EC-Council Certifications Cyber Security Programs Guide

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Why CodeRed:

Code Red Subscription/ EC-Council Micro-degrees: Course Description CodeRed is a continuous learning platform designed for Busy Cyber professionals - offering them content rich courses created by worlds’ leading cybersecurity certification provide

Key Outcomes

Unlimited access to a library of 100s of courses

Courses built by world-class experts and cybersecurity influencers

Courses are aligned to current job hiring trends

More than 40% of the courses are hands-on

Course Outline

EC-Council Microdegrees Python Security

Cloud Security

PHP Security




Master advanced cybersecurity skills with the modern flexibility of self-paced learning and practical hands-on labs. EC-Council’s Microdegree offers a unique form of learning Exam that Information experience encourages a learner to acquire specialized skill sets in a relatively short amount of time. The MicroDegree engages the learner in over 200 hours of comprehensive deep-dive, hands-on learning experience, enabling them to excel in their career.

What’s Included: Official Course Manual

Practical Video Learning Content

Cyber Range

Lab Manuals


Proctored Exam


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