Welcome to Learn e-World Online School:
RULES AND REGULATIONS: Why should I follow these rules and instructions? Instructions listed here are the product of lessons learned from past events and experiences we had. Letting you know these rules is our responsibility and you are accountable in abiding with them or not. These rules and why they exist are important and understanding them will help you fulfil your role in our company. Ignoring these rules may result in negative consequences for both you and our company and may lead to your replacement. We hope you will be willing to accept the responsibilities required from you.
Be punctual: You must be logged on when class begins and ready to teach to be counted on time. Waiting until the last minute and rushing in just as your class is beginning will count you as tardy. Students must be present and ready to learn when class begins as well. Please notify the management if a student keeps showing up late or if they are not online.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
Be polite and Patient: You must always be polite when talking to your students. If a student is misbehaving or performing poorly you may correct them firmly but you must be courteous at all times. If you have a student that continues to be disruptive or problematic you should report this to our management. Patience is a virtue that will help you get along well with your students.
Body language and Personal Appearance: While visually exposed to a student, you must be well groomed and presentably dressed. You must also be careful not to use any gesture or take any posture which could be interpreted as offensive, vulgar or sexual in nature.
Class materials: Bring the required class materials every day, unless otherwise directed. Generally, we give you the freedom to use your own materials in your class. However, if you have any confusion regarding this, you can ask for help from the management. You will be informed if there is anything special that the student needs or if there are particular requests from the customers.
Company accounts {e-MAIL AND Skype}: When you join Learn E World, you will be given company accounts and passwords for Skype and alternative applications. In conducting a class or contacting a student, you always have to use those particular accounts.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
Rescheduling: If you need to reschedule anything, you have to let the management know first, then inform the student of the changes unless otherwise instructed. Notifying students: Rescheduling from either the student's side or the tutor's must first be discussed with the management before change in schedule will be allowed. Rescheduling information must be disseminated to your students in written form within Skype or a pre-approved alternative application. A log of this Communication must be saved by you and a copy should be shared and furnished to the management.
Absences by the tutor are discouraged because these disrupt the operation of our company. We understand that sometimes situations may arise and make attendance impossible, but this is not something you should take lightly. When inevitable, only two absences will be allowed and require prior notice with management. You are responsible for scheduled classes that you have committed to teach and we expect you to do this reliably. Furthermore, you are expected to make up for any classes you miss by rescheduling them. If a situation occurs in which you suddenly and at the last moment cannot meet your scheduled class, you must inform and explain your reasons to the management as soon as possible and then explain the same to your students. Absence limits for tutors:
Even when sufficient prior notice is given, we allow for a maximum of two absences in a month. Any absence beyond this limit is considered a broken commitment and you have to make up for this by gifting your student with a free one hour class for every absence incurred (above the limit) in addition to making up for the classes you originally missed.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
For example: If you miss three classes in one month, you must make up for those three classes by rescheduling them with your students, as well as providing one extra class, without pay as a make-up gift to the student and for Learn E World. Normally absences or being late at the starting of a cut-off can result in a student dropping out in which case, the tuition is refunded to the student and the teacher cannot be paid for the classes done.
. A note to tutors with poor internet connectivity:
Special considerations will be given for tutors in certain regions with poor internet service. Please discuss this with management in advance. If you find yourself unable to handle a class because of a service outage, please try to contact your student though some other means (such as by phone, text or email thru a friend you trust and can request) and notify the management as soon as possible. Absences and Cancellations of classes by Students:
Students should cancel class a day or 6 hours before the class to be excused and not charged. If a student does not show up for his class, the class is considered as conducted and paid. Make up classes for excused absences or cancellations will be arranged with the teacher. No additional make-up class will be given in excess of three absences per month. Extended absence for vacations, holidays or otherwise pre-planned occasions can be scheduled in advance by the student with the teacher and management as necessary. For these extended absences, if pre-arranged and agreed upon by the student, teacher and management, make up classes will be provided (session might be extended, too).
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
Personal contacts Prohibited: Personal communication and relationships with your students outside of Learn E World is strictly forbidden.
Restricted conversation topics: The following topics of conversation are not permitted under any circumstances:
Conversation regarding payments or the student's relation or Standing with Learn E World. If you are working for us as a freelance tutor, you are not allowed to give out or advertise your services. Advertisement of other English tutoring services or academies Sexually explicit content or conversation.
Attendance sheet: You must keep an attendance sheet that reflects a record of your scheduled classes, classes you had to re-schedule, classes you missed and classes your students missed, as well as when a student's class sessions end. On days when you did not handle your class on the set schedule you must be sure to specify who was responsible for the absence - yourself or your student. You must inform your student about the end of their session two times: first, on the day before the student's final class and again, on the last day. Then you are to politely ask whether they would like to continue by signing up for another session. You are to record their response on the attendance sheet and provide a copy to the management.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
Long time Tutors with good Performance:
Learn E World management offer incentives for tutors who work with us for a long time. A 10% to 20% rise in payments for the tutors who perform well with our partner clients and students will be granted. Performance of tutors from all locations worldwide will be monitored by our management team.
Things to keep in mind when handling classes: Speak clearly; Keep your voice quality as perfect as possible. Ensure that your student can hear you clearly by asking them about this. Ensure there is no disruptive noise on your end of communication, or the student's end. If there is any problem with your sound or microphone, let the management know as soon as possible. Skype does not have 100% reliability for sending messages. If you have important message that you'd like to deliver to the student, ask the management to deliver it for you. Skype sometimes makes contacts look offline even if they aren't. So, if you see that a student is offline when they should be online, keep sending messages every 2 or 3 minutes or so. Sometimes in order for you and your student to see each other one or both of you must log off of Skype and back on again. Also, inform the management as soon as possible that you are suffering from technical difficulties. Try calling the student as well.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
If sound is choppy the first thing to check is the audio settings of Skype. Go to Call-> Audio settings -> uncheck the automatic adjustment check-boxes -> Make your microphone volume high and speaker volume low. Try adjusting the volume and see if this helps. Management can help you set up your microphone if you have difficulty Time during classes in which the lessons were disrupted due to– technical difficulties must be made up to students as soon as possible. If thirty minutes or less of your class is disrupted, you must schedule a thirty minute replacement class with your student. If more than thirty minutes of a lesson are disrupted due to technical difficulties, you must schedule a full hour replacement class with your student. Remember to make it very clear to your student when the replacement class will be and how long it will last for. When the student doesn't understand something, try typing it and see if he/she understands what you are trying to say in the written form. If the student is always late by a few minutes, ask the student to examine their computer's time settings and verify that they are correct. If there is any major sound problem, ask the management to check it out. Remember; if there is anything that you need, share it with us. We are always here to help you.
Please feel free to contact the management for questions.
RULES AND REGULATIONS OF www.learneworld.com
LEARN, ENJOY, Feel &Speak
Contact US: Skype: learneworld E-mail: info@learneworld.com leARN ENGLISH WORLD ONLINE SCHOOL www.learneworld.com