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New Year’s Party Guide

VOL. 2, NO. 13 - Dec 07 / Jan 08

Tostitos Fiesta Bowl The Kings of Latin Hip-Hop Super Bowl XLII Are you ready?

Holiday Latina Hair Tips Campeonato Mundial de la FIFA del 2007

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 2

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 3

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 4

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INSIDE Pg. 5-9

Our Comunidad

Pg. 10-11


Pg. 12-13

De Noche

Pg. 14-15

New Year’s Eve Guide

Pg. 16-17

Our Cocina/Eating Out Guide

Pg. 20-21

Health & Belleza

Pg. 22

Body, Mind and Espiritu/Horoscope

Pg. 24-25 Musica/Film/News & Reviews Pg. 26-28 Sports y Mas Pg. 30

Clasificados & Spanglish Wanted

Spanglish Times, LLC. Publisher/ CEO Lisa Padilla Art Art Director: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Production Production Director & Layout Editor: Lisa Padilla Production Artist: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Web Developer: Jorge Leandro Rodrigues Web Proofreader: Ryan Bailey Editorial Director/Managing Editor: Lisa Padilla Assistant Managing Editor: Amy Ford Copy Editor: Ryan Bailey Astrologist: Chica de las Estrellas Contributing Writers: ConTexto Latino, Hispanic PR Wire, Angel Hernandez, Roxy Merino, Alan Robinson, Erica Ramos-Guevara Advertising Sales & Marketing Director: Lisa Padilla Public Relations: Mechelle Jackson 1st Class Consultant Static Management Photography Alonso Murillo Spanglish Times (ISSN#1933-0227) is published monthly by Spanglish Times, LLC. 16845 N. 29th Avenue # 754, Phoenix, Arizona 85053. All rights are reserved. The entire contents of Spanglish Times are Copyright 2007 by Spanglish Times, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part, or use without written permission of the publisher, of editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & foreign countries. The trademark and tradename, Spanglish Times is owned by Spanglish Times, LLC.The Publisher does not assume responsibility for the statements or work by advertisers.

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Our Comunidad

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 5

Live Nation rings in the holidays with Amphitheatre Concert Pack Card: Concert tickets available nationwide through select Costco Stores


ive Nation, the world’s largest live music company, announced that it has launched a new initiative to sell general admission lawn tickets for the 2008 amphitheatre concert season in 263 Costco stores nationwide, extending the company’s ticket distribution channel into the national retail arena for the first time ever. The first program of its kind, the Amphitheatre Concert Pack card, which retails for $39.99 and began selling this past weekend in Costco stores across the United States, includes two general admission lawn tickets to any 2008 concert in Live Nation’s owned and operated amphitheatres, subject to availability. In addition, music fans will get six mp3 downloads from the Live Nation music download page supplied by Puretracks, Inc. “For the first time ever, consumers can give the gift of live music this holiday season and provide their friends and family tickets to some of the greatest concerts

in the world,” said Nathan Hubbard, President of Live Nation Ticketing. “This is an exciting new way for music fans to come see their favorite artists play live, and a great opportunity for Live Nation to

extend the live concert experience to a brand new audience.” Libby Biason, Vice President of National Alliances at Live Nation commented, “Costco should be commended for embracing this innovative approach to selling concert tickets and serving the millions of music fans who pass through their doors every day.” After purchasing or receiving an Amphitheatre Concert Pack card as a gift, consumers simply register as Live Nation ticket club members at www., and sign up to receive regular email notifications when new concerts are scheduled in their local area for the 2008 season. When a show of interest pops up, registered music fans simply enter their PIN code on the back of the card to redeem their two general admission lawn tickets. Music fans will also use this PIN code to download six of their favorite tracks from the Live Nation music download page.

“Live Nation” celebra los días de fiesta con nuevo tarjeta del paquete del concierto ampiteatro, ahora disponible en tiendas selectos de costco a través de los Estados Unidos “Live Nation” (Vivo Nación), la compañía musical mas grande del mundo, anuncio hoy que va empesar vender los boletos para conciertos ampiteatros en 2008, en 263 tiendas de Costco a escala nacional. Este programa, el primero de su clase, va a extender el canal del distribución para la compañía. Ventas de la tarjeta del paquete del concierto (Amphitheatre Concert Pack Card), que vende para $39.99, comenzó este último fin de semana en las tiendas de Costco a través de los Estados Unidos. El paquete incluye dos boletos para la admisión a cualquier concierto 2008 en los ampiteatros que hacen negocios con “Live Nation”, tema a la disponibilidad. Además, fanáticos de la música conseguirán seis transferencias directas MP3, cortesia de la pagina electronica de”Live Nation” suministrada por la compañía Puretracks, Inc.

“Por la primera vez, consumidores pueden dar el regalo de la música estas navidades y días de fiesta y tambien regalar boletos a sus amigos y familiars a algunos de los conciertos más grandes en el mundo,” dice Nathan Hubbard, presidente de boletos de “Live Nation”. “Esto es una nueva manera para que los fanáticos de música vengan ver a sus artistas preferidos cantar o tocar vivo, y una gran oportunidad para que “Live Nation” amplíe la experiencia viva del concierto a una audiencia nueva.” Libby Biason, vice presidente de alianzas nacionales de “Live Naton” dice, “Costco debe ser elogiado para tratar este programa innovador a vender boletos del concierto y a servir millones de fanáticos de música que pasan a través de sus puertas diarias.” Después de comprar o de recibir como regalo un paquete del concierto, consumidores se apunta simplemente en la

pagina electronica de “Live Nation” www., para recibir los anuncios regulares del email cuando los nuevos conciertos se programan en su área. Cuando una demostración de interés surge, los miembros registrados entran simplemente su código (PIN) para redimir sus dos boletos de la admisión general. Este mismo código (PIN) también se utilizará para transferir seises de sus pistas preferidas de la página electronica de “Live Nation”.

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Our Comunidad

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 6

By Amy Ford Spanglish Times heads into the new year with a new attitude. The love and support we have received from our loyal advertisers and readership have encouraged us to step boldly into 2008. All the happenings in our culturally diverse community and of course all things Latino are what we bring to you. This new year we will cover fabulous festivals and spectacular events. We encourage you to invite us to be a part of what you are creating. Our goal is to be your local guide for Latin Entertainment and more. Check out our growing website as we stretch beyond the mountainous borders of the Valley of the Sun. Beginning this month, you will find the same kind of great information you depend on us to provide in Las Vegas, Nevada. Keep a look out for more as we begin spreading our words across the entire country in 2008. Tell your friends and family to keep a watch for us in their states as we branch out. This coming year we are bringing you a new look along with our new focus. Check out our club guide where you will find information about diverse entertainment choices along with reviews of night life and places to party. You never know when you will find us turning up at your events so be ready for unexpected drop-ins. We are bringing the party spy section back, so dress to impress and polish up your smile for our cameras. Anywhere you go and there is live music, hot DJs, dancing, and concerts performed by national and international artists, you will find us. Hungry for more? Culturally diverse cuisine choices and honest restaurant reviews will keep you informed. Treat yourself to an easy solution in response to the question, “What’s for dinner?” For those of you who love the way we bring you the latest news on local talent, we promise to continue coverage of rising artists in the manner you have grown accustomed to. In addition to what’s in print, you will also be able to tune into our website to watch live interviews. We will connect you with your favorite national and international stars and keep you in the know of ticket releases and where they are appearing. Visual art, books and literature, gallery announcements and openings will give you great choices for nights out and in. We thank all our devoted readers who have been with us in 2007. We welcome all of you who are new to Spanglish Times and we look forward to continuing our mission of coming together to make a change.

We are proud to have you as a part of our family and wish you, your family and friends feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!

Abrazos, Lisa Padilla, editor in chief, and Amy Ford, assistant managing editor

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 7

Spanglish Times comienza el año nuevo con una nueva actitud. El amor y la ayuda que hemos recibido de nuestros publicistas y ustedes, los lectores, nos ha animado a continuar con fuerza en 2008 - todos los sucesos en nuestra comunidad diversa y por supuesto, todo que es Latino que te traemos. Este año nuevo, cubriremos los festivales y acontecimientos espectaculares. Te animamos a invitarnos a que seamos una parte de lo que estás creando. Nuestra meta es ser tu guía local para el entretenimiento latino y mucho más. Visite nuestra pagina electronica y sea testigo como estamos creciendo, estiramos más allá de las fronteras montañosas del valle del sol. Comenzando este mes, encontrarás la misma clase de gran información que dependes de nosotros ahora en Las Vegas, Nevada. Estamos comenzando a compartir nuestras palabras y paginas a través del país en 2008. Digale a tus amigos y familia que llegamos! Este año que viene te estamos trayendo un nuevo estilo junto con nuestro nuevo enfoque. Mira a nuestra guía del club donde encontrarás la información sobre las opciones diversas de entretenimiento. Nunca sabes cuándo nos encontrarás vuelta en tus acontecimientos. La sección del espía de fiesta vuelve, así que vestirte para impresionar y preparate con sus sonrisas. Dondequiera que vayas y haya musica viva, DJs calientes, baile, y conciertos realizados por los artistas nacionales e internacionales, tú nos encontrará. ¿Tienes hambre para más? Revisiones de comidas y restaurantes culturales y diversas te mantendrán informado. Si quiere cenar, no tiene que preguntar “que vamos a comer”? Para para los que quieren las últimas noticias en talento local, prometemos a continuar la cobertura de artistas de la manera en que has crecido acostumbrado. Además, también podrás ver entrevistas en vivo sobre nuestra pagina electronica. Te conectaremos con tu artistas favoritas y siempre tendra informacion sobre boletos lanzamientos y donde están apareciendo. Abreturas de galerías, para artes, libros y literatura te darán grandes opciones por noches hacia fuera y adentro. Agradecemos a todos nuestros lectores quién han estado con nosotros en 2007. Damos la bienvenida para que conozcan el nuevo Spanglish Times, y apreciamos su apoyo. Somos orgullosos de tenerte como parte de nuestra familia. Te deseamos a ti, a tu familia y amigos Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

Abrazos, Amy Ford y Lisa Padilla.

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Our Comunidad

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 8

Burger King Corp. Launches DiversityFocused ‘Real People, Real Success’ Marketing Campaign


urger King Corp announced it has launched a marketing campaign highlighting its diversity and inclusion initiatives nationwide. The “Real People, Real Success” campaign shines the spotlight on BKC’s diverse employees, suppliers and franchisees. The first ad from the campaign appeared during the National Council of La Raza’s national conference in Miami (July 21–24), the premier event for Latinos, hosted by the largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy organization in the country. With an initial focus on print ads, the campaign consists of a series of real-life testimonials of Hispanic, African American and Asian franchisees and suppliers. One ad – a stylized blackand-white portrait – highlights a CubanAmerican businessman who began as a BK restaurant employee and now owns almost 40 Burger King restaurants. Another ad showcases an AfricanAmerican businesswoman who is one of BKC’s largest suppliers. All the ads were designed to honor the diverse workforce

and business partners who have made the Burger King system one of the largest quickservice restaurant franchises in the world. One of the success stories highlighted in the ads is Robespierre St. Juste, a BKC franchisee who rose through the ranks from an assistant manager position to become the owner of 15 Burger King restaurants in San Antonio, Texas. “What started as a temporary job became an amazing and successful journey, filled with opportunity for growth and development. For the past 25 years, Burger King restaurants have not only been my real job, they’ve also been my real life,” said St. Juste, a native of Haiti. “BKC is committed to showing its support for a diverse workforce and business partnerships,” said Cirabel Lardizabal Olson, director of inclusion and external affairs, BKC. “One of our biggest strengths is our respect for inclusion, which helps reflect the demographics of our market today and our customers’ reality.” The marketing and communications initiative was developed for Burger King Corporation by its Diversity and Inclusion agency, República. (HPRW)

Burger King Corp. lanza ‘Personas Reales, Éxitos Reales’, una campaña de marketing centrada en la diversidad


urger King Corp. anunció el lanzamiento de una campaña de marketing que destaca sus iniciativas de diversidad e inclusión a nivel nacional. La campaña, titulada “Real People, Real Success” (Personas Reales, Éxitos Reales) pone de relieve la diversidad de los empleados, los proveedores y los titulares de franquicias de BKC. El primer anuncio de la campaña debutó durante la conferencia nacional del Consejo Nacional de La Raza celebrada en Miami (21-24 de julio), el evento principal para los latinos presentado por la mayor organización de defensa de los derechos civiles hispanos del país. La campaña, con su enfoque inicial en anuncios impresos, está compuesta por una serie de testimonios reales de titulares de franquicias y proveedores hispanos, afroamericanos y asiáticos. Uno de los anuncios – un retrato estilizado en blanco y negro – presenta a un empresario cubanoamericano que comenzó su carrera como empleado de un restaurante BK y ahora es propietario de unos 40 restaurantes Burger King. Otro anuncio presenta a una empresaria afroamericana, que es una de los proveedores más grandes de BKC. Todos los anuncios se diseñaron para

reconocer la diversidad del personal y los socios de negocios que han convertido al sistema Burger King en una de las mayores franquicias de restaurantes de servicio rápido del mundo. Una de las experiencias exitosas destacadas en los anuncios es la de Robespierre St. Juste, un titular de franquicia BKC que empezó su carrera como gerente asistente hasta convertirse en dueño de 15 restaurantes Burger King en San Antonio, Texas. “Lo que comenzó como un trabajo temporal se ha convertido en un increíble y exitoso viaje, lleno de oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo. Durante los últimos 25 años, los restaurantes Burger King no sólo han sido mi trabajo real, sino también mi vida real,” dijo St. Juste, originario de Haití. “BKC se dedica a mostrar su apoyo a la diversidad de su personal y sus asociaciones de negocios,” dijo Cirabel Lardizabal Olson, directora de inclusión y asuntos externos de BKC. “Una de nuestras mayores fuerzas es nuestro respeto por la inclusión, que ayuda a reflejar los demográficos de nuestro mercado hoy día y la realidad de nuestros clientes.” La iniciativa de marketing y comunicaciones fue desarrollada para Burger King Corporation por República, su agencia de diversidad e inclusión. (HPRW)

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Our Comunidad

Non-Profits Have the Edge on Reaching the Community ‘Lideres’ Hispanic Program Provides Leadership Skills Training

The growth of the Hispanic population in the United States is not only an opportunity for businesses and marketers alike, but it puts Hispanics in the position of wielding influence in the U.S. more than ever before. One area that can benefit from the collective voices of Hispanics is the non-profit sector where the work of dedicated individuals can impart real improvements to the growing communities and causes they serve.

Building leaders community strong




It takes more than passion and a desire to help for non-profits to succeed. Even the most well-intentioned organizations and leaders cannot adequately make a mark without the right resources, which is why Coors Brewing Company has created the Coors Líderes Program, a twophase initiative. The first phase of the program showcased Hispanic leaders from throughout the United States and highlighted the importance of leadership, biculturalism and bilingualism in the greater Hispanic community. The second phase is the recently launched Coors Líderes Training Workshop, a unique leadership development program being offered to Hispanic non-profits and partner organizations in five cities across the country. Additionally, the second phase will highlight even more influential Hispanic leaders. An important part of the program is the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment tool developed by The Gallup Organization that identifies each individual’s talents. Based on each participant’s StrengthsFinder evaluation, a four-hour personalized training program is developed. “Across the country, Hispanic leaders are using the workshop to gain additional knowledge on unique business development strategies, leadership tools, and networking,” says Rafael Fantauzzi, Hispanic Corporate Relations Director for

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 9

Organizaciones sin fines de lucro en posición ventajosa para influir en la comunidad ‘Lideres’ Hispanic Program Provides Leadership Skills Training

Coors Brewing Company. “The Líderes El crecimiento de la población campaign is an exceptional opportunity for hispana de los Estados Unidos no solo Coors to facilitate capacity-building for our ofrece una oportunidad tanto a empresas partnering Hispanic non-profits.” como a expertos en comercialización sino que coloca a los hispanos en posición de Building partners and partnerships ejercer más influencia que nunca en este país. Un campo que puede beneficiarse con In addition to talent identification las voces colectivas de los hispanos es el and training, here are some other suggested sector sin fines de lucro, donde el trabajo ways to further non-profit initiatives: de personas dedicadas puede impulsar adelantos en las crecientes comunidades a • The human element: Transform paper las que prestan servicios y en las causas que relationships into actual ones by attending defienden. events and meeting personally with individuals with whom you are doing Forjando líderes y fortaleciendo nuestra business or soliciting financial support. comunidad Networking also puts you in touch with people you may not have set out to meet, Para que las asociaciones sin but did anyway. fines de lucro puedan tener éxito, necesitan algo más que pasión y deseo de ayudar. • Fundraising is important: With so Hasta las organizaciones y líderes mejor many groups competing for funds and intencionados no pueden realizar su labor with corporations changing the way they sin los recursos adecuados. Por esta razón, give, you must ensure your budget and Coors Brewing Company ha creado el fundraising program are thought through Programa Coors Líderes, una iniciativa en so you are working proactively and not dos fases. reactively. En la primera fase del programa se presentó a líderes hispanos en todos los Estados Unidos y se resaltó la importancia del liderazgo, biculturalismo y bilingualismo en la comunidad hispana en general. La segunda fase es el Taller Coors Líderes, de reciente inauguración, un programa único de desarrollo de liderazgo que se ofrece a instituciones hispanas sin fines de lucro y asociaciones afiliadas en cinco ciudades a través del país. Además, en la segunda fase se destacará a otros líderes hispanos influyentes. Una parte importante del programa es la herramienta de evaluación “Clifton StrengthsFinder,” creada por la Organización Gallup, la cual identifica los talentos de cada persona. En base a la evaluación StrengthsFinder de cada participante, se crea un programa personalizado de capacitación de cuatro horas. • Believe in your cause but be business“Líderes hispanos a través minded: Non-profit groups that are staffed del país están usando el taller and run by people who have a real belief para obtener conocimientos or stake in their cause and who have a a d i c i o n a l e s a c e r c a d e good head for business and promotion are estrategias de desarrollo among the most successful. That is why it empresarial, herramientas de is best to pepper your organization with liderazgo y establecimiento employees whose strengths target all areas de contactos,” explica of the operation. Rafael Fantauzzi, director de relaciones corporativas For more information about the h i s p a n a s d e C o o r s Coors Líderes Training Workshop and the Brewing Company. “El Coors Líderes Program, please visit http:// Taller Coors Líderes es una oportunidad excepcional para (HPRW)

Coors de brindar ayuda de capacitación a organizaciones asociadas hispanas sin fines de lucro y a líderes de la comunidad hispana,” concluyó Fantauzzi. Creando socios y asociaciones Además de la identificación y capacitación de talentos, se sugiere los siguientes medios para promover los programas de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro: • El elemento humano: Convertir las relaciones formalizadas por escrito en relaciones reales, asistiendo a eventos y conociendo personalmente a las personas con quienes se sostienen relaciones, o a quienes se solicita apoyo financiero. Estos contactos le acercarán además a personas a quienes no se tenía en proyecto conocer, pero a las que de todas maneras usted llegó a conocer. • La recaudación de fondos es importante: Como hay tantos grupos compitiendo por fondos, y tantas corporaciones cambiando su forma de financiamiento, es preciso garantizar que su programa de presupuesto y recaudación esté concebido para el trabajo proactivo, y no pasivo. • Crea en su causa, pero con mentalidad de negocios: Los grupos sin fines de lucro compuestos y administrados por personas que creen realmente en su causa, pero que no pierden de vista el aspecto empresarial y la promoción, están entre los más exitosos. Por tal razón es mejor dotar a su organización con empleados que dominen todas las áreas de la operación. Para obtener más información acerca del Taller Coors Líderes y del Programa Coors Líderes, visite el sitio Web http:// (HPRW)

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Live Nation presents



Tori Amos

Cuando: December 11 Donde: Dodge Theatre, Phoenix

Arte Papel Chicano: Works on Paper from the Collection of Cheech Marin

Hacienda Brothers

Cuando: December 12 Donde: Rhythm Room, Phoenix

Cuando: Sept 14, 2007 – Jan 6, 2008 Donde: Mesa Arts Center; 1 E. Main St, Mesa Teléfono: 480-644-6500 Sitio de la Red: Más Información: The comedian/actor makes a rare live appearance during a program titled “A Conversation With Cheech Marin” at Mesa Arts Center. He’ll discuss his career and kick off the world première of the “Papel Chicano: Works on Paper From the Collection of Cheech Marin” exhibit, which opens the next day with a free 7 p.m. reception at the center’s Mesa Contemporary Arts gallery.

Broadway on Ice

Everyday Miracles: Latin American Folk Art

Cuando: December 15 Donde: Celebrity Theatre

featuring Nancy Kerrigan & Franc D’Ambrosio Cuando: December 13 Donde: Dodge Theatre

Andrea Bocelli

Cuando: December 14 Donde: Arena Glendale

2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular Cuando: January 14 Donde: Dodge Theatre, Phoenix

The Kings of Latin Hip Hop Tour

Cuando: July 14, 2007 – Jan 5, 2008 Donde: ASU Art Museum; 51 E. 10th St., Christmas Mariachi Festival Tempe Cuando: December 15 Teléfono: 480-965-2787 Donde: US Airways Center Sitio de la Red: Más Información: The exhibit features 60 pieces from Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Paraguay, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. A gallery talk with exhibit curator Joanne Stuhr is scheduled at noon Sept. 7. A reception is planned for 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 16, and a brunch discussion featuring Stuhr, Peter Cecere, and museum director Marilyn Zeitlin takes place at 10:30am Nov. 17.

Cuando: Third Wednesdays Costo: FREE Donde: Trunk Space; 1506 Grand Ave., Phoenix Teléfono: 602-256-6006 Sitio de la Red: http://www.thetrunkspace. com;

Lauded by awards and critics alike, Chris Rock is one of our generation’s strongest comedic voices. The Brooklyn-raised comedian has garnered three Emmy Awards, three Grammy Awards and has seen his former eponymous talk show become one of HBO’s highest-rated and most talked-about programs. He will bring his No Apologies Tour to Dodge Theatre on Friday, December 28. The show will begin at 7:30pm with a soon to be announced special guest. Rock’s true emergence as a celebrated stand-up talent can be traced to his second HBO special, “Bring The Pain,” which was honored with two Emmy Awards for Best Writing and Outstanding Special in 1997. Rock went on to host the acclaimed “Chris Rock Show,” which began airing on HBO in 1997 and received an Emmy Award for Best Writing in 1999. H i s n e x t H B O stand-up special, “Bigger & Blacker,” taped on the stage of Harlem’s Apollo Theatre, earned three Emmy nominations for Rock, while the CD went on to win the Grammy Award for Best Spoken or Comedy Album. Rock’s most recent HBO special, “Never Scared,” aired in April 2004, was nominated for two Emmys, its CD also earning the Grammy for Best Comedy Album. In 2003, Rock embarked on the Black Ambition Tour that ran in 64 North American cities with over 80 shows through March of 2004. Rock currently serves as both co-creator and narrator of the acclaimed hit television series “Everybody Hates Chris,” on The CW network and co-stars as the voice of Mooseblood the Mosquito in the animated “Bee Movie.” He recently starred in, wrote and directed the film “I Think I Love My Wife.”

Chris Brown and Bow Wow Cuando: January 1 Donde: US Airways Center Cuando: January 06 Donde: Arena

Open Argentine Tango

Open Argentine Tango


Celine Dion

Baile Cuando: Every Saturday; 9pm Costo: $7 Donde: Pepin Restaurante Español; 7363 Scottsdale Mall, Scottsdale Teléfono: 480-990-9026 Sitio de la Red: Más Información: VJ Ramiro El Rumbero reels out classic and cutting-edge vibes by the likes of Celia Cruz, Fania All Stars, Marc Anthony, Oscar D’Leon, Los Van Van, and Ruben Blades.

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 10

Chris Rock

Cuando: December 28 Donde: Dodge Theatre

Dancing With The Stars

Cuando: December 28 Donde: Arena

Keith Sweat

Cuando: December 31 Donde: Celebrity Theatre

Holiday Events Polar Express

State Grand Canyon Railway 233 N. Grand Canyon Blvd. Williams $14 - $26 - November 8 - January 1

A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail Benefits Valley Youth Theatre 525 N. First St. Phoenix $18 - $18 November 30 - December 23

Glendale Glitters Enchanted Evenings

Holiday crafts, choruses, Santa, food and horse-drawn carriage rides are featured Downtown Glendale 59th and Glendale avenues (623) 930-2299 November, 30 - December, 22 Friday: 6pm - 10pm Saturday: 6pm - 10pm

Santa’s Theme Park

Holidays: Attractions Firebird International Raceway 20000 S. Maricopa Road Gila River Reservation $14.95 - $19.95 November 22 - January 06

Glendale Glitters Spectacular

Downtown Glendale 59th and Glendale avenues Glendale - Free - November 23, 24

Las Noches de Las Luminarias

Visitors to the Desert Botanical Garden stroll among the lights while listening to holiday music. Advance tickets required. November 24 - December 23

* Events may be cancelled unexpectedly. Please confirm dates and times. * This list is for descriptive purposes only, and is not meant to recommend or endorse any event or performance.

Festivals & Events 1st Wednesday ArtWalk Chandler

Visit more than 40 artisans set up along the streets in front of the unique shops and cafes of Historic Downtown Chandler.

Arizona Fine Art Expo

A 10 week event in north Scottsdale. See designers, painters, sketchers and sculptors at work. Demonstrations and workshops, fine wines and cuisine. In 2008: January 13 - March 30

Arizona Indian Festival

Traditional American Indian villages, legendary stories told by tribal elders, traditional dance and musical performances, arts and crafts vendors. Phoenix. In 2008: January 18 - 20

Barrett-Jackson Antique Auto Auction

Every January at WestWorld in North Scottsdale people, including the rich and famous, flock to the Barrett-Jackson Antique Auto Auction. It is billed as the world’s most valuable classic car auction. In 2008: January 12 - 20

Carefree Fine Arts and Wine Festival

Arts, crafts, entertainment, wine. Over 160 artists will have displays. This is one of Arizona’s largest wine tasting events, featuring wines from Arizona, California, Australia, Germany, Austria, France and Italy. Sponsored by Thunderbird Artists. In 2008: January 18 - 20

Celebration of Fine Art

Scottsdale hosts over 100 artists from Arizona and elsewhere in its big white tents. Event lasts for two months. In 2008: January 12 - March 23

Celebrity Shootout

The Celebrity Basketball Shootout is an exhibition basketball game featuring stars from the music, television and movie industries who duel it out on the court to benefit charity (Suns Nite Hoops and Cox Charities). US Airways Center. In 2008: January 19

Fiesta Bowl

The Fiesta Bowl is played at Tempe’s A.S.U. Stadium and is always one of the top four college football bowl games. There are other Fiesta Bowl events, such as a parade, associated with the game. In 2008: January 2

Fairgrounds Antique Market

At the Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix. In 2008: January 19 - 20

Friday Night Bull Riding

Rawhide, Wild Horse Pass. 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. $6 for adults, $3 for kids ages 3 to 12, under 3 are free. Tickets are good for both shows. Children can sign up for sheep and calf riding for a nominal charge.

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 11

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Glendale’s Live at the Library

Musical entertainment from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Main Library at 5959 W. Brown St. Concerts are free. In 2008: Every Thursday night In 2008: January 25

Great Canadian Picnic

Local Canadian residents and winter visitors celebrate Canadian culture with live music, games, and door prizes. In 2008: January 27

Kruse International Car Auction

Collectors of all different types of cars enjoy this event which lasts several days. Held at Arizona State Fairgrounds. In 2008: January 24 - 27

Maricopa County Home and Garden Show

Hundreds of exhibitors. Seminars, demonstrations, and displays. In 2008: January 11, 12, 13

Martin Luther King Day Celebrations

Festivals and events around the greater Phoenix area celebrating the life and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2008: Various dates in January

P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona

P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Marathon & 1/2 Marathon will go through three Arizona cities. Live music along the entire route.

Mesa Historic Home Tour

Each year the Mesa Historical Museum Guild and the Mesa Historic Preservation Office sponsors a historic home tour. All proceeds benefit the Mesa Historical Museum. In 2008: January 28

Movies at the Museum

Phoenix Art Museum. Independent and classic cinema and documentaries relating to art, artists, and works on view in the Museum, usually followed by discussion. Free with paid museum admission. First come, first seated. In 2008: Various dates in January

Native American Arts Festival

Litchfield Park, west of Phoenix . More than 200 award-winning artists. Traditional and modern masterpieces, authentic foods, artist demonstrations and musical performances celebrating the cultural traditions of the Native Southwest. Sponsored by the West Valley Fine Arts Council. In 2008: January 12, 13

Ford presents

Pop Phenom CHRIS BRoWn and BoW WoW and the up Close & Personal Holiday exclusive tour US Airways Center - January 6

Jive recording artist, Chris Brown, plans to heat things on his upcoming winter tour with co-headliner Bow Wow. The Ford Presents UCP Holiday Exclusive Tour Powered By Sync In Association With BET Networks is scheduled to make a stop in Phoenix to perform at US Airways Center on Sunday, January 6 . The show will begin at 7:00 pm with special guests Soulja Boy, Sean Kingston, Shop Boyz, and Lil Mama. Multi-platinum artist, Chris Brown, plans to dazzle fans with surprises that are currently under wraps, but he will bring to life his current smash singles that include, “Kiss, Kiss” featuring T-Pain, and “Wall To Wall,” as well as his classic hits “Run It,” and “Yo (Excuse Me Miss).”

His current smash “Kiss, Kiss” Featuring TPain is now the #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100, and is in the top 10 across five individual Billboard charts; #1-Hot Digital Songs, #1-Hot Digital Tracks, #3 -Hot 100 Airplay, #6-Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay, and #6-Hot R&B/ Hip-Hop Songs charts. His sophomore effort, Exclusive , was released on November 6th. Co-headliner, Bow Wow, in support of his latest release The Price of Fame plans to perform numerous hits including “Shortie Like Mine” featuring Chris Brown, as well as “Outta My System.” Accompanying the star duo is a line-up of up and coming hip-hop and R&B superstars. Soulja Boy will bring his # 1 single “Crank That (Soulja Boy),” R&B singer Sean Kingston will perform his addictive song “Beautiful Girls,” the Shop Boyz will bring their hit anthem “Party Like a Rockstar,” and rounding out the show is Brooklyn native, Lil Mama, with her summer smash, “Lip Gloss” and current hit “G-Slide.”

Music in the Garden

Sunday afternoons from Noon to 2 p.m. at the Desert Botanical Garden. Tickets must be purchased. Ticket price includes admission to the garden. In 2008: January 27

Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival

Arizona State Fairgrounds, Phoenix . Supply show, classes and workshops. In 2008: January 24 - 26

Scottsdale ArtWalk

Every Thursday evening the Scottsdale Art District invites you to spend a casual evening walking downtown and enjoying fine art. Free. In 2008: Every Thursday evening

Sunday A’Fair

Musical mini-festival that takes place outdoors on the Scottsdale Civic Center Mall adjacent to the Scottsdale Center for the Arts. In 2008: January 6, 13, 20

Surprise Stadium Winter Festival

Arts and crafts by Arizona artisans. In 2008: January 18 - 20

That Thursday Thing!

Each event night has a theme, food and beverage, and extended shopping hours at 90 antique and specialty shops. Admission and parking are free. 6pm - 9pm in Historic Downtown Glendale In 2008: January 17

Walk’n Roll Dog Walk

The Walk’n Roll Dog Walk is a fun 5k walk and wheelchair roll around Tempe Town Lake. Friendly dogs are welcome. Vendors, music, and games for people and dogs. Proceeds Power Paws Assistance dogs. In 2008: January 26

Wild West Antique Show

Western Americana and Native-American Art at Phoenix Convention Center. In 2008: January 26, 27 In 2008: January 13

World of Wheels

Custom vehicles, vendor show, exhibits, classes and more. University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale. In 2008: January 11 - 13

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De Noche

Spotlight on

BENNY “THE GODFATHER” ARCE Homegrown in downtown Phoenix, I began a DJ career at age 15 doing dances open to high school kids at local church halls. I soon went from neighborhood gang leader to an elite party promoter, throwing huge dance parties which always averaged 1500-2000 people. As rival promoters battled for the party scene, my crew and I were entered and won AZ’s first ever Battle of the DJ’s. The win put us on top of the DJ food chain. I was offered my first radio job on the #1 party station at the time, 1060 KUKQ. Soon, I became the first DJ to mix live on the radio here in Phoenix with the Saturday & Sunday Night KUKQ Party Mix! My success as DJ and Promoter continued to soar. Several stations later, people knew me as the “Godfather” on 103.9 FM, Arizona’s Party Station. I also took over and promoted the Battle of the DJ Events for 4 more years, helping upcoming DJ’s make names for themselves in Phoenix, such as DJ Shy who won the title twice. Now, I continue to create new memories with my very own live online radio station KRCK RADIO (yes, its pronounced “crack”) at It’s my version of that station I’ve always wanted to work at, that big corporate radio can’t be! We are live 24/7 playing current hip-hop and old school. We give local and non-local artists the chance to get heard with live interviews to spot light their music. I call it KRCK’n The World Wide Web! We also have live mix shows with the valley’s best DJ’s. If you want to find out more, hit me up on the KRCK LINE 623 907-3790 or hit me up at Become a KRCKHEAD & Listen to KRCK RADIO. You will like what you hear! By Erica Ramos-Guevara and Lorraine Waitman Photo by Alonso Murilo

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 12

MYST: 7340 E. Shoeman Lane (480) 970-5000 MYTHOS: 2525 N. Scottsdale Rd. (480) 947-6896 NEXT: 7111E. 5th Ave. - (480) 970-NEXT PEPIN’S: 7363 E. Scottsdale Mall (480) 990-9026 RAIN: 1420 N. Scottsdale

Pubs, Clubs & Bar PHoEnIX SCORCH BAR: 21001 N. Tatum (480) 513-7211 CLUB CENTRAL: 3110 N. Central Ave. (602) 200-8121 CLUB DWNTWN: 702 N. Central Ave. (602) 258-8343 CLUB VIBE: 3031 E. Indian School Rd. (602) 224-9977 COACH & WILLIE’S: 412 S. 3rd St. (602) 254-5272 GARCIA’S: 3301 W. Peoria Ave. (602) 866-1850 HARD ROCK CAFÉ: 3 S. 2nd St. (602) 261-7625 KARAMBA NIGHTCLUB: 1724 E. McDowell Rd. - (602) 254-0231 MAJERLE’S 9 - LOUNGE: 24 N. 2nd St. - (602) 253-0118 MATADOR: 125 E. Adams St. (602) 254-7563 PALAZZO: 710 N. Central Ave. (602) 229-1150 SKY LOUNGE: 123 E. Washington St. (602) 229-1110 STOUDEMIRE’S DOWNTOWN: 3 S. 2nd St. - (602) 307-5825

tEMPE BAJA TILLY’S: 1123 W. Broadway Rd. (480) 968-6224 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION: 7850 S. Priest Dr. (480) 496-0889 LAYALENA: 1290 N. Scottsdale Rd. (480) 966-9116 PALO VERDE LOUNGE: 1015 W. Broadway Rd. (480) 968-9221 tollESon FUEGO BAR & GRILL: 9118 W. Van Buren St. (623) 478-7300

Latino Nightlife Jueves/thursday HENRY JACK’S: cumbia & old school

aVonDalE HENRY JACK’S: 613 E. Western Ave (623) 932-0190

NEXTDOOR: Funk, Soul, Hip-Hop, CumbiaCrunk

CHanDlER DRAFT HOUSE SPORTS CAFE: 393 W. Warner Rd. - (480) 963-5520 JILLY’S: 825 N. 54th St. - (480) 763-6909


GlEnDalE CLUB REVENTION: 5400 N. 59th Ave. LA PERLA CAFÉ: 5912 W. Glendale Ave. (623) 939-7561 SCottSDalE ANDERSON’S FIFTH ESTATE: 6820 E. 5th Ave. (480) 994-4168 AXIS / RADIUS: 7340 E. Indian Plaza (480) 970-1112 BARCELONA: 15440 Greenway - Hayden Loop - (480) 603-0370 CLUB TROPICANA: 7043 E. McDowell Rd. (480) 874-1112

BAJA TILLY’S: Old School, R&B, Cumbia, Reggaeton CLUB TROPICANA: Reggaeton, Latin pop, Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia CLUB VIBE: Pop en Espanol, Reggaeton,HipHop, Top 40 CLUB RAIN: Latin, Hip-Hop CLUB DOWNTOWN: Latin, Hip-Hop Draft House: Hip -Hop, R&B, Top 40, Reggaeton GARCIA’S: Salsa, Cumbia, Hip-Hop, R&B HENRY JACK’S PLACE: Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Cumbia JILLY’S: Hip- Hop,Top 40, Reggaeton, Salsa, Mash-ups

De Noche

Latino Nightlife

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

DRAFT HOUSE: Hip -Hop, R&B, Top 40, Reggaeton cont.

MACAYO’S: Latin, Hip-Hop, Reggaeton MATADOR: Reggaeton, Hip-Hop, Old School, Cumbia MYTHOS: World PACO PACO: Latin, Hip-Hop, Raggaeton SKY LOUNGE: Salsa, Merengue, Rock en Español, Reggaeton, Latin Pop Sabado/Saturday BAJA TILLY’S: Old School, R&B, Cumbia, Reggaeton

FUEGO: Latin Pop, 80’s, Disco,Hip-Hop GARCIA’S: Salsa,Cumbia,Hip-Hop, R&B HENRY JACK’S PLACE: Old School, R&B, Cumbia, Tejano KARAMBA: Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Rock en español, Latin Pop, High Energy Latin House MYTHOS: Top 40, Latin, Raggeaton, Bachata PACO PACO: Raggaeton, Cumbia, Merengue, Dance SWIFT LOUNGE: Latin

CLUB TROPICANA: Reggaeton, Latin house, Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Rock en español,


COACH & WILLIE’S: Reggaeton, Cumbia, Hip-Hop

Karamba: Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Rock en Espanol, Latin Pop

THE DOOR: Top 40, Dance, Hip- Hop,Techno, Reggaeton

MYTHOS: Merengue, Salsa, Bachata

HENRY JACK’S PLACE: Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Cumbia

SKY LOUNGE: Hip- Hop, Reggaeton

* This list is for descriptive purposes only, and is not meant to recommend or endorse any event or performance.

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 13

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 14

New Year’s Eve Guide Eli’s American Grille

7000 East Shea Blvd., Scottsdale 7pm to 2am Tickets: $120 per person prepaid Three course dinner, all night VIP seating, live music, dancing, cover charge and party favors.

Keith Sweat Live

Celebrity Theatre, Phoenix Doors open at 6:30pm, show at 9 p.m. $40 - $65 per ticket.

Mesa Symphony

New Year’s Eve Soul Party - Rhythm Room

Chandler Center for the Arts, Chandler 7:30pm Tickets: $20 - $45 The Mesa Symphony Orchestra presents “An Evening of Viennese Operettas and a Few Other Things...” with guest artists Lisanne Norman, soprano, and Andrew Gray, bass-baritone. It’s a salute to the Blue Danube, the Merry Widow and other favorites from the Viennese and U.S. Operetta stage.

Includes a performance by the R&B band Soul Power and a champagne toast at midnight. Doors open at 8 p.m. 9pm - Rhythm Room - 1019 E. Indian School Road

New Year’s Eve Tempe 2008 Clubhouse Music Venue

With hip-hop performances by Antedote, the Insects, Crusher Sound System, Solid Ground, Drunken Immortals All-Stars, DJ Terra and DJ Reflex. All-ages show. 9am – 2am - 1320 E. Broadway Road - Tempe, Price: $12 - $15 - $15; $12 in advance. 480-968-3238

New Year’s Eve Family Desert Party

Fiesta Bowl Block Party

Tempe Beach Park and Mill Avenue, Downtown Tempe - Tickets: $25 Named one of the top ten places in the nation to ring in the New Year by USA Today, the Insight Fiesta Bowl Block Party will welcome more than 150,000 people to enjoy New Year’s Eve entertainment, pep rallies, fireworks, carnival rides, interactive games and more.

Rawhide at Wild Horse Pass 8pm - 12:15am The Family New Year’s Eve Party will be held in the Mission Patio/Cantina/ Moonshine Room. $30 for adults and $10 for children 11 and under. Cash bar. Dinner buffet (burgers, hot dogs, chicken) starts at 8:30 p.m. Marshmallow Roast and Smores. Entertainment includes cowboy atmosphere, dancing, live music, fireworks, family cowboy games, party favors. Reservations preferred.

Plaid Tidings

Phoenix Greyhound Park, Phoenix 7:30pm With the Reign Kings and Breaking Down. The Copperstate Dinner Theater At Phoenix Greyhound Park presents the 9pm – 2am Forever Plaid Holiday show, Plaid TidClub Mardi Gras - 8040 E. McDowell ings. $40 per ticket. Road - Scottsdale, Price to be announced. 480-970-5707

New Year’s Party - Club Mardi Gras

Frank Caliendo

Tempe Improv, Tempe - 7pm $60 per ticket.

New Year’s Eve Party - Macayo’s Depot Cantina Champagne toast at midnight in the bar. 8pm - 300 S. Ash Ave. Tempe, Free 480-966-6677

DJ Ghost - The Loft

The Seattle DJ spins music for New Year’s Eve. Call for bottle service. 8pm - 420 S. Mill Ave. Tempe, Price: $10 - $10 - 480-390-5754

Jerry Riopelle with special guest The Tubes featuring Fee Waybill Dodge Theatre, Phoenix Doors open at 8pm $32 - $97 per ticket.

Mastro’s City Hall Steakhouse

6991 E. Camelback Rd., Scottsdale - 7pm $175 per person This New Year’s, City Hall will limit seating to 300 guests, who will be greeted with a complimentary glass of champagne, seated at a private table and served a five-course meal. It will include a selection of appetizers, a number of entrées and a lavish buffet of desserts.

New Year’s Eve Party

Hyatt Regency Downtown Phoenix 8:30pm Party to The Groove Merchants, a 10piece horn band playing R&B, Motown and Soul. Hors-d’oevres, cocktails, dancing, balloon drop, champagne toast. $89 per person in advance or $99 per person at the door.

Noon Year’s Eve at the Phoenix Zoo

Phoenix Zoo, Phoenix 9am - noon Tons of snow and activities near the main lake, live music, fun and games with Radio Disney, prize drawings and give-aways. The event comes to a close at noon with a special bubbly toast for kids to ring in the new year. Free for members or with regular Zoo admission. In the evening, you can also go to ZooLights on New Year’s Eve.

e4 - Miami Masquerade Ball

A Miami-style bash hosted by Miami DJ Shawn Rudnick. Includes giveaways and a midnight champagne toast. 9pm 4282 N. Drinkwater Blvd. Scottsdale, Price to be announced. 480-970-3325

Times Square - Axis/Radius

Axis/Radius is transformed into Times Square for New Year’s Eve. Includes champagne and party favors. For age 21 and older. 9pm 7340 E. Indian Plaza - Scottsdale, Price: $35 - $55 - $35; $55 for couples. Three-club pass to Axis/Radius, Suede and Myst available for $45. 480-970-1112

New Year’s Eve Celebration - The Sets New Year’s Eve Celebration - The Sets Includes drink specials, shuffleboard, a champagne toast at midnight and video DJs spinning music. VIP tickets include a ride to and from the event on a party bus and hors d’oeurves. 7pm - 93 E. Southern Ave. Tempe, Price: $15 - $125 $125 for VIP; $30 general admission for couples; $25 for couples by Dec. 15; $20 general admission for singles; $15 by Dec. 15. - 602-953-2728

Mastro’s Ocean Club Fish House

15045 N. Kierland Dr., Scottsdale 7pm $200 per person Reservations are limited to 300 guests, who will enjoy complimentary champagne, party favors and a five-course meal. Local group Azz Izz Band will perform its trademark lively music, inspiring guests to take to the dance floor until they welcome 2008 with a champagne toast. Private tables can be reserved until 11pm

Scottsdale’s Ultimate Block Party

Craftsman Court, Downtown Scottsdale Gates open at 5pm Live music, bars. VIP ticket opportunities. 21 and older only.

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Mastro’s Steakhouse

8852 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd., Scottsdale 7pm - $175 per person Mastro’s Steakhouse is hosting 300 people for New Year’s Eve. Guests will be greeted with a complimentary glass of champagne and seated for a five-course meal. The band Palmer will perform live for dancing and guests will ring in the new year with a champagne toast. The restaurant will open at 7 p.m. Private exclusive tables can be reserved for the night and dinner will be served until 11pm.

New Year’s Party - Dos Gringos Trailer Park

Features live music by Chris and Randy and a Corona countdown. 6pm – 2am - 1001 E. Eighth St. - Tempe, Free 480-968-7879

Phoenix Symphony New Year’s Eve Concert

Symphony Hall, Phoenix 7pm Tickets: $25 to $75 Ring in the new year with musical good cheer and dancing melodies. Traditional Strauss waltzes will be played alongside popular love songs and Auld Lang Syne. Your ticket includes a complimentary glass of champagne.

The Pajama Game

Herberger Theatre Center, 222 E. Monroe, Phoenix 8pm Tickets: $31 - $6 Produced by Arizona Theatre Company. “The Pajama Game is a hit parade of irresistible songs including ‘Steam Heat,’ ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’ and ‘Hey There (You with the Stars in Your Eyes).’ Stitched together for ATC by the same creative team who delighted us with the sold-out hits My Fair Lady and The Pirates of Penzance, The Pajama Game is a rambunctious pillow fight full of jazzy songs, hot dance and exuberant laughter.”

“Off Like A Prom Dress” New Year’s Eve Bash: Dress in Your 80’s Best

Martini Ranch, Scottsdale Doors open at 7pm Martini Ranch invites you to celebrate in style with the perfect place between upscale and casual so your New Year’s Eve will be filled with class, panache and fun in a carefree atmosphere. Cover starts at $20 include hats, party favors and a split of champagne. DJ XXXXX will be spinning and mashing up R & B, Top 40, House and Rock. Reserve your VIP table for the night. Packages begin at $100 per couple.

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 15 Westgate Rocks New Year’s Eve Party Westgate City Center, Glendale 5pm to 2 a.m. Activities TBA.

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Coyoacán Steak House has taken the very essence of Mexico City style cuisine by using traditional recipes and homeland chilies and spices. Chef Jason Beal has taken pride in serving only choice steaks that are carefully aged, hand-cut daily from 100% Angus beef, and char-grilled to perfection. Coyoacán Steak House also serves homeland entrées such as our Yucatan, Mayan Cochinita Pibil prepared with roasted pork in an achiote chili sauce, and our delicious Pollo en Mole Poblano, Puebla, Mexico at its best! This is truly just a sample of the great richness of Mexican culinary tradition. Coyoacán Steak House, superior quality and friendly service is more than a tradition - it’s our passion every day. Coyoacán Steak House provides patrons with top quality steak dinners and authentic Mexican entrées, served in a warm, comfortable atmosphere with friendly service. Restaurant Hours Wed & Thurs - Dinner from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Fri & Sat - Dinner from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Sunday - Brunch from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Bar Hours Fri & Sat - Live entertainment from 9:00 pm - 1:00 am Thurs & Fri - Happy Hour from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 16

MUST TRY ANTOJITOS 2008! Tentaciones

Eating Out Guide Aguas Frescas Phoenix Ranch Market 1602 E. Roosevelt. Phoenix 602-254-6676

Tamales El Bravo 8338 N. 7th St., Phoenix 602-943-9753

Tres Leches Cake La Tolteca 1205 E. Van Buren St., Phoenix 602-253-1511 Flan Los Sombreros Mexican Restaurant 2534 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale 480-994-1799 Mexican Style Sundae Fruitti Sweets 3326 N. 19th Ave, Phoenix 602-265-5151 Raspados La Reyna Michoacana 2601 N. 32nd St., Phoenix 602-956-3246 Paletas Moreliana Fruit Bars 3428 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix 602-243-0024 Mexican Coffee La Olla Coffee Company Christown Spectrum Mall 1703 West Bethany Home Road, Phoenix 602-973-5959 Mole Mini Mercado Oaxaca 9407 N. Central 602-395-0867 Tortillas Carolina’s 1202 E. Mojave St., Phoenix 602-252-1503 and 2126 E. Cactus Rd., Phoenix 602-275-8231 Quesadillas Restaurant Mexico 423 S. Mill Ave., Tempe 480-967-3280

Tortas Los Reyes de la Torta 9230 N. 7th St., Phoenix 602-870-2960 Cheesecake Bertha’s Café 2916 N. 40th St., Phoenix 602-955-1022 Red Velvet Cake Lo-Lo’s Chicken &Waffles 10 West Yuma St., Phoenix 602-340-1304

Milkshakes MacAlpine’s Soda Fountain 2303 N. 7th St., Phoenix 602-262-5545 Chocolate Pastries Sweet O Wine & Chocolate Lounge 9380 West Westgate Boulevard, Ste.D101 Glendale 623-877-3898 Garlicky, Chipotle Flavored Hummus Green Vegetarian Restaurant 2240 N. Scottsdale Rd., Tempe 480-941-9003

Advertise/Anunciate 602-348-9894

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 17

Our Cocina

Coconut Flan Ingredients 2/4 cup granulated sugar; 2 cans (13.5 fl. oz. each) coconut milk; 1 can (14 oz.) NESTLE LA LECHERA Sweetened Condensed Milk; 4 large eggs;1 teaspoon coconut extract; whipped cream; toasted flaked sweetened coconut Directions PREHEAT oven to 350° F. HEAT sugar in small, heavy-duty saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, for 5 to 7 minutes or until dissolved and caramel-colored. Pour onto bottom of 9-inch-round cake pan; quickly swirl around bottom to coat. PLACE coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, eggs and coconut extract in blender; cover. Blend for 5 seconds. Pour into prepared pan; cover lightly with foil. Place pan in large roasting pan; fill roasting pan with warm water to about 1-inch depth. BAKE for 1 hour, 15 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Remove flan from water. Cool on wire rack. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. TO SERVE, run small spatula around edge of pan. Invert serving plate over pan. Turn over; shake gently to release. Garnish with whipped cream and toasted coconut flakes.

FLAN DE COCO Ingredientes 2/4 taza de azúcar granulada; 2 latas (13.5 fl. oz. cada una) de leche de coco; 1 lata (14 oz.) de Leche Condensada Endulzada NESTLE LA LECHERA; 4 huevos grandes; 1 cucharita de extracto de coco; crema batida; ralladura de coco endulzado tostado Preparación PRECALIENTE el horno a 350° F. CALIENTE el azúcar en una cacerola muy resistente sobre fuego medio-lento. Mezcle el azúcar constantemente, de 5 a 7 minutos o hasta que se disuelva y adquiera el color de cajeta. Vierta el azúcar en el fondo de una flanera profunda de 9 pulgadas de diámetro y rápidamente distribúyelo en el fondo y en los lados para recubrirlos. PONGA la leche de coco, la leche condensada azucarada, los huevos y el extracto de coco en una licuadora. Licue los ingredientes durante 5 segundos. Viértala en la flanera preparada; cúbrala ligeramente con papel de aluminio. Coloque la flanera en una bandeja a Baño María con agua caliente a una pulgada de profundidad. HORNEE durante 1 hora y 15 minutos o hasta que al insertar un cuchillo en el centro salga limpio. Retire el flan del agua. Déjelo enfriar sobre una rajilla de metal. Refrigérelo durante 4 horas o durante la noche. PARA SERVIR, pase una pequeña espátula alrededor del borde de la flanera. Inviértala sobre un platón. Voltéela; sacúdala un poco para que se suelte. Decore el flan con crema batida y coco rallado. (CL)

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 18

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 19

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Is there any part of your life that you would like to change?

FAMILY – You’re not spending enough time together, because maybe your HEALTH isn’t the best that it could be, which in turn could affect your FINANCES! You have to go to work because without your job(s), you won’t have any money to pay for a possible doctor bill, because of that bad health, and you won’t have any money to give to your family so they could enjoy themselves without you, because you don’t have time. It’s a vicious circle. Make a change! Do it now!

We have a life-changing solution!

Call Alan 602.366.0205

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 20

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Health & Belleza

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 21

Insider Hair Tips From Consejos para el cabello Behind the Velvet Ropes to de expertos en famosos al Every Latinas Fingertips alcance de todas las latinas Dove hair care celebrity stylist Leonardo Rocco reveals exclusive hair trends and tips The looks, fresh off the green carpet at this year’s grand event, the Latin GRAMMYs, are setting the stage for holiday style. Leonardo Rocco, internationally renowned stylist to the stars was backstage at this year’s Latin GRAMMYs styling the tresses of GRAMMY-nominated Mexican singer/actress Belinda. Now, he shares exclusive behind-the-scenes footage on so Latinas everywhere will get the inside scoop on how to care and style their hair according to this year’s hottest trends. “Belinda wanted a natural and beautiful look for the Latin GRAMMYs,” says Leonardo Rocco. “However, obtaining camera-ready looks throughout the year had taken a toll on Belinda’s hair. To style it for this special occasion I used DoveHair Care products to protect and repair her hair, giving it soft, smooth radiance.” Following are some behind-the-scenes beauty tips to make your holiday hair style a hit: Breathe New Life Into Hair. Weather elements, chemical processes and heat-styling tools can damage hair. Leonardo recommends using Dove Intense Damage Therapy Shampoo, Conditioner and Repairing Treatment to repair severely damaged hair for more body, shine and strength in just five days. Latinas have distinct hair types and the Dove Hair Care product line provides individualized solutions so that they can have the hair they crave. Top Trends. This year’s Latin GRAMMYs featured some of the season’s hottest hair trends, many of which will be donned for the holidays. Styles included hair parted to the side or down the middle, falling straight or in sleek layers. Several stars wore their hair in either old-Hollywood style waves or with defined curls worn loosely down or pinned back. Latinas should turn to these looks as a starting point for ideas, but play with their hair texture to create a distinct look that is true to their real, beautiful hair. Set and Hold the Look. To achieve any style start with a smoothing product to prevent frizz and keep the hair cuticle smooth. A wide-tooth comb helps to evenly distribute product

throughout hair. Keep hair pins handy to hold stray hairs in place. Jeweled hair pins can serve a dual purpose of holding and decorating hair. Complete any look with finishing spray. Fast-drying Aerosol and non-aerosol hairsprays are ideal for increased manageability that lend to a beautiful style, helping hair feel soft and natural. Event-Ready. With many upcoming holiday functions, it is essential to know how to get ready within minutes. On http://www., Leonardo shares tips that will leave your hair event-ready in only 20 minutes. Leonardo recommends Dove Body and Lift Volumizing Mousse on the roots to pump up the volume and Dove Advanced Care Leave-In Glossing Mist on hair ends for extra shine. To create loose, cascading waves he separates hair into sections and wraps them around the barrel of a curling iron. Lastly, Leonardo completes the look by keeping the waves in place with a finishing spray. Latinas can have beautiful hair everyday with Dove. Visit http://www. to request free Dove Hair Care samples and for additional exclusive beauty tips from behind-thescenes with Leonardo. (HPRW)

Tras la 8va entrega anual de los Latin GRAMMYs, Leonardo Rocco, estilista de celebridades de Dove, nos revela tendencias y consejos exclusivos para el pelo justo a tiempo para la temporada de fiestas

Los peinados exhibidos en la alfombra verde del gran evento de este año, los Latin GRAMMYs, establecerán las pautas para los estilos a lucir en las fiestas del fin de año, y justo ahora, dondequiera que estén, las latinas pueden aprender de los expertos cómo cuidar y peinar su cabello. Visita a Leonardo Rocco en http://www., donde el estilista de celebridades de renombre internacional comparte consejos expertos de belleza y las últimas tendencias en estilos. Leonardo estuvo tras bastidores en los Latin GRAMMYs de este año, y ahora está compartiendo con las hispanas de todo el mundo los consejos y estilos que usó para peinar a Belinda, la actriz y cantante mejicana nominada al GRAMMY. “Belinda deseaba lucir un aspecto natural y bello para los Latin GRAMMYs,” dice Leonardo. “Sin embargo, estar siempre lista para las cámaras ha dejado su efecto en el cabello de Belinda. Para el peinado de esta ocasión especial, utilicé productos para el cuidado del pelo de Dove a fin de proteger y reparar su cabello, dejándolo radiante y suave.” A continuación te ofrecemos algunas sugerencias para lograr que tu peinado sea la sensación de esta temporada de fiestas: Dale nueva vida a tu pelo. El clima, los procesos químicos y los aparatos para estilizar con calor pueden maltratar el cabello. Leonardo recomienda usar el champú, acondicionador y tratamiento reparador Intense Damage Therapy de Dove para reparar el cabello severamente maltratado y darle más fuerza, brillo y volumen en solo cinco días. Las hispanas tienen distintos tipos de cabello, y la línea de Dove ofrece soluciones individualizadas para que puedan tener el pelo que desean. Los estilos más populares. En los Latin GRAMMYs de este año se presentaron algunos de los estilos más a la moda, muchos de los cuales también se exhibirán en estas fiestas. Entre ellos se incluían diversos peinados con el pelo partido a un lado o al medio, de pelo lacio o en capas delicadas. Algunas estrellas llevaron su cabello con suaves ondas como

en los años dorados de Hollywood o con rizos definidos sueltos o atados detrás. Las hispanas deben ver estos peinados como ideas iniciales y a la vez jugar con la textura de su pelo para crear peinados únicos que realmente reflejen la belleza de su pelo. Crea y mantén el peinado. Para cualquier peinado que desees, comienza con un producto suavizante para prevenir el encrespado y mantener suave la cutícula del cabello. También es bueno utilizar un peine con dientes anchos para distribuir uniformemente el producto en todo el cabello. Ten a mano pinchos para el pelo que mantengan el pelo suelto en su sitio. Los pinchos con pedrerías pueden servir el doble propósito de mantener en su sitio y adornar el pelo. Completa cualquier peinado con spray fijador. Los spray en aerosol con secante rápido y los que no tienen aerosol son ideales para mejorar el manejo requerido para un peinado que luce hermoso y a la vez se siente suave y natural. Lista para el evento. Con tantos eventos en esta temporada de fiestas, es esencial aprender a alistarse en unos cuantos minutos. En http://www.pasalabelleza. com/dove, Leonardo comparte consejos que dejarán tu cabello listo para el evento en solo 20 minutos. Leonardo recomienda usar la espuma Body and Lift Volumizing Mousse de Dove en la raíz del cabello a fin de aumentar el volumen, y el Advanced Care Leave-In Glossing Mist de Dove en las puntas para brillo adicional. Para crear ondas suaves y hermosas, Leonardo separa el pelo en secciones y las envuelve en el cilindro de una plancha para rizos. Por último, Leonardo completa el peinado manteniendo las ondas controladas con un spray de terminación. Las latinas pueden tener un cabello hermoso todos los días con Dove. Visita para solicitar muestras gratis de Dove Hair Care y también para exclusivos consejos de belleza detrás de las cámaras con Leonardo. (HPRW)

Pregunta las Estrellas!

Hola mis estrellitas! Soy tu Chica de las Estrellas. The stars and planets have answers to your questions about love, work, health y su dirección en la vida. Por favor mandame your questions y tu birthday including the Month, Day and Year, your time of birth and the location including the town, state and country. By unlocking the information in your astrological chart, puedo ver the answer! Preguntame! Chavez, un Aries de Phoenix, Arizona me pregunta: How can I tell if I am ready for a loving, healthy intimate relationship? ¡Oye! If you are asking me this, the answer is no. ¡No estás listo! A perfect mate does not just fall into your lap. Now through 2012 let go of the idea of a permanent partner. Place your focus on you right now as your path of destiny makes contact with the sun. The love goddess Venus is out of reach and out of bounds in your natal chart. This challenges your ability to identify what you really want. Focus on self definition and the achievement of your career goals. With patience and in time a mate will come. Debbie, una Pisces de Medford, Massachusetts me pregunta: Is there anything else left to play out with my Scorpio ex-boyfriend? Resist your desire to twine yourself back to your ex. Only allow the slightest bit of communication and nothing more. Life swings and sways in ups and downs echoing the sea-saw configuration of your birth chart. Gemini, the dualistic chatterbox keeps watch on your fifth house of creativity. His dualistic indecisiveness confuses boundaries where lovers are concerned. Take this opportunity to begin to set boundaries. You have choices. Make things happen rather then letting them happen to you. Dan, un Cancer de Kingston, New York me pregunta: I am with a wonderful woman. Will we last forever? Many planetary connections dicen sí! Your stoic Saturn is tickled by your lover’s lucky Jupiter and teased by her seductive Lilith. Your desire and drive flash in the face of your sweetheart with her ascendent conjunct your Mars. Natal Uranus in your sixth house of daily happenings spontaneously reacts with her Mars and Venus promising a constant feeling of newness for the two of you. Your midheavens square each other’s giving everlasting stability to your joining. This relationship is blessed with great Astrology. What becomes of this is up to your free will. Send your questions y su información del nacimiento to Chica de las Estrellas at: or on Myspace at: I am available for personal consultations. Please call 772.233.8229 to make your appointment ahorita!

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 22

Body, Mind & Espiritu

Suerte from the

M ON ¡El valor, el poder y la determinación! The New Moon receives encouragement from Jupiter on January 8 as they share the influence of the determined sea goat Capricorn. Pulling this procession forward is Capricorn’s sure footed ruler Saturn who hovers in opposition in the contemplative sign of Virgo. The pure discernment of Virgo, along with Capricorn’s ability to forge higher than was possible in the past, spurs the recent trends to improve the environment and humanity. We are just beginning to feel the effects of Saturn’s current transit. Stores are greening their product lines, devoting themselves to offering earth-friendly products. Corporations are encouraging their workers to focus on exercise, health and wellness by giving incentives for reduced insurance fees. Restaurants are offering organic and blood type conscious dishes. Municipalities are making it easier to recycle. Harsh chemicals are being replaced by earth friendly alternatives. Finalamente those who possess power are taking action. Mars acts as a sentry declaring an urgent need for this in his current war cry. Tuning into the warrior, we are forced back through our past conversations. We now have an opportunity to set things right.

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21


No time to recover from the emotional whiplash of the holidays. As your pace quickens, avoid sloppy shortcuts. A friend’s words spark needed ideas. Wait for this information before initiating your attack.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22

Take responsibility and make the big decision when the surface cracks open. Set your goals to come to fruition toward the end of the year. Until then, slow and steady movement forward ensures your success.

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22

The confusion created last year needs time to unwind. Realign your desires and think choosing your new direction. Many changes are in store for you. Slow down and focus on your health.

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21

No hay tiempo para recuperarse del trallazo emocional de los días de fiesta. Al acelerar tu paso, evita esas atajos descuidados. Palabras de un amigo te da nuevas ideas. Espera esta información antes de iniciar tu ataque.

Tauro April 20/21 to May 21/22

Toma la responsabilidad y hagas la decisión grande cuando las grietas superficiales se abren. Prepara tus metas para sucedir hacia el final del año. Hasta entonces, cojelo suave y constante para asegurar tu éxito.

Geminis May 21/22 to June 21/22

La confusión creado el año pasado necesita tiempo para desenrollar. Piensa en tus deseos para ayudar su nueva dirección. Muchos cambios están en tu destino. Sigue lentamente y ponle atención a tu salud.

Life is sweet and complex and dark like chocola- Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23 te. Your mind is on self gratification rather then La vida es dulce y compleja y oscuro como el chopractical affairs. No need to be self doubting. Put colate. No tengas dudas. Ponga tu energía en penyour energy into positive thoughts to expand your samientos positivos para ampliar tu mundo. world. Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24 Estás listo para hacer tu pasión en realidad. Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24 You are ready to take your passion beyond fan- Durante este proceso puedes encontrar un obstatasy and into your reality. During this process you culo Tengas paciencia sin una lucha y las recommay encounter a squall. Ride it out without a fight pensas serán generosas. and the rewards will be bountiful. Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24 La vida retrasa a un paso más cómodo. Ahora Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24 alcanzas una mayor cantidad en un estiramiento Life slows down to a more comfortable pace. You más corto del tiempo. Preparate para un evento now achieve a greater amount in a shorter stretch público. of time. Plan to be in front of the public eye.

Jupiter trines Saturn on January 21, flooding light on a previously hidden matter at a global level. Let’s keep our eyes and ears open Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24 para cosas concerning world religions and their Keep your grand scheme under your hat for now. leaders. ¡Ahora sea el tiempo perfecto de crear Wait until you have taken actual steps before broadcasting. Recommit to what is giving back to la paz en el mundo! you. Let this feed your creativity. Recycle the rest. The prankster Mercury in the innovative sign of Aquarius amplifies our ability to see Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23 the intricacies of past patterns. On January 28 Go over your challenges rather then charging straihe skips back through the electric innovator’s ght through them. Resist giving into a half-baked realm. Check your wiring and power sources. version of what you really want. Clean out the Take time out to use pure herbal scents to in- unwanted muck of your consciousness. Say what spire relaxation. Clear your air filter and purify you really mean. your environment. Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22 On January 25 Pluto takes his first A serious choice confronts you. Stay grounded determined step out of the sign of the meta- and work hard to stick to your standards. Keep your eyes forward. Don’t let temptation pull you physical meanderer Sagittarius and into Capri- off of your path. corn. During Pluto’s upcoming tour in the earthy realm of the efficient father, we are to witness Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21 many earth changes. In the next year Pluto has The uncontrollable chatter spilling out of your moments in both dimensions before he leaves mouth is suddenly making sense. Be sure to be the province of the poetic pilgrim until March of standing near the right folks when the gems flow 2023. Since January of 1995, Pluto has trekked from your mouth. through Sagittarius. His recent route took him on Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19 a journey through the galactic center and past New career opportunities surface disguised as a the great attractor. These points shifted the hu- side project. Fit them into your schedule. Push man mind radically and at a very deep level. yourself outside your comfortable zone. It’s all ¡El futuro es ahora! Set your head- about being in the right place at the right time. ing toward what you truly desire and watch the Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20 winds take you there. To find what sort of cosmic Change your route to avoid burnout. This new weather to prepare for over the next few weeks, perspective helps you to identify and avoid inappropriate babble. Careful not to pile it on too high please read your sun sign. or too thick.

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24

Guardar tu esquema magnífico debajo de tu sombrero para ahora. Esperar hasta que hayas tomado medidas reales antes de difundir. No te olvides otros, te vas a alimentar tu creatividad. Reciclar el resto.

Escorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23

Estudies tus desafíos y no luches con ellos. No digas “si” si no es lo que quieres realmente. Limpia la suciedad indeseada de tu sentido. Diga lo que intentas realmente.


November 22/23 to December 21/22

Una opción seria te enfrenta. Mantenga tu lugar y ojos delanteros. No dejes el tirón de la tentación danar tus metas.


December 21/22 to January 20/21

Las palabras incontrolable que se derrama fuera de tu boca está teniendo sentido. Acercate a la gente apropriada cuando estas ideas fluyen de tu boca.

Acuario January 20/21 to February 18/19

Nuevas oportunidades de empleo se presentan disfrazada como proyecto lateral. Caberlas en tu horario. Empujarte fuera de tu zona cómoda. Esta en el lugar correcto en el momento adecuado.

Piscis February 18/19 to March 19/20

Cambiar tu ruta para evitar quemadura. Esta nueva perspectiva te ayuda a identificar y a evitar charla inadecuada. Cuidate a llenarla en demasiado alta o demasiado densamente.

Chica de las Estrellas has been working with Astrology since 1974. She has been featured as a relationship expert on the Learning Channel and has consulted for companies including IBM and the J.W. Marriott. Ella tiene a degree from NorthStar College of Astrological Studies and is available for consultations including relationship, career, health and finding la calle por tu vida. Printed Astrological reports available in English y Español. To contact her please write to: y por favor visit her on MySpace at:

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 23

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 24

Musica/Film/News and Reviews Musica

Take Santana and marry his Latin groove with the soulful funk of James Brown and what do you get? The Latin Funk of Gunzawless. The fresh, original sound of Gunzawless is brought to the Phoneix valley by the Brothers Gonzales who are turning heads with their funky beats. The quintet has established itself as one of the most interesting and, in some ways, one of the most unique performing bands to come out of the southwest in years. Keeping it in the family, the brothers have been independently playing music for a long time. It wasn’t until they formed Gunzawless and brought their individual styles together that they were able to make the music they had been trying to create separately for years. Drawing on their creative and professional musicianship, Gunzawless knows no bounds. Frank the eldest Gonzales brother and architect of the Gunzawless sound plays guitar and handles lead vocals. “Sweet” Pete Gonzales plays the bass guitar and sings. Paul G., the youngest, sings and covers the keyboards. Mike “Cheeba” De La Torre lays down the rhythm on drums and Matt “The SupaVaiza” Vaiza is the percussionist with the afro-beat.

First-Ever ‘Mi tRl awards,’ Celebrating the Show’s Most Exciting artists and Moments, Set to air on December 15th at 3 PM The Star Studded Awards Show To Feature Appearances By Jessica Alba, Juanes, Paulina Rubio, Menudo, Adrienne Bailon, Omarion, Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, and Zuleyka Rivera Live Performance by RBD

MTV Tr3s announced the nominees for “The 1st Annual Mi TRL Awards” set to air on Saturday, December 15th at 3 PM. The “Mi TRL Awards” will recognize and honor the people and music that make “Mi TRL” the “must watch” show for U.S. Latinos and send the winners home with a shiny “Gallo” (rooster) trophy. The show will be packed with some of today’s hottest celebrities accepting and presenting awards, in addition to live performances and other surprises along the way. Hosted by “Mi TRL” VJ Carlos Santos and co-hosted by Karli Henriquez (“Karlifornia), the “Mi TRL Awards” will celebrate the most exciting artists and moments from the show’s first year. The awards special will include a live performance by Mexican pop sensation RBD, who’s new album “Empezar Desde Zero” just debuted in the #1 slot on the Latin music charts. There will also be appearances by Jessica Alba, Juanes, Paulina Rubio, Menudo, Adrienne Bailon, Omarion, Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, and Zuleyka Rivera. All artists and celebrities are invited to hang out in the VIP Lounge where they can kick back, mingle and watch the show. Karli will be hosting one-on-one interviews from the lounge as well. As a special treat, one lucky MTV Tr3s viewer, selected for his or her answer to why they are the ultimate “Mi TRL” viewer, will be named the winner of the “Pepsi Mi TRL Awards Viewers Choice Award Casting Call Challenge” and will co-present the “Mi TRL Pepsi Viewers Choice Award.” Fans will also be able to check out a flipbook covering the event, including a gallery of the best of the red carpet action, on stage highlights and more, by logging onto starting December 15th.

“Mi TRL Awards” nominees were selected by a panel of MTV Tr3s executives and viewers weighed in on the winners via audience polls.

la entrega de los primeros premios ‘Mi tRl awards’ rendirá homenaje a los artistas y momentos más vibrantes del programa, y se transmitirá el 15 de diciembre a las 3 PM La ceremonia de premiación, plena de estrellas invitadas, contará con presentaciones de Jessica Alba, Juanes, Paulina Rubio, Menudo, Adrienne Bailon, Omarion, Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown y Zuleyka Rivera Y una presentación en vivo de RBD

MTV Tr3s anunció los nombres de los nominados a la primera entrega anual del premio “Mi TRL Awards”, cuya ceremonia se transmitirá el sábado 15 de diciembre a las 3 PM. “Mi TRL Awards” rendirán homenaje y serán un reconocimiento a los artistas y la música que han transformado a “Mi TRL” en el programa “que nadie se puede perder” para los hispanos estadounidenses, con el otorgamiento a los ganadores del reluciente trofeo “Gallo”. El programa contará con algunas de las celebridades más populares del momento, tanto en la entrega como en el anuncio de los premios, además de presentaciones en vivo y otras sorpresas. La ceremonia de entrega de “Mi TRL Awards”, cuyos co-presentadores serán Carlos Santos, VJ de “Mi TRL” y Karli Henríquez (de “Karlifornia”), será una celebración de los artistas y momentos más vibrantes del primer año del programa. La programación especial de premiación consistirá en un espectáculo en vivo a cargo del sensacional grupo pop mexicano RBD, cuyo nuevo álbum “Empezar Desde Cero” acaba de debutar en el primer lugar de las listas de éxitos musicales. También se presentarán Jessica Alba, Juanes, Paulina Rubio, Menudo, Adrienne Bailon, Omarion, Snoop Dogg, Chris Brown, y Zuleyka Rivera. Todos los artistas y celebridades están invitados a compartir en el Salón VIP de donde podrán relajar, conversar y ver el programa. Además, Karli estará realizando entrevistas individuales desde ese sitio preferencial. Y como regalo especial, un(a) televidente afortunado(a) de MTV Tr3s, elegido(a) por su respuesta a la pregunta de por qué es el (la) mayor admirador(a) de “Mi TRL”, ganará el “Pepsi Mi TRL Awards Viewers Choice Award Casting Call Challenge” para participar como co-presentador(a) en la entrega del premio “Premio Pepsi Mi TRL al Favorito de la Teleaudiencia” Los simpatizantes del programa

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 25

Musica/Film/News and Reviews

también podrán admirar una selección de imágenes del evento, incluyendo una galería con lo mejor de la acción en la alfombra roja, así como momentos notables en el escenario y más, visitando el sitio Web a partir del 15 de diciembre. Los nominados al premio “Mi TRL Awards” fueron seleccionados por un panel en el que participaron ejecutivos de MTV Tr3s, y los televidentes que escogieron a los ganadores en encuestas a la teleaudiencia. Following are the nominees for the “The 1st Annual Mi TRL Awards”: Estos son los nominados para la primera entrega anual de los premios “The 1st Annual Mi TRL Awards”: CHICo oF tHE YEaR (Male of the year) Enrique Iglesias Daddy Yankee Juanes Ricky Martin CHICa oF tHE YEaR (Female of the year) Belinda Beyoncé Paulina Rubio Jennifer Lopez “You CoMPlEtE ME” aWaRD (Co-HoSt oF tHE YEaR) Belinda Adrienne Bailon Zuleyka Rivera Paulina Rubio So You tHInK You Can aCt? aWaRD Obsessed with Jennifer Lopez Ask Papi: George Lopez The Musical: Zuleyka Rivera Bathroom Etiquette: Enrique Iglesias “tHEY KIllED It” aWaRD (PERFoRManCE oF tHE YEaR) Aventura Daddy Yankee RBD Wisin Y Yandel Mi tRl PEPSI VIEWERS CHoICE aWaRD Aventura - “Los Infieles” Enrique Iglesias - “Dimelo” RBD – “Tu Amor” Ricky Martin featuring La Mari de Chambao & Tommy Torres - “Tu Recuerdo” “It’S all Fun anD GaMES untIl SoMEonE loSES an EYE” Changing Babies: Wisin Y Yandel The Latin Inquizition: Beyoncé Dibujonary: Residente (Calle 13) Playing golf with Carlos: Jessica Alba “SHoulD HaVE DVR’D It” aWaRD (SuRPRISInG MoMEnt) Aventura surprises Carlos with Mom Obie Bermudez surprises Jennifer Peña with a serenade Belinda discovers 3-way kissing Carlos teaches Beyoncé how to salsa

Television y Film azteca américa Presented a First of Its Kind Special Highlighting the Very Best of the People’s Choice awards (los Ganadores de la Gente) from 1999 to 2007 Azteca América presented Los Ganadores de la Gente, a special that showcased the best of El Premio de la Gente from 1999 until 2007. The event, produced by UNO Productions, was hosted by E! Entertainment star Daisy Fuentes and Azteca América’s actor Omar Germenos. The winners of the music and sports categories of 2007 were also announced. RBD won Pop Group of the Year. Boxing sensation Julio Cesar Chávez Jr. was voted Most Popular Boxer of the Year and singer Belinda was named New Artist of the Year. A complete list of winners can be found at the conclusion of this release. The two-and-a half hour special also showcased past special tributes to, among others, music legend Celia Cruz. Her 2003 tribute, presented by Juan Gabriel, was accepted by her husband Pedro Knight. The special also included a 2000 tribute to Joan Sebastian presented by Marco Antonio Solís “El Buki” and composer and singer Antonio Aguilar, as well as the presentation of a special award to Spanish singer Miguel Bosé. Special recognitions for Renán Almendárez Coello “El Cucuy” in 2004 and to Eddie “El Piolín” Sotelo in 2005 were also included on the show. The special also showcased a presentation of the 2001 edition of El Premio de la Gente. “Voces Cristianas,” led by Mexican singer Yuri, performed a song about love and hope. “Azteca América is proud to offer its audience the best of the last seven years of Los Ganadores de la Gente,” said Adrián Steckel, the network’s President and CEO. “El Premio de la Gente is important for Azteca América because it’s the fans who chose the most outstanding artists and athletes of 2007.” Fans of Latino celebrities have chosen the winners of El Premio de la Gente for seven years. In 2007 and due to viewers’ requests, the organization added sports categories. Fans voted from October 14 to November 14 of 2007 on http:// Azteca América also announced “El Reto de la Gente,” a trivia contest. Fans will be able to play via SMS (text message) by sending the word “premio” to 55225; or by visiting http:// and answering music and sports questions about their favorite celebrities. The grand prize is a “convivio’ (meet & greet) with Daisy Fuentes plus an all-expense trip paid to Los Angeles. Other winners will receive Nano iPods. Participants will be able to play from December 2 to January 1, 2008. Visit for further details.

azteca américa presentó un especial fuera de serie con lo mejor de los Ganadores de la Gente desde 1999 hasta 2007

Azteca América presentó el especial Los Ganadores de la Gente, un historial que compiló lo mejor de El Premio de la Gente desde 1999 hasta 2007. El evento fue producido por UNO Productions y conducido por la estrella de E! Entertainment Daisy Fuentes conjuntamente con el actor de Azteca América, Omar Germenos. En el programa se anunciaron oficialmente los ganadores en las categorías de música y deporte de este año 2007. RBD ganó en la categoría Grupo Pop del Año. El pugilista Julio Cesar Chávez Jr. fue votado como el Boxeador Más Popular y la cantante Belinda como la Artista Revelación del Año. La lista completa de todos los ganadores se encuentra anexa al final de este comunicado. El show, de dos horas y media, presentó lo mejor de los reconocimientos otorgados a través de los años a leyendas del mundo del espectáculo como Celia Cruz. Su tributo, presentado en el 2003 por Juan Gabriel, fue recibido por su esposo Pedro Knight (Q.E.P.D.). Al cantante español Miguel Bosé se le reconoció en el show producido en el Forum de Los Ángeles en el año 2005. También se recordó en el programa el tributo a Joan Sebastian, el cual fue presentado por Marco Antonio Solís “El Buki” y el actor e intérprete Antonio Aguilar (Q.E.P.D.) en el año 2000. Los tributos otorgados a Renán Almendárez Coello “El Cucuy” en el 2004 y a Eddie “El Piolín”

Sotelo en 2005 también fueron incluidos. El programa también presentó una actuación especial que se transmitió en la edición de El Premio de la Gente en el 2001, en la cual actuó un grupo llamado “Voces Cristianas”. Encabezado por la cantante mexicana Yuri, el grupo interpretó una canción de amor y esperanza ante la incertidumbre que se vivía en ese momento en el país. “Azteca América se enorgullece en ofrecer a sus televidentes lo mejor de los últimos siete años de Los Ganadores de la Gente”, dijo Adrián Steckel, Presidente de la cadena. El Premio de la Gente es importante para nosotros porque son los fans los que escogieron a los deportistas y artistas más destacados del 2007”. Fans de las más populares celebridades Latinas han elegido a los Ganadores de El Premio de la Gente durante siete años. En esta ocasión, la organización decidió incluir, a petición popular, categorías deportivas. Las mismas se votaron desde el 14 octubre al 14 de noviembre de 2007 a través de la página: Azteca América también anunció el concurso de “El Reto de la Gente”. Los fans podrán enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra “premio” al 55225; o podrán visitar http://www.elpremio. tv para responder las preguntas acerca de sus artistas y deportistas favoritos. El primer premio es un “convivio’ con Daisy Fuentes y un viaje a Los Ángeles con todos los gastos pagados. Los otros ganadores recibirán Nano iPods. Los participantes podrán jugar desde el 2 de diciembre hasta el 1 de enero de2008. Para más información, visite: http:// Los Ganadores de la Gente 2007 -- Mejor Artista Pop o Grupo del Año - RBD (Álbum: Celestial) -- Jugador de Béisbol Más Popular del Año - Alex Rodríguez (Equipo: New York Yankees) -- Artista o Grupo Regional Mexicano - Alicia Villareal (Álbum: Orgullo de Mujer) -- Equipo Más Popular del Año - San Antonio Purs (Deporte: Basquetbol) -- Artista Revelación – Belinda (Álbum: Utopia) -- Atleta del Año - Emmanuel Ginóbili (Equipo: San Antonio Spurs) -- Artista o Grupo Tropical del Año - Olga Tañón (Álbum: Soy Como Tú) -- Boxeador Mas Popular del Año - Julio Cesar Chávez Jr. -- Artista del Año - Shakira (Álbum: Fijación Oral) -- Equipo de Futbol Más Popular del Año - LA Galaxy (Ciudad: Los Ángeles, CA) -- Álbum del Año - Fijación Oral (Interprete: Shakira) -- Jugador de Basquetbol Más Popular del Año - Emmanuel Ginóbili (Equipo: San Antonio Spurs) -- Canción del Año - Pam Pam – Wisin & Yandel (Productores: Héctor Luis Delgado, Juan Luis Morera Luna, Uandel Veguilla Malave, Marco E. Masis) -- Equipo de Fútbol Internacional Más Popular del Año - Brasil (Confederación Brasilera de Fútbol)

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 26

The 37th annual Fiesta Bowl returns to Glendale’s, University of Phoenix Stadium on January 2, 2008. The square-off between Oklahoma and West Virginia kicks off at 5:30 pm MST. The event, which has already sold out, will be telecast on FOX 10. The 2006-07 Fiesta Bowl Festival of College Football generated an overall economic impact of $401.7 million, with the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game alone resulting in a record economic impact of $171.5 million, according to a study by the W. P. Carey Sports Business Program at Arizona State University. Faculty researchers surveyed out-of-state visitors who attended four Fiesta Bowl events: the Insight Bowl, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Fiesta Bowl National Band Championship, the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl and the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game. Organizational spending associated with these events also impacted the Arizona economy, resulting in the record economic impact of $401.7 million. Primary contributing factors to the economic impact figures are: • Tostitos BCS National Championship Game – $171.5 million • Tostitos Fiesta Bowl – $115.8 million • Insight Bowl – $62.2 million • National Band Championship – $7.8 million • Organizational Spending – $44.4 million “This is spectacular news and verifies the importance of the Fiesta Bowl and the Insight Bowl to Arizona,” said Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano. “The economic impact that these games and the Fiesta Bowl festival bring our state is remarkable, but even more important is the hundreds of thousands of visitors and our own citizens who will always carry warm memories of these events in Arizona. Thousands of Arizonans who supported this as volunteers or through their work in the hospitality industry deserve our congratulations for making these events crown jewels of our state’s economic development.” Other civic leaders also noted their appreciation, including: “It is an exciting time in Glendale and our partnership with The Fiesta Bowl organization is an important part of the great things happening,” said Glendale Mayor Elaine Scruggs. “We are very pleased to learn that the incredible Fiesta Bowl and BCS Championship games played in Glendale produced such a tremendous economic impact for our community, the surrounding metropolitan area and the state of Arizona. We look forward to hosting many more in the future and having them all be just as successful.” “I would sum up Scottsdale’s relationship with the Fiesta Bowl like this: Economic benefit to Scottsdale and the region: enormous,” said Scottsdale Mayor Mary Manross. “Value of the fun we have when the fans celebrate in our downtown, our restaurants and our resorts: priceless.” The combined $401.7 million for the 2006-07 season surpasses the previous best, which was set following the 2002-03 national championship season. It also significantly exceeds the original prediction for the economic impact of the 2006-07 season, which was projected at $315 million back in September of 2006 by the Arizona State University College of Business. “The record-breaking results of this year’s economic impact study are just the icing on the cake for a tremendous national championship season including three fantastic games,” said Fiesta Bowl Chairman of the Board, Dick Stemple. “They are a rewarding testament to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, participants, sponsors and everyone who contributed to the Festival of College Football.” Researchers from Arizona State University also determined that the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game, Tostitos Fiesta Bowl and Insight Bowl: • Generated labor demand equivalent to 3,576 jobs; and • Generated $10.11 million in state and local taxes. “Supporting and contributing to the economic development of this great state remain two important objectives of our organization,” said John Junker, Fiesta Bowl President and CEO. “The Fiesta Bowl could not be more proud to not only have achieved, but surpassed these goals with the help of the entire community.” According to the study, out-of-state visitors spent $178.8 million for lodging, food, entertainment, and other goods and services while in the Valley of the Sun. An additional $44.4 million was spent by the Fiesta Bowl organization and others associated with the activities. The third element of the overall impact reflects the collective result visitor spending had on Arizona’s economy for the three bowl games, which amounted to an induced spending number of $349.5 million, the highest ever for the Fiesta Bowl. “The positive impact that the Fiesta Bowl has had on our community is nothing short of incredible,” said Ray Artigue, executive director of the ASU Sports Business MBA program. “They have produced not only great football games but great economic impact for our Valley as well.” The study shows that non-local fans spent an average of $363.70 per day in the Phoenix area for the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game, $297.80 per day for the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl per day and $272.50 per day for the Insight Bowl. The largest expenditures were for air fares, hotels, eating and drinking, retail and car rental, and the average length of stay per person across the three bowl games was roughly four nights. The study also indicates that the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game was attended by 76,081, 80% of which were visitors; the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl was attended by 74,216 people, 70% of which were visitors; and the Insight Bowl was attended by 48,391 people, 57% of which were visitors. Of visitors who traveled to the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game, 15% did not have tickets to the event. For the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl and Insight Bowl, 1% and 2% respectively did not have tickets to the games. In addition, out-of-state visitors were also surveyed at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Fiesta Bowl National Band Championship. An estimated 3,200 visitors attended this event and stayed an average of five nights. Expenditures associated with the National Band Championship had an impact of $7.8 million on the local economy. While events such as the Fort McDowell Fiesta Bowl Parade presented by Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation and the Insight Fiesta Bowl Block Party were likely to have drawn out-of-state visitors, the economic impact estimate does not include impact numbers for these events as the survey team did not collect data from them. According to the study, this makes the overall estimated impact of visitor spending conservative.

West Virginia and Oklahoma meet for the fourth time in their history with the Sooners leading the series, 2-1. The Mountaineers won the most recent meeting, 41-27, on Sept. 11, 1982, while Oklahoma won 52-10 on Sept. 16, 1978 and 47-14 on Sept. 27, 1958. All three games were played in Norman.

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Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 27

2007-08 Official calendar of Events *Please note that all event times, dates and information are subject to change.

TUCSON FIESTA BOWL MIDDLE SCHOOL SPOT SHOT Halftime of basketball game on Dec. 22 McKale Center, University of Arizona Tucson, AZ Sunday, Dec. 9 & Saturday, Dec. 22 TUCSON FIESTA BOWL WESTERN CLASSIC TIP OFF 5:30pm Westin La Paloma Tucson, AZ Friday, Dec. 21, 2007 Meet the coaches and players from the University of Arizona and San Diego State as they “Tip Off” the Fiesta Bowl SHOWCASE Classic. Guests will enjoy autograph opportunities, cocktails, dinner, games, an old time dance show and charro ropers. For tickets or more information, please call (520) 327-BOWL. TUCSON FIESTA BOWL SHOWCASE CLASSIC PRE-GAME PARTY

TBD Hall of Champions Pavilion, University of Arizona Tucson, AZ Saturday, Dec. 227 This pre-game party features entertainment, games, raffle prizes, food and beverages. For tickets or more information, please call (520) 327-BOWL.

TUCSON FIESTA BOWL SHOWCASE CLASSIC TBD McKale Center, University of Arizona Tucson, AZ Saturday, Dec. 22 In its 23rd year, the Fiesta Bowl and the University of Arizona present a showcase game featuring a match-up between the San Diego State Aztecs and the Arizona Wildcats. For tickets or more information, please call (520) 327-BOWL.

30TH ANNUAL BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF ARIZONA FIESTA BOWL NATIONAL BAND CHAMPIONSHIP presented by University of Phoenix Preliminaries – 1pm Finals – 6pm University of Phoenix Stadium Glendale, AZ Friday, Dec. 28 FSN ARIZONA FIESTA BOWL YOUTH FOOTBALL CLINIC 10am – 1:30pm Glendale Youth Sports Complex Glendale, AZ Saturday, December 29, 2007 37TH ANNUAL FORT MCDOWELL FIESTA BOWL PARADE presented by Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation 11am - Central Phoenix, AZ Saturday, Dec. 29 10TH ANNUAL FIESTA BOWL SCOTTSDALE ART WALK Noon - 5pm Downtown Scottsdale, AZ Saturday, Dec. 29 19 ANNUAL INSIGHT BOWL 3:30pm Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ Monday, Dec. 31 This New Year’s Eve bowl game is an electrifying experience in college football that you won’t want to miss! The Big Ten and Big 12 conferences face-off with hardhitting on-field action and rambunctious fans in attendance to support their teams. Annually held at Sun Devil Stadium in Tempe, the Insight Bowl is just steps away from the excitement of Mill Avenue and the Insight Fiesta Bowl Block Party – Arizona’s largest New Year’s Eve celebration. Ticket price includes free admission to the Block Party. TH

INSIGHT FIESTA BOWL BLOCK PARTY 4pm – 12:15am Mill Avenue District & Tempe Beach Park Tempe, AZ Monday, Dec. 31 As Arizona’s biggest and most exciting New Year’s Eve bash, the Insight Fiesta Bowl Block Party is a jam-packed evening of fun and entertainment for the entire family. More than 100,000 party-goers annually celebrate in Tempe’s Beach Park and Mill Avenue District amidst spectacular fireworks displays and Arizona’s official midnight countdown drop. With more than 40 local bands and entertainers, a national headlining music act, beer gardens, dueling pianos, freestyle motor cross jumpers and more, this is one fantastic celebration you won’t want to miss!

STADIUM CLUB PRESENTED BY BAR-S FOODS 2pm Arena - Lot G South Glendale, AZ Wednesday, Jan. 2

FIESTA BOWL INVITATIONAL PRESENTED BY MICHAEL & ELLIE ZIEGLER 6:30pm – 11pm The Phoenician Scottsdale, AZ Tuesday, Jan. 1

FIESTA BOWL WOMEN’S GYMNASTICS COMPETITION 8am – 9pm Friday, Feb. 8 & Saturday, Feb. 9 8am – 7pm Sunday, Feb. 10 Rawhide Western Town Chandler, AZ This gymnastics meet is the longest running competition in the state of Arizona. Competitors from across the nation perform their strength and flexibility routines.

TOSTITOS FIESTA BOWL BRINGS YOU COLLEGE FOOTBALL’S BIGGEST PARTY Noon Glendale Youth Sports Complex Glendale, AZ Wednesday, Jan. 2 Annually attracting tens of thousands of fans, College Football’s Biggest Party is an action-packed celebration full of the ultimate tailgate experience. Crazed sports fanatics gear-up for the big game while enjoying pep rallies, performances by the university marching bands and cheerleaders, Jumbotrons to watch the preceding bowl games, interactive games and food and beverage booths. Ticket price includes a plated meal.

37TH ANNUAL TOSTITOS FIESTA BOWL 5:30pm University of Phoenix Stadium Glendale, AZ Wednesday, January 2, 2008 As a member of the Bowl Championship Series, the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl has the opportunity to host the champion of the Big 12 Conference as well as another one of the nation’s top college football teams. The 37th Annual Tostitos Fiesta Bowl will be played at University of Phoenix Stadium and telecast on Fox.

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Sports y Mas

Dec 07 / Jan 08 - Page 28

Fox Sports en Espanol to Telecast the FIFA Club World Cup 2007 for Third Consecutive Year

Featuring Latin American Powerhouses Pachuca and Boca Juniors, Live and Exclusive Tournament Coverage in Spanish Begins Friday, December 7 The much anticipated FIFA Club World Cup returns to Fox Sports en Espanol for the third consecutive year. In-game announcing duties for the network’s live and exclusive Spanishlanguage coverage of the 2007 edition of the year-end international club soccer championship will be shared by Raul Orvananos, Fernando Niembro, Santiago Puente, and Mariano Closs. The FIFA Club World Cup 2007 will be played December 7-16 in Japan by representatives of each of FIFA’s six confederations and will crown the world’s best club team. Participating in this year’s tournament are the winners of the CONCACAF Champions’ Cup, Pachuca of Mexico; CONMEBOL Copa Toyota Libertadores cham-

pions, Boca Juniors of Argentina; OFC Champions League winners, Waitakere United of New Zealand; UEFA Champions League winners, Inter Milan of Italy; and CAF Champions League winners, Etoile Sportive du Sahel of Tunisia. While the tournament traditionally features six teams, by virtue of host Japan’s Urawa Red Diamonds’ AFC Champions League victory earlier this month, a seventh team AFC runner up Sepahan of Iran - will also vie for the international club soccer crown. Live in Spanish from Tokyo’s National Stadium at 5:30am ET, the FIFA Club World Cup 2007 kicks off on Fox Sports en Espanol with a playoff match between Sepahan and Waitakere United on Friday, December 7. Fox Sports en Espanol’s live coverage will also include two quarterfinal and two semifinal matches, the third place match and the final, which will take place at International Stadium Yokohama on Sunday, December 16 at 5am ET. (HPRW)

FOX SPORTS EN ESPANOL FIFA CLUB WORLD CUP 2007 TELECAST SCHEDULE(A) Playoff - December 7, 2007 Sepahan (Iran) vs. Waitakere United (New Zealand) 5:30am. ET Quarterfinals December 9, 2007 Etoile Sportive du Sahel (Tunisia) vs. Pachuca (Mexico) 12:30am ET December 10, 2007 Playoff Winner vs. Urawa Red Diamonds (Japan)

5am. ET

Semifinals December 12, 2007 First Quarterfinal Winner vs. Boca Juniors (Argentina) 5am ET December 13, 2007 Second Quarterfinal Winner vs. AC Milan (Italy) 5am ET Match for Third Place - December 16, 2007 Loser of First Semifinal vs. Loser of Second Semifinal 1:30am. ET Final - December 16, 2007 Winner of First Semifinal vs. Winner of Second Semifinal 5am ET (a) Schedule subject to change.

Fox Sports en Español transmite Campeonato Mundial de Clubes de la FIFA del 2007 por tercer año consecutivo Con los destacados equipos latinoamericanos Pachuca y Boca Juniors, la cobertura exclusiva en vivo del torneo en español comienza el viernes 7 de diciembre El sumamente anticipado Campeonato Mundial de Clubes de la FIFA regresa a Fox Sports en Español la próxima semana por tercer año consecutivo. Raul Orvañanos, Fernando Niembro, Santiago Puente, y Mariano Closs formarán el equipo de comentaristas para todos los partidos. El Campeonato Mundial de Clubes de la FIFA del 2007 tendrá lugar del 7 al 16 de diciembre en Japón y cuenta con la participación de representantes de cada una de las seis confederaciones de la FIFA en busca del título como mejor club del mundo. En el torneo de este año participan los ganadores de la Copa de Campeones CONCACAF, el Pachuca de México; los campeones de la CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores, el equipo Boca Juniors de Argentina; los ganadores de la Liga de

Campeones OFC, el Waitakere United de Nueva Zelanda; los ganadores de la Liga UEFA, el Inter Milán de Italia; y los ganadores de la Liga de Campeones CAF, el Étoile Sportive du Sahel de Túnez. Aunque el torneo cuenta tradicionalmente con seis equipos, debido a la victoria en la Liga de Campeones AFC del club anfitrión, Urawa Red Diamonds de Japón a comienzos de este mes, un séptimo equipo - el Sepahan de Irán, finalista de la AFC - también competirá por la corona de fútbol internacional. En vivo en español desde el Estadio Nacional de Tokio a las 5:30am Hora del Este, el Campeonato Mundial de Clubes de la FIFA del 2007 comienza por Fox Sports en Español con un partido de eliminatoria entre el Sepahan y el Waitakere United el viernes 7 de diciembre. La cobertura en vivo de Fox Sports en Español también incluirá dos partidos de cuartos de final y dos partidos de semifinales, el partido del tercer lugar y el final, que tendrá lugar en el Estadio Internacional Yokohama el domingo 16 de diciembre a las 5am Hora del Easte. (HPRW)

ORARIO DE DIFUSIÓN DEL CAMPEONATO MUNDIAL DE CLUBES DE LA FIFA DEL 2007(A) Ronda eliminatoria - 7 de diciembre Sepahan (Irán) vs. Waitakere United (Nueva Zelanda) 5:30am ET Cuartos de final 9 de diciembre Etoile Sportive du Sahel (Túnez) vs. Pachuca (México) 12:30am ET 10 de diciembre Playoff Winner vs. Urawa Red Diamonds (Japón)

5am ET

Semifinales 12 de diciembre Ganador del 1er cuarto de Final vs. Boca Juniors (Argentina) 5am ET 13 de diciembre Ganador del 2do cuarto de Final vs. AC Milán (Italia) 5am. ET Partido por el 3er lugar - 16 de diciembre Perdedor del 1er semifinal l vs. Perdedor del 2do semifinal l

1:30am ET

Final - 16 de diciembre Ganador del 1er semifinal vs. Ganador del 2do semifinal 5am ET (a) El horario está sujeto a cambios y representa Hora del Este

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