Rapid fire handbook

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Mission Statement


Commitment and our Philosophy






Uniform & Apparel


Financial Commitments




Role of Parent Team Managers


Team Rules




Fundraising & Sponsorship






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MISSION STATEMENT Rapid Fire Elite’s mission is to develop and advance identified potential elite field hockey players’ skills to the highest level. Through our mentoring and cutting edge coaching curriculum, we are successful in providing opportunities in field hockey including placing players at the best-matched college(s) and assist in securing college funding, career planning and networking. Participants come from all over the USA to enjoy our hospitality, quality training and summer camps. Following on from this we showcase players at local, regional and national tournaments. Rapid Fire Elite entertains alumni at two annual events to foster exchange and networking between alumni and current participants. We provide a rich learning experience. Come and enjoy field hockey and a bright networking opportunity. Together, WE WIN.

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COMMITMENT AND OUR PHILOSOPHY If I am selected to be a travel team player, what is expected of me? Simply work harder and show up to enjoy field hockey. Our coaches will provide you the recipe for success and guide you to be the best team player you can be. Our goal is to prepare and showcase our travel teams at the following key events: a) National Festival (during Thanksgiving), b) Disney Showcase (Orlando in February), c) Regional Qualifiers for Nationals (NJ introducing a league in 2013; from April to June), and d) ESPN Rise Games (Orlando) for U12/U14 only in July. Players looking to play field hockey in college should attend these events. They make or break an opportunity into a college of choice and/or college funding/ scholarships. We take pride in showcasing you at your best and so each player is responsible for working hard and deserving to be on any travel team to these showcases. During the spring and summer, RFE attends at least 3 local 6 or 7 a-side local tournaments at U14, U16 and U19 levels. Of these, the most prestigious event is the Big Apple Memorial Tournament in NY over Memorial Weekend, which draws over 100 teams in the northeast and was recently a USFHA Event. RFE will formally invite the best players for every tournament and players that accept the invitation will be published on our website at 2-4 months in advance and expected to attend the preparation sessions set out. Note that USFHA requires player information for each tournament to be submitted 3 months in advance of the tournament. RFE will reserve the right to drop players that miss more than 2 sessions dedicated to a showcase and replace them with competitive dedicated standby players. If a standby player replaces a previously selected player, then the selected player loses their deposit and the standby player only needs to pay the difference between the tournament fee and the deposit. A decision to drop a player will be based on proper documentation of absenteeism and non-performance. Why Showcase? How do I benefit from Showcasing with RFE? Showcasing is important for all HS players that want to play in college or for the national team(s) because they are evaluated and invited by college and national level coaches to their institutions. The invitation comes with such privileges as college funding and traveling the world in national colors. Showcasing with RFE has a solid track record to provide players with these benefits. We advertise our players to college coaches before, during and after events to make sure deserving players receive maximal benefit and the best fit. We work with our partners at Timbo’s Tonkers and invite college coaches to work our summer camps and programs to help us to identify best placement for our players. It is extremely important for all players to keep up their schoolwork. Good placement and funding for field hockey in college requires good grades. RFE and her partners assist in preparation of college-coach appropriate videos. Please contact Coach Victor directly for info and coordination. Rapidfire.fieldhockey@gmail.com.


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Am I guaranteed a spot on the travel team once I make it the first time? Our coaches have the final say as to who gets selected and invited to travel. To be selected, you should have a training attendance that is not less than 85 percent in the scheduled training in the preceding 6 months and maintain a competitive edge among peers. Coaches may call additional team practices to prepare a travel team and whereas those sessions may not be mandatory, they are important and players are expected to attend all of them. If at any one time the coaches should feel that any team is ill-prepared for a tournament, they shall have the discretion to cancel attendance at such an event. How do you determine playing time? Our goal is to provide players the maximum playing time; however, ultimately this decision will be at the coach’s discretion. A player’s attendance and participation at practice will be used as one of the determining factors. How important is it to win at RFE? All of the players in RFE field hockey programs should have a winning attitude and take the field expecting to win each time. Above winning is effort and reaching your full potential. Field hockey is the type of game that requires 100 percent effort 100 percent of the time. Such effort is considered winning at RFE. Players are expected to exhibit 100 percent effort during a practice or matches so they can enjoy field hockey and not put themselves and their teammates at risk. Exhibiting 110 percent is really considered winning and is recognized by our coaching staff. Losing a field hockey game is however not the end of the world. We teach to learn as much or more from losing, as we do from winning and use it as a motivator to get better. Ultimately our goal is to develop each and every player in the club to reach their potential. When the teams win matches by the above definition, RFE wins hearts and that takes our players to the next level including winning college scholarships, and/or being selected to national team programs. Together, WE WIN.

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MEMBERSHIP Who can become a member? Rapid Fire Elite Field Hockey Club welcomes players from all walks of life that are younger than 19 years old for competitive field hockey and older players for social and co-ed hockey at special events. The primary focus is to develop and showcase the former (under 19 years of age). How do I become a member? For the under 19, there are 3 levels of membership: a) a club member, b) a member of one of our travel teams, and c) a member of our alum. To become a club member, simply register for one of our programs. To become a member of our travel team, a player must approved by our professional coaching staff based on player skill levels, agility, fitness and potential. The coaches identify players, either from previous programs at RFE, camps, school matches, USFHA or other competitive events, partner programs, or by conducting on-site evaluation of the player upon request of a parent (or the player). On-site testing includes standard ball control and vision, agility, fitness, and the ability of the player to fit into the RFE family, which is primarily a culture of respect and support of every person at RFE. Ultimately, RFE considers it a privilege for a player to wear the RFE uniform and the coaches, parents, team managers and players are held to a high standard. It is about the team; it is about family. A player may opt to attend a test (tryout) with RFE coaches to be accepted as an elite travel team member. The fee for testing is $20, which is applied to successful players’ equipment; pinny and ball. If a player doesn’t make a travel team, what other options are open? We hope you consider working hard to improve at our clinics and camp. For players 15 years and under, RFE provides a Youth Bridge Program to bring players’ standard to per following which a player may then be evaluated again for the travel team. Alternatively, players are encouraged to join our partner developmental program at Rapid Fire until such time they are deemed prepared to join the Youth Bridge Program or Travel Team. Rapid Fire will recommend players under development to RFE for evaluation for the travel teams. Alum members must have been a RFE member for at least 2 consecutive years. RFE Alumnae are our ambassadors in college and in their workplace; they enjoy the privileges at RFE and they give back, never forgetting to give an opportunity to an upcoming player soon to be alum. Members transferring to the club must go through the formal registration process to be approved to participate in any tournaments. RFE accepts transfer members to attend clinics once they have completed the registration process. Per USFHA, RFE is permitted and welcomes up to 3 guest players to any USFHA event. Guest players must be evaluated by our coaching staff and must be recommended by a coach in good standing.


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REGISTRATION How do I register? To register, please visit us at www.rapidfireelite.com where you can find our yearlong calendar of events and what is available for player participation and competition. Click on the registration link http://rapidfireelite.com/access_check_reg.shtml and follow the instructions to register. As indicated under “membership” registration is open to anyone and is acceptable at any of the 3 levels – club member, elite member or alum member. The process involves the following: 1. Completing your membership form and paying the required one time $20 administration fee. 2. Upon review of your membership form, signing the code of conduct form and payment of the administration fee, a welcome package is generated for each approved member. The welcome package includes our welcome letter, the club handbook, waiver form, the calendar of events, a field hockey ball, a Rapid Fire Elite pinny and your club member number. The member number will be utilized in all club correspondence and any billing. Elite members receive numbers that are applied to their uniforms. 3. The approved players may then enroll for any of our listed elite clinics/programs. Registration for tournaments and other club events is by invitation only. Registration for camps is open and does not require club membership. Guest players at events are approved at the discretion of the club. Items 1 & 2 above may not be applicable to guest members. Members transferring to the club must go through the formal registration process and provide approved Transfer Forms from their original club in order to be approved to participate in any tournaments. For existing members, USFHA membership must be valid at all times. The club administration will notify you to ensure you are current. If a player’s membership with USFHA is not current, that player cannot participate with RFE due to the associated insurance which the club takes out as a member of USFHA. Registered members will obtain a survey to evaluate the program and offer recommendations. A registered member may request a transfer from the club and such request shall be reviewed by corporate. If granted, RFE will sign the transfer form provided the said member has paid all their dues to the club. The transferring member shall be requested to complete an Exit Survey form.

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UNIFORM & APPAREL Uniform and apparel – travel team players shall obtain uniform which includes 2 jerseys (one orange; other white), a black skort and white and orange socks. Uniforms can be ordered via the web site www.rapidfireelite.com. Players must wear their team uniforms at any field hockey match at which they are representing Rapid Fire Elite. The event organizers determine the home and away colors. The home color for Rapid Fire Elite shall be the orange jersey, black skort and orange socks. Players and all members are encouraged to wear Rapid Fire Elite apparel as much as they can as a sign of pride. Apparel is available at www.rapidfireelite.com.


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FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS What is the cost of participating at RFE clinics? The costs generally range from $20 to $28 per hour for club/travel team training with the higher amounts during the winter months owing to higher facility rental costs. RFE Travel Team players that enroll and actively participate in RFE events for at least 3 years post 8th grade will be eligible to attend and train at all RFE clinics for free during their final/senior year provided they commit to play at the National Festival and Disney Showcase in their senior year. What is the cost of going to tournaments? Our RFE Invitational Tournament in April costs $80 per player and all members attend this event. Spring/summer 7 v 7 (or 6 v 6) tournaments $80 to $135 per tournament and every elite player must plan and commit to attend at least 3 local tournaments. USFHA Festival - $1,200 to include entry fee, 6 coaching sessions before the tournament, tournament coaching, team brochure, local transportation to the fields and breakfast. Airfare on own depending on location. 2013 venue is West Palm Beach with previous years in Arizona and California. Decisions on players for Festival depend on how many teams the club is allotted by US Field Hockey. Disney Showcase - $600 to include entry fee, 2 coaching sessions before the tournament, tournament coaching, team brochure, local transportation to the fields and breakfast. ESPN Rise Games (U14) $520 to include entry fee, 2 coaching sessions before the tournament, tournament coaching, team brochure (player advertizing to college coaches etc.), local transportation to the fields and breakfast. Payments – All payments should be made via the website www.rapidfireelite.com using paypal. Payments must be made in full before a clinic/camp/tournament. RFE reserves the right to suspend an athlete who is in financial arrears and any consideration needed at any time must be directed to corporate@rapidfireelite.com.

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Principal, Head of Coaching Victor Ochieng

Business Management and Administration Susan G. Poeton

Patron (and Volunteer Coach/Umpire) Timothy Poeton

Parent Team Managers Donna Siconolfi

Overall Team Manager & U19 Team Manager

Veronica Harrison

U16 Team

Nicole Coxson

U14 Team

Coaches Victor Ochieng


Tim Poeton & Heather Re


Joseph Mongare

U15 and Youth Development

Guest Coaches Beth Maddox

Head Coach, Ball State University, Muncie, IN

Cliff Donald


Scott Marsh


Victor Machoka Hasan Mahmood


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ROLE OF PARENT TEAM MANAGERS The role of the Parent Team Manager (PTM) is to act as the liaison between Principal, Coach Victor and Corporate. • Forward any and all information from Coach Victor and/or Corporate to parents in particular age group; • Ensure families are aware of arrangements for clinics, practice, tournaments etc; • Coordinate with families for tournament arrangements; • Welcome new members and ensure membership, documentation and uniform is actioned. The procedure for new members is as follows: 1. Coach Victor (or his designated staff) assesses a new player at a practice or clinic; 2. New (assessed and accepted) player is invited to join RFE by Coach Victor; 3. Coach Victor advises Corporate and PTM (copy Overall Manager) of new player; 4. PTM contacts new family with welcome letter, membership form, handbook and waiver. PTM sets out uniform requirements and ensures membership of USFHA. 5. Membership form returned to corporate (completion with 3 days should be encouraged). Corporate updates master database and forwards to age appropriate PTM. •

PTM keeps records on USFHA membership and ensures membership is kept current.

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TEAM RULES Keep up with your schoolwork. Schoolwork and education always comes first. If you don’t practice, you don’t play. Come to practice prepared to work and play and arrive to practice and games a few minutes before the designated start time so we can begin promptly as scheduled. All excused absences must be coordinated with the team’s lead coach and team manager in advance. If you don’t make an effort to attend practices, we as coaches are not required to play you. A roster is kept for all registered elite members. Have a goal to learn and play well at a minimum of 3 positions. Know the name of each position and what is required when playing there and learn the rules of the game. Take care of your equipment as this is key to your safety and the safety of all players around you. You must bring your hockey stick, shin pads, mouth guard, pinney and a white (and dark) shirt to training at all times. Wear your mouth guard and shin pads before entering the field at all times. Goalies should wear the standard goalkeeping equipment approved by our goalie coaches and USFHA. Let the coaches know if your equipment needs repair. The coaches’ instruction on the field is final. Back-talking, profanity, or any form of disrespect will result in disciplinary actions. RFE coaches are professional and entertain discussion and suggestions that are offered politely. Be respectful to officials, umpires and their decisions on and off the field. Respect other players. Remember your teammates are working with you not against you. Any unnecessary aggression or violence towards another player will result in disciplinary actions. RFE is a family. The easiest way to enjoy being a family member is to work with everyone towards the common goal or betterment of the family.


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COMMUNICATION How do you communicate information? RFE communicates primarily through email, via the website (www.rapidfireelite.com) and through quarterly newsletters. RFE regularly holds team/club meetings with players, parents, coaches and management for continued planning and excellence of the club. Before and after showcases, RFE coaches and management meet with parents/players to ensure smooth preparation and evaluate progress and/or performance. At RFE, there are two primary sources of info: business management and administration matters from Corporate; and coaching, player development/identification and showcasing from the Principal, Coach Victor. Team managers are responsible for disseminating info from those two sources and to provide feedback to RFE from parents. RFE has team managers for each age-group (U14/U16/U19) and an overall team manager. RFE keeps an open line of communication and any player or parent is allowed to contact any of our staff or corporate members directly at any time. The structure presented above is provided to streamline communication and to ensure quality control at RFE. Coaches for each age group are responsible for implementing planned sessions, impart knowledge by motivating players and assist in player evaluation and selection to elite level programs. Coaches communicate directly with the players and provide feedback to players and corporate as well as parents. Communication to parents is generally provided through the club’s head of coaching and may be in writing or verbal. They primarily refer to player performance and expectation only.

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FUNDRAISING & SPONSORSHIP RFE has a fundraising committee which comprises of the following volunteer representatives: • Corporate member • Team manager for each age group • Up to 2 Alumnae parent • Up to 3 parent members The committee’s primary responsibility is to raise funds to support RFE kids. Funds raised will be disbursed at the discretion of the committee and shall be based on the committee’s rules and regulations. The committee may elect to sponsor players to various events. Funds and disbursements by the committee shall be subject to full disclosure.


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DISCIPLINE Do you discipline any players and why? A player will be asked to leave practices early for severe incidents such as using profanity or fighting. Minor incidents could result in a coach having the player sit out all or part of a practice. Repeated violations of team and club rules will result in disciplinary actions including temporary suspension and/or complete expulsion from the team. The coaching staff will make reasonable attempts to communicate to a player’s parent and/or guardian any significant incident that warrants disciplinary action such as expulsion from the club. An expelled member will be required to pay up all dues to the club as of the date of suspension before release. RFE will not provide details of expulsion to any institution except if it contravenes the law if in fact a lawsuit results from the incident.

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PARENTS Parents are as important to the success of the team as the players. Coaches and parents must work together. Please keep the coaches informed about problems that may be going on with your child. If your child has been sick, taking medication, or going through some emotional issues, please let the coach know. Parents and coaches must communicate with mutual respect. Parents and coaches reserve the right to postpone conversations that are getting out of hand. Heated discussions have no place in front of the players and are not condoned at RFE. Parents as well as players will be required to read and sign the USFHA and the club code of conduct that is posted on the web-site. Your signing of these forms indicates that you will follow these guidelines during the events for this year. Violation of the code could result in the consequences for your athlete (see code of conduct for consequences). Guidelines for parents: Support Rapid Fire Elite players and cheer the team on. The sport and our children benefit significantly from being supported not only by our parents but by all those people around us that compliment us for a job well done or positive effort. We learn even more from being comforted or encouraged by other adults. Enjoy supporting all our RFE kids when they are playing. Together, WE WIN. Parents shall refrain from speaking of other athletes including their own in any derogatory manner during games and or practices. If you have nothing good to say please stay silent. Refrain from telling your player what they should and should not do on the field unless the coach has asked for your help in this capacity. Conflicting information and playing suggestions does not help the athlete’s confidence or ability to perform within the context of the team. Refrain from approaching a coach when angry or upset or in the presence of the athletes. Many times when this is done in the heat of the moment the ability to communicate and resolve issues effectively is destroyed. Use the 24-hour rule to allow for discussion and resolution.


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