1 minute read
WHY: by understanding that your Musts are tasks that you have no choice in, and your Options are where you have a choice, you will be likely to make sensible choices. HOW: on the website is an interactive Musts and Options Thinking Tool which will enable you to organise your time well and make weekly adjustments. Time Understandings is another Thinking Tool which will provide you with a clearer picture of what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Acknowledgement: Hassed & Wade
DO: what are two of your Musts that you need to do daily?
2............................................................................................................................................................................... What are two of your Options that often distract you from doing your Musts?
2............................................................................................................................................................................... Which Skill of Resilience can help you with Musts or Options? (pages 10&11)
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” Margaret Thatcher
Positive I can and I will self-talk helps you to hang in there when things get tough. What self-talk can you use if you fell into the trap of blaming someone else for your mistakes (page 119)?
BALANCE BREATHING: For a slow count of 5. Standing up straight, put one foot on your opposite leg and balance. Think about balancing while breathing in. Hold for 5. Balance while breathing out. Hold for 5. Swap legs. Repeat 5 times. How did you feel while doing Balance Breathing?
Acknowledgement: 9-10 RRRR, Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne How many days did you try Balance Breathing this week?
Acknowledgement: Gozen
Fabulous First 5 Minutes: when is a time that you were really curious to learn more about something?
Thriving & Striving: what are you really looking forward to learning and doing this week?