HKL VI SF Brochure

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Presented by The How Kids Learn Foundation

How Kids Learn VI EQUITY and Expanded Opportunities to Learn

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San Francisco | December 7, 2016

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AGENDA, Part 1 The purpose of the How Kids Learn conference series is to inform and energize afterschool and summer program stakeholders – program leaders, advocates, and educators. It is our goal to present our current knowledge on how kids learn and to share innovative approaches to promote learning outside of the classroom.

8:00 a.m.

Registration and Coffee

8:45 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction – Goldman Hall Michael Funk (CDE) and Joe Hudson (Alameda County Office of Education/Region 4)

9:00 a.m.

Plenary Speakers Jodi Grant, Afterschool Alliance Diane Ehrensaft, UCSF Carol Tang, Children’s Creativity Museum Shawn Ginwright, SFSU

11:00 a.m.

Break and Refreshments

11:25 a.m.

AM Small Group Sessions Session #1: “Promoting a Sense of Agency Among Youth” Session #2: “Teaching Equity through the Arts” Session #3: “Digital Badges to Acknowledge Out-of-School Learning”



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AGENDA, Part 2 12:30 p.m.

Lunch and Networking

1:40 p.m.

PM Small Group Sessions Session #4: “The Implications of Stress and Trauma on Learning” Session #5: “Models for Expanded Learning” Session #6: “How Kids Learn Resilience”

2:40 p.m.

Afternoon Break

3:00 p.m.

Plenary – Goldman Hall Youth Voice, RYSE Center

4:00 p.m.

Closure Closing thoughts and conference evaluations

4:45 p.m.




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CO-SPONSORS The How Kids Learn Foundation wishes to acknowledge our generous sponsors, which are shown below. This conference would not have been possible without their support.



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PLENARY Conference Speakers Carol M. Tang, Ph.D., Executive Director, Children’s Creativity Museum Dr. Tang is the former Director of the Coalition for Science After School. She is experienced in nonprofit management, strategic planning, envisioning, meeting facilitation, team building, fundraising and public speaking. She also has extensive experience in teaching, organizing, and leading science education efforts including out-ofschool programming, exhibitions, teacher professional development, public programs, volunteer management and higher education. Michael Funk, Director of Expanded Learning Division California Department of Education Prior to his appointment by Superintendent Torlakson, Michael served as the founder and Executive Director for the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center since 1996. He also served as co-director for the Learning in Afterschool & Summer Project (LIAS). Michael will offer opening remarks to the conference.

Shawn Ginwright, Associate Professor of Education in the Africana Studies Department and Senior Research Associate, Cesar Chavez Institute for Public Policy at San Francisco State University Dr. Ginwright is a leading national expert on African American youth, youth activism, and youth development. He founded Leadership Excellence Inc. an innovative youth development agency located in Oakland, California that trains African American youth to address pressing social and community problems. Dr. Ginwright will discuss how afterschool and summer youth programs can support youth of color by providing opportunities to address the problems they experience and develop a positive sense of agency. Joe Hudson, Conference MC Region 4 Lead, Alameda County Office of Education Joe Hudson is currently the Region 4 Lead & Program Manager for Before and Afterschool Programs. He coordinates and provides technical assistance and training for seven San Francisco Bay Area counties and more than 500 after school program sites.

Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children and youth have access to quality, affordable afterschool programs. Jodi oversees all aspects of the Afterschool Alliance’s work, including supervising research, and creating and expanding quality afterschool programs. Jodi will review the important findings of the Afterschool Alliance report entitled, America After 3pm Special Report: Afterschool in Communities of Concentrated Poverty. Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco Dr. Ehrensaft is a developmental and clinical psychologist, with a private practice in Oakland, California. She is Director of Mental Health of the Child and Adolescent Gender Center and chief psychologist at the Child and Adolescent Gender Center Clinic at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. She specializes in research, clinical work, and consultation related to gendernonconforming children, lecturing, publishing, and serving as an expert witness on both topics nationally and internationally. Dr. Ehrensaft will discuss the needs of LGBTQ youth



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Conference Speakers Youth from RYSE RYSE Center, Richmond, CA This by-youth, for-youth center is located in Richmond, CA. Programming at RYSE is anchored in the belief that young people have the lived knowledge and expertise to identify, prioritize, and direct the programs, activities, and services necessary to benefit their well being. They provide programming both on-site at our facility and off-site in the community. RYSE’s approach is strength-based and resilience building. They support the healthy development of young people through a holistic approach that engages participants in programs and services grounded in the principles of youth leadership and social justice. RYSE allows for multiple points of entry and engagement for young people in a manner that feels like “one program.” Youth leaders from RYSE will lead our final session of the day.

SMALL GROUP SESSIONS Session Leaders Laurie Grossman, Director of Program Development and Outreach, Inner Explorer

Dr. Rebecca Hawley, Faculty Member Mills College and San Francisco State University

Laurie spent 32 years seeking social justice for low-income communities when she wondered if teaching mindfulness to kids would be a good idea. As Community Outreach Coordinator of Park Day School, she launched an effort to bring mindfulness into public schools in Oakland. Based on this experience, Laurie and her colleagues started a new organization, which eventually became Mindful Schools. Within the first year of the program, thousands of lowincome children benefitted from the program.

Dr. Hawley is a specialist in the field of Early Childhood Education, Early Intervention/Special Education for over 20 years. Her direct practice and research focuses on underserved populations in regards to issues of equitable access to quality early childhood development services, education, special education, and family support services in full. She is a Faculty member at Mills College and San Francisco State University, and acting director of the Early Start Plus (0-3) CA Project.



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Mariah Rankine-Landers, Ed.M, Director of the Integrated Learning Specialist Program, Alameda County Office of Education Mariah has 20 years of teaching experience that includes Special Education, Outdoor Education, Kindergarten, First Grade and Adult Education. Mariah holds an Ed.M in Equity and Social Justice in Education from SFSU. Mariah’s work has been featured on The Electric Company-PBS, at the Oakland Museum of California and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts where she is currently a fellow exploring the question “What does Equity look like?” Katie Levedahl, Director of Education, Informal Learning and National Partnerships, California Academy of Sciences Katie creates and leads a culture of innovation and action that empowers communities to engage meaningfully with complex social problems and solutions. At the California Academy of Sciences her work includes the creation of transformative education programs designed to scale.

Katie Brackenridge, Senior Director for Expanded Learning Initiatives, Partnership for Children and Youth

Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, Associate Director, John Gardner Center at Stanford

Katie oversees direct technical assistance to Bay Area after school and summer learning programs, managing efforts to improve the quality of programming and the infrastructure that supports programs. She also develops policy recommendations and advises decision-makers about policies related to challenges and opportunities found in the field. As part of her work, she oversees the Expanded Learning 360°/365, the Summer Matters campaign, and is co-chair of the California Afterschool Network’s Quality Committee.

Jorge joined the Gardner Center as Associate Director in 2013. He comes to Stanford from Berkeley Law, where he was Director of the Warren Institute’s Program on Education Law and Policy. The focus of his work is on the study and promotion of change in public schools, the implications of education reform for disadvantaged students, education law and policy, and the effect of immigration on schools and communities.

Corey Newhouse, Founder and Principal, Public Profit Corey is responsible for the overall design of all of Public Profit’s evaluation studies, including developing logic models or theories of change, data collection tools, and analysis and reporting plans. Ms. Newhouse has a wide range of experience in evaluating programs that serve children and families, including multi-site evaluations of educational and youth development programs.

Stacey Daraio, Co-Director Temescal Associates Stacey brings 25 years of experience working in the field of youth development as a facilitator, trainer, and coach. She has experience working with diverse groups, from afterschool practitioners and parents to funders and technical assistance providers. Stacey has conducted numerous trainings and learning communities. Prior to her work with Temescal Associates, Stacey was the Deputy Director at the Community Network for Youth Development and a consultant for the Institute for Research and Reform in Education.



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Session #1: “Promoting a Sense of Agency Among Youth” This session will speak to the importance of and strategies to promote a positive sense of agency and offer activities that help youth more fully understand their racial and cultural identity, and prepare and/or involve youth in projects that improve their community. This session will be led by staff from Oakland Leaf Foundation. Session #2: “Teaching Equity through the Arts” How do you create a culture of thinking by teaching through the arts? In this session, participants will explore how the arts drive equity and close the cognitive apartheid gap that is persistent in our schools. This session will be led by Mariah Rankine-Landers. Session #3: “Digital Badges to Acknowledge Out-of-School Learning” Panelists will provide information about the research on digital badges, how they've seen it in action for OST learning, the practical resources that already exist, and respond to questions and encourage the sharing of participants. This panel will be moderated by Dr. Carol Tang. Session #4: “The Implications of Stress and Trauma on Learning” In this session, participants will review the impact of stress and trauma on learning by youth. It will also offer a solution for both adult staff self-care and stress reduction for youth participants – the incorporation of mindfulness activities in afterschool. This session will be led by Laurie Grossman and Dr. Rebecca Hawley. Session #5: “Models for Expanded Learning” This session will feature research and capacity-building efforts regarding one federally supported effort (Promise Neighborhoods) and two efforts that are supporting extended learning time strategies through combined federal and state policies and programs (Full Service Community Schools and Linked Learning). Panelists include: Jessica Pizarek (Promise Neighborhood Institute), Kendra Fehrer (John Gardner Center at Stanford), and Tameka McLawn (ConnectEd California). Jorge Ruiz de Velasco will serve as panel moderator. Session #6: “How Kids Learn Resilience” This session will review Paul Tough’s article in the Atlantic magazine, How Kids Learn Resilience, and consider implications for practice. Participants who select this session will receive this article in advance. One session participant will receive a signed copy of Paul Tough’s new book, Helping Children Succeed. This session will be led by Katie Brackenridge. 8


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New Project Announcement

The History of Afterschool in America We believe strongly that in order for Afterschool to be considered a field, it is necessary to have a documented history. By “field”, think of medicine, nursing, social work, or education – each has a documented history. Although afterschool youth programs date back to the late 1800s, our history has not been documented fully. To address this, we are launching a project to produce a 1-hour video documentary on the history of afterschool in America. This will be broken into three 20-minute sections suitable for use in staff training. Each section will be accompanied by a brief study guide. These materials will be distributed to afterschool programs across the country at no charge. Interviews and video clips will be conducted by youth videographers that are part of local afterschool programs and youth-led social enterprises. To ensure that we create a quality product, we have assembled a distinguished national advisory group. We are currently raising funds to support this project by reaching out to individuals for small donations. We will also be reaching out to afterschool organizations and philanthropists. Please consider supporting this project by making a donation here: and sharing this campaign through your social networks. 9


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About… Temescal Associates ( is dedicated to building the capacity of leaders and organizations in education and youth development who are serious about improving the lives of young people. Our clients include leaders of youth serving institutions and organizations, school and youth program practitioners, public and private funders, intermediary organizations, and policy makers. Their work ranges from building large-scale youth and community initiatives to providing services to young people on a day-to-day basis. To accomplish this, Temescal Associates draws on a pool of gifted and highly experienced consultants who excel at eliciting the internal knowledge and wisdom of those we work with while introducing new knowledge and strategies that can transform the day-to-day practices that lead to improved youth outcomes.

The HKL Foundation ( is a 501(c)(3) organization. It is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of settings that support the education and healthy development of youth. This includes schools and out-of-school time programs. The HKL Foundation provides educational and training activities that promote the capacity of organizations that support the education and healthy development of youth. Examples of activities include conferences, speaker forums, screenings of relevant films, training sessions, coaching sessions, the awarding of digital badges to acknowledge exemplar programs and the learning that happens within these settings. Activities also include the development and distribution of educational materials (papers, self-assessment tools, videos, program guides, etc.).

Expanded Learning 360°/365 ( is a collaborative project of ASAPconnect, California School-Age Consortium (CalSAC), the Partnership for Children and Youth (PCY), and Temescal Associates/Learning in Afterschool & Summer (LIAS). This project is dedicated to promoting the development of critical skills beyond academics that research has identified as essential to young people’s success in school, work, and life.

The Center for Digital Badges ( is designed to 1) advocate for the use of digital badges; 2) promote state and local policies and guidelines that are supportive of digital badges; 3) promote the recognition of others that digital badges are valuable evidence of learning; 4) serve as a clearinghouse to offer the most up-to-date information on best practices, and where they are being applied; 5) provide direct services to afterschool and summer programs and trainers; and 6) contribute to national and global discussions on digital badges by participating in digital badge summits and working groups. The use and awarding of digital badges in expanded learning youth programs is a burgeoning trend that is rapidly moving across the country.



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About… The Learning in Afterschool & Summer Project ( is an effort by afterschool advocates and leaders to unify the field of afterschool and focus the movement on promoting young people’s learning. This project is managed by the How Kids Learn Foundation. The idea of promoting young people’s learning and broader development after the classroom day is not new. What is new is the vast number of children who are now able to access afterschool programs. We believe that afterschool programming is a unique institution that must offer more than safe havens or homework help after school. If afterschool programs are to achieve their true potential, they must become known as important places of learning – learning that complements, but is distinguished from, the learning that happens at school or home.

The Learning in Afterschool & Summer (LIAS) Blog ( is designed to stimulate a deeper conversation among those who support learning in the afterschool hours. We are interested in how practitioners and field leaders are thinking about learning, the kinds of policies that impede or promote learning, and strategies that afterschool programs are using to increase the learning of their participants. We use this blog space to interview thought leaders in the field of afterschool, alert readers to important developments, and provide commentary and an exchange between readers. The LIAS Blog is published three times a month. We also provide blog posts for the California Afterschool Network (CAN) and the Expanded Learning 360°/365 Project. To date, we have published over 316 posts. You can subscribe to the LIAS Blog by going to and entering your email address in the right hand sidebar.



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Beyond Expectations: The Power of High School Afterschool

Learning Principles for Afterschool and Summer Programs

Beyond Expectations is a video of high school youth and leaders in the field explaining the importance and power of afterschool programming and the role it has played in their lives. This video is available at

In this brief video, five key researchbased learning principles are presented by leading afterschool researchers and leaders. These principles are at the heart of the new Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California and should guide the design and implementation of programs for youth. This video is available at

Videos of HKL Conference Presenters and Speaker’s Forum Presenters are available at

Videos of Leaders Talking About the LIAS Principles are available at



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Resources Publications These can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet via

For Hard Copy or PDFs:



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Resources Books and a DVD These books can be purchased on



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Resources Reports



Acknowledgements Audio/Visual: Joshua Julian, Temescal Associates Catering: Wise Sons Deli, Conference Photography and Social Media: Max Piha, Conference Planning and Coordination: Sam Piha and Rozel Cruz, Conference Videographers: Change Agents Productions Conference Volunteers: Leslie Gravino, Max Piha, Kanita Fuller, and Beth Wolinsky Photo Credits: (cover), NHP Foundation (pg. 3, 13, and 15), RYSE Center (pg. 6), Long Beach Youth Institute (back cover), HKL Foundation (other photos).

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