OhPhish War ning Syst em For Cyber Canopy
Course Outline OhPhish Solutions
Course Description OhPhish portal imitates real-world phishing scenarios. The platform equips employees with the most efficient solutions and products to combat phishing attacks and prevent data breaches. It caters to the need for businesses by creating a safe working environment from Phishing, Smishing, and Vishing attacks. OhPhish integrates e-Learning and gamification modules in a Learning Management System (LMS), helping employees to stay aware of phishing attacks.
Key KeyOutcomes Outcomes
Email Phishing
Spear Phishing
Exam Information
Builds a user-friendly cybersecurity awareness training solution
Maintains “Active Directory” to launch comprehensively laid out phishing templates
Generates extensive reports in PDF and Excel formats
Tracks real-time updates with snapshots (availability on Mobile Applications)
Identifies trends based on user, department, and other critical demographic