1 minute read
Learning SPACE has been creating sensory spa since 2007, providing a completely unique sens experience and specialist provisions to those w seek it
In this catalogue you will find a range of sens equipment and structures designed with your gu sensory needs in mind. All of our sensory rooms are built to enable the user to relax, unwind and have fun in a safe and enriching environment - exactly what is needed on vacation
Whether you are creating a new room and would like some inspiration, or adding to a current space and wish to expand your growing sensory room - we are here to help you along this journey.
Our Story
Learning SPACE was set up in 2007, by sisters Lorraine (teacher) and Mary (social worker) They felt parents, teachers, therapists and especially children deserved better when it came to accessing resources and sharing of knowledge, hence Learning SPACE was born. The main spark came from supporting their amazing sister, Emma, who has Soto Syndrome.
Our Team
Our dedicated team of advisors are highly skilled in this field and come with a wealth of experience and qualifications From teaching and social services experience to real life experience supporting family members with special educational needs or indeed have a special educational need themselves They are passionate and driven to make a positive impact on children's lives.