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Pick up your free copy of Seasons of Minnesota Magazine at:

Willmar ACMC Allergy & Asthma Center Alternative Health Center The Barn Theatre Bluebird Pet Shop Caribou Coffee Cash Wise Foods Compassionate Care Cornerstone Coffee Country Store-Eagle Lake Cub Foods

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Deidra's Espresso Café Dunlavy’s General Store Dunn Bros. Edina Realty Family Eye Center Family Practice Medical Center Gilday's Tea Shoppe Green Mill / Holiday Inn J&M Auto Services Jake’s Pizza Lake Region Bank LuLu Beans

MG Insurance Agency NCRC Petersons Shoes Pizza Ranch Potpourri Health Foods Reflections Hair Salon Reading Therapy Center Rice Hospital Rohner's Auto Parts Running’s US Bank Unique Embroidery Walt's Wells Fargo Whitney Music/Jazz n’ Java Willmar Bus Service Willmar Community Center Willmar Family Dentistry Willmar Hearing Aid Center YMCA Spicer Bell Tower Plaza Bellezza Salon & Spa Deidra's Espresso Café Edina Realty

Seasons of Minnesota

Glacial Ridge Winery Green Lake Mall Heritage Bank Melvin’s on the Lake Westrich RV Park Westwood Café

New London ACMC Angels & Ivy GlenOaks Heritage Falls Market Hillcrest Truck Stop McKale’s Restaurant Mill Pond Mercantile New London Bakery United Minnesota Bank Raymond Buckingham Vet Clinic Cenex Heida’s Café Also available in:

Atwater, Pennock, Sunburg, and Blomkest This is only a partial list!

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May/June 2010

Photo Galleries Willmar High School Music Early Childhood Education Family Fun Night Community Christian School Carnival & Auction Sheriff’s Desk Domestic Abuse: What is the Law?

Public Safety Early Childhood: The Best Time to Prevent Crime Business Spotlight Heritage Bank: Focused on the Community Local Gardening 8 Tips to Your Best Tomatoes

Southern Exposure A Southern Belle Moves to Minnesota Arts & Crafts Rosebeads: A Lost Art

Seasons of Minnesota

e have an exciting new event coming to our area this summer, and I hope you’ll come out to watch it – or better yet, participate. It is the First Annual Buckingham Blitz! This is a nationallysanctioned JRTCA (Jack Russell Terrier Club of America) dog trial. Jack Russells and other “earth dogs” will be competing in events such as racing, go-to-ground, a lure course, barn hunt, and conformation classes. This is the first time we’ve ever had a nationally-sanctioned dog show in the area, so it’s a pretty big deal. We will have people from all over the country here with their dogs, and it promises to be a lot of fun. If you have a Jack Russell, a dachshund, or any other terrier and are interested in participating, give them a call for registration information (the ad is on page 3). Or if you are just curious and want to come out and watch, please do! There is no cost to spectators. You’ll really enjoy seeing what these dogs can do. If you get there early, you will get in on the excitement of favorite event. My dog and I will be there, so come out and cheer us on! No matter what you enjoy, there are so many fun things to do in the summer. You can go hiking, boating, swimming, fishing, or horseback can play tennis, soccer, or golf...and you can plant a beautiful garden! The opportunites are endless, so we have no reason to feel bored. Enjoy this issue and have a great summer!

Publisher & Editor Sheila Quinn


Contributing Editor Laurie McCabe Advertising Sheila Quinn 320.444.3272 Joan Strutz 320.491.7981

Graphic Design Leandro Rodrigues Distribution Maxine Sweeter

Contributors Fernando Alvarado Dennis Benson Marilee Dorn Sheriff Dan Hartog Margaret Lanning Jeff Rohner Kari Summerlet

Seasons of Minnesota

Control-Alt-Delete Understanding Basic Internet Terms Local Flavor Pineapple Pie

It Seems to Me... Those Days are a Lot Like These Days

Crossword Puzzle What Did You Learn About Crime Prevention?

PO Box 1707 Willmar, MN 56201 Phone: 320.444.3272 E-mail: publisher@

Seasons of Minnesota

Sheila ________________________

To advertise, please call: 320.444.3272 or email: publisher@


ON THE COVER: Wayne Nelson, President of Heritage Bank (photo by Dennis Benson)

Seasons of Minnesota is published bi-monthly by Quinn Graphics and Publishing, Inc. of Willmar, MN. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form, without prior written permission from the publisher and original author. Contributors maintain copyright ownership for all articles, photos, artwork, and other submissions. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the publisher.

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Publisher’s Note

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Pep Band photos by Dennis Bens on

All photos on this page by Dennis

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Jazz Band ph otos by Denni s

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Orchestra photos by Fernando Alva rado Benson

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Photos by Dennis Benson

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Early Childhood Family Fun Night took place on April 13th at Ridgewater College. This annual event is designed to educate families about healthy child-raising and inform parents about available local services. It includes games, food, and it's a fun way to learn! For more information, see Officer Marilee Dorn’s article in this issue, page 14. Seasons of Minnesota

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April 10, 2010

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Photos by Sheila Quinn

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by Dan Hartog, Kandiyohi County Sheriff

Sheriff’s Desk




omestic abuse calls are one of the most sensitive and dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer will respond to. The Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office and Willmar Police Department respond to over 600 domestic abuse calls per year. These domestic abuse calls can be anything from husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or siblings fighting with each other. In this article I will summarize what constitutes domestic abuse, what can happen to individuals who commit domestic abuse, and some ways that victims can protect themselves. Under Minnesota State Statute, §518b.01, The Domestic Abuse Act, (a) “Domestic abuse” means the following if committed against a family or household member by a family or household member: (1) Physical harm or bodily injury or assault; (2) The infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault; (3) Terroristic threats, criminal sexual conduct, or interference with an emergency call. (b) “Family or household member” means: (1) spouses or former spouses; (2) parents and children; (3) persons related by blood; (4) persons who are presently residing together or have resided together in the past; (5) persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have lived

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What is the Law?

together at any time; (6) a man and woman if the woman is pregnant and the man is alleged to be the father regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time; (7) persons involved in a significant, romantic, or sexual relationship. When officers respond to a domestic abuse call and find that someone described in the previous paragraph has been assaulted, the officer may arrest a person anywhere without a warrant including at the person’s residence if the officer has probable cause to believe that within the preceding 24 hours the person has committed domestic abuse. The arrest may be made even though the assault did not take place in the presence of the officer. This gives the officer the ability to arrest a person who committed the assault if he or she has left the location prior to the officer arriving. Once the officer is at the location of the domestic assault, he or she then determines the level of the assault, whether it is a misdemeanor or felony violation. This depends on the injury to the victim or if a weapon was involved in the assault. Also, if the perpetrator in the assault has been convicted of a prior domestic assault, it enhances the violation. Since 1993, every law enforcement agency in the state of Minnesota has a written policy

Seasons of Minnesota

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regarding arrest procedures for domestic abuse incidents. The policy talks about law enforcement working with domestic assault advocates and working with other law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement officers also assist the victim in obtaining necessary medical treatment, provide him or her with notice of rights which says that the officer shall tell the victim whether a shelter or other services are available in the community, and give the victim immediate notice of legal rights. The legal rights the officer gives the victim also include details on how to file a petition with the court requesting an Order for Protection from the domestic abuser if the victim wants to do so. The order could also include: • An order restraining the abuser from further acts of abuse. • An order directing the abuser to leave the household. • An order preventing the abuser from entering the victim’s residence, school, business, or place of employment. • An order awarding the victim or the other parent custody of or parenting time with the minor child or children. • An order directing the abuser to pay support to you and a minor child if the abuser has a legal obligation to do so. If an Order for Protection is granted and the abuser violates it, a law enforcement officer shall arrest without a warrant and take into custody the person who violates that Order for Protection and that person shall be held in custody for at least 36 hours excluding the day of arrest, Sundays, and holidays, unless the person is released early by a judge. The

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violation of an Order for Protection is a misdemeanor, unless the abuser has a prior domestic violence-related conviction during the time between the first conviction and five years following discharge from the sentence for that conviction, which would enhance it to a gross misdemeanor violation. If the abuser has two prior convictions or possessed a dangerous weapon, it would then be a felony charge for violation of the Order for Protection. The above information is a summary of the domestic abuse laws, but for more details about those laws please see Minnesota Statute §518b.01 and also Minnesota Statute §609.2242, which have greater detail regarding domestic abuse laws. As you can see, the Minnesota legislature and law enforcement agencies take domestic violence very seriously and try to help individuals who are being abused so they can get themselves removed from those situations. As always, if you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to contact me. ‹‹

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By Marilee Dorn Willmar Police Department

Public Safety

Early Childhood


The Best Time to Prevent Crime

hile working at Family Fun Night at Ridgewater College, I couldn’t help but wonder which kids I might be seeing in the future in which community roles. As a Crime Prevention Specialist, I’ve learned how important early childhood is. From birth through age five, children undergo tremendous growth and change. Children must learn to self-regulate emotions, behaviors, and attention; to communicate, reason, and begin to problem-solve; and to move their bodies effectively – all before they enter kindergarten. Fail to provide good learning experiences in early childhood, and I’ll more likely see the child when he is in trouble. Data from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, an organization of law enforcement executives from across the U.S., shows that the most effective long-term crime prevention efforts involve educating parents and very young children. Studies show that most parents of young children feel overwhelmed and without adequate resources. Creating stable homes, reducing neglect and abuse, encouraging


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children to enter school ready and eager to learn, and reducing bullying decrease the likelihood of children becoming involved in illegal and anti-social behaviors.

What are some of the most effective investments? • Home visits to at-risk parents from pregnancy through the child’s second year. • High-quality parent-and-child education classes where parents attend classes with their children to receive education in effective parenting, while the children have learning experiences which build their social and emotional skills, constructive conflict resolution, language and communication skills, and “playing nicely with others.” • Quality, affordable child care that includes continuous supervision throughout the day in developmentally appropriate environments. What is done locally? Minnesota has an effective model of Early Childhood Family Education programs in each

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school district. We have preschool screening of all children to identify and provide education for children and their families when disabilities or special needs are found, and the University of Minnesota offers training for educators, families, and care providers. The Willmar Early Childhood Coalition works to enhance both professional and FFN child care provider education by offering support and training for educators, parenting education, and ensuring that quality events for children are held throughout the year. The coalition has enhanced communication among providers of professional services for children and families, allows members to know where to make referrals for specific needs such as mental health problems or child passenger safety, reduces duplication of services, and provides a venue for collective communication with policy-makers. Membership includes public health, early childhood educators, law enforcement, Heartland Community Action Agency, professional childcare providers, nutritionists, churches, and the school system. The Willmar Public Library is an active participant in the Coalition, with library personnel specifically working on childhood literacy. Parents Forever provides education for families undergoing divorce, with an emphasis on keeping children healthy during the process. Through the West Central Minnesota United Way, Empower – Women United in Philanthropy – has undertaken an effort to

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raise the percentage of children who enter kindergarten ready to learn to 80%. Their Growmobile visits at-risk neighborhoods throughout the summer; they distribute “Success by 6” educational materials and “Born Learning” education for parents; and administer the “Imagination Library” program which sends books to registered children each month. United Way also administers the Volunteer Center/Caring Connections service throughout Kandiyohi County. Home visits, early childhood family education, quality child care, and quality experiences for educating young children work, but other effective efforts at reducing crime by helping families also need to be implemented or enhanced: reducing alcohol and drug abuse by parents of young children, reducing children’s exposure to mass media, family violence prevention and intervention (see the Sheriff’s article), effective remediation of anti-social behaviors, and providing afterschool activities and mentorship for youth. Topics for another day! ‹‹

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Steve Smith, Credit Analyst

Jennifer Zamora, CSR, assists a young couple Bob Mathiasen, Chief Credit Officer At left: Bob Krattenmaker, Lourdez Schwab, Vera Novak, and Jeff Asche


Heritage Bank

or a first time visitor, there seems to be something a little different about Heritage Bank. It’s hard to put your finger on it exactly, but it’s definitely there. A certain something. A young family walks in and sits down at Jennifer Zamora’s customer service desk. They chat comfortably with her while their son picks out a lollipop from the candy bowl. Chris Roering from the business department walks up, shakes hands with the couple, then asks them to pop back into his office when they’re finished with Jennifer. Another customer walks in and heads straight to Lourdez Schwab’s office, while yet


Wayne Nelson, President of Heritage Bank

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another pokes his head into Duaine Amundson’s office and says hi. They share a quick laugh, then the customer continues on his way. It’s almost as if people seem, well… comfortable… here at Heritage Bank. President Wayne Nelson laughs, “Well, they should. It’s their money.” Focus on the Community

On Friday, June 4, Heritage Bank will sponsor the Willmar Stingers’ first “Cap Night” at Bill Taunton Stadium in Willmar. As a sponsor, Heritage Bank will receive 300 reserved tickets, which they plan to share with their customers. In addition, the first 300 customers who show up at the game will receive a free Willmar Stingers baseball cap, compliments of Heritage Bank. “Nothing says ‘community’ like a good old-fashioned outdoor baseball game,” says Nelson. “We’re proud to support the Willmar Stingers in their inaugural season, and we’re happy to share the excitement with our customers.”

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Community-focused. Customer driven. Nelson says that supporting and giving back to the community is one of their top priorities as a community bank. The entire staff volunteers hundreds of hours to community organizations, supported by the bank’s Board of Directors and its owners. In 2009, Heritage Bank employees volunteered 884 hours for community organizations and non-profit groups. The bank belongs to the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber’s “Business Gives” program, which recognizes local businesses that donate cash and in-kind contributions amounting to at least 2% of their pre-tax earnings. The program is based on the Minnesota “Business Gives” program that is managed by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce in support of strong businesses and strong communities. Customer-Driven

When asked what makes Heritage Bank unique, Nelson says it’s a combination of customer feedback, local ownership, and a commitment to progress. “The three go handMay/June 2010

in-hand,” explains Nelson. “We really listen to our customers, and we take what they say seriously. We monitor trends, we ask for feedback from our customers, we bring their opinions to our Board, then we implement change.” It’s a process that has served them well for more than 40 years. What started as the State Bank of Pennock has now grown to four branches in Willmar, Spicer, Raymond, and Pennock. Heritage also owns and operates nine branches in northwestern Iowa. “We’ve seen a lot of growth in the past decade, and we can attribute it to many positive things,” says Nelson. “But mostly, it’s because we know what community banking is all about. It’s about people, not money. It’s as simple as that.”

________________________________________ For more information about Heritage Bank, call 320-235-5720 or visit their web site at

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LOCAL Gardening

8 Tips

to Your

Best Tomatoes


By Kari Summerlet

othing tastes better than a homegrown tomato, and they are so easy to grow...whether in your garden or in a container on your deck or patio. So here are some tips for growing your best tomatoes. 1. Soil – Because they are warm weather plants, tomatoes require an open, sunny, welldrained location. Many diseases are associated with poor drainage. Plant them up to the first set of leaves, as this will help develop the strong root system they need. Page 18

2. Timing – Tomatoes are very easily damaged by frost, so plant after the danger of frost has passed. Before setting them in the garden, “harden” them off or get them accustomed to living outdoors. Set them outside by day and bring indoors at night for a few days. This is recommended whether you have started them indoors yourself or purchased them at a store or nursery. 3. Location – Tomatoes do well in a variety of places. The usual place to grow tomatoes

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is in a garden space. If grown in a pot, use one with good drainage, with a diameter of at least 12 inches. Barrels are also a common choice, as are hanging tomato planters, which are inexpensive and effective. Note that normal spacing is 24 inches apart when planting in a garden. 4. Water – Keep your plants well watered. Deep watering is preferred over more frequent, light watering. The moisture needs to go deep to the roots of the plant. Tomatoes are very susceptible to diseases that grow in wet, humid conditions. Try to avoid watering late at night, when plants don’t have a chance to dry off before dark. Mulching is encouraged to prevent rain and water from splashing on the leaves of the plant. 5. Fertilizer – Tomatoes are heavy feeders, so you will want to fertilize on a regular basis. Early application should be high in nitrogen. As blossoming occurs, switch to fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and potassium. Too much nitrogen after blossoming will result in lots of lush, green leaves but little fruit. Fertilizer should be applied every two to four weeks. 6. Varieties – With dozens of varieties of tomatoes available, your choice will depend on what you want from your plant. Maturing or ripening dates can vary from Early Girl that ripens in 52 days to Beefsteak that takes 85 days to mature. There are varieties best for slicing, some better for canning and freezing, others ideal for good sauces. If you have enough room, choose a whole assortment! 7. Disease – A number of problems can

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arise, usually in mid-summer heat and humidity. Blight and fungus infections can occur in high humidity, but early treatment with fungicide is effective. In addition, spacing plants too close together cuts down on air circulation and promotes disease. Staking and using tomato cages keeps plants off the ground and helps prevent disease. 8. Harvesting & Storing – Store tomatoes in a cool, dry location. Do not store them in the refrigerator as they will lose their flavor and texture. If you find a large number of green tomatoes on the vine at frost time, don’t let them go to waste. Wrap individually in newspaper and place in an open box or crate; leave in a cool location until they mature. Tomatoes can be enjoyed in so many different ways. Since they require very little time and effort, why not try growing your own this year? Once you taste the fruits of your labor, you’ll be glad you did! ‹‹

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Southern Exposure By Margaret Lanning

Warning: Reading this article in any voice but your best rendition of a Southern accent may be harmful. spent the first twenty-four years of my life in the urban South. There I absorbed visions of pig pickins (ya’ll call them hog roasts up here), ate tons of fried chicken, and endured manners classes where I had to dance the cha-cha with gross boys (I was glad I had to wear white gloves). If you had asked me at that time what I thought I’d be doing the rest of my life, I couldn’t have told you, but I might have thought I could tell you where I’d be doing it. No other geographical location exists when you live in the South. All I knew is how many miles it would take me to get to the Piggly Wiggly before the grits sold out. As you can probably figure out, my world got rocked quite a bit when my Sweet Husband Sugar Pie accepted a job with Willmar’s own Dave Lien. At the time, he was the president of Carpenter’s Tools International, a ministry that trains young musicians to work with international Youth For Christ groups. My SHSP is an awesome musician, and Mr. Lien (we don’t call adults by their first names) invited my SHSP to consider coming on board as his musical trainer. Right away I had a premonition: We’re going, and my mama’s gonna cry. SHSP flew up before I did to check it out. I kept telling people he went to Michigan or Wisconsin or Minneapolis somewhere. The only thing I knew about that part


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of the country was that I worked with a lady who talked…different, and she was from Wisconsin (pronounced Wizgonzin…through your nose). A few days later, I hopped a plane in thirty-four-degree weather from Raleigh/ Durham International Airport and arrived in negative-five-degree Narnia (before the White Witch was defeated). My SHSP met me at the airport to finish the long trek through miles and miles…and miles of flat, snow-spattered fields sprinkled with a few houses, a stoplight or two—and every little bit, a shack community. I felt so sorry for the people of this cold and icy part of North America. By and by, SHSP explained to me that, in fact, those shacks were ice houses. That sounded ridiculous to me. Who in their right mind would move their outhouse out on a field so they could freeze to death? It was then that I was informed that the houses were not sitting in fields, but on lakes. I’m sure my mouth was open the rest of the drive to…where is it that I’m going again?! The next day, I met the infamous Mr. Lien. He took us on a ride around a little town called Willmar, pronounced Will-mer. Right off the bat, I noticed that there was no North Carolina red clay on any of the fields, and someone had spread black fertilizer on the dirt in the dead of winter. Now, I don’t consider myself a brain, but any Tom, Dick, or Harry should know that you don’t fertilize until the spring. I’m not sure why, but Mr. Lien was laughing. He said, “Well, I guess you’ve never seen black dirt before.” I guess he was right.

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Later, Mr. Lien asked if we wanted to drive on the lake. We were driving a rental and I’m a praying woman, so I said, “No way!” But I got voted down. Across Foot Lake we went. Then I had a bright idea. I’ll knock on the door of an ice outhouse and get my picture taken! Forgetting my fear of being out on frozen lake, I jumped out of the car and knocked on the nearest door. It was labeled “Ron Hagen.” Mr. Hagen was a tallish fellow with a shy smile and an interesting fragrance. He let us take my picture with him. Then I got back in the car and directed my chauffeur to take me immediately to safety. I was annoyed because Mr. Lien’s eyes were twinkling. That wasn’t the only thing that was twinkling that night. I’d never seen such a wide open sky. It’s all hidden by the woods where I come from. I thought, maybe, just maybe I could get used to hearing my mama cry if I could see that sight every evening in Michi—, um, Minnesota. ‹‹

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ne of our most beloved flowers, roses have been used for thousands of years not only for their beauty and fragrance, but also as an ingredient in medicine, cosmetics, and even as food. And, of course, this iconic flower has for many centuries been used as an expression of love and affection. The rose was initially cultivated by the Chinese nearly five thousand years ago, but fossils discovered in parts of North America and Europe show the rose has been growing on our planet for well over thirty-five million years. Ancient Romans and Greeks held the rose in high esteem, considering it noble. It is said that rose petals were spread on the floors in the home of Cleopatra, and Roman Emperor Nero would honor his guests by sprinkling their heads with the petals while they dined. In Medieval England, monastery gardens were filled with roses because, by that time, the flower had become closely associated with the church. The red, five-petaled wild rose was regarded as a representation of Christ. The red color symbolized the blood of Christ, and the number of petals, His wounds.


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In ancient Rome, another use for roses was developed: making beads from the flesh of the petals. It is said that rosary beads were originally made from roses; some sources say the beads were made from the rose hips and others claim they were made from the petals themselves. Although the truth about the materials used to make the first rosary beads is lost to history, the making of these beads for jewelry has been around for many thousands of years. When this once-common handcrafting project disappeared from popular use is unknown, but the method of taking a bouquet of roses and turning it into an object that lasts forever is an art that should never be lost to time. It’s natural to want to preserve our memories, especially mementos from a special time, and flowers are notoriously difficult to save. You can press them in a book or dry them, but if you were lucky enough to receive roses, beads made into a piece of jewelry can be the most satisfying form of preservation. And the best part: the scent lasts forever! There are a few variations on the recipe

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for making rose petal beads, but the basic concept is always the same: chop or crush the petals, then add water and cook them for days—an hour at a time. When the mixture has turned to a thick mush, roll the material into small balls, pierce with a pin, let dry for about a week, and string yourself a bracelet or necklace! Whether you just received a dozen longstems for a birthday or anniversary, carried a rose wedding bouquet, honored a family member or friend with roses at a funeral, or simply have a favorite backyard rose bush, rose petal beads are the perfect way to preserve your memories forever. Give it a try yourself, or there are companies who will take your wilted or dried petals and create a wearable memory for you that will last for generations to come. ________________________________________ To learn more about turning your precious roses into a lovely necklace or bracelet, please visit: or phone 714-522-7651.

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Modem – Connects a computer to a phone line. Used for Internet service and faxing.

Control -Alt- Delete

Internet Terms: Understanding the Basics Browser – A program used for browsing web pages. Common browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera.

Cookie – Information a website saves to your computer, such as user preferences or a shopping cart. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) – This is used to give you an IP address. This is referred to as a dynamic IP address, since you might get a different address the next time you connect. With a static address, you set the address and it never changes.

DNS (Domain Name System) – DNS translates domain names into IP addresses. This is similar to a phonebook, but the computer does it automatically for you. Without this, you would have to type instead of to get to Google. Domain Name – A name that identifies a web site or server. The .com, .net, .org part is called the top level domain.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) – A broadband connection using your phone line. You can talk on the phone at the same time that you use the Internet. Email (Electronic Mail) – Messages sent from one computer to another through a mail server. Web-based uses your normal web browser; client-based uses an email client program such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express, Page 24

Network Switch – Connects devices in a network. The computers in your LAN are connected to each other with a switch. NIC (Network Interface Card) – Connects a computer to a network.

By Jeff Rohner

or Windows Mail, which usually connects to a POP3 or IMAP4 server to receive emails and an SMTP server to send emails.

Ethernet – Common method of networking computers in a LAN. The most common is called 100-BaseT, which is a 100Mbps connection. Firewall – A hardware and/or software security device.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – Acommon method of transferring files to and from websites. A username and password is usually required. FTP is usually used for updating websites.

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) – Acoding language used to format web documents and link to other documents. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) – The protocol used to move hypertext files across the Internet.

Internet – A global system of interconnected computer networks.

Protocol – A set of rules that define a format for communication. Protocols are used to tell devices how to communicate with each other.

Residential Gateway – Allows the connection of a LAN to the Internet. This device is usually referred to as a cable modem or DSL modem and often has the router and switch built into it.

Router – Routes data between two different networks. The Internet is a public network, and your LAN is a private network. You need a router to connect the two. A router offers security because it separates your computer from the Internet since your router’s IP address is what is used on the Internet. Most consumer-grade routers combine the router and switch into one device. Search Engine – A system for searching information available on the Internet.

communications over networks such as the Internet. Internet telephone services such as Skype and Vonage are VoIP services. Teamspeak, allowing people to talk to each other while gaming, is also a VoIP service. WAN (Wide Area Network) – Covers a larger area than a LAN. The Internet is a WAN.

Web Page – A document designed to be viewed in a web browser.

Website – A collection of web pages and other information. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) – Wireless Ethernet, which was called 802.11b/g/n until they came up with this new name for it. The b (slowest), g, or n (fastest) basically defines the speed. W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) – The main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. The W3C develops standards for the Web such as HTML and XML .

WWW (World Wide Web) – A collection of interlinked hypertext documents on the Internet. This isn’t the Internet itself, but a part of the Internet.

TCP/IP - (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) – The set of protocols used for the Internet. VoIP (Voice over IP) – Transmission of voice

IP Address – Computers use the IP Address to communicate with each other. The computer’s IP address is like a person’s phone number. ISP (Internet Service Provider) – Acompany that provides you with a connection to the Internet.

LAN (Local Area Network) – Acomputer network in a small geographical area such as a home or office.

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Local flavor

Pineapple Pie A friend of mine gave me this recipe a couple of years ago, and it is delicious! It takes five minutes to put together (literally) and a half-hour to bake. It couldn’t be any easier! Give it a try for a refreshing summer dessert that’s a little out of the ordinary. Ingredients:

1/2 stick butter or margarine 1 c. sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 large can (approx. 20 oz) crushed pineapple, drained 1 tsp. vanilla 1 (9”) pie shell, unbaked (from the refrigerated or frozen section of the supermarket)

Melt butter over low heat. Remove pan from heat, add sugar, and stir well. Add pineapple, vanilla, and eggs. Blend well. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. This pie can be served warm or cold–and it’s great with lots of whipped cream! Page 26

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It SEems To Me

By Laurie McCabe

Those Days are a Lot Like These Days


love television. It annoys me when people turn up their noses and sniff, “I don’t watch TV…it’s a waste of time.” Not so. When used in moderation, television provides us with entertainment, advice, travel, education, and information. There are some great shows on TV— smart comedies, compelling dramas, stunning nature documentaries and, yes, even some reality TV that is entertaining and informative. But when asked about my favorite show, I usually go back many years to a program I have only seen in reruns. My favorite show? Leave it to Beaver. I know. It’s become a punchline as the ultimate 1950s perfect-family sitcom. Dad with his pipe and slippers, Mom at the stove with her string of pearls…but it’s so much more and deserves recognition beyond that of just a cliché. And, no, it’s not nostalgia that fuels my enthusiasm for the show. I wasn’t even born during much of the show’s original run. It’s that when I look at the hundreds of shows that I’ve tuned in to watch every week, this

show is a true timeless classic that rewards viewers with humor, life lessons, charm, and genuine affection between the series’ family members, friends, and more than a few pets. Airing from 1957 to 1963, Leave it to Beaver is a typical family-centered comedy about the Cleaver family of Mayfield, USA. Ward went to work, June went to PTA, Wally went to high school, and Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver went all over town spreading mischief. When watching Leave it to Beaver now, I’m amazed at how relevant its story lines still are. Sure, the clothing styles have changed, the cars don’t look like what we see now, and the kids play board games i n s t e a d o f

v i d e o games. The catalysts behind the conflicts aren’t the same. Wally will never get grounded for going over on his cell phone minutes, and Beaver won’t get a stern but compassionate lecture for getting caught watching unsuitable movies on cable. However, the lessons and resolutions between family and friends are still the same, and they will be forever. It seems to me that we can all still learn from the interactions on Leave it to Beaver. Every installment brings lessons and gentle reminders on how to behave and treat others. One of my favorite episodes was the one where Beaver overheard that all water was to be shut off in his neighborhood for one afternoon. Beaver got the bright idea of filling bottles with water and selling them, via his wagon, to his uninformed, thirsty neighbors. Beaver was ready to rake in the dough, until his parents found out and had a talk with their enterprising son about taking advantage of another’s misfortune. There are two seasons of Leave it to Beaver available on DVD so far, but the complete series is scheduled to be released on June 29th. And you can still find reruns airing on cable channels like TVLand almost every day. If you want to read about the show online, visit for lots of informa-

May/June 2010

tion on the show, its cast, and the impact it has had on popular culture. ________________________________________ How does “it seem” to you? Need some advice? Got a question or a suggestion for a future column? Please write me at I’ll get to you in a bit… Beaver’s about to go to school in his new sweater, and I’ve just gotta see his reaction when he sees Judy Hensler wearing the same one!

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May/June 2010

May/June 2010

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