RMI TARCHI T E CT URE DE S I GNE L E CT I VE POS T E RS S E ME S T E R1, 2016 Ma s t er sofAr c hi t ec t ur e:ARCH1338, ARCH1339, ARCH1340 Ba c hel or sofAr c hi t ec t ur e:ARCH1040, ARCH1041 Bot hBa c hel or sE l ecv esa ndMa s t er sE l ecv eswi l l beBa l l ot edf orv i aonl i neba l l o ng . T hi smea nsfil l i ngouta nds ubmi t nga nonl i neba l l otPE Rel ecv e-i fy oua r et a k i ng2el ec v esy ouneedt ofil l out2ba l l ot s . Al i nkt ot heba l l otwi l l be s entt oy ourRMI Tema i l a ddr es s es , pl ea s eens ur ey ouc hec k y our me t a bl epr i ort oba l l o ngt oa v oi dc l a s hes . Al s oa l l 4 op onsneedt obefil l edoutot her wi s ey ouwi l l c oul dbe pl a c edi na nel ecv ey ouha v ents el ec t ed. Ba l l o ngwi l l beopenf r om T ues da y23t hofF eb. a ndc l os e mi dda yt hene x tda yWednes da y , 24t hF eb. Cl a s sl i s t swi l l be pi nneduponl e v el 12ofbui l di ng8byCOBF r i da y . E nqui r i es :L ea nneZ i l k a , el ecv esc oor di na t or l ea nne. z i l k a @r mi t . edu. a u
i ma g ec our t es yofAdr i a nVoc a l ef r om “ pa er nbui l di ng”el ecv e
Day Monday Tuesday
elective start time 2.30pm 6.00pm
elective end time 5.30pm 9.00pm
Wednesday Thursday Friday INTENSIVE
1.30pm 9.30am 1.30pm 9th May
4.30pm 12.30pm 4.30pm 7th June
Thursday Thursday
9.30 am 1.30pm
12.30 pm 4.30pm
22nd March
Research Elective Graduate Exhibition Assistants
room 08.11.46 08.7.153
tutor name Cameron Newman Peter Knight Helen Duong and Martin 8.10.24 Heide 45D Jean-Paul Rollo 45D John Doyle 08.10.28 Paul Van Herk 45.1.3 Tom Verebes Roland Snooks and Marc design hub level 8 Gibson 8.10.28 Leanne Zilka 8.07.79 John Cherrey Mark Jacques and Ian 45.1.3 Nazareth design hub lecture Jan Van Schaik theatre level 3
22nd March
2nd April
first meeting 2pm 26th Feb. - design hub pavilion 2 level 10
Francois Roche & Gwyllim Jahn Emma Jackson Coord.
email John Doyle directly - john.doyle@rmit.edu.au
title Intricacy Lets Start A Family Kepler Analytics Biggie Smalls Truss Exercises Not Not Songs Paradigmatic Urban-isms Fabricating Complex Form Pleat! Making Making public policy Writing and Concepts Bangkok Workshop Practice Research Elective
int x; int y; PGraphics g; void setup() { size(10240, 5760, P2D); background(255); frameRate(100); x = floor(width/2); y = floor(height/2); }
image produced from 50 lines of text (right), resolution 10240x5760
Master & Bachelor Elective Tutor: Cameron Newnham Time: Monday, 2:30PM-5:30PM Location: 08.11.046 Requirements: Laptop Description: An algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Very simple algorithms can create highly sophisticated, intricate formations, unattainable by any other means. This elective will teach the fundamentals of algorithmic design and programming using Processing, a tool for creative coding. The focus of this course will be on both implementation and invention of new techniques for generating complex pattern, and an experiment in what emerges when these processes are iterated thousands of times, at resolutions far beyond a conventional monitor. Outcomes: In this elective you will learn to code, and produce: - High resolution generated artworks, animation or interactive display of works. - Portfolio including process work, exploration, code.
void draw() { synchronized(g) { for (int j=0;j<1000;j++) { int rand = (int) floor(random(5)); color c = colors[floor(random(colors.length))]; for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { if (rand == 0) x++; if (rand == 1) x--; if (rand == 2) y++; if (rand >= 3) y--; paint(x,y, rand, 20*2, c); stroke(0,255); point(x,y); } if (x < 0) x = g.width; if (y < 0) y = g.height; if (x > g.width) x = 0; if (y > g.height) y = g.height; } if (frameCount%10==0) save(frameCount+”.png”); } } color[] colors = new color[] { color(70,137,102), color(255,176,59), color(255,240,165), color(182,73,38), color(142,40,0) }; void paint(int x, int y, int dir, int maxLength, color c) { int startStep = (int)floor(random(maxLength)); int len = maxLength - startStep; int pX = x; int pY = y; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { int opacity = (int) (((float)(len-i)/len) * 55); if (dir == 0) pY--; else if (dir == 1) pY++; else if (dir == 2) pX++; else if (dir == 3) pX--; stroke(c, opacity); point(pX, pY); } }
If you wish to do this elective and do not have access to a laptop, please contact me (cameron.newnham@rmit.edu.au)
Leonardo Solaas, ‘Propagaciones’, 2009
Jared Tarbell, ‘Substrate’, 2003
Casey Reas, ‘Process 18’, 2010
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ck Che
st e l o co e h t ’s W? e r O e N Wh to be e plac
r e h t Ano ? ue e u q
We are participating and part of a world where we are watched, monitored, tracked, and followed by devices, apps, sensors, routers all in the hope of understanding our behaviour, our preferences, our choices and desires. Where is the potential for all of this technology and its link to actual physical space? How can Architectural & Urban space be manipulated to illicit the responses we want. Kepler analytics is a device that uses heat mapping sensors linked to your Smart device to give instant feedback on what people are doing in space, how long they’re there, where they’re going, how many people. So far it’s only been used for retail, we reckon we can do be than that.
st o p ld u o h Is s! i h t ut o b a
You will ANALYSE & EXPLORE how Kepler analytics
r e l p e K s c i t y l a n A
Wednesday 6-9 Building 8.10.24 Helen Duong & Martin Heide
A university space to present A seperate studio space to make An entire city to explore
1:1 urban interventions to TEST & PRESENT your assumptions and give INSIGHT into what makes people do the things they do, and what makes you do the things you do.
city, architects are often faced with From a door handle, to a chair, to a house, to a gallery, to a tower, to a city; to to an an ideaidea once is ‘pumped up’ and up’ reprogrammed? working on on projects projectsacross acrossmany manyscales. scales.What Whathappens happens once its is ‘pumped and reprogrammed? Students will work through a series of case studies of selected projects by architects at extreme scales with the outcome of understanding the language of the architect – spatial, formal, material, cultural and contextual. Investigations will be tested through comparative drawing studies, planning analysis, 3d modelling and material cataloguing before finally formatting a booklet of the research. Open to all Masters of Architecture students Wednesday 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm 045.01.005D Jean-Paul Rollo
This elective will examine the truss structural system in the context of small to medium scale architecture, focusing primarily on the use of timber or timber-steel composite structures in design. In domestic construction it is one of the core building elements that is consistently pre-fabricated. The elective will challenge students to better understand the structural and morphological principles of the truss, looking at non-standard and asymmetrical truss structures, and the truss as an inhabitable structure. We will work both through physical modelling, and digital modelling and begin to engage with digital analytical tools such as Karamba, through the Grasshopper platform. This semester we will also be examining the potential of Dynamo for Revit as a testing tool. These exercises will be tested through a design exercise based on the recent NGV Garden Pavilion Competition. Students will be working in teams to produce a design that is both tests the limits of the material systems explored, and that is realisable using domestic construction methods. Iterations and final product will be tested through large scale prototypes culminating a final large scale model outcome. This elective requires strong computer skills in Rhino and grasshopper and a willingness to work through physical models. Tutor: John Doyle Thursday Mornings 9:30-12:30 Building 45D
[({NOT NOT SONGS})] This elective will be a romp through textual and artistic openings in Melbourne’s recent architectural heritage & its bedrock (e.g. arts, economy, media). The subject will seek to identify and emulate the ‘first crack’ at a new cultural idea, beginning with the early days of some of Melbourne’s more widely written architectural dynasties in the ‘90s. The subject will aim to provide students with a greater literacy of architectural Melbourne and more rigour and precision in talking about it ‘as culture’. Just as importantly though, it will aim to give students the tools to understand, write about and respond expressively to place theory and cultural criticism in architecture more generally. Assessable work will include weekly conjoined creative writing and drawing tasks, with a heavy emphasis on in-class participation, speaking and exploration. At the end of the subject each student will collate and create a publication that will stand for itself above and beyond course content. Collectively, students will likely star in and make a film. There will be a continual emphasis on creative and loaded responses to given texts, and an embodied approach to student culture as something that is reproduced daily as its own, only guarantee. This subject is suitable for pre-major students and also other students.
an RMIT Architecture Elective
w/ PAUL VAN HERK .. FRI 13.30-16.30 ..08.10.28
RMIT Architecture & Design Intensive Elective Seminar Open to all Masters Students 9 May - 7 June 2016 Location: 45.1.3
Paradigmatic Urban-isms Tom Verebes,Visiting Professor
Charles Jencks “Evolutionary Tree of Architecture (2000)”, in Modern Movements in Architecture, (New York: Anchor Press),1973
This elective course aims to investigate a broad historical field of paradigms of New Urbanism Plug-in City The Metropolis Informal Urbanism the city, as the background from which we will speculate upon a set of 4 robust Global City Suburbia Garden City Aformal Urbanism conceptual and methodological formulations on contemporary urbanism. The City of Bits Anticipatory Planning City Beautiful Sustainable City format for this course is a series of 4 lectures by the course tutor, each with a Networked City Predictive Planning The Evolutionary City Eco City corresponding follow-up student-led seminar presentation and discussions and Megacity Scenario Planning Cité Industrielle Adaptive City also group workshops. Students will be assigned a short reading list to be read Generic City Cybernetic City The Futurist City Sentient City beforehand, to prepare for a discussion and debate of the topics and themes Participatory Urbanism Learning from Las Vegas High Rise City System City presented and discussed in each session, and the course will conclude with brief Tactical Urbanism City & Memory Ville Radieuse Customised City textual and graphic coursework submissions.Students in this course will acquire Landscape Urbanism Event City Broadacre City Responsive City knowledge about seminal urban paradigms, and will develop theoretical and Parametric Urbanism Manhattanism Ville Spatiale Smart City design tools to sharpen their capacity to engage insightfully with grasping the Emergent Urbanism Collage City Megalopolis Intelligent Urbanism urgencies and managing thecontingencies of twenty-first century urbanization. Metabolic Urbanisms: 01 / Parametric Urbanism // 02 / The Adaptive City // 03 / Customised Cities // 04 / Smart Cities
COMPOSITE & ROBOTIC CONSTRUCTION ROLAND SNOOKS & MARC GIBSON This elective will explore fabrication techniques for the construction of complex and intricate geometry using emerging robotic and digital fabrication tools. RMIT School or Architecture and Design has recently acquired an array of world class digital fabrication tools that include a Kuka Robot, and a large-scale laser cutter which enable the fabrication of geometries not previously feasible. The elective will offer an introduction in both digital and fabrication tools capable of generating a high level of intricacy. Software tutorials will be run to introduce the necessary Grasshopper skills for modeling and programming the robot. Students will be involved in prototyping, material/robotic experiments, detailed modeling and making fabrication files. However, the primary focus of the elective will be fabrication projects. Students will be working closely with Roland Snooks and Marc Gibson on the fabrication of elements of a Meeting Pavilion for RMIT and an installation/prototype for exhibition. These projects will involve the cutting and assembly of composite materials as well as robotic carving of foam.
Thursday 12:30 - 3:30, Level 8 Design Hub (Long Room)
Lecturer : John Cherrey Location Level 7 workshop - 8.07.79 Times: Thursday 1.30 - 4.30 ( x 11weeks) & 1 x intensive MAKING weekend workshops - date TBA Elective is suited to both Bachelors and Masters level students Assessment: folio of works & succinct journal
Architecture is all about MAKING in one form or another. In this elective you will explore one area of making in archiarchi tecture, the MAKING of physical objects. You will consider ideas about making including conception, design, scale, precision, tolerance, materials and process. MAKING is a complex task and at its best it requires a synsyn thesis of many things. To be excel in MAKING, reflection both during and after creation is essential; reflection will form a key part of the work you produce.
The work produced will range in scale from very small obob jects, to models and larger scale furniture scale designs. This is a workshop based elective. We will make use of much of the remarkable array of equipment to be found within the school. At the completion of the elective you will have broadened your skill base substantially both is making by hand and with analogue and digital equipment. You will have sharpened your sense of materials by resolvresolv ing a range of task given to you. And lastly you will have developed a far more sophisticated approach to questions and process of MAKING.
reflections on
MAKING POLICY PUBLIC (THE METRICS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE RECENT AMENDMENT C262 TO THE MELBOURNE PLANNING SCHEME) Elective Dates: Semester 1 2016 (12 weeks starting the week of the 29th February) Elective Time and Venue: Thursdays 5:30 - 8:30 at Building 45.1.10 Tutors: Mark Jacques, Ian Nazareth, Cameron Newnham
Planning and Environment Act 1987
MELBOURNE PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C262 EXPLANATORY REPORT Who is the planning authority? This amendment has been prepared by the Minister for Planning, who is the planning authority for this amendment.
Land affected by the Amendment The amendment applies to land generally within the Hoddle Grid, Southbank and the Shrine of Remembrance (‘Central City’), as shown on the map below:
The land affected by this amendment in terms of zones and design and development overlays (height controls) is within the Capital City Zone Schedules 1, 2 and 3, Public Use Zone Schedules 1, 2 and 7, Road Zone, Public Park and Recreation Zone, Mixed Use Zone and General Residential Zone and is also within the Design and Development Overlay Schedules 2, 7, 40, 60 and 62.
This elective will test, then speculate on the Minister for Planning’s recently introduced Amendment C262 to the Melbourne Planning Scheme. The amendment has been introduced in order to kerb “capacity pressures and poor amenity outcomes” that are, according the Amendment, “a consequence of a dramatic increase in scale and quality of development in the CBD”. The controls themselves are modest (mandatory limits to density and setbacks) however, the effects and consequences of the controls have not been visualised, examined or speculated upon in public. The elective will digitally model the effects of C262 on the form and capacity of the central CBD against a status quo model. Using this data, we will be able to quantify the consequences of the policy on the city and speculate on a series of scenarios for its future development. These scenarios will be published and displayed on sites within the city. Products: The product of the elective will be a portfolio of work showing the spatial effects of both the policy and our speculative scenarios. Travel: Students will be expected to travel to and map sites within the Capital City Zone (central Melbourne CBD). Eligibility: Masters Students and Bachelor Students with a working knowledge of Rhino. Grasshopper knowledge is useful, but not essential.
writing & concepts reading, discussing and reviewing the works of renowned melbourne artists and writers as they unpack the process of writing in the development of concepts in their practices
WRITING & CONCEPTS is designed to explore
There will be a mandatory weekly reading
Speakers for WRITING & CONCEPTS are,
the potential of writing as both a process and
list of works by the speakers, which will be
in order of appearance: Leon van Schaik,
an outcome. It aims to promote writing as a
discussed in each tutorial and part of the
Hannah Bertram, Robert Nelson, Nikos
tool of reflection and inquiry and open up the
study of the process of writing.
Pantazopoulos, Kelly Fliedner, Jessie Bullivant, Esther Anatolitis, Susan Jacobs,
complex relationship between the process of writing and the development of social,
Phip Murray, Lisa Radford, and Maura
Students enrolled in this subject will:
political and philosophical questions within
- review each lecture and associated reading,
contemporary cultural practice.
- discuss, edit, develop their reviews and re- write them,
The subject is structured around eleven public lectures by practitioners for whom the written form is their primary professional
- publish their reviews on a weekly public
For details on the speakers, including their
designed in collaboration between Simon Browne and Agatha
biographies, please visit the RMIT Design Hub
Gothe-Snape, 2015 (photo by Simon Browne).
website: designhub.rmit.edu.au/exhibitions-
blog, and - develop one review to be included in
The Scheme was a Blueprint for Future Development Programs,
output and also practitioners whose work
a hard-copy publication alongside written
manifests as exhibitions or events within the
pieces by each of the speakers.
domain of design and contemporary art.
THURSDAYS, 5:00 pm
Dr Jan van Schaik
The WRITING & CONCEPTS public lecture series is proudly supported by the RMIT Design Hub, The RMIT School of Architecture & Design School Research Committee and MvS Architects
Dr Jan van Schaik is a registered architect, a lecturer and researcher at RMIT University, and a director of MvS Architects - please visit mvsarchitects.com.au for more information.
PRACTICE RESEARCH ELECTIVE RMIT University has instigated an elective course in the Masters Program which enables students to be placed within a practice for 12 weeks. During that placement the student is exposed to various roles within the participating practice which creates research projects for the students to work on - these may take the form of competitions, independently derived speculative projects or possibly primary research within a particular field defined by the practice. The project is an opportunity to interact with an office and a project team, and develop skills in data gathering, analysis and visual communication.
Briefing session 2pm 26th February Pavilion 2 Level 10 Design Hub
participating practices
Typological Evolution of Melbourneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Music Venues, Mitchell Walker for ARM 2014
GRADUATE EXHIBITION ASSISTANTS REQUIRED The Architecture Program requires 5 enthusiastic assistants to help with the organisation of the Semester 1 2016 End of Semester and Major Project Exhibition. You will work closely with the Exhibition Coordinator (John Doyle) in the design and curation of the show, graphic design of posters and PR materials, as well as the organisation of sponsorship, live music and DJs, catering and all of the other things that go to make a succesful event. The majority of the work will be in the second half of semester, when we will meet weekly as a group to discuss preparations. There will be a crunch period in the week prior to the event, however you will be given VIP access the pre-opening cocktail party on the night. The team is limited to 5 people only. You will receive credit towards an elective for your time. This is not availabe through electives balloting. If you are interested please contact Exhibition Co-ordinator John Doyle directly - john.doyle@rmit.edu.au