==== ==== Want to know the biggest secret women are hiding about what turns them ON? Watch this presentation from my friend Josh Pellicer: After watching this presentation a light bulb is going to go off, and this will change how you attract women forever! You will learn 3 stealthy, ninja “sexual triggers� to turn women on plus much more. Click On The Link To Watch This Presention Now! http://learning-about.com/cmax/datingadvice ==== ====
You can buy full-length books that explain the complex psychology of women and how you can best approach a woman for a date. However, once you sort through all of this information you will notice four main principles in dating advice for men. Here they are. (You're welcome...we're going to save you hundreds of dollars in textbooks.) 1. I make no excuses for how I feel about women. Never be ashamed to admit that you are attracted to women, think they're beautiful, and want to roll in the hay with every single one of them. No, you're not going to propose sex as soon as you meet her. However, so many guys make the mistake of shying away from sexual feelings in the relationship. They are afraid of offending a woman, and so try to act "perfect", "nice" and totally asexual. It makes women think you're a little brother. It doesn't work, and this is the most important piece of dating advice for men. 2. I don't care what other people think. Particularly women! If you don't care what other people think then you have no problem sharing your opinions. This doesn't mean you have to be a jerk and be cruel to other people. However, you should never be afraid to admit what you really feel. Think about it this way. Are you afraid of offending your guy friends? No, who cares what those jackasses think. You hang out because you like company. Try to think of beautiful women in the same way. You're not trying to be perfect, you are trying to be fun company. This tidbit of dating advice for men is just as important as being persistent. 3. I cannot be controlled. Stop being on your best behavior when approaching or dating women. You don't have to be a mean person. However, focus on being entertaining. What's the best way to be entertaining? Stop letting a woman win every argument. Stop sucking up constantly. Stop being a perfect gentleman. Stop mirroring a woman's polite, controlled attitude. Have fun and show her that you are a challenge, not her adoring slave. Dating advice for men always encourages you to be yourself. (And God knows you're not that nice with other people!) 4. I don't need you. You, as in the woman you are dating. Once again, this doesn't mean you have to be disrespectful.
However, think of how you would act around your little sister or another guy friend. You wouldn't be afraid of losing this person, would you? You would joke around, tease, laugh, have fun and generally not cry over them deciding they want to go. It should be the same attitude with a woman you like. You do like her and want to get to know her. At the same time, you don't need her to live a happy life. This dating advice for men will help you back on track and back on the playing field.
Anna Karimo is a dating guru providing you a helping hand in improving your dating skills and guiding you with her immense knowledge and experience in dating services.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A._Karimo
==== ==== Want to know the biggest secret women are hiding about what turns them ON? Watch this presentation from my friend Josh Pellicer: After watching this presentation a light bulb is going to go off, and this will change how you attract women forever! You will learn 3 stealthy, ninja “sexual triggers� to turn women on plus much more. Click On The Link To Watch This Presention Now! http://learning-about.com/cmax/datingadvice ==== ====