The Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
DISCOVER CUBA May 15, 2012
:5&+6(1 !J0)$1&>$"4 5&4 6((" .44/(3 & 40(*.7* ).*("4( 6% =5( <(0&1-+("- $9 -5( =1(&4/1%G fX*( $9 \$1(.8" E44(-4 :$"-1$) gf\E:hG '5.*5 &/-5$1.[(4 1(8.4-(1(3 8/(4-4 $9 $/1 01$81&+4 -$ 2.4.- :/6& )(8&))%; =5(1( &1( "$ &00).*&>$"4 -$ *$+0)(-(G &"3 %$/1 -1&2() '.-5 /4 .4 9/))% &/-5$1.[(3; i1.$1 -$ 3(0&1-/1(G %$/ '.)) 1(*(.2( & *$0% $9 $/1 Z0(*.7* R.*("4( &"3 & R(^(1 $9 E/-5$1.[&>$" '5.*5 )(8&).[(4 %$/1 -1&2() -$ :/6&;
!"#$%# &'!()#*+,#-.#"-/(#0123)#)-#4/5!#6 7# # # 89&(.123)%#:!9!.!# Upon arrival at ;-<&#=!(>#?.)&(.!>-.!@#+1('-() in Cuba, meet your Cuban host. Check into your hotel for a )3(&&#.123)#<)!"A !"#$% & '()*$+( *$*,-&.) /0$" &11.2&) &"3 1(*(.2( & 45$1- 61.(7"8 91$+ $/1 :/6&" )(&3(1; <.""(1 .4 ."*)/3(3 -5.4 (2("."8; !"#B%#:!9!.!##6CD*7# ## # # # # 89&(.123)%#:!9!.!# =5( 3&% 6(8."4 '.-5 & 8/.3(3 $1.("-&>$" $9 4/5!E<#F!'1)!@#F1)"A We’ll explore the 4!)3&G(!@#G&#@!# :!9!.!D 6/.)- ." 6&1$?/( 4-%)( ." @ABC &"3 )(&1" &6$/- .-D4 01(4(12&>$" &"3 *$">"/$/4 1(4-$1&>$"; :/6&" '1.-(1 E)(#$ :&10(">(1 3(4*1.6(3 -5( 6/.)3."8 &4 F+/4.* -/1"(3 -$ 4-$"(GH '$134 -5&- 4>)) 1."8 -1/( -$3&% ." -5( )$*&) */)-/1(; I(D)) 4-$0 9$1 & 81$/0 05$-$ &- -5( H@!I!#G&#@!#J&9-@/F1-.A# See the K(&&L#8()3-G-M#43/(F3#and the Scale Model of the city of Havana. Lunch will be included at the :!9!.!#:!(5-(#N1G&#O&((!F&D#P@#O&Q'@&)&#J&<)!/(!.)A From there, we’ll visit the =/<&-#R1.&# Arts &"3 (J0)$1( -5( 6(&/>9/) =/<&-#G&#@!#J&9&@/F1-. -5&- 3.40)&%4 3$*/+("-4 &"3 &1>9&*-4 -())."8 -5( *$/"-1%D4 5.4-$1%; =5( +/4(/+ .4 5$/4(3 ." -5( 9$1+(1 01(4.3(">&) 0&)&*( '5.*5 '&4 5$+( -$ :/6&D4 )(&3(14 91$+ -5( @KLM4 /">) @KNK; =5.4 6/.)3."8 $O(14 6(&/>9/) &1*5.-(*-/1( &4 '()) &4 &" ."-(1.$1 -5&- '&4 3(4.8"(3 6% =.O&"%D4 $9 P(' Q$1,; R&-(1G 2.4.- *!#=!(L&)!#G&#:!9!.!#in#8@G#:!9!.!D# !#STPN48#U-(@G#:&(1)!2&#N1)&A#=5.4 .4 & *$))(*>2( &44$*.&>$" $9 4+&)) *1&S '$1,(14 '5(1( %$/ '.)) +((- )$*&) +(1*5&"-4 &"3 &1>4-4; =5( (2("."8 .4 &- )(.4/1(; !"#V%#:!9!.!#W#O&((!I!<#J&21-.#-X#Y1.!@&<#W#:!9!.!#6CD*D 7## # #89&(.123)%#:!9!.! Travel to *!<#O&((!I!<#(&21-.#-X#Y1.!@&<A The western province of H1.!(#G&@#J1- is known for its stun"."8 4*("(1%G & )&"34*&0( $9 01(5.4-$1.* )$$,."8 T&-U-$0 +$/"-&."4 $1 F+$8$-(4HG -$6&**$ 0)&"-&>$"4G *&2(4 &"3 1.2(14; V.4.- *!<#O&((!I!<G & 4+&)) *$$0(1&>2( 2.))&8( -5&- '&4 4(- /0 ." -5( @KWM4 -$ 6( 4()9U4/X*.("-; I( '.)) 24.- .-4 )$*&) 2.))&8( *&))(3 J!.F3-#4/(/Z&" to learn about the self sustain."8 4/**(44(4 ." 1(9$1(4-&>$"G 5.4-$1.* 01(4(12&>$"G ("2.1$"+("-&) 6&)&"*( &"3 & 8$$3 ).9(; P(J- '( meet with @-F!@#!(><)< and F(![#\-(L&(< in their homes and studios and walk the ruins of a R(&.F3# 4-]&&#H@!.)!>-. 6/.)- ." @CM@; P(J-G -&,( & 5-!)#(1G&#to see the H(&31<)-(1F#H!1.)&G#4!9&<A Enjoy )/"*5 &- & )$*&) 1(4-&/1&"- 6(9$1( 4((."8 )$*&) -$6&**$ 7()34 &"3 -5( 4!)3&G(!@#43/(F3#1.#Y1.!@&<A# Later in the day we will visit the N!.#*!I!(-#43/(F3 ." !) Y."*$"G "&+(3 &S(1 Z&" R&[&1$G -5( Z&."$9 -5( 0$$1; =5$/4&"34 $9 :/6&"4 +&,( -5( #$/1"(% 5(1( (2(1% %(&1 $" <(*; @A '.-5 4$+( 0.)81.+4 +&,."8 -5( -1(, 6&1(9$$- $1 31&88."8 4-$"(4 6(5."3 -5(+; <.""(1 -$".85- .4 &- -5( 9&+$/4 H!>-# J&<)!/(!.)#P@#+1Z15&A !"#^%#:!9!.!#W#O(1.1G!G#6CD*D 7## ### # # # 89&(.123)%#O(1.1G!G \$))$'."8 61(&,9&4- '(D)) )(&2( ]&2&"& 6(5."3 &"3 3(0&1- -$ O(1.1G!GA E)$"8 -5( '&% '( '.)) 31.2( -51$/85 -5( 6(&/>9/) 01$2."*( $9 41&.X/&2-<, Cuba’s “Pearl of the South”. We’ll stop for lunch at a local restaurant en route. Arrive in 41&.X/&2-<D 9$/"3(3 ." @C@K 6% \1("*5 4(^)(14 &"3 */11("-)% $"( $9 :/6&D4 "('(4- *.>(4 $O(1."8 5&1+$".$/4 &1*5.-(*-/1( &"3 /16&" 0)&""."8; _(8." '.-5 & 0&"oramic overview of its 8@G#O-\.D a STPN48#U-(@G#:&(1)!2&#N1)& followed by a visit to the C-)!.1F!@# K!(G&.; P(J-G 2.4.- -5( ;!2/!#4!<)@&G -5( 9$1-1(44 $9 P/(4-1& Z(`$1& 3( R$4 E"8()(4 3( a&8/&G *$+0)(-(3 ." @ABN; b- .4 & 7"( (J&+0)( $9 -5( +.).-&1% &1*5.-(*-/1( $9 @C-5 *("-/1% :/6&; =5.4 &S(1"$$" '( *$">"/( $/1 #$/1"(% -$ O(1.1G!G#and check into the :-)&@#C(1<!<#O(1.1G!G#G&@#=!( for a )\-# .123)#<)!"; ES(1 & '()*$+( *$*,-&.) &"3 3.""(1G .-D4 >+( -$ 3/4- $O %$/1 3&"*."8 45$(4 &"3 )(&1" to G!.F&#)3&#N!@<!A !"#_%#O(1.1G!G#6CD#*D# 7# # # # # # 89&(.123)%#O(1.1G!G Today, we’ll have a \!@L1.2#)-/(#-X#O(1.1G!G#G&#4/5!D#$"( $9 -5( *$/"-1%D4 $)3(4- *.>(4G 9$/"3(3 6% -5( Z0&".&134 ." @N@B; E STPN48#U-(@G#:&(1)!2&#N1)&, it was established on orders of the conquis-&3$1 <.(8$ V()c[?/([ 3( :/d))&1G '5$ -1&2()(3 -$ :/6& '.-5 :$)/+6/4 ." @BKe; ES(1 )/"*5 &- -5( *!#H!@!F1-#G&@#Y1@@!#J&<)!/(!.)D we visit the H@!I!#=!"-(D#=/<&/Q#-X#+(F31)&F)/(&D#=/<&/Q#-X#)3&# J-Q!.>F#P(!G &"3 $-5(1 &+&[."8 4.-(4; I( 8$ -$ & </2!(#'@!.)!>-. and the mirador lookout over the N/2!(#=1@@#Y!@@&", also a STPN48#U-(@G#:&(1)!2&#N1)&; ](1( 4/8&1 6&1$"4 *$"4-1/*-(3 -5(.1 $0/)("- *$/"-1%4.3( +&"4.$"4 &"3 5/8( 1(7"(1.(4; =1.".3&3 .4 '())U,"$'" 9$1 .-4 0$^(1%; I(D)) +((& 9&+.)% $9 0$^(14G '5$ 5&2( 6((" 0&44."8 $" -5( -1&3.>$" 9$1 8("(1&>$"4G 2.4.- -5(.1 4-/3.$ &"3 ("#$% & 0$^(1% 3(+$"4-1&>$"; <.""(1 .4 ."*)/3(3 -5.4 (2("."8; =5.4 .>"(1&1% 01$2.3(4 & 9/)) >+( 4*5(3/)( $9 &*>2.>(4 -5&- 1(4/)- ." +(&"."89/) (J*5&"8(4 -51$/85 0($0)(U-$U0($0)( *$"-&*-; j;Z; )&' 1(?/.1(4 &)) -1&2()(14 #$."."8 -5.4 01$81&+ &35(1( -$ -5( 9/)) >+( 4*5(3/)( &"3 .+0$4(4 $" :5&+6(1 !J0)$1&>$"4 -5( 1(40$"4.6.).-% -$ ("4/1( 4/*5 $64(12&"*(;
!"#`%#O(1.1G!G#W#H@!"!#K1(-.#W#:!9!.!#6CD*7### # # 89&(.123)%#:!9!.!# ES(1 *5(*,."8 $/- $9 $/1 5$-()G '(D)) 31.2( 6&*, -$ ]&2&"&G 4-$00."8 &- -5( -$'" $9 H@!"!#K1(-.. =5.4 *$&4-&) 1(8.$" '&4 -5( 4.-( $9 -5( 5.4-$1.*&) @KW@ *)&45 6(-'((" -5( :bE -1&."(3 :/6&" (J.)(4 &"3 1(6() 9$1*(4G -5( (2("- -5&- 3(7"(3 j;Z; :/6&" 1()&>$"4 9$1 3(*&3(4; I(D)) -$/1 -5( _&% $9 i.84 k/4(/+ -5&- -())4 -5( 4-$1% $9 -5( ."2&4.$" &"3 -5( ."9&+$/4 6&^)(; I(D)) 4(( +&"% 5.4-$1.*&) &1>9&*-4G ."*)/3."8 & N&!#R/("#a23)&(#!1(F( 01$0(1-% 5$4-4 -5( 5$/4( '5(1( -5( P$6() i1.[( '.""(1 ).2(3 '.-5 5.4 '.9( k&1-5& 9$1 L@ %(&14; V.(' -5( 0(19(*-)% 01(4(12(3 5$+( '5(1( +&"% $9 -5( ](+."8'&% 0(14$"&) 6()$"8."84 1(+&." ."-&*-; Q$/ +&% '&), -5( 81$/"34 &"3 *).+6 -5( 4-&.14 9$1 -5( 0&"$1&+.* 2.(' 91$+ 5.4 4-/3% $1 2.(' 5.4 %&*5-G -5( i.)&1 ." '5.*5 5( /4(3 -$ 0&-1$) 9$1 P&[.4 ." -5( :&1.66(&" '&-(14 &"3 9(&-/1(3 ." 5.4 "$2() Fb4)&"34 ." -5( Z-1(&+H; P(J-G 2.4.- -$ -5( 0.*-/1(4?/( 4-Z1Q!(# R1<31.2#Y1@@!2&#+&3( 9&+$/4 6% ](+."8'&%D4 "$2() Ff)3 k&" ." -5( Z(&H -5&- 8&1"(1(3 & i/).-[(1 i1.[( ." @KNe &4 '()) &4 -5( P$6() i1.[( ." R.-(1&-/1( ." @KNB; !"#$% )/"*5 &- *!<#O&((!I!<#J&<)!/W rant $2(1)$$,."8 -5( '&-(1 '.-5 81(&- 2.('4 $9 -5( (+(1&)3 81((" 4(&; \1$+ 5(1( '(D)) 2("-/1( into the K/!.!5!F-!#J&21-.D 1.*5 '.-5 1().8.$/4 3.2(14.-%; =5.4 2.))&8( 5&4 4$+( $9 -5( 7"(4- *$lonial churches where locals worship both Catholic and Santeria saints. We’ll visit the =/<&-#G&# K/!.!5!F-!#-X#N!.)&(1!#8(1<3!< &"3 4(( (J5.6.-4 $" -5( 9&4*."&>"8 E91$U:/6&" */)-/1(; V.4.- -5( H!()!2!< 412!(#R!F)-("D#$"( $9 -5( $)3(4- *.8&1 61&"34 ." -5( '$1)3G (4-&6).45(3 ." ]&2&"& ." @CBN; R(&1" &6$/- -5( +&"/9&*-/1."8 $9 7"( :/6&" *.8&14 &"3 ."-(1&*- '.-5 -5( 9&*-$1% '$1,(14 &6$/-5( 5.4-$1% &"3 01$*(44; <.""(1 -$".85- .4 &- -5( 4!X&#G&@#8(1&.)&#J&<)!/(!.)#1.#8@G#:!9!.!, one $9 -5( 7"(4- 3."."8 (4-&6).45+("-4 ." &)) $9 :/6&; !"#c%#:!9!.!#W#6CD*D 7## # # # # # 89&(.123)%#:!9!.! Today, we’ll visit the 4!@@&Z-.# G&# :!Q&@D# a street in central Havana where cultural rescue and (J0&"4.$" 5&4 6((" (J01(44(3 -51$/85 -5( &1>4- Z&)2&3$1( l$"[&)([; ].4 +/1&)4 &"3 4*/)0-/1(4 5&2( -&,(" $2(1 (">1( 6/.)3."84 &"3 9&4*&3(4; I(D)) +((- '.-5 )$*&) &1>4-4 -$ )(&1" +$1( &6$/-5.4 &1- 9$1+; P(J-G 4(( -5( 4-@-.#4&Q&)&("G 9$/"3(3 ." @CAW &"3 9&+$/4 9$1 .4 ()&6$1&-( 4*/)0-/1(4; =5.4 &S(1"$$" (J0)$1( -5( =-((-#4!<)@&D 6/.)- ." @NCKG .- 01$-(*-4 -5( +$/-5 $9 -5( ]&2&"& 5&16$1; P(J- 2.4.- -5( 4/5!.#*1)&(!F"#=/<&/Q#'5(1( '(D)) )(&1" &6$/- & "&>$"&) (O$1- -$ (3/cate rural farmers and families.#+#R!(&\&@@# 1..&( -5.4 (2("."8 &- -5( $/-4.3( 0&>$ &- -5( *!#C!(W (!F!#J&<)!/(!.) '5(1( '(D)) ("#$% -1&3.>$"&) :/6&" */.4."( &"3 ).2()% +/4.*; !"#d%#:!9!.!#W#SN+#6C7 \$))$'."8 61(&,9&4- &- -5( 5$-()G '(D)) -1&"49(1 -$ -5( &.10$1- 9$1 $/1 1(-/1" T.85-4 '.-5 ."*1(3.6)( memories of Cuba!
HIGHLIGHTS: !"#$!%&'&(&!(UNESCO World Heritage Site) !)&*+,$-&#!$,!#&!%&'&(& !./0,1!23(,!4-*0!!! !53(&-!6,#!731!83(&#,0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !5-,+30*1-39!5&3(*,$!)&',0 !)3,(:/,;10!(UNESCO World Heritage Site) !<&;/&!)&0*#, !=-3(3$&$!(UNESCO World Heritage Site) !)+/-9+!1:!=-3(3$&$ !>/&;-!.3##!8&##,?!(UNESCO World Heritage Site) !5&-*&;&0!)3;&-!2&9*1-? !5#&?&!@3-1(AB&?!1:!53;0!./0,/C !%,C3(;D&?E0!2&-C!F!Finca La Vigia !)1G3C&-!230+3(;!83##&;,
INCLUSIONS: !"#$%&!'()*!+)(,-(.!!,(#/!0#1!+%2.3.1!40+56 !7$8-%!9(-:.3!;)1-! !7$8-%!<.-3'=!>%1$(-%?. !@!A)2='1!B)(1'!73-11!<#'.3!+??#//#&-')#%1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !CD!E.-31!4@!F(.-G,-1'1H!I!0$%?=.1H!J!K)%%.(16 !L)2='1..)%2!M!+&/)11)#%1!*.(!>')%.(-(N !O(#,.11)#%-3!7$8-%!F)3)%2$-3!<#1'!P!!Q$)&. !<#'.3!M!+)(*#('!9(-%1,.(1!-%&!F-22-2.!<-%&3)%2! !9(-%1*#('-')#%!8N!&.3$R.!-)(!?#%&)')#%.&!/#'#(?#-?=
CULTURAL CONNECTIONS: PEOPLE TO PEOPLE INTERACTIONS !0-!E-(G.'-!&.!<-:-%!0-1!9.((-S-1!7##*.(-'):.!;)33-2. !L-31-!K-%?)%2!0.11#%1 !9(-&)')#%-3!O#''.(N!L'$&)#!;)1)'!-%&!K./#%1'(-')#% !F-N!#,!O)21!E$1.$/ !L-%'.()-!".3)2)#$1!7.%'.( !7-33.T#%!&.!<-/.3 !7$8-%!0)'.(-?N!E$1.$/ !7$8-%!L?=##3PK-N!?-(.
ACCOMMODATIONS: !U!A)2='1!V!<-:-%-!V!E.3)-!7#=)8-!W"!E.3)-!<-:-%-!0)8(. !C!A)2='1!V!9()%-&-&!V!<#'.3!F()1-1!9()%)&-&!&.3!E-( !U!A)2='1!V!<-:-%-!V!E.3)-!7#=)8-!W"!E.3)-!<-:-%-!0)8(. *Hotels and Itinerary are subject to change
per person double
single supplement