10 Stats
That Prove the Impact of Employee Advocacy WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
90% Customers trust product or services recommendations from connections WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
98% of employees use at least one social media site for personal use WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Employees have about
10 X more connections than the company that they work for WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Brand messages are shared
24 X
more when shared by employees WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Content shared by employees receives
8X more engagement than shared by brand WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
79% of job applicants use social media in their job search
Companies with good employee advocacy are
58% more likely to attract top talent WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Companies with good employee advocacy are
20% more likely to retain top talent WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Job seekers rank social media and
professional networks
as the most useful job search resource WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
19% of organisations increased their employee advocacy in response to COVID-19 WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
Employee Advocacy Program Is Not
Just about Sharing on Social Media WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY
You want to learn more about the power of Employee Advocacy?
Call us now for a coffee chat! +40213360933 WHY #EMPLOYEEADVOCACY