. From that experience, CMiC has created CMiC Open Enterprise v10, the most advanced construction software solution on the market. Combining an incredibly flexible technological infrastructure with a philosophy of total integration, CMiC Open Enterprise v10 lowers costs, improves productivity and increases interoperability. Learn more at


Easily set up and easy to maneuver. It’s rotational locking solid rubber wheels adjust from 19' thru 22' and comes complete with 20' retractable arm. LIFLINE is manufactured in the USA with domestic products and meets or exceeds both OSHA and ANSI standards. It was designed and certified by engineers; has rust resistant armor coated bolts and is phosphate powder coated to inhibit rust. When you need fall protection the most where do you turn. Stop by our booth and find out why companies like AEP, Cargill, Entergy, Exxon Mobile, United Rentals and others already know. This system is Portable, Versatile and Proven. Check it out at CONEXPO-CON/AGG in booth 31835, Hilton Hall.

ERIEZ ERIE, PA - BOOTH S-11912 SOUTH HALL Metalarm MA3600 Metal Detectors


Eriez, headquartered in Erie, Pennsylvania, will exhibit at CONEXPOCON/AGG booth S-11912. The company will display state-of-the-art equipment for the aggregates industry, including advanced Metalarm MA3600 Metal Detectors, rugged Heavy Duty Electromagnetic Vibratory Feeders and powerful Suspended Electromagnets (SEs). For more than 60 years, Eriez has maintained a reputation for quality products and a proven expertise in novel solutions for difficult material handling, magnetic separation and metal detection applications. From planning new systems to updating old, a wide variety of innovative designs and products are available. For more information, call toll-free (888) 300-ERIEZ (3743) within the U.S. and Canada. For online users, visit www.eriez. com or send e-mail to

PreCise MRM, a subsidiary of FORCE America, introduces an innovative new tool to help paving companies get a control of one of their largest variable costs; hauling materials to and from the job site. PreCise MRM is a vehicle-based hardware system that uses geofencing technology and a haul cycle analysis report. This allows operations personnel to tightly monitor haul cycles of each job to quickly identify instances where the time at the job, the time at the plant, or the time in between is excessive. With this information, on-the-fly decisions can be made to change the number of haul trucks devoted to a specific job to minimize cost and maximize work PreCise MRM includes a ruggedized GPS device specifically designed for the extreme environments of on-road and off-road heavy equipment.

National Jan 2011.indd 22

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Dexter + Chaney ( will exhibit its Spectrum Construction Software at CONEXPO/CON-AGG March 22-26 at the Las Vegas Convention Center (Booth #31329). Spectrum offers 28 fully integrated modules that help construction companies operate their businesses from start to finish, and from the office to the field. Contractors employ Spectrum for job cost/accounting, payroll, human resources, project management, inventory and purchasing, equipment management and many additional activities.

SkatePlate is a direct upgrade for all Skill HD 77, Skil Mag 77, and Bosch 1677MD circular saws. An industry first, SkatePlate’s Patented Isoplast frame construction is lighter and stronger than traditional metal plates, resisting bending and warping and features replaceable polyurethane rollers with shielded steel bearings, integrated measuring and an improved tilt mechanism for quick angle changes for faster, straighter, smoother, scratch free cutting on wood, masonry and tile. SkateGuide features an industrial strength frame, a 12 inch cutting depth, and dual polyurethane rollers, for smooth gliding and straighter cuts. SkateGuide is compatible with SkatePlate and most other hand held electric saws. SkatePlate and SkateGuide are available at authorized retailers, or direct from Woodman Tools, LLC. For more information on Woodman Tools products, call toll free 888-828-4852 and visit the web site at .

Spectrum Construction Software

ABOUT DEXTER + CHANEY More than 1,000 construction companies throughout the United States use Dexter + Chaney’s Spectrum® Construction Software. Contractors who use Spectrum report they have improved profitability and have grown their businesses more than 300 percent without adding financial staff. Spectrum is built on the best available technology. That includes the Microsoft SQL Server database, Microsoft Server operating system and a software development framework that uses the best software development tools available. Those tools include Crystal Reports, Java, and Northgate Information Solutions’ PRO-IV Rapid Application Development Framework. Dexter + Chaney designed the business processes in Spectrum using PRO-IV. That enables the company to respond quickly to customer needs and thus rank as the technology leader among construction ERP (enterprise resource planning) software developers. For example, Spectrum in 1999 was the first construction management software program to offer integrated document imaging; today, Dexter + Chaney has more customers using its Document Imaging capability than any other construction ERP software company.

SkatePlate and SkateGuide



SP Technology

Leica PowerGrade 3D

SP Technology is a new technology for bulldozers revolutionizing the way contractors move dirt and fine-grade. The innovative SP technology opens new opportunities for dozers, combining ease-of-use, unrivalled flexibility, and the highest precision at the fastest speeds available in the market. Contractors can now boost productivity and performance even more while benefiting from new ways to use existing equipment. By using inertial guidance with the most responsive hydraulic control on the market, GPS performance is significantly enhanced. Machines equipped with SP technology reduce the need for rework and increase uptime during poor GPS/ GLONASS coverage or briefly interrupted correction signals. This allows for consistent and precise grading even under the most difficult conditions by maintaining full speed, accuracy and productivity on challenging job sites such as deep cuts, urban canyons, mountainous or hilly terrain, and heavily wooded areas. SP Technology is an available upgrade or option to the Leica PowerGrade platform.

Leica PowerGrade 3D is the latest grade control system from Leica Geosystems.. Leica PowerBade 3D precisely regulates the elevation and cross slope of the dozer blade through cutting-edge, robust sensor technology. By integrating seamlessly with the bulldozer’s hydraulic system, fully automatic blade control ensures the desired finished surface is produced with speed and precision. Leica PowerGrade utilizes the unique PowerSnap concept, which allows easy and quick exchange of machine control panels, and unrivalled flexibility and speed. Contractors can simply upgrade from the 2D panel to a 3D panel as the job demands or easily move panels between sites rather than losing time and money transporting machines. The cable-free snap-on/snap-off system is easy and convenient for operators, helping them work more efficiently.



Leica PowerGrade 3D

Leica PowerDigger 2D

Leica PowerDigger 3D is latest technical innovation from the leading brand in machine control. Leica PowerDigger allows the excavator operator to work directly from 3D design data, providing guidance so desired depths and grades are achieved. You can now work without traditional engineering ‘setting out’ and work independently anywhere on site. Leica PowerDigger 3D precisely monitors the exact position of the bucket cuttingedge using a mix of robust solid-state sensors and monitors the excavator position with GNSS antennas. This combination provides a wealth of data supplied directly into the cab on a rich display screen; guiding the operator to produce a wealth of earthwork activities with absolute precision. Using the Leica PowerDigger 3D the operator works directly from the original 3D data produced by site engineers. Operators can then reach target depth and grades with ease. Using the Bluetooth and wireless capabilities of the Leica PowerDigger display screen the data can be sent straight back to the site office speeding up excavation and prevents over/under dig. This will positively impact project costs and make you more profitable!

Leica PowerDigger 2D raises the bar in excavator guidance. Reduce the need for staking on your site, reduce the physical costs of setting out, and also reduce engineering time and grade checking in one step, with the Leica PowerDigger 2D. Simply setup a rotating laser and work directly from the laser plan. Work with freedom and flexibility, with the confidence that required grades are being achieved, first time! The Leica PowerDigger 2D system comprises of three inclinometer sensors which are attached to the boom, stick and 'dog bone' on an excavator. The three sensors use trigonometry to calculate the exact position of the bucket teeth. This simple concept allows machine operators to see the position of the excavator arm and bucket on the in-cab display.



Leica PowerDigger Lite is an entry-level single- slope guidance system for all types of excavators. PowerDigger Lite is easy to use, economical, and answers the needs of contractors looking for an entry level machine control system. Designed with single slope applications in mind, PowerDigger Lite is ideal for mini excavators and backhoes. It increases machine productivity by eliminating stakes over-excavations. The Leica PowerDigger Lite control system offers the basic grade control functions operators expect for their routine excavating work. Choose your reference and enter the desired cut and/or slope depth. Final grade and the offset from the bucket edge are displayed on your graphic screen. With PowerDigger Lite, you have the flexibility to work from different references such as existing surface, hub, stringline or a laser reference.

Miller’s XMT WCC System matches an XMT 350 or XMT 456 multiprocess welding inverter with a voltage-sensing SuitCase®XTREME™ wire feeder and WCC Control. This allows welders to control voltage settings at the point of use, which eliminates walking back to the power source or the use of a separate control cable to change voltage, improving productivity and safety. This MIG/Flux Cored welding system allows welders in the construction and shipbuilding industries—who often work more than 100 feet away from the welding power source—to adjust voltage settings at the point of use. This improves productivity and safety while eliminating expensive control cables that are prone to damage in an industrial setting. Miller’s XMT multiprocess welding power sources are used extensively in construction, providing 10 to 38 volts and 425 amps (XMT 350) and 600 amps (XMT 456) of welding output.

Leica PowerDigger 2D

National Jan 2011.indd 23

Miller’s XMT WCC System

23/12/2010 16:57:59


National Jan 2011.indd 24

23/12/2010 16:57:59

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