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Beginning Sewing No more struggling through sewing projects; learn to sew the fun and easy way! Practice pattern reading, choosing the right fabrics and laying out fabric to create a finished piece you can be proud of. Whether you want to redecorate your home, make crafts or clothes, we’ll get you stitching in the right direction. Fabric and patterns provided for the first two projects. At the first session, instructor will provide a guide to assist in the fabric purchase for the final apparel project; students are responsible for purchasing fabric for this final project. Bring your sewing machine in good working order, power cord, foot control, bobbins, operator’s manual (if available), sharp scissors, tape measure and straight pins. See www.learnatnorth. org for supply list. 7241 10/5/2020 - 11/23/2020 6:30 - 9:00PM 8 ses M Johnson Online; Zoom $205


Beginning Sewing II Want to sew more? You’ll learn to create professional-looking clothing from start to finish, using more design lines for collars and sleeves, adding buttonholes and seam finishes and much more! A pattern and fabric guide will be provided at the first class session to aid you in your fabric selection and purchase. For inspiration, feel free to bring a few photos of designs you’ve been dying to sew; we’ll use applications and techniques employed in the ready-to-wear garment industry to make your project come alive! Previous sewing experience and sewing machine knowledge/ operation is required. Bring your sewing machine in good working order, power cord, foot control, bobbins and operator’s manual (if available), sharp scissors, tape measure and straight pins. See www.learnatnorth. org for supply list. 7242 10/6/2020 - 10/29/2020 6:30 - 9:00PM 8 ses Tu, Th Johnson Online; Zoom $189 Introduction to Upholstery Transform a stuffed chair with fresh fabric and piping into a snazzy new addition to your home! We’ll work through the steps of reupholstering by removing the old fabric, adding new foam (if necessary), sewing the piping and seat cushion, and applying the new fabric. I will be using a staple gun, rather than old school upholstery tacks. You will need a sewing machine, pliers, staple gun, chair, enough fabric to cover the chair and any necessary new foam or batting. The first session will cover removal, pattern making, addition of foam and making your own piping. The second session will cover sewing the bottom cushion (and any other sewn details) and reupholstery of the remaining surfaces. Basic sewing skills recommended. 7243 10/17/2020 - 10/24/2020 10:00AM - 2:00PM 2 ses Sa Norsworthy Online; Zoom $85

Nature & Science

Backyard Birding Who is that bird in my garden? Learn to identify local species found commonly in urban habitats. We will also cover the basics of making your yard bird friendly such as appropriate plants, water features and bird safety. Bird watching is a great multi-generational activity that can be enjoyed with a minimal investment from just about anywhere. The second session will focus on YOUR birds. Bring questions and photos and we will cover them all. 7246 10/1/2020 - 10/8/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 2 ses Th Rose Online; Zoom $49


MILES GOODWIN With over four decades of successful personal investment experience, Miles is passionate about introducing students to the various aspects of investing. He also loves to assist students in determining t h e i r i n d i v i d u a l r i s k tolerance and finding their “inner investor.” Miles was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Dallas. He met his future wife, Mary Jo, in college in Milwaukee. They raised their three children in Milwaukee, where he practiced law for forty years. They now live in the Seattle area, close to their children and grandchildren.


Investment Basics: Needed Now More Than Ever Learn to understand what is really going on in the bewildering world of investing. Study the psychology of investing; fundamental and technical analysis strategies and techniques; futures, debt securities, mutual funds and winning strategies for retirement. Students often say they wish they’d learned all of this earlier in life. No prior investing experience or accounting background required. Leave with the knowledge and confidence to manage your own investments. This class will be a hybrid of videoconference and self-study. Handouts will be emailed ahead of time before the instructor-led online discussion. No class 10/6, 10/8, 11/10 and 11/12/20. 7263 9/29/2020 - 11/19/2020 7:00 - 8:00PM 12 ses Tu, Th Goodwin Online; Zoom $205

Earthquake Preparedness Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of preparing for an earthquake? Maybe you have started but don’t know where to go next. We will discuss practical, low-cost and high-value actions. It’s not about buying stuff (that’s the easy part), it’s about thinking through what might work for your situation. Topics covered include staying safe during the shaking, what to expect after an earthquake, communicating with loved ones, valuable tech tools, the psychological impact of a disaster, the city’s disaster plans and so much more. Increase your resiliency by decreasing your fear of the unknown. Optional second class to discuss concerns that came up during the week, or to ask clarifying questions once you’ve had a chance to evaluate your particular situation. 7256 10/3/2020 - 10/10/2020 9:00AM - 1:00PM 2 ses Sa Forrest Online; Zoom $29 Create Your Rapid Exit Plan What would you grab if you had to leave your home unexpectedly because of a medical emergency or a neighborhood fire? How can you make the most of the time you have—and reduce regrets? We’ll help you organize your important information, preserve what’s most important and think through your exit strategy. 7255 10/24/2020 - 10/24/2020 10:00 - 11:45AM 1 ses Sa Forrest Online; Zoom $29

Women and Mythology Myth has the power to enliven and enrich our everyday lives and dreams. We will examine the significance of multicultural female-centric epics, folktales and fables, as we discuss the experiences of contemporary courageous women through literary, psychological, spiritual and cultural perspectives. Many ancient myths were written from a patriarchal point of view, which either vilified or denied a woman’s value. We will study an updated model of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, based on a new set of criteria for women, and aptly renamed the “shero’s” journey. Imagine revisiting Pandora and praising her for curiosity and independence, rather than disparaging her. Walk in spirit with Jane Austen, Frida Kahlo, Isak Dinesen, Maya Angelou, Joy Harjo or Maxine Hong Kingston. Each class celebrates storytelling through the lens of ancient myths in addition to our own personal stories as inspiration for writing or art. We will explore collage, music, meditation and optional presentations. Suggested but not required reading includes: The Sound of a Silver Horn, Kathleen Noble; Women Who Run with the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estés; Circe, Madeline Miller; and A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf. See www.learnatnorth.org for textbook information. 7268 9/30/2020 - 11/4/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 6 ses W John Online; Zoom $129


The Science of Happiness This course in the fundamentals of happiness and well-being will provide you with key theories, research and ways to explore their application both in your personal and professional life. Our main objective is to explore how humans can become happier and translate those ideas into daily practice. Learn how to connect with yourself and increase meaning while gaining a healthier perspective to help you better deal with stressful situations and challenges. 7254 10/1/2020 - 10/22/2020 7:00 - 9:00PM 4 ses Th Maturen Online; Zoom $125

Astrology for Personal Growth Part 1 Astrology is so much more than knowing your sign. Living in the times we do, we need more tools for understanding ourselves and the world. Astrology provides a psychological language for realizing our strengths and most entrenched patterns. It is broad enough to contain the complexity of our experiences and yet concrete enough to provide practical structure. In this class you’ll learn how to work with your natal chart as a living map and tool for social consciousness through lectures, guided visualizations, imagery, storytelling, and more. Part One will introduce astrology and cover the planets, houses, signs, elements, modalities and aspects. 7251 10/13/2020 - 11/17/2020 7:00 - 9:00PM 6 ses Tu Moreno Online; Zoom $115 Introduction to Yoga Philosophy There is much more to yoga than the physical poses. The eight philosophical limbs of yoga, or the eightfold path, offers opportunities to develop insight, calm and resilience. We will explore these eight limbs as explained in The Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali in the second chapter on practice written approximately 1,500 years ago. We will view them through the lens of yoga postures and The Tree of Yoga written by BKS Iyengar while journaling and learning simple relaxation techniques to quiet the mind. This course is open to yoga practitioners as well as those who have never practiced yoga postures. Handouts will be provided. You will walk away with a solid understanding of the eight limbs of yoga and of the Sage Pantajali, as well as a better understanding of how yoga practice can involve these philosophical limbs. No class on 11/26/20. 7233 10/22/2020 - 12/17/2020 4:30 - 5:30PM 8 ses Th Bernstein Online Zoom $95

Self-Compassion: A Transformative Workshop Learn to treat yourself with the kindness normally reserved for others while transforming difficult emotions and overcoming relationship obstacles. We’ll use discussions, guided meditations and written reflections to apply mindful self-compassion to your life and experience the profound benefits. After participating in this workshop, you’ll be able to practice self-compassion in daily life, transform challenging relationships, enhance your emotional resilience, manage compassion fatigue and practice the joyful art of savoring and self-appreciation. Bring a snack and yoga mat or cushion. 7253 10/10/2020 - 10/10/2020 10:00AM - 12:00PM 1 ses Sa D’Asaro, Bixby Online; Zoom $35

Instructor-facilitated Courses • Certificate in Brain Health • Certificate in End of Life Care • Certificate in Energy Medicine • Certificate in Gerontology • Certificate in Healthy Aging conted.northseattle.edu/online-learning/ed2go


Mindfulness Meditation for Stressful Situations Freedom from anxiety and worry evolves from incorporating small moments of stillness into your everyday life. Join a supportive community to enjoy practices proven to increase energy and joy like mindful breathing and walking that engages all of your senses. Discover self-compassion practices that allow you to step out of negative thoughts and bring deep care to yourself and others. Based on the classic Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course, instructor Andrea D’Asaro offers a streamlined course for people in high-stress jobs such as nurses, doctors, parents, and teachers—or for anyone who needs moments of calm in their daily lives. Bring a snack and a cushion or yoga mat. 7252 10/20/2020 - 11/3/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 3 ses Tu D’Asaro, Bixby Online; Zoom $65

Neuroplasticity and the Eight Senses of Awareness

Learn how to tame your overstimulated mind, increase your effectiveness and fulfillment and experience more connection to others and yourself through the five-step Neurosculpting ® process. Instructor is a Certified Neurosculpting ® facilitator trained to explain the science behind neuroplasticity and epigenetics as well as lead you through simple techniques that will allow you to experience the amazing benefits of the Neurosculpting ® process and the Eight Senses of Awareness. 7265 11/2/2020 - 11/9/2020 7:00 - 8:30PM 2 ses M Rogozina Online; Zoom $45 Navigating Life Transitions If you find yourself in the midst of a life transition or are experiencing change in your life circumstances, this class will provide structure and support in a small group setting. Times of change and transition can be unsettling, but they can also provide opportunities to clarify and seek what is important to you. In this interactive class, you will be gently guided through reflection and action to support your next steps and the journey ahead. 7260 9/29/2020 - 10/27/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 5 ses Tu Navin Online; Zoom $139

Race and You: For Your Consideration Explore diversity, equity and inclusion as it applies to your own values, beliefs and biases. Working within two frameworks, Hollins’s Cultural Competence and Singleton’s Norms for Courageous Conversations, we will seek a deeper engagement with our own values, belief systems, biases and attitude toward others. Gain valuable insight into the destructive systems of race and privilege in America, and how you can work against them. A $15 materials fee will be collected by the instructor. 7258 10/1/2020 - 10/22/2020 6:30 - 9:30PM 4 ses Th Chang Online; Zoom $119

How to Be an Antiracist You already know of Dr. Ibram Kendi’s bestselling book How to Be an Antiracist. Dr. Kendi also wrote a board book for parents called Antiracist Baby. It is a deceptively simple rhyming book with nine steps to make equity a reality. We will focus on each step. Purchase Ibram Kendi’s Antiracist Baby, and How to Be an Antiracist. We will be journaling in and out of class, so please have a dedicated journal for the class. “Antiracist baby is bred, not born. Antiracist baby is raised to make society transform.” No class 11/11 and 11/25/20. 7267 10/28/2020 - 12/2/2020 5:30 - 7:00PM 4 ses W Chang Online; Zoom $85


Tue, Sept 29

Mon, Oct 5 Mon, Oct 12 Wed, Oct 21 Mon-Wed, Nov 2-4 Mon, Nov 23 Mon, Dec 7

Fri, Dec 18 Equity & Welcome Center Open House/Lounge Latinx/Latino Heritage Forum Indigenous Peoples Day Community Forum Black Lives Matter BSU Forum Dia de los Muertos November Community Forum December Community Forum NCORE 2020 Cohort Teach-In Toy Drive

Continuing Education is proud to partner with the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion to promote the upcoming fall events to people in our community.


Understanding Trauma: Dynamics, Impacts and Interventions Through lecture, discussion and group interaction, students will gain a greater understanding of what trauma is and how it affects people, including their behaviors, thought processes and feelings. The discussion will include viewing trauma in the short, intermediate and long terms. Much of the generally available information on trauma is misleading and simply inaccurate, so this course will provide a concrete definition of trauma and its different levels (i.e. the trauma continuum). The course will look at the interventions, therapies and supports that are most likely to help persons impacted by trauma, and also the potential limitations and risks with those efforts. We’ll address issues such as: symptom management versus healing, the role of diagnosis, and advanced topics of cultural and intergenerational trauma. One outcome of the course is for registrants to more fully understand what it means for a practice or an organization to be truly “trauma-informed.” 7261 10/1/2020 - 11/5/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 6 ses Th Sideman Online; Zoom $155

MARK SIDEMAN Mark has worked in the field of mental health and education for over 35 years and been a certified counselor in the state of Washington since 1989. His experience consists of 15 years as a Case Manager for the Division of Children and Family Services of Washington. He has worked with numerous communities in many counseling and therapy positions ranging from runaways to veterans as well as working with Crisis Residential Centers and Crisis Hotlines. Mark has developed and taught training courses for trauma-engaged clients for professionals including lawyers, investigators, health professionals and mediators. The instructor took a complicated subject and pulled it apart in understandable ways.

–Nancy on Welcome to Medicare with SHIBA Instructor

Welcome to Medicare Need help understanding Medicare? This workshop is for current and new beneficiaries, those who will soon be eligible and anyone who wants to learn more about Medicare health coverage. Various plan options, prescription drug coverage, supplements and ways to get help paying for Medicare will be discussed. This class is taught by a trained SHIBA advisor (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors). The SHIBA program provides free, unbiased and confidential assistance with health care choices. This class is intended for anyone who is eligible or soon to be eligible for Medicare benefits. 7266 11/7/2020 - 11/7/2020 9:30 - 11:30AM 1 ses Sa SHIBAInstructor Online; Zoom Free


Travel the World Volunteering Ready to help in another country by working with local communities that need your skills or support with existing projects? Want to teach English, work with children, help wildlife, support conservation, or share your expertise? Learn how to combine inexpensive travel with life-changing experiences as you travel the world as a volunteer. Volunteer travel is not just for the young! 7277 11/2/2020 - 11/16/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 3 ses M Major Online; Zoom $69

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