Perl vs. Python vs. C++: Which Language is Right for You? MOST POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES:
The PYPL Index calculates the popularity of programming languages based on how often Google searches are made for tutorials. Its rankings clearly highlight the popularity of both Python and C++. In terms of Perl, the language has long been regarded as something of a legacy system, but that doesn't mean it lacks value. Let's dive into what stands out about these programming languages and who should consider training to learn their nuances.
Perl Perl is a fairly old language that some experts believe has essentially been replaced by Python, which offers PERL some similar functions in a much more user-friendly package. A 2013 report from Dr. Dobbs highlighted that Perl remains strong in such areas as effective regular expressions, making excellent use of hashes and providing quality references and complex structures. A 2016 report from Perl Hacks also defended the programming language by pointing out that it may be used significantly less now than it has in the past, but that it is not, by any means, dead. Perl Hacks explained that the language has evolved a great deal in the past 20 years and offers many functions that can still be valuable. In general, Perl is regarded as a language that offers robust options in specific niches, particularly when it comes to application-oriented tasks, but it lacks the accessibility and ease-of-use of tools like Python.
Considering Perl Training Perl is still a viable option in many settings, even if it isn't particularly popular. As such, many professionals may want to pursue training on the language in order to get ahead in organisations that are using Perl extensively. Perhaps more valuable, however, is the ability to effectively work with legacy programmes running on Perl. Many businesses depend heavily on old apps, web services, and similar solutions that were written years ago and need to be maintained by the staff. Perl will likely be more common among legacy solutions as it was extremely popular in its heyday, and understanding the language can help companies get ahead.
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The argument in favour of Python is pretty straightforward – the programming language is extremely PYTHON popular, fairly easy to learn and is often considered one of the best entry points for novice developers. An Inc. report comparing programming languages explained that Python is not only extremely popular, but is also lucrative. The average salary for professional Python developers is $107,000. Python is commonly used to create video games, websites, and graphical user interfaces.
Though C++ is used in a variety of operating systems, the language is naturally... is naturally attuned C++ to work well with Microsoft's various systems and can prove instrumental for apps, games, websites, and other solutions meant to run primarily within the Windows ecosystem. A report from Take Up Code explained that C++ is also an ideal language to learn for developers who want to consider C or C#.
Among its strengths, Inc. noted that Python stands out because of the large library of tools available within it and its growing role in the Internet of Things ecosystem. However, underlying limitations in the language make it relatively slow from an app performance perspective and force users to test apps more thoroughly as its core design is more prone to errors.
The Take Up Code report explained that C++ can present some challenges when it comes to issues like memory leaking, and programmers need to know how to work around these challenges. Essentially, C++ presents some complexity that C# does not have, but those being able to deal with complex capabilities can make somebody a better a programmer and put them in a position to excel if they try to learn C# or C later, something that is likely.
Considering Python Training
Considering C++ Training
The bottom line here is that Python is an ideal entry-level solution for just about any programmer and is popular enough that training can pay off for just about anybody attempting to further their development career.
As noted in the Statistics Times report, the PYPL Index has found that C++ is among the most popular programming languages in the world. Furthermore, C++ is a good first entry to move forward and learn C. The Inc. report highlighting different languages explained that C is popular in hardware and software development as well as in operating system programming. All told, learning systems within the C, C#, and C++ can be ideal for aspiring developers that want to work with many of the most robust systems in the world.
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SOLUTION BRIEF: Perl vs. Python vs. C++ (continued)